Weary the Lord God

“God is not a respecter of persons. We all have the same privilege. Come unto God. Weary Him until He blesses you.” (Joseph Smith Jr., Words, P. 15)

Weary the Lord God? What in the heck for? Doesn’t He already know what we need, so why doesn’t he just give it to us? Would a kind God do so? Why would He ever make us work for anything? Doesn’t He love us?

Haven’t you seen parents that apply all of the above to their children? And what are those children like? Spoiled rotten, never learning how life really works. I remember when two months of my income was what the average American would make in a year. My sweetheart and I went overboard for Christmas. We had always been pretty poor and didn’t have much. We bought so many presents it went in a circle about eight to ten feet from the tree about two feet deep. Actually, it was obscene. I would look at it and it would make me physically ill. You know what happened on Christmas morning, our children went from present to present opening them, not caring what they had just opened, ripping the wrapping paper off, not hardly waiting to see what was next. I vowed to never do such a thing again. We didn’t have to worry about it, the Lord blessed with a lot less wealth, probably close to poverty. Praise God.

We have learned He will give us “sufficient for our needs.” What else does a person need?

Why are we to “weary” the Lord God? Jesus taught a parable from Luke that Joseph Smith shared:

“And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.” (Luke 18:1-8)

Again, what are we to weary the Lord God with?

Joseph talking about the Second Comforter in an 1839 discourse said, “It is our privilege to pray for & obtain these things.” (Words, P. 14) It requires prayer, meaning asking for it to obtain the knowledge we are sealed up to eternal life. Meaning we are to weary the Lord God about it.

Let’s take a look at something that we can do and are able to check the results of “wearying the Lord God” over.

When we first started doing clearings I was known as a pretty good VIP – Veil Impaired Person. Yes, I had a few occasions where I had seen through the veil and experienced things. But doing a clearing was something different, a different animal altogether.

We would lay hands on a person’s head and clear them of all darkness the Lord Jesus Christ allowed from head to toe. In other words, you had to be able to hear Him AND see what was on and in the person being cleared, then ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come and clear it. You then wait, as He does the work taking care of what you asked Him to clear. It is pretty amazing to be part of the required mortal bridge to the immortal world for healing work to be accomplished. The problem was when I started I had no idea what to do. Yes, He allowed me to have a HUGE crutch, my sighted friend. She saved my bacon time after time because of her spiritual sight.

What did I do about it? At first, not much. I relied on my “crutch” and she would tell me what needed to be cleared and I’d voice it. What a team! Then I realized how much this work taxed her, took her life force away. It would take days for her to recover. Yes, I felt weak after, but not that bad.

What I did feel bad about was what it was doing to her. The requests never ended. People didn’t seem to understand the toll it took on her. They wanted the clearings, blessings, portalcisms, or generational healings NOW.

I finally started asking the Lord Jesus Christ for the ability to see through the veil. I asked and asked, and asked again. I began to understand what Joseph meant when he said to “weary Him until He blesses you.”

Then, during the clearings I started to see things. During my fasting for the next clearing I would weary Him in my prayers asking Him to allow me to see clearer or better than I did the last time. Also that I would hear Him clearer or better than I did the last time. This wasn’t so I’d be “cool” or have self-importance, not at all. I’d ask so the ordinance wouldn’t be such a burden on my sighted friend, so she wouldn’t have to use so much of her life force energy looking into the world of spirit or into that particular person’s body. It didn’t matter to me if it only helped a small percentage, if it would help her. Anything was valuable.

Over time He answered my petitions. There have been clearings when I prepared properly, wearying Him with my petitions, that I have seen a huge percentage of what is there. I give all praise to my Lord Jesus Christ for that, especially when it helps my friend.

Is it harder than just waiting for her to tell me what is there? Absolutely. It is worth the time and effort – spiritual currency? Absolutely. Last week we and three couples helped clear the property and house we talked about in the previous post. Then we did clearings on five children. Then the next morning we did the children’s mother because she forgot to ask for one for herself. As many things were cleared off of and out of her, I could feel my life force going way down to where there probably wasn’t much there. Was that a good thing? Yes if it helped my sighted friend. I knew it was helping the children’s mother being cleared of all that “stuff.”

The point of this blog is to help you understand that we are to weary God about our needs and righteous wants. Does it work? I would answer with a resounding YES! It is worth the effort. Absolutely yes.

It was wonderful to see the process and the results. Will it work for you? Remember, “God is no respecter of persons.” So yes, it works for everyone that will put in the time and effort. I am a witness of that and that our Lord Jesus Christ does come and help. But remember, you have to ask, and ask, and ask again. Sometimes patience is needed, especially when we are not prepared for what we have petitioned for. If we are truly petitioning and what we ask is actually His will, the process has been started.

It would be great if I really could convey what an incredible and wonderful principle this is. I have a feeling that most of us don’t do it. In the past I would ask in a prayer for things, but never weary Him. Hmm, it must be one of those natural laws. I remember in Snuffer’s book, Ten Parables, where angels observed a man:

“Angels came to the Lord and reported there was a young man who sought to do good, who loved his wife and treated her with great affection. Not only that, when the man and his wife spoke, they shared such joy and kindness, such light and truth between them the angels were coming to listen to their daily discourse. The Lord said He would come and see the man and his wife for Himself. So it was that the Lord came down and looked upon the young man and his wife….” (Ten Parables, P. 93)

The reason I am sharing this is to show in a small part of how heaven works. It was the angels that first took notice of the young man and then reported to the Lord. Then the Lord came down and liked what He saw. He then would report to Heaven. Is that one reason why we are to weary Him? To actually get through to heaven? Betty Eadie in her NDE saw many people’s prayers not leaving the ceiling in their house. There was no thought, no feeling, and no emotion to their prayers.

Emotion is the fuel that empowers our thoughts and prayers. We can do that through wearying the Lord God.

Happy travels.