More on Sacrifice

Let’s continue on with this law of sacrifice by sharing another experience. I just love sharing my inadequacies. There is a reason the other side of the veil has called me, “The Boy.” I objected to that and told them so. After my objection they started calling me “The Padawan.”

This morning it was brought to my memory of a time when we were teaching a class in my home. That morning before the class during my studies I had been taught what I thought were some really cool things.

At the end of the class that night I desired to share what I had been taught to those attending.

The Spirit warned me not to share, but it was such a cool subject and I really wanted my friends to know what I had been taught.

So you know what I did, don’t you.

I shared what had been taught to me.

Immediately upon sharing I noticed that my sighted friend’s nose started to bleed, a lot.

Why did I share? Could it be because I really wanted them to know? Or was it because my ego burst forth and I wanted them to know how cool I was because of what had been taught? You know, P R I D E. That old bugaboo that just kills the Spirit and our chances of progression. Yes, it was pride. Don’t worry, it got worse.

After the meeting my sighted friend came up and asked if I knew why her nose had bled so profusely.

“No,” I replied, “I have no idea.”

“Because you were not to share what had been taught to you and to cancel out your condemnation for doing so, He had my nose bleed like it did. Otherwise you would have paid the consequences,” she told me.

What is interesting, is that the Savior had her “pay” for my mistake. This was at the beginning of my Padawan days, so I was quite new at this and didn’t really understand. Did she take on my required suffering for me having shared what ought not to have been shared with others at that time? She also mentioned my sharing would have condemned them also as they were not prepared to receive. Some not being prepared would have most likely rejected the material, thereby effectuating the condemnation. Her suffering also stopped that or paid the price for it.

All of us at the class had reason to be grateful and had no idea any of it had happened.

I am grateful for what she did for me, what the Savior did for me. Wow, one of those pride and ego moments you just want to sweep under a rock, forget about, and hope He doesn’t make you share with anyone. (Sure glad there are only seven of you.)

Several years ago, after having a chat with a friend that has been redeemed, he made the comment that the Lord Jesus Christ has no ego. I think I’ve share that on here before. If not, now you have it. Our Savior has zero ego. This was hard for me to comprehend so when I got in the car I asked my sighted friend if this was a true statement, that our Lord Jesus Christ really has no ego.

“Yes,” she said, “It is a true statement.”

The Lectures on Faith tell and teach many concepts. Here is part of one concept about sacrifice from Lecture Six:

“For a man to lay down his all, his character and reputation, his honor and applause, his good name among men, his houses, his lands, his brothers and sisters, his wife and children, and even his own life also, counting all things but filth and dross for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, requires more than mere belief or supposition that he is doing the will of God, but actual knowledge; realizing when these sufferings are ended he will enter into eternal rest, and be a partaker of the glory of God.

For unless a person does know that he is walking according to the will of God, it would be offering an insult to the dignity of the Creator were he to say that he would be a partaker of his glory when he should be done with the things of this life. But when he has this knowledge, and most assuredly knows that he is doing the will of God, his confidence can be equally strong that he will be a partaker of the glory of God.”

Did this apply to Him when He walked the earth? I’m sure it did. He knew He was doing the will of His Father, in all things, in everything He sacrificed.

That is my desire in my life. Some days I do okay, others days we won’t talk about……

Do know this, I am grateful for my sighted friend, who desires NO mention on this blog and is a little perturbed when I do so. I am one of the few that see what is sacrificed there to do His work. Read the above from Lectures, she qualifies on all accounts.

A nose bleed may be a small thing in the eternal perspective of all things. Yet again, maybe not. I believe all of our sacrifices are seen by the Gods of Light. I know we secured some firewood for some people that didn’t have the means to get it or pay for it. A few days later I was offered a wonderful blessing of some work driving with my friend. I hadn’t been out in months. I mentioned it to my sighted friend and she said the Gods of Light has seen the sacrifice of getting wood for another and gave me the gift or work. I had no idea. I would have sent a heavenly thank you card, but I don’t know where the mailbox is. Thankful prayer works though.

Sacrifice, what a concept. What a privilege to be like Him, even in a small degree. What would happen if all of us sacrificed our pride and ego and became even closer to being like Him?

Hey, Merry Christmas! It may not be His true birth month, but it is still fun to think of Him and all that went on during that time.