This is not about Halloween

Some may think this post is about Halloween. It isn’t.

I know that the Devil’s night out is celebrated in many places and is really huge here in Utah. It is also called Halloween.

I went outside several days ago and walked through our yard. Near our apricot tree I was pushed and fell to the ground. I know I was pushed because I felt it and there was nothing to trip over.

Laying on the ground I was kind of irritated that there were dark entities on our property. We consciously shield daily and hardly ever have this problem. I wanted to write that I jumped up, but that ability ended a decade or more ago. I slowly got up off the ground, made sure nothing was broken (You twenty-year-olds don’t understand that one, but you will) and went over under the awning, raised my arms to the square and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to get rid of all the offending dark entities on our property and in our home. After that I reestablished the shielding around our home and yard.

A while later I was contemplating the “incident” and started asking questions about it. I know that many love this holiday, it seems to have become the second largest one that is celebrated yearly with movies, haunted homes, parties, begging for candy, causing mischief and so much more fun.

I was told that putting up decorations or the Satanic symbols death and evil in the house and on the property is an open invitation for entities to come. Would this be like putting up a neon sign? Is this why many people I know of with spiritual sight hide during this time? Or if my “intent” is to just have fun those entities will not come my way? I know, we can ask Jesus to keep them away so we can celebrate Satan’s holiday!

In the next book we are doing there is a chapter on rites and rituals. Would carving a dark or evil looking face on a pumpkin and then putting a candle in it be a ritual? If not, why not? Does putting light into the carved pumpkin symbolic in any degree? Why does evil use candles so much?

Does having children and adults dress up in dark characters invite those entities to be on them? Do they stay on your property after you have allowed the mortals to come across or through your shielding? Assuming that you actually shield your home and property?

Do you actually know what sigils are and why they have power? What does it mean that a sigil refers to a symbolic representation of a magician’s desired outcome? In regards to Halloween’s sigils, who is the magician? Who is behind all of this? The Gods of Light surely have symbols, everywhere. Does the Adversary mock our God and make use of symbols and sigils? Of course he does.

“Aren’t we just having fun? Good heavens, Doug, you are party pooper.” (I would replace “heavens” with its opposite—hell.)

“Our children dress up as princesses and fairies and such. They wear nice costumes.” In the Heavens when a person rises up in understanding and light they are given new clothing to wear and it becomes whiter. This is not fake and is based on merit. Since all has an opposite, would hell do the same thing? Does it mean the darker you personally get then what you wear becomes more evil looking and darker? Are we mimicking evil or just pretending to be like it for a few weeks, hoping it won’t “rub off” on us?

Just had a thought. My little granddaughters are extra cute dressed up as princesses. We tell them how cute they are and fawn all over them. Will they later become little prissy self-absorbed teenagers only wanting to get the latest selfie so they can publish it on social media to show the world the fake life they pretend to have and then fall off a cliff while taking that selfie? What I’m asking is if we are part of the cause. Remember all causes produce effects, it is Natural Law.

Or are we taught to mimic evil and are taught to dress up like the adults in Stanley Kubrick’s film, Eyes Wide Shut? It shows how the elites or the controllers in our world dress up in pretty and not so pretty costumes with masks to party and to perform their satanic rituals and sexual orgies. (Though, if you actually watch it, don’t blame me, it is R rated for a reason.) Do we have our children dress up to perform satanic rituals? Oh, you say, these are not satanic rituals associated with Halloween?

Why according to the Satanic calendar is October 13th to the 30th preparation for all Hallows Eve (Halloween) and has to do with abduction of people, holding them, and ceremonial preparation of the person for human sacrifice. October 28th to the 30th is the Satanist High Holy day with the sacrifice of any male or female each day, any age. October 30th and 31st are all Hallows Eve and Halloween night. This involves sexual climax, association with demons, animal or human sacrifice, any age male or female. And finally we have Nov. 1st which is also a Satanist High Holy day and involves the sacrifice of any human of any age.

If we participate in the Devil’s night out, are we part of the whole? If it brings dark entities into our home or on our property, are we part of the problem? Just wondering.

Also, I was wondering if they celebrate death and evil, I mean Halloween, in Zion? Do the residents put symbols of evil on their doorsteps, put sigils on their walls and vegetables? Though on the opposite side, the God of Israel did have them put a symbol over their door so the angel of death would pass over them. And Satan mimics. In Zion I wonder if they do rituals involving darkness, while hoping it is fun for the children, kind of like we participated in the other night.

As I stated in the beginning of this post, this is not about Halloween. It is about what we do to take ourselves further away from Light and our Lord Jesus Christ. It really is hard to get Babylon out of us, isn’t it? And we wonder why there are problems with our children and ourselves?

Maybe I am just an old fool and see things where there is nothing to see. I’m probably just imagining all of this and there is nothing to be concerned with here folks, so just keep moving along.

Just wondering out loud. Now where has my granddaughter’s bag of candy gone…