It’s just for fun

My sweetheart and I were invited to go with our middle daughter, her hubby, and children to Arizona for a family vacation several weeks ago.

It was a lot of fun and full of activities. We two “old” people had a good time and the girls were great.

They received some free items from several places that were visited. Two of these places gave them what they told us were “temporary tattoos.” They were quite excited to put them on, but their parents told them they would have to wait until they got home.

I noticed they were sporting their new “tatts”, as they’re called, a day or two after we got home. One youngster had one on each arm. I am not their parent and they are not under my stewardship so I didn’t say a thing about it.

Are some of you grandparents believing it is your right to offer your opinion about what every one your children and grandchildren do? Is that right before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Just asking.

Over the next week or so I noticed several of the tattooed girls seemed to be having a hard time with life. One was exceptionally emotional, there were unkind words, and other things out of the ordinary. I just observed.

Yesterday it seemed to escalate and there were many tears shed.

My daughter has asked me that if I observe something wrong with her children, to bring it up to her. Even though I had her permission I still just observed and didn’t say a word.

This day was different, as it had seemed to escalate and I felt whatever the problem was, it wasn’t going to go away without help. So I prayed and asked.

I was told the tattoos had become portals into their little bodies and souls. Now entities would be able to enter them. No! It’s just for fun! It’s just a temporary play tattoo for Pete’s sake. (By the way, who is “Pete”? He must be one troubled man.)

Our daughter was informed of my findings. Later she asked if her two children with the tattoos could have a clearing.

What was quite interesting is one of the girls expressed sadness that they would be gone. It had affected her to that point of playing with her emotions.

They had to use rubbing alcohol to get them off. We then did the clearings. I didn’t use rubbing alcohol on the entities that had entered them. They got what they deserved.

We got our grandkids back. Wahoo!

That night our sighted friend had come over. We shared this experience with her and she confirmed what she sees. She confirmed that tattoos can open portals into the children or adults, allowing entities to come and “play.” The portals are “activated” when the tattoos are put on the mortal body.

Today our daughter, Denise, called to chat about life. I mentioned this to her and she said the same thing. She and her hubby “won’t allow their children to put the play tattoos on because she has seen what they do.”

That is interesting, isn’t it? Two sighted people seeing the same thing. Wonder if it is really true?

Now I’m glad I didn’t put that “temporary” Captain America tatt on my arm…….