Updated on June 4, 2019
Paradigms or “Pair-of-nickels”? Part two
What about the man that volunteered to come here to mortality and violate those who would become family members?
First let’s go over a couple of things. I’ve have had both positive and negative feedback with the previous post about paradigms. There were two of the six readers of this blog that “unsubscribed.” I have a feeling that there might have been some judgment involved in that, but it’s really okay. I’m fine with just four readers. Really.
Second, the story that was told might represent about one-tenth of one percent of those that come to mortality. It isn’t many people, it doesn’t happen that often.
This in no way makes those of evil that come here “shining stars.” People like Hitler and Cain were murderers before they came here. They were evil before they came here. I am talking about a very small percentage of people that had missions like this man who was of great light. But that IS NOT the point. The point is judgment and jumping to conclusions. That is why this was divided into two parts, in order to let any and all judgments sink in before attempting to answer the first part.
Did those that judged the story then take the emotion out of it, the judgement out of it and go to the Lord Jesus Christ to get further understanding? I don’t know. I would certainly hope so. Did He give you any?
In order to understand this fully it might take reading our books and even attending the workshops we did to see the bigger picture of what this world is about and what is going on here. It is not your Junior or Senior Sunday School lesson. (I know, two of you four readers have no idea what Junior Sunday School is.)
Does he not deserve to go to Hell to pay for his crimes, even if he volunteered to come and do them? What did the Lord Jesus Christ tell you? Why are you believing what is written here or anywhere from anyone? Why are you not going to Him to get the truth of all things? That is what we each must do! Especially about things that are hard and might be out of our box.
Then we have a man that came to mortality and attained mid-level church positions. He was one of the biggest employers in my area with a very successful company. He helped many people, including myself. Granted he is the one who disfellowshipped me because a higher level of church authority told him to do so. Well, actually he was told to excommunicate me, but couldn’t bring himself to do so. Why? Because, as he later told me, which I recorded, that he knew I had done nothing wrong.
I forgave him and quite liked him. We wrote about that experience in I See…..Arise! It is the chapter titled, “Courts of Love”? Because he and some on the High Council knew the accused, me, was innocent and refused to stand for righteousness, their priesthood mantel was cut completely off and they were cursed by the angel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (He, our Savior, takes these things VERY seriously.) The man later transitioned after suffering for several years. This is quite a serious chapter and really should be re-considered.
After the man transitioned, I was discussing him with my sighted friend. I knew that fetters to Hell had been placed on him, but really didn’t want to believe it because of “all the good he had done.” I was sure he had gone to Paradise in the spirit world. Remember, there are two places a mortal can go after transitioning, to Paradise or Hell. Paradise is NOT Heaven. It is a transitional place with many levels of light. We go there to await our resurrection, heal, serve if possible or allowed, repent, and eventually have our judgment after we are resurrected. Hell is hell. There are also many levels there.
I assuredly told my sighted friend that this man had gone to the light side of things. She asked if I was sure. I really wasn’t, I just pretended to be sure, which my sighted friend could easily see.
“Have you looked at his heart,” she asked.
“No,” I answered. I looked. It wasn’t pretty.
“Four angels from his god came and took him down to hell,” she responded.
IF, you look on paper and know nothing of this wrongful court or other courts this church leader may have presided over, he appears to be a pretty good man. I know many that loved him. I’m sure he had a huge funeral.
Then, look on paper at the man that violated family and friends.
Who should have gone to hell? Why, when the violator transitions will he be met with angels from our Lord Jesus Christ and be taken to the lowest level of Paradise? Isn’t he EVIL??? Wasn’t he evil? Or did he have his light taken away by Father so he could do those “evil” things, as requested by others that desired to understand them, and learn how any individual could go through such horrendous experiences and be able to come out of them and grow from all of it?
Did you get the difference between what he did and what an evil being like Hitler (who is in Hell) did? He agreed to come here and perform a mission so those people could have the experience they wanted. As per his stipulation, he will have angels to help him back up to where he was, filled with much light. Then he will be rewarded with even greater light for having accomplished such a hard mission.
I will say this again. This in no way implies that someone like a Hitler comes here with the same mission. An individual like Hitler was already dark and evil before he came here. The Gods of Light knew where to put him to accomplish what was needed to be done. (That reason has been briefly mentioned in this blog for those with eyes to see.)
My paradigm changed to a pair-of-half-dollars because I have always tended to jump to conclusions and harshly judge those I assumed to be evil. I was going to insert a picture of what my knees look like after jumping to so many conclusions for so many years, but didn’t want to scare the younger readers. Very painful stuff, I assure you.
I’m not saying I wouldn’t stay away from this man and that I wouldn’t turn him in if I knew about what he had done. Yes, he did evil things. Yes, he had his light taken away so he would do those things. No, there are not many that come here to do this, just specialized missions that the Gods of Light agree with. This is a lab. Remember chemistry lab from the University? Great stuff. Remember earth? You will one day say that and maybe even declare it to have been “great stuff.” To be put into positions and circumstances that will make us grow, give us understanding and wisdom is sometimes a real bummer while going through them. Afterward, some of us will joke around and declare how easy that experience was. Ha!
Is that why, when our daughter was up in Primary Children’s Hospital dying, the Lord Jesus Christ told me to be grateful? How in the H E double toothpick (family blog, two young readers left) are you supposed to be grateful your daughter is going to die from a stroke to the brain and all that came with it? Really Lord!??? Later I would find that she agreed to come and do that, to sacrifice the ability to walk right, to use her right hand properly, the constant pain she endures, taking insulin, and so much that is not talked about that she goes through. It was planned out, just as what this man went through was planned out.
It was painful jumping to conclusions like I have in the past. Maybe we should take each instance we are confronted with and ask our Savior what is really going on and what He thinks and knows. Would that change our perspective? It might be important to remember what the Savior said in Isaiah 55:8:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”
A man that I and others perceived to be of pure evil came here on a mission from our Savior that he volunteered for out of love for his fellow sisters and brothers. It was an extremely hard mission. Many have and will judge him harshly and call him evil. Is he?
Another man came to mortality and had many opportunities to grow and progress. Because of pride and ego he did many things that because of the law of cause and effect he is paying a hefty price in hell for. Many called him wonderful and of our God? Was he?
This post was completely about judging, condemning, and jumping to conclusions. The judgment we give out is what our Lord Jesus Christ is required to give us. Whew, some of us are not going to fair very well. The conclusions we jump to seem to mess us up and do cause judgment. I have resolved to keep my knees and spirit healthy and not jump to conclusions and to not judge.
Do you really believe the Lord Jesus Christ won’t give us the same judgement we give others? Wow, are we in trouble or what.
One final thought. It might be important to look at things from a spiritual point of view, a heavenly point of view if you will, and not from a world or flesh point of view. That changes things considerably.
Also it might be good to be open to new ideas from the Lord God. Remember, Joseph Smith couldn’t teach the Saints many new things because as he said, they flew apart like glass. Since His ways are not our ways and our thoughts are not His, we might be surprised how things actually work. But, as I said this post was not about that, it was about not judging, not condemning, and stopping our jumping to conclusions.
Now where is that knee ointment? Must be in that jar labeled “Repentance.”