
We had six clearings scheduled yesterday and ended up doing eleven.

Some days are like that. We did clearings for a wonderful family of six in the morning. Before they showed up several of us decided that we needed to be cleared. You get smeared doing this work. I would tell the energy workers I met over the past two decades that they might want to work on each other to get the sludge off that “splashes” onto them while helping others.

I didn’t know about doing clearings until a few years ago, but it is the same thing, you do get slimed while helping others. Seems to be the natural state of things. So we worked on each other. I may share more on that later.

Anyway, the family we helped were wonderful as I stated. It took about two hours to help all six of them.

Then that evening my longtime friends came, a husband and wife. I really think the world of this couple. He has been dealing with cancer for two years, including a bone marrow transplant. He told me the past one-and-one-half years have been hell for him. I mentioned in a previous post that I saw a real nasty entity attached to him. That is not the long of it.

Before the couple came last night I mentioned to my sighted friend about the nasty critter or entity I had seen on him. “Did you keep looking,” she asked. “No,” I told her, “I figured I’d see the rest when hands were laid on him.” She proceeded to tell me he had a general attached to him and the nasty entity I saw was his bulldog. Wow, I couldn’t wait for this one….. Actually, I wanted to help my friend as soon as able.

We will usually start off a clearing by getting rid of the negative cords and bonds that people get attached to them. We did this to my friend. After that it was time to take care of the general that was attached to him. I cut the cords that were attached and asked the Savior to dispose of him through our Warrior guardians.

It was then my sighted friend looked at the man and said, “You need to say out loud that you want the general and his dog gone.”

What I didn’t know at the time was my sighted friend’s Warrior guardian had the evil general in the corner of the room with his sword pointed at his neck. The nasty bulldog entity was going nuts on his lease the general was holding. The general was telling the Warrior that he couldn’t make him go or do anything to him because the man didn’t want him to go. The Warrior was telling my sighted friend that the man needed to voice out loud that he wanted the evil general gone.

This goes back to the principle that we have seen or experienced more than once. If a person doesn’t want the evil that is on them to go, there is nothing you or even the Lord Jesus Christ can do. We are not allowed to go against a person’s agency. If a person doesn’t want the evil to leave at that point you have to walk away.

The man then voiced that he wanted the evil general and his dog gone. I won’t explain what happened next except to say it wasn’t pretty and there were many pieces of the general that were thrown back down to hell. Oh, and “Toto too.”

While doing clearings we are aware of the life force energy of the person being cleared. We all have life force energy that surrounds us. On most people it will go out two to three inches. As the work is being done, which can take anywhere from five minutes to thirty or more minutes, the energy dissipates or is used. In other words, it goes down. If it gets low enough we have to stop the clearing and finish up at another time. This probably happens about one-third of the time. The man’s life force energy was getting very low and he still needed some things taken care of by the Lord Jesus Christ. My sighted friend asked the three women in the room if they would come and hold his hands and send their life force energy into him.

It worked. He was able to continue. I was in awe of the sight of the three women in the room giving up their life energy to help a stranger. It was just as the Savior did when He declared that “virtue” (life energy) had left Him when the woman touched the hem of His garment. Pretty cool. One of the men who also had hands on the head of my ill friend told me later that he felt the surge of energy enter my friend. Pretty cool indeed.

We spent several hours with this couple. Then one of my other friends, a couple that had helped with the entire process, took my friends out to eat and had them stay at their house to make sure they we secure and safe. I was up most of the night and actually talked to the man of the house who took this couple in about 5 AM. He said he was told in a dream that something dark was coming and to get up and increase the shielding around his home. He had stayed up the night making sure all was well and they were safe. That is pretty cool too.

I watch so many people give and give doing what their Savior and Lord Jesus Christ asks of them. What a wonderful “job” it is. Even if you are dog tired and ill from all of it. That doesn’t matter, what matters is doing what He wants, and doing it His way.

Let me share about my clearing. I have had an insatiable appetite for many months now. I can eat a good meal and still be very very hungry. In the past I have fasted twice for forty days, one was a juice fast and one a water fast, and I never felt that kind of hunger. Like I said, my hunger was insatiable and my stomach would hurt unless I ate something. Finally I asked the Savior and was told that I did indeed have an entity in my stomach that was put there to cause hunger. Maybe it was providential we had the man come that had the hunger entity attached to him. It made me more aware of the possibility. Why didn’t I do something months ago? It might be because you get so involved in continually helping others you put yourself on the back burner so to speak. Anyway, I got a second witness and called my sighted friend for a third witness. She witnessed that I did have an entity there and it had been there for a while.

After my clearing I was curious how the day would go with my stomach and the insatiable appetite. Especially since I was fasting for the day because of all the work we were going to do.

I can report that there wasn’t the hunger that wouldn’t end, it was like a normal fast that I’ve done many times. My stomach didn’t hurt. Praise God!


We did a clearing once and my friend that was helping saw this “mist” or cloud over the woman. Our sighted friend said to leave it alone as it was a mantel of grace the Lord Jesus Christ had given the woman.

Can you believe how incredible the Savior is? A mantel of grace. How fitting for that woman. What a wonderful gift she has been given. I don’t know what that mantel of grace covers, but I can only imagine coming from our Lord Jesus Christ.

All honor, glory and praise to Him and our Mother and Father for their grace and guidance in our lives. May we have open hearts and minds to accept what they desire to give us mortals. May we grow in Their grace and love.

See you all in a week. I’m going to work on my suntan in Arizona. Well, actually we are going there to work and since we will be outside clearing people’s yards and homes my suntan will take care of itself…..