
In one of our books I wrote about a woman that had the gift of looking into the future.  She was diagnosed with cancer and “looked” into the future to find a cure. She found one, brought it back and used it.  She called me asking for help.  Seems she had opened up portals from hell into her body and was being filled with and attacked by demons daily.  No I’m not going to talk about portals going into a person’s being in this post, though that does happen.  Some will put “calling cards” for hell on their bodies while calling it “art.”

In the past I have presented this concept with others and received pushback until they understood that the God’s of Light operate by law.  Some felt that his woman should not have been “punished” for looking into the future and bringing something back that helped her. I asked them if the one-year-old should be punished for falling off the cliff when his family decided to go on a picnic where there were drop offs with no fence to keep curious one-year-olds away from the cliffs edge?  Shouldn’t our Father in Heaven or our Lord Jesus Christ have suspended the law of gravity and have the child float there until one of his parents could get to him?  Good Heavens, what’s wrong with Them?

Let’s transition to the concept that if we “claim” a level of accomplishment within the true gospel of Jesus Christ but really haven’t obtained said level, how will He judge us?  Or what laws will apply to us?  If someone claims to have received the Second Comforter but has not, will that person be judged as if he had?  When those that are truly redeemed, like the two friends I have written about in emails and books, sin, does the atonement apply to them?  Or do they then have to pay the price for those sins.  They are at a level that they are “voluntolds.”  The Lord Jesus Christ tells them what to do and they obey.  They laid their agency on the altar long ago, endured the fires of affliction and testing and came out true and faithful to all things.  But what if I claim that level?  Will the atonement still apply to me?  Those two go before the council of the Gods of Light for instruction.  Do I?

What if you are a male holding true priesthood and someone comes requesting baptism.  Should you automatically “dunk” them?  Or should you first inquire of the Lord Jesus Christ what He would have you do?  Shouldn’t you do this ALL the time?  Or just because they asked you to do it you will.  If they are a conscious being and really haven’t repented or fulfilled the requirements of baptism (And I don’t mean an interview with an ecclesiastical authority) and you baptize them, will it be as if you had just baptized a bag of sand?

What if you go to a man and ask him to baptize you, in or out of any church or fellowship, and that man really holds no authority?  Did you just get baptized by a bag of sand?  Is it valid?  “He said he had received authority from God,” you say.  What did the Lord Jesus Christ say?  Did you ask Him?  Is the Lord Jesus Christ required to operate by laws?  Or can He just make them up as He goes along?

When dealing with the realms of darkness there are also laws that apply.  (Yes, I know that the adversary and his minions do all they can to bend those laws.)  When starting out on the Lord’s path the level of evil entity that is allowed to “attack” you, will be commensurate with your level of understanding or consciousness.  As you progress the level of dark entity allowed to bother you will also increase in size or power.  Before you receive the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Comforter, you will be required to encounter one of the really bad ones.  Just ask Joseph Smith about his experience with Cain and what isn’t in the account he gave us.  His comment that he thought he would die covers a lot of ground.

So if I’m on a second grade level, but declare that I’m the cat’s meow, and have received the Lord in the ordinance of the Second Comforter, will that level of evil entity commensurate with what I have declared, or led others to believe to be so, now be allowed to be entertained by me?  Even though I have not been tried and found worthy, but because I declared it to be so, I get that level of entity playing with me.  And I do say “playing” because that is what they will be doing with me—playing, having fun and games on their end, not so much so fun for me.  I will not have had the experience, understanding, or level of consciousness required to handle those kind of entities.  I will be like the woman that went into the future without permission, brought back a cure also without permission, thereby violating our God’s laws and now must pay the price herself.  By the way, I called to inform her, the portals she had allowed to enter her body by not seeking permission and disobeying eternal laws will only be closed when she has paid the price in full herself.  The atonement will not apply to her.  She agreed with what I told her, saying the Spirit had confirmed it before I called.  If you want to play in the game, it might be good to find out what the rules are first.  Is that why we are commanded to ask the Lord Jesus Christ in all things?

Several people came asking about their baptisms, if they were valid.  I inquired and found that they were not valid.  Upon further inquiry, I was told the person performing the baptisms had valid authority, but the people that had been baptized had not fully repented so it was not valid for that reason.  They had enough consciousness to understand about entities, possession, oppression, and such but had not cleared themselves of such entities and therefore it was if the man had baptized bags of sand. If the Holy Ghost had been given by one with Patriarchal authority that wouldn’t have “taken” either.

If a man claims Patriarchal priesthood, yet holds only Aaronic or no priesthood, and proceeds to do things associated only with the Patriarchal priesthood, will he then be judged to that standard?  Absolutely he will. Will all he has done hold the same authority as a bag of sand?  You tell me. Will entities that are normally only allowed to afflict those of a Patriarchal order now be allowed to afflict that man?  Absolutely.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is not playing games.  All of what is going on is so very serious.  Do we get caught up in the moment of excitement and want to be baptized because we turned eight, or because all of those others are doing so?  Are we part of “group think”?  Heck, twenty others are there at the reservoir getting dunked, Freddy the Baptist is doing the dunking, we’re all so excited to be part of, of, of this movement!!!  Yea! I’m in! Dunk me, dunk me!  I’m saved.

Or were you just a bag of sand?

“Therefore wo be unto the Gentiles if it so be that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God. For the time cometh, saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and marvelous work among the children of men, a work which shall be everlasting, either on the one hand or on the other; either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal or unto the deliverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity and also unto destruction, both temporally and spiritually, according to the captivity of the devil of which I have spoken.” (Book of Mormon)

Will our hearts be so hard and our mind so blind that we will be brought down into captivity temporally and spiritually by the devil?  If so, that captivity can destroy us.

The requirement is upon us individually to also ask the Lord Jesus Christ if the one performing an ordinance has the required authority to act in His name, in or outside of any church or organization.  It is also upon us to know if we have done all that is required before we seek any ordinances.  Getting caught up in the movement or moment is no excuse.  I used to think that ignorance was bliss.  But not if you want to become like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The game is afoot and it’s time to get in.  Though, me thinks the demons do play with us……sandbags…….