DTB – Dark Translated Being

Continuing on with yesterday’s story, why would a dark translated being put a little boy in a toy chest?

I asked my sighted friend to take a look at what happened. I had “looked through my glass darkly” and saw that the entity didn’t want to hurt the boy and had carefully put him in the toy chest.

My sighted friend looked and told me it was exactly that way, the dark translated being had been quite gentle and made sure the boy didn’t wake up and wouldn’t get hurt.

That was quite interesting. Since when does an evil dark entity care if it hurts you? From our experiences, they take pleasure in our pain and suffering. This was quite a strange anomaly.

It was then that my sighted friends warrior guardian explained that the dark translated being (DTB) had been trying to get his attention. It had heard about her guardian getting out of hell, out of Satan’s employ. The DTB had wanted to talk to him to see if it was possible for him to get out of hell. For an example of this, check out Chapter 14, “A Parable”, in the book I See….Arise!

For those with eyes to see and an understanding spirit, they will know that it was not just a “parable.” It is a true experience.

So this DTB saw what my sighted friend’s guardian had done and wanted to talk about it.

Our friends that came to help us out asked why the DTB just didn’t go up to where we live and talk to the guardian. The answer is he was assigned to that area of Utah. If he left his post, his “masters” would have known and would have wanted to know why.

He would have most likely been tortured for disobedience. My sighted friend confirmed that this was true. Just as another dark translated being had done poltergeist activity in the home of someone I know in order to get the attention of my sighted friend’s guardian, so he could also get the “how to” of getting out of hell, this DTB had done the same thing.

My sighted friend’s guardian chatted with the DTB for quite some time. The DTB had a decision to make, continue on or leave Satan’s employ. About an hour or so after leaving the home, he informed my sighted friend’s guardian that he wanted help getting out. He was taken to the plane of repentance.

How cool is that!!!!

The DTB came through a level 22 portal in the home of this young nearly two-year-old boy just to get the attention of someone that had gotten out of Satan’s employ. Praise God that he didn’t want to hurt the young boy, which he easily could have done. Praise God for a young mother that cared enough about her son’s well-being to get help. Now they have a clear home with all the ancient and modern portals having been destroyed, sent to hell, with the land and home being healed. There will be much better sleeping in that home from now on, as long as they stay connected to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I almost feel like a Paul Harvey with the “rest of the story.” (Those younger than 40 might have to search out who Paul Harvey is.) Cool dude.

Does it always turn out with good experiences for all, flowers, and fairy dust everywhere?

No. In fact my sighted friend made the comment that the world is so evil now that for every one that wants out of hell there are three more going in. Seems this world is a pretty nasty place right now. Hey, I wonder how many of those going into hell are because of the chains and fetters they got from following the arm of flesh.

Maybe we should look at the larger picture, not with just the eyes of mortality, but with eyes for what our God is doing in the long run, worlds without number, and many experiences on those worlds to get us, Their children up to where They are. As Snuffer has talked about, the test in on, the game is afoot, time to get in it don’t you think?

Have a great weekend.