
The workshop titled Metaphysical was a lot of fun last Saturday.

We came home from it after being gone for two days and entered our garage. It stunk, I mean the smell was really bad. My son’s socks and feet when he as a teenager never smelled this bad.

It was so bad we figured we had a dead animal somewhere in the garage. And for those that know me, I was not hoping it was a cat.

The problem was we couldn’t find the source of the smell. When you walked out there it was horrible and you figured you could find the source quite easily. Not so. Once in the garage the small seemed to come from everywhere. We looked and looked, smelled and smelled. All to no avail.

Wait! I thought. We just got home from a workshop where we discussed metaphysical things. One of those “things” was the use of a pendulum. A while ago we did a workshop on the use of a pendulum, but I have not heard much from those that use them. I know I use, especially as a second witness to answers I get in my prayers. (A second witness is a very good thing.)

Then my sweetheart actually asked me to come out and use my pendulum. Hey, we are quite synced together.

I went into the garage and asked the Savior for permission to use the pendulum to find the source of the stink.

He said, “Yes.”

I went out in a center part and faced all directions asking the pendulum if this was the origination of the stink. It kept “swinging” the “no” direction. Finally I stood facing east and asked. It swung “yes.”

“It’s right here,” I told my sweetheart.

We both smelled in that area and still couldn’t tell if it was the spot or not.

Soon my son-in-law came into the garage. He has considerable more height than I do and my sweetheart asked him for some help. He started to take some boxes down in that location and found the source of the problem. It was discarded and now the stink is going away.

I sure do love “metaphysical” things. A pendulum is a great tool the Savior has given us. Though we do need to be careful to not rely on it before asking the Savior.

Yes, it is just a tool, but it was sure a blessing to not have to tear the garage apart and to be able to use it to find the stink location so easily.

Praise God.

Oh, and it was really good to see all those familiar faces and meet some really great new people Saturday.