Containment shielding revisited

On April 17, 2017 we wrote a post about containment shielding. Because of the many questions we still get and lack of understanding we are going to revisit that subject. I can’t emphasize the importance of shielding, with the exception of those energy workers that feel it’s not necessary……

Several months ago I took Z and a few others a little over three hours from here to close some portals on a property and in a home. It was a great experience and there were some pretty nasty portals. It was in Southern Utah where the Gadiantons were pretty prolific during Book of Mormon times. If you were to cue the music, we could sing the song, “Book of Mormon Stories.” But this verse or story isn’t in that song, so please don’t cue any music. Anyway we stayed the night and had a great time once the property and house were cleared of everything of a dark and evil nature.

Now a few months later the owner informed us there seems to be a problem there. Her friend has a room in the home where she stays while she works in the area once or twice a month. Her friend has said there is now something pretty nasty on the property and also something in the home. It has affected her so much that she doesn’t want to stay there.

You know me, if there is a problem after we’ve done something I will usually ask what I did wrong. I’m the first place I look at. I found out it wasn’t me. Phew! What we learned was while she was gone the adversary sent someone to place a portal on her property. This would have been a mortal of a serious dark/evil nature that knows what he/she is doing and receives revelation from the adversary or his many minions, devils, lords and such. Just someone you want coming to “play” in your yard I’m sure. It is a level 18, so it is causing problems on the property and in the home. We also found out that she either bought or was given something that she placed in the home. This item has its own little portal that came with it, free of charge of course. She can cleanse that piece by herself through the Lord Jesus Christ. The other will require a visit, which we will do next week.

Being the curious type I pondered what has happened to my friend and her property these past few days. (I would have said “ponderized” but someone, I believe an LDS GA, already copyrighted that word…….) Just tonight I called Z and said, “You leave your property and I leave my property all the time. Why hasn’t the adversary sent someone here or to your place to put portals on our properties?”

“Because we have containment shielding continually up and we have also asked for warrior angels to guard our homes and properties,” she answered. She then voiced the probability our friend down south had not done either one.

Upon hanging up my fingers hit my friend’s number on my phone and she answered. “Hey,” I said, “two questions for you.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“Have you put a containment shield around your property down south?”

“No,” she answered.

“Okay, have you ever asked for warrior angels to guard your property?”

“No,” she said again, “I didn’t know I needed to.”

Just tonight a good friend came by for a witness to what he had been told by the Spirit. I will tell the full story.

He, his wife, daughter and her really young baby were on their way north to see a family member. It was a two day journey. The daughter told him that her baby girl would just wail at night in the hotel. He told her that her baby was being bothered by the dark entities in the room, even being taken to hell at night. (Something we have talked about in our books.) She needed the dark entities cast out and the room shielded. She asked him to do it, which he did each night of the rest of the trip. The baby slept like an angel.

So he received a call today. “Dad,” his daughter said, “Can you come to our home we just moved in to and clear and shield it? Since we moved in I have felt some things that aren’t very nice here. I asked the people we had rented it to and the woman said she felt her husband always had dark spirits or demons on him.” So he will get permission from her husband and go there and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ will clear the home and shield it. He will teach them about shielding and how to place a containment shield around their property for those that come to visit that have dark entities on them. She asked why he would need her husband’s permission. He explained the protection of the home and family is his stewardship. He is not allowed to do anything outside of his own stewardship without permission. Good man, this father and grandfather. I wish all grandbabies could have such a good father and grandfather around to help and teach. He had learned, by the Spirit, that his daughter’s home has two portals in it, level 8’s. Also that once he gets their permission he has the Lord Jesus Christ’s permission to cast out the entities. He was told to place two pyramids in the home and that would close the level 8 portals permanently and keep others from forming, as long as they lived Christ centered lives.

He is teaching his children that are open to learning how to have a safer place to live.

After my wife and I read our scriptures together at night we say our family prayer. Whomever is voice will always ask for anything of a dark or evil nature that might have come through be cast off or out of us, out of our home, and then off of our property. We then ask for us, our home, and our property be shielded. While I or she is saying this I will visualize the shielding taking place. We thank our Lord and Savior for this blessing. We also ask for a containment shield to be placed permanently around our property, so that when anyone enters our property a shield is placed completely around them. This makes it so whatever they come onto the property with will leave with them. Since we have a permanent containment shielding we will ask for it to be reinforced or made stronger. We also ask for warrior angels to come and protect our property, home and us.

Is this a bit much? Don’t know. Why don’t you ask your Father in Heaven about it? Or the woman in the bank yesterday that told me her home is having problems. Seems the TV goes on about midnight by itself. Her door is unlocked each morning, and all the pictures on the walls are tilted sideways each morning. She lives alone and is kind of freaked out about this poltergeist activity. I know, this isn’t real, she is imagining it and besides, it will never happen to you.

Good luck and God bless.