A Little Chat

For many years now my sighted daughter has heard from the Savior that the USA will become like Nazi Germany was.

Since the events of the past months with the fake pandemic and the recent “peaceful” demonstrations, she brought the subject up with the Savior again. He decided to let her talk to the horse or maybe jackass himself, Hitler. He was brought up out of hell to talk to her.

Let’s get the strange stuff out of the way first, as if bringing that guy up from hell isn’t strange enough. My sighted daughter told me, “Dad, he still has that thing on his lip.” I said, “You mean his mustache?” She said it doesn’t look like any mustache she has ever seen.

She spent many hours talking to him. He explained his history to her, also his education and training. He explained how he thought and why he did what he did and how come it worked. He talked about how he wasn’t born a German, how he wanted to be an artist but wasn’t good enough, his time in jail, how he almost became a priest and how he became a German.

At one point he turned his attention to our country. He told her he never thought that the USA would become like fascist Germany. She said he laughed long and hard over this.

He really cracked up she said when he talked about how we now have our own little Brown Shirts, just like he did. They would riot, burn, and loot just as ours are doing in this country.

It was even funnier to him when he talked about how in our Democrat controlled cities they are wanting to disband the police, just like he did. He predicted it will go nationwide. I sure hope the little creep is wrong. She said he loves how our country is becoming exactly what he had hoped to achieve for us.

In 1933 Hitler appointed Hermann Goring Minister of the Interior. His first orders were to de-fund and eliminate the police departments so that they would not interfere with his Brown Shirts. The Brown Shirt’s mission was to riot, burn, beat up and kill citizens in an effort to sway the elections to ensure their National Socialist agenda.

Does any of this sound familiar? It should, it is the same script, just like the little creep said.

Years ago when I found out our Lord Jesus Christ had lifted His spirit off the earth, I would have never guessed things would go downhill so quickly. What would things look like if we had not been given four more years of preparation? We’d sure be much closer to hell, that’s for sure.

My sighted daughter calls me two to five times a day most days because she is kind of freaked out that all the events she has talked about in past presentations, past visions of the future, and such is happening in the present, right now. I guess she had hoped to grow old before they showed up.

Evil is having a field day. Look at those soy boy rioters, male and female, and tell me if you see any “Light” in their souls? I have watched the undercover videos people have done infiltrating Antifa and how they tell their people to not just cause harm to others. They are told to “damage them, to gouge out their eyes.” Their hate of God and their fellow man is off the chart. Though, they have had many decades practicing their satanic ritual of abortion to build up that hate of light and things that are good.

God doesn’t have to do anything. Natural law requires that when the majority of a people of a nation turn against God or reject Him, they will be destroyed. Isn’t this proclaimed in the Book of Mormon? Yes it is, more than once. I will let you look it up, it will do you good. Because they turn against God and become immoral, they will succumb to slavery. That is what awaits this country and it’s people. The only way out is to become a moral people and turn to the Gods of Light.

I don’t believe Hitler is the only one laughing right now in hell. That extra four years of preparation is about done. My sighted friend has told me several times how Satan screamed so loud all of hell heard him when the Father allowed the election of Trump nearly four years ago. It was his, Satan’s, time to rule and reign with blood and horror and he was not happy that Father stayed it. The other options would have taken this nation down much sooner. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Trump is a savior in any way, just that by putting him in we were given four more years of preparation.

I sure hope we have all taken advantage of those years and come to know our Lord Jesus Christ and are doing His will as He did His Father’s will in all things. When the new Brown Shirts come to your neighborhood, it will have been good to know and to be able to hear Him. Maybe He will have told you months before to get to safety. You know, in His arms, in His prepared location.

I know, this sure is a bummer post. But evil is here in, though not in full force yet. That is to come with forced vaccinations, more riots, looting, murders, FEMA camps for Christians and those of Light, patriots, and other good souls. As a nation and people we have turned from Him and it doesn’t bode well for us.

To quote Hugh Nibley, “A repeat of a repeat.” Our only way to live through the total hell that is coming is to turn to Him, now. Not tomorrow or next week, but now, today. And especially not to a man, men, oracle chicks, gifted and sighted folk, or anyone else. Just Him, our Lord, our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Have a great week, God bless, and remember, to God, all lives matter. (Sorry, couldn’t help that one. After all, He is no respecter of persons.) He seeks the redemption of all mankind.