“Hey Marge!”

We have been in many homes where all the rooms and closets have dark portals in them. (A portal is a “doorway” to hell.) In some homes that seems to be the norm. Their property have also been covered with portals to hell, many hundreds of them.

I’m going to throw in a mix of experiences from several homes we have been to in order to teach what can happen to a family or person that happens to live around or with them. Some don’t like to read or learn of these kind of things. That is okay, just hit delete. It reminds me of the woman that asked to be removed from our email list because we don’t tell “uplifting” stories any more, she said we are too serious and blunt. My response to her was that are in a war, the battle rages on and we have been assigned to teach some concepts that may not be “so pleasing” to the spiritually immature. Remember, Joseph Smith said that “Knowledge saves a man; and in the world of spirits no man can be exalted but by knowledge.” (TPJS, p. 357)

Most of the larger portals in a home or yard are ancient. You know the deal. Ancient people find God, repent and become righteous. Ancient people become blessed by God and become wealthy. Ancient people then forget God and become sinners. Many times the Ancient people turn to satanic worship until they are pounded into the ground by God and the cycle continues.

In this area we had several ancient cultures, namely the Jaredites, Nephites, and Lamanites. All three did the repentance cycle we were taught in Sunday school. All three ended their cultures as extremely evil people who did all manner of evil and iniquity. We have closed portals where anciently there had been an estate of a high level satanic high priest, schools, synagogues or meeting houses with classrooms, training centers, recreations centers, (Can you say whore house?) and satanic temples where they did the most abominable things that opened level 25 portals where the worst of that world could come up from hell. The temple may have long been destroyed, but the portals remain where the sacrifices of innocence on an altar happened. Where one home and property was had been a training place for children to teach them how to create portals to hell. There were rows and rows of small portals like in a garden.

And wonder of wonders, we come along in our day and age and purchase some property and build a home there. (Some of which is a monument to the gods some people worship.) Now if my bed is over an ancient satanic portal, say a level 18, like it was for two of my grandsons, will that dark evil energy affect me? Absolutely. Negatively? Yes. How can it not affect us, especially the higher level active ones that have entities guarding them? From one of Z’s reports:

“Although all portals are quite fascinating, for the most part, they are not the least pretty nor inviting for entrance… The emitted energy appears as, pulsing, jagged black spikes laced with deep reds, various shades of purple, a sickly green, a little dark orange, and some light to dark gray colors. The general interior is roiling and boiling with the dark, somewhat oily looking, colors as they are pushed up to be jettisoned past the surface of the floor and land. It appears the vast majority of the portals are, slowly, rotating in a counter clock wise direction. Some of the colors shoot straight up through an overhead, large (often about 6 feet in diameter), tube into the room above.”

Yes, just where I want my bed. Oh and we aren’t talking about what comes out of them from hell either that will affect a mortal as they pass into your room. Imagine those that shield their homes and keep all of this in? Maybe I’d better not go there…. And as mentioned, the higher level portals have guards stationed there at all times. “Hey Marge, maybe we should have fasted and prayed harder about buying this piece of property and home!!!”

So along comes Bert and his sweetie, Marge. They buy the place and settle down to raise their family. Unbeknownst to them, they have an ancient level 16 portal where the master bedroom is located. Will it affect them? Over the years Marge has all kinds of health issues as does Bert. There are many times when they argue and verbally abuse each other. Smaller portals are created as a result of these actions. Over time the anger, arguing, hate, jealousy, pride and basic discord cause several of the newly formed portals to keep growing. Soon there isn’t just one ancient level 16, but now Bert and Marge have grown two new level 16 dark portals to go along with the ancient one. And you thought only women could give birth.

And it doesn’t end there. Because of the discord, anger, manipulation, and general evil actions Bert and Marge have perpetrated on each other, they now have invited “friends” to accompany them at all times. Yes, they have entities in and on them. Oh, aren’t they cute….

“Marge, my chest is killing me. For some reason it just started hurting.”

“I should hope so Bert, I threw a pretty nasty spiritual weapon at you!”

This is the other problem because in our anger, hate, and all things of a dark nature, we throw weapons of evil at each other and most of the time don’t even realize we have done such a thing. Devices, weapons, shunts, curses, hexes, implants, cords, attachments, and such seem to be thrown around willy-nilly between spouses that should be totally, completely Christ centered and in love with each other. Most have no idea they are perpetrating such things on their spouse and children. And it a can start with something as simple as moving into a home where there are portals of such a high level it causes us to become something worse than when we moved in. Or a home built on land that had small portals and we nourished them with dark, evil thoughts, emotions, and actions. The problem is, the portals, wounds, and all things evil will fester and grow worse with time. We’ve told the story of a friend that came to fast meeting and while bearing her testimony she mentioned us and all of our “weird” friends and had a spiritual battle axe thrown into her back from one of the leaders on the stand. She could hardly breathe until we got home and removed it. “Hey Marge, I hope you enjoy that dark spiritual meat cleaver I just chucked at you!”

If our homes and properties are not “cleared”, what is there will affect us in negative ways. It will affect our children and our marriage. It will affect how we treat our children and spouse. Evil, dark, negative energy will do that to us. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out and we’ve seen it hundreds of times. Though we’ve met some people that are so spiritually or energetically dead they can’t tell anything about what might be in their home. Well, that, and the fact most have never been taught to feel.

For those that did have hell show up, I can’t tell you how many times people have told me they have dedicated their home and nothing changed. Their children were still attacked by entities. They’ve called in the local church authorities who have said a blessing in or over the home and nothing changed.

Does it really take knowledge as Joseph Smith stated? A great example is when we walked into a home where they had placed pyramids and worked at clearing the home and soon found there were no level 1 through 8 portals there. We chuckled as we entered every room and found one or two pyramids there. They used the knowledge offered to get rid of them. If we understand what these dark portals can do to us and our families’ maybe we can stand a chance on overcoming the evil influences they infuse into a home. Or how about our friend who has a spouse that isn’t very nice to her. We entered her “sanctuary” and found more than a few pyramids there. She told us that he will come to the door, but will not enter. Guess what’s on him doesn’t like the positive energy or Light in that space. Maybe Bert and Marge need to know about this.

I don’t know about you, but I really want to hear more of what Bert and Marge experienced. We’ll hear more from them tomorrow.

Take care.

*Bert and Marge are fictional characters and are not based on anyone I know, though they are a composite of many hundreds of people we have met. I am sure many of you most likely have met each of them many times in your past.