How many times?

That is a good question, isn’t it? How many times will it take or how many chances will the Savior give us?

You can read in the Book of Mormon about all the times a group of people have turned evil and then goes after the Light, wanting to destroy it. They have to suffer pain in order to wake up to their awful situation. In that pain they suddenly remember God, His promises to them or their Fathers and they start the repentance process. Or like in Helaman, chapter 5, when the brothers Nephi and Lehi went to the land of Nephi and were cast into prison. You know the experience, a circle of fire about them and then the Lamanites were struck “dumb with amazement” because of fear. Then Nephi and Lehi tell them to fear not. The earth then shakes and they were overshadowed with a cloud of darkness and then “an awful solemn fear came upon them.”

While in this state of solemn fear a voice came and said for them to repent and leave His servants alone “whom [He] sent to declare good tidings.” Then the earth “shook exceedingly” again and the cloud of darkness is still there. I wonder if they were now beyond being struck dumb with amazement. The voice comes again telling them the same thing, to repent and leave his dudes alone. Then guess what, the earth shook again. Then the voice came a third time and spoke marvelous things to them and the walls and earth shook again. Talk about getting their attention. They couldn’t flee because of the darkness. Pretty cool stuff.

A little side question. Why did the voice come three times, kind of like it did in Third Nephi? Just wondering.

They then look at Nephi and Lehi and their faces are lit up. Aminadab then tells them the two men are conversing with angels and that they, the Lamanites and dissenters must repent and have faith in Christ. They did and wonderful things happened. Well worth you stopping here and reading the entire chapter. What a great Sunday read.

So evidently the Lord Jesus Christ uses fear to wake us up from our awful situations we put ourselves in. You know, the results of the pride and ego cycle.

In March we did a post about fear-porn and how the Adversary uses it to control us. Isn’t it interesting how he uses it for control and the Gods of Light use it to wake us up.

So has all this fear-porn woke you up to your awful situation yet? Or are you in Satan’s power and in fear. Do you like breathing through that mask? Has it become your “new normal?” Don’t you just love the new vocabulary that comes with each episode of fear-porn they foist upon you? Social distancing, slow the curve, lower the curve, stay safe and on and on. Do you enjoy how they tell you it will be two weeks and then more weeks and then months of tyranny or control. Now the control will never end until they get a “vaccine to cure it.” And we sheep believe this?

Question. Who does control? Who does coercion? Who does unrighteous dominion? Not our Savior Jesus Christ. Who gave that mental midget Fauci, or any government agency or person the power to declare rules for your life?

These people that have declared they have the right to trample the Constitution and God’s Natural Laws are Satanists. They have occulted (hidden) what is right and what is wrong. They have destroyed countless lives. Tell me, how come the big box stores have been allowed to remain open and the small business owners haven’t. You mean the “contagion” doesn’t exist in Walmart, Target, your local bar or strip club? If it isn’t there, why did they declare it is in the Churches and said you can’t go there? Why is Big Tech pulling down the videos of doctors and nurses that are saying what is being done is all wrong, that this is a huge hoax, and that their hospitals are empty?

It is because they are Satanists. Did you not see Melinda Gates, the wife of Bill Gates, wearing an upside down cross on national TV. The average American can’t see or understand what is right in front of their eyes. That symbol she wore is a symbol of Satanism. She wore it as a ritual of mockery for us Christians. She was mocking the cattle, you and me, and all of the human sheep, or the herd if you will. The average American is symbolically illiterate and has no idea she was flaunting her religious belief system in their faces. We have no idea what it means symbolically, and cannot understand it is a symbol of worldwide Satanism. It represents the inversion principle, the inversion of right and wrong, the inversion of good and evil, and even the inversion of God and Satan.

This flu scare is about replacing the laws of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with the laws of their god, Satan. It is about coercion, compulsion, and control. They have inverted fear from the way our God uses it at times to wake someone up to Him and Light, to how their god uses fear to keep us in place, stay home – stay safe, to accept their compulsion, control and dominion. Now doesn’t that feel good?……

I told you that life will never be the same. Satan will not give up the ground he has taken and neither will his minions, the governors and other “leaders” be they political, religious, or otherwise. Don’t get me going on religious leaders and their willingness to acquiesce to government. Where does the local LDS bishop in my ward boundary believe he has any right to tell me I can or can’t do the sacrament in my home? The father presides in his home, not some power hungry “religious leader.” Talk about unrighteous dominion. Using coercion, compulsion, and unrighteous dominion is satanic, pure and simple. Would that make him an anti-Christ? If you espouse satanic principles, doesn’t that make you satanic? Enough said about that. Except I doubt some of the religious leaders have any idea, they are doing what they are told, they are order takers. But that is another blog.

Have they mind controlled you yet. Do you automatically stay six feet away from others? Do you wear your mask? I’m not trying to shame anyone, just pointing out their mind control. Some of your neighbors and others will shame you enough if you aren’t six feet away and masked up. First the World Health Organization tells you the masks are essential to your health and you must wear them. Then several days ago they come out and tell you they were wrong and only those that are sick or a medical person helping the sick should wear them. Why did that change? Because it is part of mind control. They knew all along the masks really don’t do much, but they follow the Tavistock Institute of mind control methods. ( They do all they can to put you into fear and keep you there. They have used this fake pandemic to stir up enough fear to power hell for a long time. As the mayor of Chicago said, “We will put you in jail.” Remember don’t step out of line, their line of control. They give you rules and then change them. This makes some people who are already under tremendous stress go crazy.

Do you know they do the same thing in hell? Once a minion arrives there they will beat him up and torture him. If he does his job perfectly they will torture him. Keep him off balance and in complete fear all the time. Is the same thing being done here? Are they keeping people off balance, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other way they can? Of course they are. Are they keeping you in fear all they can? Of course they are. Do you live in hell? Of course you do, it is all around you.

The good thing is Jesus Christ is still here and will give us many chances to turn to Him and become of Light. When you turn to Him you may stick out some, okay, a lot. Those of evil won’t like you. As this world continues to change and become even darker, they may even kick you out of their society or kill you. It has been prophesied that those that have turned to Christ will have to flee to the mountains. Most of you live in the mountains. Are you ready to welcome them? Are you of Light? Have you already accepted one of His chances and turned to Him. Is He a huge part of your life? Do you know Him? Or do you assume you know Him? Are you encountering Him daily?

Your world is sinking into hell at a rapid rate. We have discussed the dark domes being built over your heads. On the Wasatch front they are 95% complete. Good luck up there. I won’t even talk about the rest of America. Take a look at the news and see America on fire and the people raging with anger. See Salt Lake on fire. You were put under what amounts to martial law from last night, Saturday, until Monday. Is that the enmity God placed between Satan and the seed of the woman? See their hatred and their wanting to participate in evil in all of its degradation? The Satanists, your rulers or masters, hate our Lord Jesus Christ. They want to destroy all Christians, all that is good, all that is moral and holy. Our only chance is to turn to Him and none else. The Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. He will accept you no matter how many times you might have rejected him. Just read the Book of Mormon.

God bless.