Tough choices

On the way home from the portalcism last week we stopped at a convenience store for a break.

After taking care of business, I got a bottle of water and headed towards the cashiers to pay for the water. I immediately noticed that all of them except one looked like a bank robber. They had face masks on.

One of the cashiers didn’t. She was a young woman, probably under thirty years of age. She was smiling and greeting everyone. I made a beeline for her to handle my transaction. The interchange was fun. She was full of light and love and had no mask or gloves.

You know I am always wanting to see what things are like spiritually. I knew from the feel of their spirits the other employees didn’t have much light. Once in the car I asked my sighted friend about them. She confirmed that the young woman was full of light and therefore shielded from negative “stuff.” You know, like a man-made contagion called a virus.

The face masked employees were a different story. She witnessed they were dark, “There was a gray cloud or mist around them.” She also confirmed this allowed dark negative things to enter them, not just a man-made contagion. Isn’t it incredible how fear will affect us and how the adversary uses it continually? And isn’t it sad how so many of us buy into it?

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”  (1 John 4:18, emphasis added)

Wow, have you seen that concept before that “fear hath torment.” Isn’t that amazing? Hmm, I wonder how fear can torment you. Any ideas?

Isn’t it also interesting how that young woman was “made perfect in love?”

Is that why Satan is using fear-porn like we’ve never seen it before. We have Americans being arrested for being at a park playing with their children. People swimming in the ocean. You can watch all the videos about this if you want. I am not going to list any more of them.

Is the idea to keep people in fear and they will give up all their rights. You do know that many of those people, your neighbors, will turn you in. The decades of programming from the State, Educational System, Politicians, and Churches has worked like a charm.

I still remember the story, true or not, of Elder Monson taking the temple film through customs in East Germany. The story went that they wanted to watch it, but then he said that the members his church did whatever they were told, like good little followers. That we do what we are told. The East Germans understood this concept of a compliant population or one that would instantly turn on their neighbors and let him through without viewing the film.

As I said, I have no idea if this story was true or not. Could be one of those Mormon myths. The point I want to make was how proud I was. It makes me want to puke to admit that. But I was so proud that we, as a people, would follow men blindly and be those good little followers of men. I actually believed that God would bless us for doing so. My church leaders told me so! And yes, I knew the scripture, “Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.” (2 Nephi 28:31) I know, that last part of that scripture is used to justify many atrocities. Or how about, “The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh—” (D&C 1:19, emphasis added) There are many more from the Bible if you desire to look them up. I don’t know if I believed them or not. I must not have because it seemed that I just wanted to be a “good follower.”

I admit, I was so proud that we did this. I didn’t think about how following man offends God, makes us dark, and causes cursing to come upon us. At that time I didn’t know that doing so allows tendrils from hell to attach to us. I was just proud that we followed obediently and blindly. Wow, I really was in need of repentance, wasn’t I?

It took a few years but I came out of the fog and realized what I had been doing. Now because I know what it does to a person not only physically but spiritually, the act of following men or buying into that fear, it makes me spiritually and physically ill. Isn’t the proper way to do anything is to ask the Lord Jesus Christ what He would have you do? Or is it to allow Satan to take control of you through his mortal and immortal minions. I’m not just talking about some church leader, but our civic leaders also, or men in lab coats. You’ve seen the post called, “Get out of my chair!” from Jan. 27, 2020. It shows the Senate Minority leader telling a demon to get out of his chair. Then if you look closely you can see the demonic energy on him. Man of them are not nice people and many are controlled by evil, literally.

I’ve asked on the blog before if a church leader demands you do such-and-such, takes agency away, uses control, compulsion, or unrighteous dominion, are they doing the work of evil. Are they being controlled by evil? Probably so, since the scripture states, “…Amen to the Priesthood or authority of that man.” (D&C 121:37) In other words, they are on their own.

Does what I have written make any of you angry? Do you have so much faith in your civic leaders that you trust them blindly? Many apparently do, just look around you. Do you have so much faith in your church leaders that you also trust them blindly? What does that do to you spiritually, trusting men? How about those in lab coats?

Does truth hurt? It did me when I realized what I had been doing. During that time they were grooming me to be in church leadership. I had been YM president, ward mission leader, Elders Quorum president and more. Someone told me they groom you for leadership and I told them they were an idiot that the leaders went by the Spirit. It was hard when I found out that maybe some did, but mostly the man was right, it was grooming.

When I was an Elders Quorum president and when my bishop tried to tell me what to do with the quorum, I told him he had zero authority to tell me anything concerning the quorum. We then took our quorum that usually did below 20% home teaching to above 90%. After that my bishop would mock me in nearly every Priesthood Executive Committee meeting I attended. This confused me because I had connected to the Lord Jesus Christ and did what He told me to do. That is why our quorum took off like it did. That is when I started being threatened by my leaders – men. This bishop even called me a liar when we wrote the first book about my daughter’s story. He tried many times to control me. What do men who do this look like spiritually? Do they look spiritually dark like our civic leaders do now, exerting control that they have not right to do. This truth hurt and was hard to accept. Eventually they would try to control me by fear.

Do we live in fear or can we actually accept truth when it is presented? Do we live in fear of our Government and its leaders? Do we live in fear of our Church leaders? Do you actually believe the main stream media and their constant fear-porn? Can we get out of fear over what is going on or are we going to persecute those like the young woman in the convenience store that follow Him, the true Master, and live in freedom and are protected by Him. Do people like that make you angry or afraid? If He showed up would you be a good little sheep and obey the six foot rule? Or would you fall at His feet and bathe them with your tears? If you are following man, odds are, He isn’t coming to see you. Does truth cut you like it did those in Nephi’s day with his brothers?

“And it came to pass that I said unto them that I knew that I had spoken hard things against the wicked, according to the truth; and the righteous have I justified, and testified that they should be lifted up at the last day; wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center.” (1 Nephi 16:2, emphasis added)

When this “pandemic” started my sighted friend told me it was just a test. The slave masters were testing the public to see how easily and how far they would go in giving up their freedoms. Can you believe how the sheep lined up, did what they were told and how they mock and ridicule those that want to follow their Lord and God, Jesus Christ.

When the slave masters bring the real thing and millions do die, how many of us will be like that girl in the store, full of His light and love, and totally protected from it. Or will we be like the majority of the Americans that are willing to give up what God had bestowed on them and line up for that which the king of eugenics (Bill Gates) wants to give you, his vaccine of poison and control with his mark of the beast, without which you will not be able to buy or sell, or probably not leave your home? It will be a total lockdown. Believe me, our country is in a death spiral and it is going to get real hard.

There are tough choices ahead. Where are you going to stand? With the Lord Jesus Christ or with man? Now might be the time to make your decision. When hell and death are staring at you, can you then keep the emotions out and stand firm with Him? Are you going to follow flesh or Him? That will be a choice you WILL have to make and it’s not far off.

Tough choices indeed.