Doug Tales 57: Cords and Bonds

Freedom from negative/dark cords and bonds is offered by our Savior Jesus Christ through our repentance and our forgiveness of others. Such freedom from negative connections to and from others is one of the many topics which Doug Mendenhall discusses in his book, Conquering Spiritual Evil, Volume Two (2020) on pages 63-67:

A concept was shared by the Lord Jesus Christ that has caused many of us to reconsider our own lives and what we need to do to repent. If we have expressed with emotion our regret, hatred, or other negative thoughts towards another person over what they have done, we have created a dark bond or cord to that person. Even if that person doesn’t know about this, it doesn’t matter. The entities on them will know about it and will effectuate problems and drain your energy. They can also send you nice little packages through that channel to your body. It goes both ways.

Years ago I went and stayed in a sheepherder trailer for three days, fasting, reading scriptures and praying. I was waiting to hear from God. As I was preparing to head home after three glorious days, I knelt and prayed. I seriously wanted a vision or some sign that what I had done was acceptable. So in my prayer I asked and asked for it but didn’t receive anything. Finally I asked what He wanted me to do. I was told to go to my LDS Bishop’s house and ask for forgiveness for anything I had done to offend him or his family and to let him know that I had forgiven him of anything that I felt was an offense.

When I was told to do this by God, I felt I had heard wrong. I said something like, “After all this man has done to my family, my wife, my young son, you want me to do this??!!” The answer was a quiet, “Yes.” When I stood on my bishop’s doorstep about thirty minutes later, I was still confused. Nevertheless I did it. Now I know why. Now I know why I felt free afterward. I was free. Free of those bonds that we had between us that were so unsettling and hard, really hard and bitter. Later, he became the Gospel doctrine teacher and I’d sit on the front row raising my hand quite often. I quite enjoyed his classes.

There are many people that have come by our home or we have gone to theirs and done a clearing on them. One of the first things done in a clearing is to cut the negative bonds and cords the person being cleared has with other mortals, entities, and such.

Let me share part of a generational healing where this was realized. The man being cleared had an evil Lieutenant General assigned to him that had a set of lines or cords going to each chakra point: “The greatest problem affecting [the man] was a large Lieutenant General standing directly behind him with a set of lines (cords) attached to the human victim. The ‘lieutenant’ portion of the rank is of being the person who takes over in the place of the General when he is not present, or, more specifically, the man who carries orders for the General to places he cannot be personally. The Lieutenant General was literally controlling a number of emotions as well as thoughts.

“The man had no idea some of the thoughts, within his mind, were not his own at all. An amazing amount of pain, the gentleman was experiencing, had nothing to do with physical ailments. The evil being was literally inflicting pain generating impulses through one of the cords into the man’s body.

“There were also many cords attached to the man, coming from many different directions. Those cords were, slowly, draining him of life energy.”

There are various reasons or causes that allow an entity to attach itself to a mortal. One of them is if we fail to forgive others of what they have done to us and we rail against them, applying much emotion to our cause that will allow entities to come and place cords or bonds on us. As with this gentleman, the evil then can control us, cause pain and other problems with our bodies. The main thing they do is to slowly drain the life energy from us. Evil can’t create energy or light, so it must take it from us—mortal, walking, talking, “Duracell batteries.”

Also from the report: “The many cord attachments leading to other people the man had met over the years were also severed. Many people are totally unaware they are placing emotional attachments to many other people around them. This is why we have been taught to be personally shielded to prevent such occurrences. Those cords feed into other people as well as feed back again causing considerable problems for everyone around.”

We have met several people in the past who had what I call “love bonds” attached to them. These are people who are married and have children. Yet, they can’t seem to forget a “love” from their distant past. This “love” will come up in their minds quite often. Then those thoughts will go down to their hearts where problems start to fester. Entities can attach to those bonds and ideas will be implanted in their minds about “connecting” with the person from their past. Thought and feelings will focus on that person and they will treat their spouse and family less than they should because they now feel they are stuck in a life they don’t want, feeling it would have been a “Camelot” experience with the other person.

The problem is when you become close to a person you develop a bond between you and that person. When the relationship ends, especially one where love or emotions are involved and you don’t dissolve that bond with them then it remains attached to you. This can cause problems, especially if we end up with entities on us because these entities can use that bond to implant impure thoughts and ideas of just one special rendezvous. Of course it will be short and simple and nothing will come of it. Right.

What’s worse is, if the person on the other end of that bond had entities or knows how evil works and is of evil themselves, they can use that bond to then drain the life energy out of you. So not only will you have “feelings” for them, you will be constantly tired and will not do well physically.

Single people can have the same issues with bonds they have developed with former boy/girlfriends that can keep them from moving on and developing relationships with others. I know of a young sighted woman who talked about a cord she had with a former boyfriend that she didn’t want to cut even though she knew it wasn’t good. Also, a bond can be formed with someone you meet after you are married with the same dire consequences—it doesn’t have to be someone you had a relationship with before.

What does one do about this? The person will need to repent, turn to Christ Jesus, and get the entities cast off and the bonds/cords cut. And don’t forget to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the experience and finally, forgive the other person and yourself.

Please understand, there are also proper bonds. Especially between a husband and wife, between parents and their children and other family members. There are friendship bonds that are proper, all done within the Lord Jesus Christ’s bounds. These are bonds of Light and don’t perform like the dark evil bonds…

More from the generational healing report: “There are some cords we should have and maintain. These are with loving family members and more especially between spouses and their young children. It would be especially well to have an attachment to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Once our children are of age and living on their own we need to weaken the attachments allowing them to continue learning and living under the guidance and directions of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

“Our children are under our stewardship up until they depart for their own living circumstances. It is true we should continue to pray for them, however, our stewardship ends and we no longer have the right to control them in any way when they have matured enough to become actual adults mentally, emotionally and physically. If we have a child who is mentally incompetent then that stewardship extends beyond the normal age of majority.

“Husbands and wives should court each other, as was done before marrying, for the rest of their lives and thereby maintaining a good cord attachment that will feed love and strengthen both the marriage and each other.”

Let’s get back to the main topic. Right now in the news is a story about a young girl that is missing. The person of interest is her uncle, who has been arrested and is very uncooperative. If this ends badly, there will be many people sending in their negative, even hateful comments about the man and what they would like to have done with him. The little girl is quite adorable and it is an awful circumstance. If these people express their hate with a lot of emotion, even in social media, do you not think they just might attach a bond to the perpetrator? Does evil know what it’s doing? Just take a look at the comments section on any social media site. And it won’t matter if a fake name is used, evil knows who they are.

Think of a serial killer like Ted Bundy and the horrific things he did. How many have expressed their undiluted hatred towards him? How much emotion keeps being put on that fire with every movie or article that comes out about him and his crimes against all those young women? How many new cords/bonds are being created? Even if he has transitioned and is in hell, the bonds can and will still be created and sent to where he is.

What about us? Are we guilty of not forgiving everyone? No matter what? I know I have some work to do. If we don’t forgive all, we will not stand in a good place at the judgment, as we will “stand condemned before the Lord.” Not to mention the fact that since we haven’t forgiven others, He can’t forgive us. In the meantime, it won’t bode well for us with the bonds we have to those we need to forgive.

And Satan laughs.