Belief and Energy

I remember hearing about the woman who would cut off the ends of the pot roast. Her young daughter asked her why she did this and she had no idea except her mother had also done the same thing. She called her mother and asked why and got the same answer, that her mother had done the same thing. So they called a now aged great grandmother and asked her why she had cut the ends off the pot roast. “My pan was too small for the pot roast so I cut the ends off,” she replied.

Cute story, but how many of us do things because of habit, which are learned behaviors or even traditions like this in this story. Are some of those habits damning (stopping) us?

Back in 2005 we did a workshop for a woman that came to teach about energy work. I had heard her on late night radio months previously. I could only hear the station in my car, so I was out there at one in the morning with my fork in hand. She taught us how to do it and after twenty minutes of doing her technique I couldn’t get it to bend. I had one of my wife’s good forks, not the thin, cheap kind we normally use. Another five minutes of doing her “energy work” and I felt something different with the fork. I tried to bend it and it was like rubber. It bent in half and was soon hardened in that position. I knew my wife wouldn’t be happy but hey, I had bent a fork with energy!

Yes, I know, energy work, something that many Christians and even those in my church believe is evil and dark. Well, of course it can be, but it is also light. I can use a hammer to build or destroy, my choice. It is the same with what people call energy work. I prefer to call it higher spirituality. Those that want to control you, typically governments and religions, don’t want you to know of or understand such things. So they do things like calling it the occult. The word “occult” means “hidden.” That’s all. But realize there is the dark occult and the light occult. The LDS would say those things that are hidden, which they consider sacred, in the temple would be of the light occult. Other Christians would disagree, and would do so without checking it out or believing what others, especially disaffected LDS, have to say.

It is my hope that readers here are open minded and soft hearted and would never do such a thing. That they would never believe rumors or what others say, that they would check out what is true or not with the source if available. Though I know some people are lazy and will not do that. It is so much easier to believe the crud that goes around. Wow, it is delicious to the taste, isn’t it, even though it comes from the adversary.

Sorry about that little side trip.

This woman came to Mt Pleasant and we had about 200 seats in the senior center. A lot more than that showed up. In the morning she taught meditation, how to develop energy and run it around your body, and the importance of being able to focus. If you are going to do anything of a spiritual nature it is best to raise your frequency by getting into a meditative state. Deep, slow breathing will also help immensely as will “running” energy. All of us attendees learned these techniques. After practicing these things she asked us to get our forks or spoons out that she had told us to bring. Many of us were newbies, but were ready for the grand experiment.

She went through the process of how to bend a spoon or fork. I remember one gifted friend that was there held up her fork in about one minute and it was twisted in knots. That was one of the moments in my life that I didn’t know if I liked gifted people or not. In her exuberance she didn’t realize how us mere mortals sometimes get intimidated by the gifted. One minute, really? I put her out of my mind and focused on the task at hand—bending my fork. It took me some fifteen to twenty minutes and I felt that “change” take place. I kept working with the energy as I wanted to really twist it and bend it. Below is my fork. Please take a decent fork and using just your hands squish it together like that! You can’t do it.

To say I was excited would have been an understatement. Right after the woman told us to take a break. I went around the room to take a look at what everyone had done. About 80% of the room had bent their forks or spoons. I went up to a group, a family and asked to see their forks or spoons. They all held up a fork or spoon that was ready to be used to eat with, no bending here. And then they each said the most interesting thing:

“We can’t do stuff like this.”

And they were right. Stopped short, cut off, damned or whatever you choose to call it. When we declare that we aren’t, can’t, don’t, or any other negative declaration, we are right. We are unable, can’t, don’t, and aren’t. We have vocalized our unbelief and Natural Law will obey us. If you lay hands on someone to cast a demon out and you say, “We would like this demon gone. If you’d take it away Lord that would be awesome, pleeease.” The only reason the demon would leave is because it would be on the floor laughing its fool head off. But don’t worry, it will be right back once it settles down…. Be bold, declare as the Lord Jesus Christ would. I keep looking in the scriptures to find where he told His Father He couldn’t do such and such. Or where he begged a demon to come out. Ha, He understood Natural Law and knew how to use it.

I was questioning Z the other day traveling to a portalcism about when the Lord Jesus Christ healed the blind man. I had prayed about it and felt that particular healing was not instant. We discussed the incident and at the end she made the statement that after a miracle happened during the Lord’s time, some would declare, “I can’t believe it.” Guess what happened then? It stopped the miracle. What we declare is so very vital to what flows or comes after. I know some people that are gifted have made the statement to me that “Where attention goes, energy flows.” True statement and fact. But that flow of energy can be “damned” with a negative statement or with unbelief. (And yes, his sight came back gradually.)

Does energy flow? Yes. Just think of the experience the Lord Jesus Christ had with the woman that touched the hem of his cloak or garment. He stated that he felt “virtue” leave him. The footnotes give us several other synonyms for virtue: power and strength. In fact there was another time where “The whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19) Power went out of him, or dare I say it? Energy. It’s all the same. You mean the Lord Jesus Christ used energy to heal? Absolutely. We stop that within ourselves with negative statements or statements of unbelief.

Is that why the Lord Jesus Christ needed to get rid of the mourners when he went to heal the daughter of Jairus? He “put them out.” Why? Because their negativity or unbelief as they “laughed him to scorn” would have stopped her being raised from her bed. Unbelief stops energy, stops healing which uses energy, power, and virtue; whatever you choose to call it.

Why do the “psychics” have a difficult time using their gifts in front of Pen and Teller, or the Amazing Randi, skeptics that offer a reward if someone does something paranormal or psychic in front of them and they can’t disprove it? For the same reason that the Lord Jesus Christ couldn’t do miracles in his own town. Unbelief stops miracles, the flow of power, strength or energy.

I have used energy for healing. Always with permission from my Father or the Lord Jesus Christ. I have seen miracles happen that are not explainable to those with closed minds, with unbelieving hearts. God’s laws work for everyone, both the good and the not so good. It is your choice how to use them as it is your choice to believe or not. What we declare, especially with emotion, will come to pass. How many of you have told your son what a pain in the butt he is thousands of times and now have hemorrhoids? Ouch.