
Had quite the interesting conversation the other day with a very close “sighted” relative.

We were discussing the “anti-vax” rhetoric on the news the past week or so. I know where I’m at on this supposed issue and what I did with it. I let my children decide what is “best” for their own children, my grandchildren. Though, I must admit there are times I’d like to “open” their minds to some things. But I pretty much keep things to myself unless asked. You know, the agency thing…..

In the middle of our conversation she stated that her husband will come home from work with “illness” attached to him, like the cold and flu variety. We’ve discussed in the past about how some people come home with dark entities attached to them. Only in this case it is what is described as illness. Are there entities attached to illness? You bet there is. Just like with disease.

Remember in one of our books we wrote about the young sighted woman that works at summer camps for children with cancer. She saw that all of them had “cancer” demons attached. Eventually, they would get so sick that there wasn’t enough life energy to suck out and the demons would leave. Many times the child would then go into remission. In other words, what she saw was when the children were in “remission” the cancer demons were gone. Then, if the child got well enough, the cancer demons would come back to feed on them again and then many times the child would transition as the rest of their life energy was sucked out by the entities.

I know, pretty sad.

This sighted relative’s first husband had their first child, a girl, vaccinated up until the age of five or so before they divorced. She remarried a man with two boys, neither of which had been vaccinated. Over time they had another boy together, which they did not vaccinate. I observed, without any comments, that the girl was always sick and the three boys hardly ever got sick.

This post is NOT about whether to vaccinate or to not vaccinate. It is about what I heard, observed, and asked the Lord about.

During our conversation, this sighted relative made the comment that her husband will come home and have “illness” attached to him. She watches as the illness will consciously go to her daughter that has been vaccinated as it is quite easy for the “illness” to get into her. It typically won’t go after the three that have not been vaccinated. She observed that for the most part it can’t get into them. I hope that makes sense.

So I asked her because I honestly wanted to understand, “So, there are times when your husband comes home from work, and evidently sometimes he has been around others who are sick and contagious. Sometimes the illness will jump to him and ride to your home. Once there, it looks for others to attach to in order to inflict them with the illness. The conscious part of the illness (intelligence) will hardly bother with the boys, who have not been immunized. Rather, it seeks out the daughter who has been vaccinated. Is that right?

“Yes,” she responded.

“Do you feel she is more susceptible to illness because she has been vaccinated?” I asked.

She answered in the affirmative telling me she can see it.

I have several children. Some vaccinate and some do not. I don’t enter into that discussion unless asked because it is not my business. No, I do not want to “send them to an island” nor do I believe in “herds” having immunity.

What I have noticed are those grandchildren that have been vaccinated are often sick when they have come to visit. The ones that have not been vaccinated are not usually sick. I’m not saying they don’t get sick, I am saying it is MUCH less than the others.

Today, another sighted friend called and I ran this conversation by her to see what she had experienced or seen.

She pretty much agreed with the other sighted person. Also added that there are microscopic demons that are put into vaccinations. These provide something like markers or keys that allow the illness in. Now that was fascinating and maybe ought to be explored further someday.

I’m not trying to enter into the vaccine fray. Though I would always consider what the Lord Jesus Christ’s will was before a man or woman wearing a white coat with ties to big pharma. After reading many comments from vaccine advocates, I feel quite a few have made the medical establishment their God. Their judgment towards those that have carefully considered, studied, maybe and hopefully prayed, about this subject and have chosen to pass on this part of what the medical establishment offers is quite hateful, not just judgmental.

As usual, my interest lies in what happens on a spiritual level and how does or can evil influence us. We have mentioned many times the importance of blessing medications or anything they want to put into your body. For that reason is was quite fascinating to hear these two sighted people confirm what I had suspected all along.

Wow, something else to take to the Savior. Please do so with NO preconceived ideas. That reminds of the friend that asked the Savior for permission to do something and was told no. So my friend kept asking and finally got a yes. He will give you what YOU want, even to your own condemnation. Just ask Satan if you don’t believe me.

By the way, I believe the herd would have told Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to fall down and workshop that false god/idol, otherwise the King would put them into the fire and they would die! (Could this be considered herd immunity from the fire?) Wonder how that worked out? What would have happened if they had worshipped the false god? No fire until they get to hell? Mooooo?

I am grateful to my Savior for His teachings and the chance to grow within, to work at being balanced to become like Him while working at doing His will in all things.