The Mask

So what is the truth behind the mask? There have been medical people that tell us the masks are ineffective and then they were taken off of social media and such. Does it seem to you that only one side is allowed to be heard on the social media giants. Might there be other reasons for implementing the masking of the world?

Greg Reese did a video report suggesting other reasons for doing this. He suggested it is an initiation. In initiation rituals of secret societies this is what they will do:

  1. Isolate the individual. (You know, social distancing. Or with the Skull and Bones secret society they put the initiate in a casket.)
  2. Familiar every day routines are disrupted. (Remember, you are not “essential.” You can’t go to the regular store, restaurant, etc. You must stand six feet apart)
  3. Normal rules of living are altered. (See above.)
  4. The initiates are made to look the same. Heads may be shaved, have matching outfits, or instructed to wear a mask.

These techniques symbolically strip the initiate of their unique identity so they can cease seeing themselves as an individual and begin seeing themselves as part of the group. The initiate loses his previous identity and assumes a new one. (Does this sound “cultish” to you? I mean all of this?)

The initiate is then subjected to enough trauma to put them into a state of mild cognitive dissonance. The dissonance puts the initiate into a state of confusion and anxiety. They are now ready to be transformed into a member of the initiating group.

In their isolation, thoughts they have ignored or buried for years suddenly become unavoidable. Emotions are triggered and a new window of thought is opened within the initiates mind.

In this state, the new normal is introduced. The worldwide initiation ritual is creating a mass of separation in humanity. The obedient and the defiant are being drawn apart like a chemistry purification experiment.

It would seem the obedient ones are being initiated into something, the new normal, the new age, the new world order. A world where science no longer matters, a world where blind obedience is all that is respected.

If this is a worldwide initiation ritual, then we can certainly expect the obedient initiated to be turned against the rest of us.” (

I don’t know what he means by saying the obedient initiated will be turned against the rest of us, many already have.

My sweetheart and I just returned from Idaho to visit a good friend, my best friend’s widow. She is incredible but is experiencing this in her life. Last night we drove through Jackson, WY and it felt horrible. A city ordinance makes everyone wear a mask. There were masses of people there, hardly any of the “social distancing” but all were masked up. When agency is taken or we give it up, it creates a darkness in us and those following along blindly. Do you see it? Do you feel it? Jackson was full of dark and evil. Well, more than normal.

Do people realize that coercion, compulsion and control is satanic? I don’t believe many do. The Gods of Light gave us our agency, it is a natural law. The LDS scriptures state if one takes agency by coercion, compulsion, or unrighteous dominion they lose their priesthood. What happens in a secular world? Do those tendrils we have written about come up from hell and attach? Are demonic entities allowed, by natural law, to attach themselves to the individual? Do you not think those mayors and governors that are making declarations their constituents must follow are satanic? What kind of critters must they have in and on them? Who or what gave them any power or authority? It must be Satan because the Gods of Light don’t take agency or free will. It seems that many just assume they have the right or power, write an executive order and voila, by magic you must obey or be fined or jailed.

Have you seen how the media and people do reverse psyops with it? “Do it for Mom.” “Don’t you want to save lives?” And so on and on.

A friend sent me comments that Dr. Rashid Battar made in a video:

“When these people that are talking about ‘How can you be so inconsiderate?’ ‘How can you be so selfish?’ ‘How can you not care about people? You’re walking around without a face mask.’ ‘You haven’t had your vaccines, so you make me susceptible.’

Wait a second. Let’s start using our brain, God gave every one of us a brain. If you believe the vaccine is going to protect you and you’ve taken it, why the hell are you worried about me taking a vaccine? If you believe that the face mask is going to save you and protect you, then what do you care if I’m wearing a face mask or not?

Only an idiot would say, ‘Hey I’m wearing this thing that’s going to save me, protect me and you should be doing the same. But you know what, because you’re not doing it you are irresponsible.’

Where’s the logic in that? I think that’s a classification of dumb-ass.”

I looked in the dictionary and sure enough it’s there. 😊

You can hear more of what the good doctor had to say at:

And finally, this nation is splitting apart and will continue with its civil war as observed below:

Am I wrong or does it seem you can have an opinion as long as it goes along with the Godless BLM or Antifa? Or those with germ filled face diapers wanting to take away your agency and make you obey them and their edicts. If it doesn’t go along with their thinking and their Marxist/Satanist agenda, they will take care of you and your opinion. Just as that young woman found out and now her young son doesn’t have a mother. Just for saying that all lives matter.

What is the real agenda behind the mask and organizations like BLM?

God bless us all. We will need it.