Choices and Habits

We will continue with Empaths later. There are a few things I wanted to write about while they have been freshly stepped in…..

A young couple lived across the street from us and the wife developed cancer. It came to the point that it looked like there was no way she could make it. I had gone over and shoveled their driveway on many occasions so I had a pretty good friendship with the husband, he being grateful for the help. One night I was praying about them and asked if she was appointed unto death. “No, she is not,” was the reply. After many discussions with the Lord about them, getting second and third witnesses that I wasn’t too crazy, I girded up the old loin cloth and headed across the street. After talking to the husband and wife for a while they told me that the Spirit had told them to accept any offers of help that came their way. Holy cow! An opening I thought. So I synched the cloth again and in a higher pitched voice offered to help them. (My voice was high because of stress, not the loin cloth…)

I told them that I had prayed and had received a witness that she, the wife, was not appointed unto death. So in reality she didn’t have to die, but it was her choice. They knew the story of our daughter Denise so I told them about my friend in Arizona whose veil had dropped at the age of 16. She too, had been through some health issues. I told them that this young woman volunteered at a camp for children that had cancer. She had volunteered at this camp for several years so she had history with many of the attendees. She noticed that ALL of the kids with cancer had demons or devils attached to them in the area where their cancers were. She also noticed that when the children were so ill that they were near death, most of the evil entities went away left the child alone. Then the child would go into remission and start to get healthy again. Once they got healthier the evil entities came back and started to suck the life out of them again and then they would usually pass away.

This was an amazing experience she had witnessed. I sought understanding in prayer and then talked to several that see through the veil and they said they had seen the same thing, evil entities attaching to cancer victims where they had the disease. This was such an exciting concept that is why I shared it with my neighbors.

They were told that I’d bring back some sighted people and then I’d voice a blessing to cast off the offending entities attached to the wife. If she ate healthy, changed habits, ways of thinking, probably belief patterns then she could make it back to good health. But at least the entities would be gone. The husband said they would call me so we could come over because as previously mentioned the Spirit told them to accept any and all help.

A call never came. The family moved to where their parents lived so as to be closer to family so when she passed he would have help with the kids. It worked just as they had planned it, two months later they buried the mother.

I guess some things and people with synched up loin cloths are just too weird at times. I know there are many in and out of my church and in fellowships that are the same way, closed hearts and minds. That makes it hard for the Lord Jesus Christ to work in our lives. I have been called weird or strange by more than a few “educated” people. They tend to stay away from what we are about. That is awesome! Makes it easier to live life and choose the Lord Jesus Christ when the closed minded and hearted people aren’t around.

We have seen more than a few people heal when the dark entities are removed and the person is able to get proper care without having to struggle against having their very life sucked out of them. But it is always about choices, isn’t it.


This winter as I was getting some wood out of the shed I slipped on the snow and ice. While trying to keep the wood from falling out of the container, it flipped and a piece of wood carved a nice gash into the knuckle of the middle finger on my right hand. Blood flowed instantly and continued all the way back to the house where I ran it under cold water. The cut was a half inch (I measured it) in length and quite deep. I grabbed some tissue to apply pressure to see if I could get the bleeding to slow down.

As I sat on the couch I proceeded to have a conversation with the Lord Jesus Christ. I reminded Him of the time in Oklahoma City when Dave and I were staying at his daughter’s home and my back was so bad I could hardly walk, let alone help Dave do the job he was paying me to do. I had asked the Lord Jesus Christ if He would heal me form the slipped disc that happened over thirty years previous and continually caused me pain and the inability to do much of a physical nature. He said He would and asked what I wanted Him to do. I had been reading a book about healing and the idea came to me to bring the past into the present. Not to change the past, but to alter or change my present reality. (Cue the Twilight Zone music.)

He told me to do my breathing and get into a meditative state. I did. I could feel my frequency rise up, it felt real good. There was a connection established between my heart and my brain. I was then told to “see” in my mind’s eye my back the way it was forty years ago, before I had fallen down my in-laws stairs, twice. I focused on what it was like to have a back that worked, that had no pain and then I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to bring that reality into my present time. My back pain went away instantly. I had a new back in that particular spot. He told me that if I brought the former reality into this new one it would change back and be injured again. I had to get rid of my old habits, the pain I was used to experiencing and change my thought patterns. If I expected it to hurt like it had for thirty years when I walked, sat, or did anything physical, I could bring it back. Yea, I know, how in the world do you change thirty years of habits? Let alone how I had felt the previous 7 days on the road in very severe pain.

Before this change I had to literally grab a piece of furniture or use a walking stick to even stand up, and even then the pain was so intense I was bent over. Now the Lord Jesus Christ was telling me that I had to erase those memories from my mind and just stand up. That was a leap of faith. I put my hand on the wall and stood up – no pain. I walked out into the living room where Dave was and he asked what I’d done. It was hard to explain but I tried. It was strange to have no pain in that spot.

There were times when as I stood up I’d hesitate and start to grab something because I was so conditioned to the pain. At those times I could “feel” the reality start to change back and I’d consciously cancel it out, declaring that I choose this new reality, that my back is healed and I can function normally. As I declared this, I could feel the new reality “kick back in.”

Then He reminded me of something we have written about in previous books. When I was at a friend’s home and his son came in showing us he had cut his palm quite severely while cutting up some vegetables. He came back some fifteen minutes later and showed us his palm. There wasn’t as much as a scratch on it. We asked what he had done and he calmly told us that he had decided that he’d already experienced cutting his hand and decided not to have this experience right now and it went away. He had changed his reality.

Two days later I accidently burned my finger while cooking (proof that I should never cook). I watched as a large blister grew and it started to really hurt. Thinking of my friend’s son, I said that I already knew what it was like to feel the pain from a burn and I didn’t want to experience it again right now. The pain went away. The blister stayed, but no pain from a second degree burn.

So let’s get back to my cut finger. I started to bring in the reality of my finger before the cut, telling myself that I also didn’t need the pain; I had experienced both already and I choose the reality of a healthy finger. I could feel it start to change when I heard my wife walk in the back door.

Oh, I thought, I need to show her this deep cut and all the bleeding, that way I can get some….and then I heard the Lord say, “You have made your choice.”

At that moment I knew that I had chosen to receive pity or sympathy from my sweetheart instead of a healing from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Habits. Dang.