Frequency and Truth

Don’t bother with the words on the graph below. Just take a gander at the lines.

Let’s say that the solid white line represents truth. Truth doesn’t change, it just is.

“And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come.”  (D&C 93:24)”

There you go, plain and simple.

On the bottom line of truth there is a red wave form. If that wave form represents a frequency it would be a low one. On a musical scale it would be a low note.

The green wave form in the middle represents a higher frequency since the wave form is shorter.

The blue wave form on top would be a higher frequency. It has a much shorter wave form.

If we have the spiritual frequency of the red wave form and we are reading or listening to truth, we are able to touch truth or understand it at very few intervals along the line of truth.

If our spiritual frequency is of a higher nature, like the green wave form, we touch the line of truth more often than the red wave form. Therefore we will get a greater understanding of that same truth being presented.

The blue wave form has a very high frequency and touches the line of truth at many points. That person would be able to have a much greater understanding of truth than the other two, even though they would be listening to the same thing.

In fact, the lower frequencies wouldn’t even hear much of what was being said, since they don’t have that frequency required to understand at that higher level.

This is why when we did seminars or workshops, my sighted friend would put an energy sphere up at the ceiling and rotate it with the proper colors and higher frequency. This was to help those in the room raise up to a higher frequency in order to comprehend the material at a higher level of understanding.

Have you experienced when you are fasting and praying that there is much more comprehension when reading the scriptures? The spirit is more in control over the body and our own spiritual frequency has been raised up. Therefore we are able to comprehend at a much higher level.

It is the same when voicing a blessing. If the proper preparations have been done, meaning we have become a “hallow bone” as the Sioux medicine man, Fools Crow, talks about or as said in a General Conference talk by President Benson about how we need to “Cleanse the Inner Vessel.”

This can be done through breathing, meditation, prayer, scripture study, study, fasting, living moral, and more prayer. We raise not only our frequency by doing this, but also our spirituality. Both are essential.

If one raises their frequency and keeps their spirituality, their wave form could eventually become solid like the line of truth. It would look like a solid line.

Is this one of the ways of becoming a “whole” person? Would then all of our thoughts be in line with our emotions and actions? Would we then also be a balanced person?

I remember when Snuffer gave one of his ten talks that we recorded at the Snow College campus. My sighted daughter hadn’t seen him for several years. He came walking up the stairs and she said, “Dad, his mind is all lit up, it is glowing.”

I asked what that meant and she said it meant he was balanced and had become a whole person in Christ. I wonder what his frequency line would have looked like on the truth scale above.

The real question is what does ours look like? How often does our frequency touch truth? Are we like the bottom wave form, barely touching it once in a while? Or like the blue wave form, hitting it often because of the spiritual currency of time that we have put into becoming like Him? How much do we comprehend of the Lord Jesus Christ’s true gospel, the truth that doesn’t change, that is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow? Not man-made truths that change when they, men, want them to. The Lord Jesus Christ wants all of us become like Him. How much effort do we put into becoming like Him verses the man-made trivialities and distractions that occupy so much of our day and time?

Have a great week.