
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Tim. 1:7)

That scripture has been quoted often in the past few weeks. Let’s take a different look at it. As you know we like to look at things from a spiritual point of view here.

I may not be allowed to say all that I really would like to here, but we’ll see how it goes.

It would be my hope that many of you would understand by now how some of the spirit world works, especially in connection with us mortals. That is what we will take a look at.

When someone “goes into fear” what does that make happen? It drops your shielding or protection for one thing and makes you vulnerable to demons and all kinds of evil nasty entities that would love to inhabit your mortal body. You do realize that I hope.

So when your slave masters start with the fear-porn and you buy into it you have no shielding and are therefore attacked. Stress and fear release free radicals into your body. This is a normal process. A healthy body mops these up, especially at night. Extreme stress, or fear-porn, produces too many free radicals for the body to take care of. These can and will have entities attached. What are they there to do? Attack your body in its weakest point to cause dis-ease and eventually death, all the while sucking off all the energy they can get, delivering it to the evil side of the veil.

Remember in one of our books where we wrote about the young sighted woman that attended every summer a camp for children with cancer. She made the comment that she saw demons attached to EVERY child that had cancer. The dark entities were sucking off the life energy of every child. Don’t worry, the same will happen with you with any dis-ease. She would see the child get so ill and feeble the entities would leave, as there wasn’t any energy to “suck” off anymore. Then sometimes the child would go into “remission” and then the entities would come back and attach again, sucking off any remaining energy and then she would see the child get sicker and transition. Make sense?

Unhealthy conditions in your body will cause cellular damage. For example in Italy where they are heavy smokers they have poor lung conditions and probably other places of dis-ease in their bodies. The average age of those that have transitioned there is 80.3 years of age and are already in poor health. 99% of those that passed in Italy had one, two, or three had other health issues. Put a ton of fear-porn on them and what will probably happen? Just what has happened?

What happens if you buy into your slave masters fear-porn? They keep adding stress by demolishing the livelihood and independence of the middle class in this country. Extraordinary draconian laws have been and are being declared daily by those same pathetic slave masters. You must “stay in place” and most stores have closed. Many no longer have an income. People unable to pay mortgages and bills. Stress and fear-porn like we haven’t seen before. And it came almost instantly. Do you really believe this hasn’t been planned for a long time? Yes it has. Satan’s play book is years, decades and centuries long.

If we don’t buy into what they are doing and saying, our shielding will remain strong and the dark entities can’t get in. That gives us power, love, and a strong mind. Wow, what do you think the Savior was talking about here? What is a strong mind? Is it what is being exhibited on social media? No way.

You were warned that life as you knew it would never be the same. Now you can go into fear and die, literally, or you can stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ. That is power, as He stated. That will produce love, as He stated. As we asked in a previous post, why was Mother Teresa able to be around lepers for decades and not become ill? Was she into His power, love?

I discussed being contagious with my sighted friend and also my daughter. In a real simple way, because there are always variables, if you get sick there are entities coming off of you wanting to attach to others. In a way you could now say they are contagious. It was stated that these can look similar to worms. If I were to be near someone that was sick and went into fear, my shielding drops and then they can attack my system. Or even better, through their coughing and sputtering they say with their nasal drippy voice, “You’d better stay away, I’m contagious.” If that causes any fear your protection comes down and you can become ill.

Can you see how this is spiritual first, as in all things, and then the physical follows suit? Are not all things created spiritually first? Are you seeing where we are coming from?

There was a children’s movie that came out some time ago called, Monsters Inc. In it the monsters would go out at night and frighten children and make them scream. They would then capture the screams with their equipment and send it across the “veil” to the other side where it was used as energy. Does that sound familiar? Were they showing you what actually happens with entities and fear? You then become a Duracell, or some other type of battery for evil to keep them going. The amount of energy going into hell these days has got to be incredible.

Don’t buy into it! Buy into Christ Jesus. God does not give you the spirit of fear, He never has. Fear comes from the slave masters that serve the gods of evil. Our God is about love, power and a sound mind. Now that is something to think about and act upon. Just ask Him.


Ha! You thought I was talking about someone in the Bible or elsewhere in scripture, didn’t you?

Or knowing the makeup of my mind it might be a fixture in your bathroom where much contemplation takes place? Or perhaps my brother-in-law?

No, actually none of the above. With all of “fear-porn” being foisted on you from every direction I thought you might need a different diversion. Though if I were to offer any advice, I’d advise you to not listen to the fear-porn. It won’t help you. Maybe someday we can discuss this. Someday.

The “John” I’m talking about is John Denver. You know, the musician/singer.

My sighted friend called today. She is on a well-earned vacation so I was surprised to hear from her. Seems she had a visit. From John.

This cracked me up. If you’ve read our earlier books we talk about when my sighted daughter came home from the hospital and I played a lot of John Denver music on my stereo. (Two or three of you will need to ask mom or dad what a stereo is.)

My sighted daughter would come into my room and complain about the music. I asked her if she disliked it and she would say, “No.”

“What is wrong then,” I asked.

“That guy, John Denver, comes and sings along with his songs. It’s kind of weird, hearing him sing with himself,” she said.

I felt it must be “weird” because she was new into seeing through the veil and we had never had someone like that come to visit and sing at that point.

Eventually she learned to deal with it or she just adjusted to the fact that John would come and sing along with his songs.

One day she told me that John had brought a friend, “Some guy named Elvis,” she said. They sang duets together. Now I’m a hound dog….. I actually thought this was cool and so wanted to hear and see through the veil. She would come to enjoy their company and eventually they quit coming around. (We aren’t that exciting.)

Back to the present. My sighted friend said John wanted to tell her about his life and murder. Yes, he said he was murdered. His slave masters made sure he didn’t survive his last plane ride. Pretty sad. He had reconciled with his wife and was ready to start again with her and the family.

She was kind of having a hard time dealing with him, so he said, “Call Doug.”

I had hoped we had become friends, me the “VIP” and him the earthbound spirit. Oh, VIP is my good friend’s invention. It stands for “Veil Impaired Person.”

What a trip for her. She had a great time meeting and talking to him.

The more I think about him coming today the more I think we need to break out the John Denver CDs. Annie’s Song will probably never have sounded so good. Especially if he comes and I can hear both the CD and him sing.

Will let you know.

I told my sighted friend all about our experiences with John and a little with Elvis. What he told us of his life and how he passed. She said she appreciated the witness, it all corroborated with what he had told her. No problem friend.

Have an incredible day, stay away from the fear-porn, and be healthy and safe.

Remember Him, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is aware of you and your efforts. He will reward those that do the Father’s will in all things. What a blessing that is.

Maybe I’ll ask John if he wants to come and visit the ten of you!

The rest of the story

I need to share the rest of the story from today earlier post.

The “entities” or hornets as I called them didn’t come from my good friend like I indicated. Or from what she was saying.

They were already in the area where we had gone to work.

I have since found out that they were able to attack me because of what I did. It had nothing to do with her.

Yes, my friend had some issues she was sharing. There was probably judgment there. But this is the cool part, so did I!

What I did was judge the judgment or the issues she was describing.

Who knows, my judgments might have taken the bulk of the attack away from my friend. If that was the case, it was worth it. Nevertheless, I also went into judgment which allowed the attacks to come my way. The entities were in the area and were assigned to slow down or stop the work we were doing.

When you go out together and do His work I believe there is a synchronicity, or perhaps coherency is a better word, that happens with those in the car. I believe that our spiritual frequencies can attune to each other and have coherence. Could it be like when two or three men lay hands on you and as you sit there with all that weigh bearing down on your neck you are hoping the three are like the Godhead and really have become one. One in intent, understanding, hearing Him, obeying the spirit and having similar frequencies. Perhaps hoping there is a coherency going on. If this is accomplished, don’t you think the power of the ordinance, blessing, or healing is much greater? I sure do. I have some men that have stood in many blessing or clearing circles with me that I know have my back. I would ask God that they were always with me when in any spiritual battle. I think just having this attitude about others makes your frequency and spirituality raise to a much higher level. Especially when you have connected to each other and the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is how I felt with those in the car today. Just being with them makes me a better person. When we are focused on the work at hand, I believe we are much better as a whole or a unit. There is much more power there and available to accomplish the task set before us.

Today was a good exercise. Several of us got off kilter and we saw the results. We quickly got back on track and did do the work. Our sighted friend was totally focused on the work and pretty much had no idea any of this was going on. Being so focused on the work she was not bothered in the least by any entities. Her guardian made sure of that. My guardian was probably shaking his head wondering when I was going to get back on track. Whew.

There was a neuroscientist from Mexico, Dr. Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum, “that tried to awaken the world to what our true potential might be. Grinberg knew he would need to start with something very simple and repeatable. His earliest experiments in this category began in 1987. Two people, usually a male-female couple, would sit and meditate together for twenty minutes—to form a close bond with each other. They were then separated into two different rooms, each of which was shielded from any and all electromagnetic fields. Both participants’ brainwaves would begin to noticeably synchronize, even while they were apart—and Grinberg could measure it on their EEG readouts. He also found that both hemispheres within each person’s brain would show the same patterns—which normally only happens in deep meditation. Furthermore, the person who had the most coherent, well-organized brain waves seemed to always ‘win’—exerting a greater influence upon the other.

In 1994, Grinberg came up with an even more compelling way to demonstrate this effect. Most of the experiment was the same—two people meditated together for twenty minutes and then went into separate, shielded rooms. Now, however, he flashed bright lights in one participant’s eyes—causing them to experience sudden shocks. Each time he ran the experiment, one hundred different flashes of light were given at random. Twenty-five percent of the time when he flashed the light in one person’s eyes, the other person had a very similar brainwave “shock”—at the exact same time. Grinberg’s control subjects did not show any such connections. This was a stunning discovery—and the results were published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays.” (Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations, p. 31-32)

Shortly after this Dr. Grinberg disappeared. No one has seen him since. Makes me wonder if he was getting too close to something our slave masters don’t want us to understand about the power of the mind and coherence.

I share this because I know those that go do this work with us meditate and pray before going out. It may not be together as a group, but the meditation and prayer before heading out seems to help with becoming connected to the task at hand. I know from this incredible lesson the Savior Jesus Christ gave us we will make sure we are hyper-focused on the work at hand and therefore it will be accomplished at a much greater level. It is important to raise your frequency and spirituality.

What if the two or three men or two or three women doing healing/blessing/clearing were in complete coherence or harmony while performing their task? What level would the healing or blessing/clearing go to? I have people call up and ask for a blessing on the spur of the moment. If it is an emergency, that is a horse of a different color, but usually I will tell them that I am not prepared and need to take time to do so. I would want the best someone could do rather than a half-baked effort. Wouldn’t you?

Our preparation, feelings, thoughts, and connection to the Lord Jesus Christ will have a direct bearing on the work we are called to do. It is imperative we connect to him. It is also important that we connect to other mortals in this work as it makes us more empowered and stronger if we are supported by others, especially those of a like mind, like when we have hands laid on our heads or several women are doing energy healing work. Is that the mind coherence Dr. Grinberg discovered and that your slave masters don’t want you to understand?

I’m grateful for my friends that do His work with me. They are awesome.

I’m really grateful for the Lord Jesus Christ without whom none of this would be possible.

Big hornets with claws?

Let me get this out of the way first: Moooooooooooooooooooo

Wow, I feel much better now.

Pretty interesting morning. Went out with my sighted friend and a couple of others to do what the Council of the Gods of Light approved a short while ago. Remember my petition I asked the Savior to take to them? Well once it was approved they wanted it taken care of.

It would have been just fine with me if they had sent a contingent of angels or even better, translated beings from Enoch’s city to take care of it. But noooo, there is this thing that a good friend taught me years ago called the “economy of heaven.” Meaning heaven won’t do anything we mortals are able to accomplish. So you sing the “Hi ho, hi ho” song and get busy. Heaven may help with the project, but it is YOU who needs to get off your buttocks and get busy.

We were getting busy when a longtime friend started to tell us some things she had experienced. Quite suddenly she kind of went into judgment, okay, it wasn’t “kind of”, it was full on. She also let emotions in while declaring her judgments.

It was then I realized that something was coming at me. I would describe it as very large hornets with claws. I was driving and they came to my right back-side and attacked my shielding. They were beating on it, but more than anything they were scratching it with their claws to try and get through. Crazy, I know. I could see and feel the intent of their little hearts, if they had any. It was to destroy and the object of their wrath and assignment was doing the driving.

The realization hit me pretty quick that they had emerged from my friends judgment combined with her emotions and it gave them strength. I was curious and let them beat on my shield for a while, finally casting them off and getting back to the project at hand. I could tell my shield was pretty scratched up and gave a note to self: “Self, remember to ask the Savior to fix my shield, getting rid of the scratches, making it better and stronger than before. And to give Him much gratitude for His kindness to this little Padawan.”

We were done a short while later (don’t you just love short projects or assignments) and stopped the car to discuss what had happened. My sighted friend had been off (spiritually) working on the project and barely knew anything was going on until I mentioned it after and she watched it happen. She confirmed all that I had felt and seen.

My good friend was very repentant. I told her I didn’t care, it had been a wonderful experience. Though kind of crazy with those “things” beating and scratching on my shield. Praise God for shielding!

Just another example of what things like judgment combined with emotions can do for us or to us.

Usually I am the one on the giving end of events like this. A long time ago my sighted daughter thanked me for the daily fun she watched me go through. To me it didn’t seem to be much fun. Oh, I can laugh at most of it now, but back then it wasn’t funny being the object of many people’s laughter after the many happenings. “Denise, your Dad takes one step forward and two steps backward!” they would tell her. I told her that God placed me here to be her enjoyment and entertainment. She thanked me for that.

We were protected in this project because of our Lord Jesus Christ, where all protection comes from. Praise God again.

A change of pace because I can.

Did you know that the average age of the people that have transitioned in Italy is 80.3 years old? I bet they didn’t have any other health issues they could have passed from, don’t you think? It is also interesting that the President of the Italian National Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, said in a speech he gave a few days ago that there are only 2 people out of the nearly 3,000 deaths in Italy that have been a result of the Covid-19.

“However, the professor clarified that, according to the data analyzed, the vast majority of the victims ‘had serious [non-COV] pathologies and in some cases the onset of an infection of the respiratory tract can lead more easily to death.’ To clarify this point, and provide real data, ‘as we acquire the folders we will go further. However, the populations most at risk are fragile, carriers of multiple diseases’.”

Translation into non-medical language: the people dying in Italy have other very serious traditional diseases that have nothing to do with COV, and it’s obvious they could have died, and probably did die, from those other diseases. Nevertheless, we’re locking down the whole country.”

Let me say once again, “MOOOOOOoooooooOOOooooooOOOoooooo.”


Do we live in a hell already?

Do you realize that everyone in hell is monitored? It is easy there because everyone is telepathic. It is only when they learn to think with their hearts that they can’t be heard.

All actions in hell are monitored.

If you do something your slave masters don’t like or have declared to be against their rules, you will be punished. They see and know everything, except when you think with your heart like was said above.

In hell you can only go certain places, to where your slave masters allow you to travel.

They have open borders in hell, they want everyone to come in. But they have closed the borders going out and will try to keep you from leaving.

Nearly everyone in hell is mind controlled.

In hell when disobedient, you could have fetters and chains put on you.

They also might put or confine you to a cage.

In hell there is much fighting over things, trivial things. Though probably not over toilet paper.

Wow, the more I write about hell the more it looks and feels like what American is transforming into.

I told you weeks ago that life as you know it is over. Most likely you haven’t seen anything yet.

Wait until there is no food and see the fights and more. Toilet paper will be the least of your worries. The owner of Confetti Books told me yesterday that they have plenty of old books in stock…….pretty cheap toilet paper. But don’t flush it.

Not saying these things are coming with what is going on now. Things are being prepared. Do you understand that they are testing you and me? How far can they push you? What are you going to do? You have mayors that have issued executive orders that they have the right to take all guns, ammo, alcohol, and fuel. We had a run on the three mini marts for gasoline here in beautiful downtown Pleasantville.

Fear. The opposite of love. Does fear rule you? Do your slave masters rule you?

We were doing some work today and while discussing these happenings made the comment that if we are in fear, it allows the adversary and his minions to do all kinds of things to us. They can cause us pain and injury. Disease – oh we already did that one. And so much more. It breaks down shielding and allows them in where they can accomplish their mischief.

We’ve already let hell in. We are monitored here. Your electronics already do that. You can’t fly certain places now and most likely all travel will be only according to your slave masters rules. You are mind controlled. No? Do you watch TV, or go to the movies, or look at the internet? You are mind controlled. If you disobey your slave masters rules will they put you in a cage? Do they torture like in hell? Ask those at Gitmo and the secret jails they have. Ask the Gadiantons, your rulers, your slave masters what they will do to you if you disobey their commandments.

Is a man, church, government, or such things going to save you? Hey, Mitt wants to give you a grand to get you by. What strings come with that? What does the Lord Christ say? Does Mitt or your other slave masters have a pipeline to Him? Or is it just the dark one they have a pipeline to?

Our only hope is He who knows all things, has suffered for all things, and will tell you what you should be doing. It might be important to connect with the true vine and seek His guidance.

Some have asked me what I think. I don’t. I only want to serve Him, not the slave masters. Only He can really set us free. Only He will have a place where we can be protected. Only He has the power to do this. Your slave masters do not.

“The City of Enoch was protected by this power. Melchizedek established a city with the same power, and it became a City of Peace, a place of righteousness, a part of heaven. Because of this, it followed the same order as the earlier city of Enoch which was taken to heaven. Melchizedek’s city of peace was also worthy to be taken to heaven. People protected by the power are people who deserve heaven’s protection. They establish an environment where angels and Christ can dwell. They are holy, their city is holy, and nature itself will protect such people.

Joseph Smith foresaw the establishment of another city in the last days that would also function under this same order. In that future city there would be a great power hovering over it that will hold at defiance the armies of nations. It will be a place where God’s power will protect the citizens from all harm. The wicked will say it is ‘too terrible’ a place for them to confront, and they will leave it in peace.” (Snuffer, Passing the Heavenly Gift, p. 301, emphasis added)

Will “angels and Christ” dwell under a dark dome like in the northern valleys? And like in the southern valleys? Will nature protect people living under those dark domes?

Joseph saw a future city where “there would be a great power hovering over it that will hold at defiance the armies of nations.” What in the world could that be? What will be hovering over it? The opposite of a dark dome? Will angels and Christ dwell there?

This has already been done in the past history and has been promised to be done again in these the last days. What are we doing to be part of His work? I mean really part of it and not just in talk. Are we walking the walk?

Interesting questions, heh? I’m thinking I’d rather live in this place Joseph described over the hell we live in now.

“Fear or anger energy”

In one of the books we’ve told the experience about when Stephan Schwartz came to Fairview to a “healing seminar” we had.

He told the story of visiting for several days with a Native American Spiritual Leader/Medicine man on a reservation in the Midwest.

While there, a young man was brought in that had a laceration on his thigh that went down to the bone. The medicine man got out a piece of meat and set it on the table next to the young man’s thigh. As he did his healing work on the laceration the meat started to shrink. Eventually it was like a piece of beef jerky. The cut or laceration had been healed. All layers down to the bone had were healed and there was a slightly pink line where the cut had been.

A short while later another young man was brought in that had a similar cut on his thigh. Another piece of meat was brought out and the medicine man started to work on this young man.

Stephan told us that the medicine man was unable to duplicate what he had done with the first young man. He was unable to do any healing at all on the second one.

Suddenly the medicine man turned to the young man’s mother and asked how come she was preventing the healing from taking place.

“I’m angry with him,” was her reply.

Her anger at her son prevented the medicine man from doing the healing work.

Do you think that anger, hate, wrath, disappointment, and other negative emotions can cause bad things to happen? Or how about good things, like healing someone, to not occur?

Are our thoughts when applied with emotion strong enough to cause things to happen? Interesting question.

When this new health “threat” came about the reaction went through the roof, didn’t it? Are people responding with negative emotions?

We have a small group of people we have been training to help us in our work against evil. I called a few of them and it was thought to not hold class for a week or two.

I called my sighted friend to discuss it and her comment was, “That might be a good idea as there is now enough fear in the class that the virus would now be able to get in.”


Is this one of the reasons that Mother Teresa could be among the “poorest of the poor” and not get their diseases because she did her work out of love and not fear? Are you willing to help a leper? And I don’t mean by sending money to some relief group.

Then Snuffer sent out his blog that the conference they are having will still go on and his experience traveling and such. He has no fear and expressed love for nature and life. Funny, he is living life while the rest of the world is shutting down, canceling church, closing stores and restaurants, sporting events, etc.


There is some good speculation that this “virus” is manmade. If this is true, and it probably is, do you think individuals, governments, scientists or whomever makes things like this have dark or light intent. I doubt there is much light in their intent. If not, are they then putting dark energy and intention into something like this? Does it make this like other diseases where there are entities attached? What does the word disease really mean when you break it down? Dis – ease. “Dis” means lack of or not. “Ease” is tranquility or peace of mind. Wow.

If that is true, will a “virus” like that seek out frequencies of dark or evil? Or the biggie – FEAR? Or those that are at dis-ease? Will fear, as my sighted friend said attract it? Maybe we ought to ask our Lord Jesus Christ about that one. Does perfect love, faith in Him, really cast out fear? Do you believe that? Or are we going to believe and accept the fear porn being thrown at us?

You do realize that whatever freedoms they take away with this event will most likely not be given back to you. Do you really enjoy TSA feeling your crotch or breasts? Do we “mooooo” too much? Do we have a herd mentality?

In 2018 there were 1.5 million people that died from tuberculosis. Nearly 80,000 died from the flu last year. So far we have around 5,000 fatalities worldwide from this. Most of those that died from the flu were elderly. Will it be the same with this? Is that because many of the elderly are already sick and on many medications? Is their immune system already shot?

What does faith in God really look like? Like a Mother Teresa or a Snuffer?
Have our slave masters instilled enough fear in you that you are now more susceptible to illness than you were a month ago?
Will that increase as they keep the panic coming? As you can’t get any more toilet paper?

I’m not saying you don’t take precautions. During the winter if people are sick I prefer to stay clear of them. What is that new term they have come up with? Oh yes, “social distancing.” Did they have these new terms and ideas of what they were going to do before this “virus” was brought out, like they did with the Patriot Act after 9-11? Just wondering.

Yes it is a good idea to boost our immune system. That is why I take Ascend, vitamin C, D3, magnesium and zinc. All to boost my immune system. Will what they are calling a “pandemic” kill people? Yes. But so will walking out your door. Is being in fear a good place to be? Do we block the work that our Savior could do because of fear and anger? You do know that when we are in a mode of fear or angry we are losing energy. Gee, I wonder who feeds of off that energy. I assure you it isn’t any Being of Light.

Is it good to have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and His love? Can that be a protection? Just some thoughts.

Now where is that piece of meat? I’m hungry.




Little People

My sweetheart and I went north yesterday to get the last of the Ascend the formulator has made. They are buried with orders for ionic silver and can’t keep up.

He said he’d get me some more next week. Ha, I’ll see that when I believe it. I’m going to leave that dyslexic sentence there so you know what my sweetheart puts up with. 😊

The interesting thing was how busy the stores were. Panic? I don’t know. But the energy of it was enough to give a massive headache. I just felt terrible.

I wonder what it will be like when the real thing kicks in instead of just a test run. What will that energy feel like? I need to remember to put up massive shielding next time I go north.

It was wonderful to come back through the barrier and have all that dark dissipate. It felt real good to be home and really shielded.

My sighted daughter called yesterday. I’m sure it’s like all the conversations we have with our daughters.

“Dad,” she excitedly said, “My little boy is gifted!”

“I don’t know whether to tell you congratulations or offer my condolences,” I replied.

“No, Dad, he’s gifted,” she exclaimed again.

“Okay, so what did he do,” I asked.

“He pointed to a Leprechaun and said, ‘Mom, there’s a Leprechaun.'”

After I quit laughing I asked what the Leprechaun was doing outside of Ireland. She said she didn’t know but there are a lot of them where they live.

He didn’t know he even knew what a Leprechaun was and she had never talked to him about it. She asked him how he knew it was a Leprechaun.

“Cause they told me,” he replied.


Seems the little tyke also sees sprites or little spirits and fairies. (There is a joke there, but I will be a good boy.)

I reminded her that her oldest child also was gifted like this when she was a toddler.

We’ve written about her before. She was the one that exclaimed there were “monsters” in the Manti Temple as we passed it. (They must have had recommends.) Sorry couldn’t resist that one.

Her gift was to see the dark spirits. One of my power animals was a very large grizzly bear. She would call me up at night and say, “Grandpa, there is a monster here, could you send your bear over to get rid of it?” Yes, it was very cute.

Now her brother sees the “Little People.” His cousin was the same way years ago. She is the empath. She would be over playing with the fairies in the bushes in our yard. One day I caught my sighted friend watching her.

“Kind of reminds you of your childhood?” I asked.

She told me yes. She also played with the little people. It was great fun, well until you told an adult.

I’m glad my grandson has a gifted mother so they can enjoy the little people together.

How many of your children or grandchildren “see” the little people, sprites, fairies and spirits? You might be surprised.

Watchmen and light

We have quoted from D&C 101 in the past. Today I want to focus on part of verses 56-58.

The Lord Jesus Christ is telling His warriors (vs. 55) to “go ye straightway unto the land of my vineyard, and redeem my vineyard.”

What in the world is He talking about? Warriors going to redeem a vineyard sounds like war or at least battles to me. Is it? Obviously this isn’t missionary work, the Savior knows the difference between a missionary and a warrior, doesn’t He? Do we? Who is doing the work of the warrior and how do they redeem His vineyard?

This must be important because in the last part of verse states that after His enemies have been avenged, He “will come with the residue of mine house and possess the land.” (Vs. 58) His enemies are going to be destroyed and then He will bring in the rest of His house. Is that the “remnant” that so many are talking about? Either way, it sounds like there will be much work that must be done before the rest of his house or the “remnant” shows up with Him.

Are these the “warriors” He mentioned in verse 55?

In verse 57 He tells his warriors to “break down the walls of mine enemies.” Who are His enemies that He is talking about? Are these mortals? Immortals? Evil? What gives? How are the enemy’s walls broken down?

After this He tells His warriors to “scatter their watchmen.” I know that ancient Israel had watchmen and towers that the watchmen stood upon to get a better view of the approaching enemy. I’m not military, but do they do the same today? I now prisons have watch towers they call guard towers.

Does evil also do this? Evidently, or the Lord Christ would not tell His warriors to throw down the towers and to scatter the watchmen. What do the Adversary’s watchmen look like? What abilities do they have to protect the evil towers? Are they high level dark entities? How do you scatter the dark watchmen?

What are their towers for? We “looked” at a property someone just moved into and is now having problems of a spiritual nature. He has a huge dark spiritual tower in his backyard. What is it doing there and who put it there?

It was created anciently by those of evil. It broadcasts evil, evil energy, dark frequencies and such out to the surrounding area.

The man asked me why he had another tower at this home, as he also had one we dealt with at his last home. Besides being so blessed to have darkness like this in his backyard, he was also is directed to purchase these places with such things on them. Otherwise they could not be “thrown down.” Of course I’m joking about him being blessed, but I’m not joking about him being directed or inspired to purchase said properties.

Nearly all towers that we have dealt with have had guards or watchmen with them, as do the major portals.

It really has been interesting to see this scripture come to life.

What is even better is to see people get relief from the evil that was on their property. Though we do joke and wonder why people don’t spiritually check out the property they buy. They spend a lot of money on inspections, appraisals, and many more physical and financial matters, but give hardly any or no thought to the spiritual aspect of what they are moving into.

Oh, I know, they missed that lesson in Sunday School, Relief Society, or Priesthood meeting or at the local Baptist revival. (Ouch, my teeth came down on my tongue while it was in my cheek.)

No, these things don’t exist to most people, most “religious” people, trained religious scholars, religious leaders, or clergy. Funny, the Lord Jesus Christ knows of them and told His warriors, spiritual and physical, to take care of such things. So what is the problem with your leaders? Is it “head in the sand syndrome?”

You’ve all heard many times what Paul told the Ephesians:

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (6:10-12)

You can read the rest. It is most worthwhile.

The point is, what are you doing to clean up your home and your property and to keep it that way? What are you doing to keep yourself unspotted from the world? Where is the Lord Christ cleaning His vineyard? Is it where the dark black domes are being constructed? And believe me, they are not just being built in SLC and the Provo/Orem area. Both coasts have really nasty ones already done. Can’t you see Satan reigning supreme in those areas already? Time to wake up, to see, and to arise.

A good man told my friend the other day that this country is now in its “death spiral.” When I heard this I thought, “Now that’s a bummer.” Then I realized I had been given four more years to prepare. Did I? Am I?

Time to look to Him. Can I shout that? I just did, but did you hear it?

Next we’ll consider if the Adversary is just doing the opposite of what the Lord Jesus Christ does when he is building domes of evil and darkness. After all, isn’t there opposition or an opposite in all things?

Have a great week.

Sear’s catalogue

Years ago I was with a friend who has seen the trials that are coming.

We were discussing the preparations that would be needed for the coming plagues and got to talking about bartering.

I told him that I had read that some of the best bartering items were coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and such. Those items that people were addicted to.

His only comment was if he had the funds he would purchase a huge warehouse and fill it full of toilet paper. He felt it would become the ultimate bartering item.

I knew he was right, since I am addicted to toilet paper. My mother was a teenager during the great depression and told me what Sear’s catalogues were good for. I wasn’t impressed.

After seeing the pictures and videos of places like Costco, I’d have to agree with him. They have become “toilet paper free zones” the past week.

This may be totally random but I asked the internet why we use our right hands to shake hands with another person and this came up:

“The reason why we shake with our right hands isn’t only because most of us are righthand dominant. It’s partly because shaking with our right was the signal to foes that we weren’t armed. In some cultures, people wipe their tushes with their left handshaking with the right, in that case, is simply more hygienic.”

Now I know why I am not shaking hands anymore and am going to go out and find some more toilet paper. I wonder what cultures those are?

I wonder if my friend ever got his warehouse, I’d like to barter some coffee, tea, cigarettes and alcohol for toilet paper……

On to serious things. Not that toilet paper isn’t serious since there isn’t a Sears’s catalogue anymore and the ads that Deseret Book sends out aren’t very thick.

My sighted daughter called today and shared part of her chat last night with the Savior. Wow, how many of us are having chats with Him every night? And if not, why not? After all we have as much right as she does and He is waiting for us to open that door. I have a feeling that He would like to chat with us.

He told her that in order to survive what is coming, and what is here now isn’t the “bad” stuff, we will need to be like Nephi in the Book of Mormon. He did all that the Lord Jesus Christ asked of him.

If we are not like Nephi and don’t do all that He, the Savior, asks of us, we will not survive the hard stuff. And once again, this virus that is here now isn’t the hard stuff.

Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? Then why is it so hard some days?

Is it something about being children, hen’s wings and being gathered by Him for protection (D&C 43:24; Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34), but we’d rather be over in the other part of the vineyard looking for that huge delicious worm that we just know is there? You know, our ship is coming in next week and we need to be there to off-load all of our gold.

Are we so conditioned or mind controlled, that we know our leaders will tell us when we should do something and how to do it? You know, that arm of flesh trusting thing so many are into with their Government and Church.

After all, He did say, “Come follow me.” (Luke 18:22) He also said to not follow flesh and that there are curses attached to doing so.

Now I wonder if that old bookstore in Provo carries old Sear’s catalogues. I could barter those.

Lunch chatter

Slowly but surely we are working our way through our clearing and gen healing list. We did three clearings today and went to lunch after.

Two friends and their wives, who are also wonderful friends came to help with the clearings. It was fun because the two men are starting to see through the veil. I sure love these good people that come to help. They sacrifice their time to learn, stay clean, be worthy and to help. No one gets any monetary compensation for doing this work and don’t expect or want any. Though many times afterwards we do go to lunch, which we did today. Heck, I even played rock, paper, and scissors with my good friend to see who would pay the bill. Don’t tell him I asked the Lord Jesus to tell me what he was going to play so I could win. He did and I won! I got to pay for lunch.

After sitting at the table for nearly two hours I realized that if the other patrons in the restaurant heard any parts of our conversation they would probably have called for the truck to haul us away to the loony bin.

So how is your lunch conversation?

Remember my friend that we’ve written about that testified of following men and got cancer from it? Well he transitioned this week. I was quite worried that he still had those tendrils around his legs and they had pulled him down into hell.

During our lunch conversation I told my sighted friend that he has passed. Once we started talking about him and how much we liked him, he showed up. I was over joyed! I asked my sighted friend why he had not been taken to hell. She said that through all the pain and suffering he endured and his repentance, he had gone to a place of light. Not as high as he would have wanted, but that is still obtainable – for all of us.

I am so grateful to a merciful Brother, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for allowing my friends suffering to be efficacious towards being allowed into the Light in the Spirit world. He did suffer these past years and it was good he showed up today.

While eating, two other people came. I mean of a spiritual nature. We are doing a generational healing this coming week and the great grandparents of the person we’re doing it for came to lunch. I asked my sighted friend why they had come. She told me that they came to express gratitude for what will be done this week. That may not bode well for the gen healing. The last story will explain my concerns.

What was funny is sometimes my sighted friend can’t tell the difference between a spirit and a mortal. She wondered about this couple. I told her I’d throw my fork at them and if it went through she would know they were of a spiritual nature, if it stuck, well…. No, I didn’t throw my fork. But it was fun that they showed up. Guess they will be there this week.


The reason I said that this may not bode well for us is it seems they are hearing about this stuff in the spirit world. And I thought they were too busy playing their harps and hanging out.

The other week at a generational healing we had 25 ancestors show up wanting their work done. But there were over 500,000 that came to observe what was going on. My sighted friend said they had heard about this generational healing “thing” that goes on here and wanted to check it out. They had terrible experiences with “religion” while mortal and wanted nothing to do with it and felt what the Savior does might smack of religion. That is why they came to just observe. She mentioned that hopefully they won’t be back soon. I told her to not get her hopes up. Once they see and talk to the 25 that had their work done they will probably want help.

I’m going to need a bigger house.

Praise God and have a great Sabbath.