“Nice ‘Chia pet’ hair Marge”

Let’s continue with Bert and Marge and their story. Some have emailed telling me how “funny” the last post was. Yesterday it had some funny elements to me, today not so much. We did eight clearings today. Z snuck over for the last six of them. We encountered things neither of us had seen on anyone before on these last six people. It was serious stuff. Please understand, they are really good people, just loaded with years and years of junk they have been packing around. If I understood right, all of them have been to energy workers, healers, and such in the past. I wondered why they were so loaded.

In a previous post the question was asked, “How far do you go in telling people what is there?” If Marge comes to my home for a clearing, do we tell her everything that is on her? We start at the head and work our way down the body clearing all the Lord Jesus Christ allows to be cleared. Just today we had a good man that needs to come back twice more because there is so much on him. His “bodies” wouldn’t be able to handle it if everything was cleared in one setting. I think the world of this man and it was hard to see what he has been afflicted with. Some of which is a result of his choices and some from others sending him their dark nasties. We were very open with him because he could “take” it. What if Bert contacts us and tells us all is well in their home and with them, but asks us to look and verify what he and Marge feel. Then we take a look and see it differently. What do we do then? We have faced this dilemma many dozens of times. As mentioned in the past people tell us they can “take it.” Or are they just looking for validation of what they feel and believe. “Hey Marge, Z said we have a level 21 portal in our home. Do you really want believe that? What do you tell Marge and Bert if this is the truth as you see it? Is ignorance bliss? Does what’s in their home still affect them or are they immune to it?

The problem is if they really do have several large active dark portals in their home they will always come with entities. Those entities will work with the dark beings that are attached to the inhabitants of the home making them think all is well. If they can accomplish this, then the family is trapped and is being guided by the dark evil beings on them and in their home. All the while they go along in life blissfully feeling that “all is well in Zion.” Is that one reason the Lord Jesus Christ decries this statement. Because the chances are if we believe this we are a kept people or family? Kept at bay by that which dwells in and on us. Maybe cold storage would be better. Do you then tell Bert and Marge the reality or let them blissfully go along in life.

Today we are going to share a small sampling of things seen and experienced with people we have worked with doing clearings and portalcisms. It comes from the reports that Z does after the experience. Hopefully you will understand how serious this business of portals, cords, attachments, evil entities and such is. All of these are good people:

“The parents of the household had numerous entities attached and within their bodies.”

“She was having some rather severe mental issues due to literally living with high-end portals.”

“The wife also exhibited physical illness due to the many entities and implements contained within her own body. A large, very dark, very evil, Lieutenant had cords of attachments held in his hands with the strands fastened into her head and down all chakra points of her body. The Lieutenant exuded considerable anger and exceptional pride.” (If this was Marge, I’m sure this Lieutenant had zero influence over her and she never exhibited any element of pride and anger……….)

“He especially was badly afflicted with evil entities, implements and assorted gremlins, requiring the specialized priesthood blessing which would call our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Christ in to remove it all and heal the gentleman.”

“The first thing performed was the cutting of all the bonds between her and the Lieutenant General of evil. My guardian had been poised and ready to engage the terrible being in combat. The instant the bond was cut the Lieutenant General was promptly removed from out of the house, to another portal and hacked to pieces. What was left of the body was dumped into the portal. My guardian instantly returned to stand behind my right shoulder.”

“Because there were so many dark weapons and in general implements of evil I was wondering if the man would have the strength to endure the removal of all of it.”

“The entities on the father and mother were always at odds with each other. It is amazing the family was still a single unit, for many families have been destroyed in similar situations. It shows the parents have an unusual amount of strength to withstand so much evil influence whereby they were still a single-family unit.” (Please read this one twice.)

“It was difficult to actually see the woman’s body she was so brutally covered with cords and crazy attachments.”

“Next to be addressed were the 42,000 plus cords and attachments on the woman’s body. She looked like an overloaded, long-haired, ©Chia pet. The various medications taken over the years and the many general people ******* has met were the cause for the excessive number of attachments. There was a great whooshing sound and suddenly the cords and attachments dropped off and, via the nearby open portal, were literally flushed into hell! It happened so quickly it was difficult to visually ascertain the cause of the sound. From just a few feet above everyone’s heads, something opened up (possibly a huge vat?) dumping a bright silvery, with blue streaks, liquid substance on top of *******. I expected ******* to react as if she had experienced a huge bucket of cold water dumped on her. Obviously, she had felt nothing for she continued to sit serenely and at perfect peace. Amazingly, Doug heard the sound. He asked the event title be recorded as: The Great Flush! He did have a point, since, in a way, it sounded somewhat like a toilet being flushed. It’s difficult to keep a straight face when there are so many chuckles, twitters, and quiet snickers.”

“An approximately three-month-old baby, due to some high level portals was being afflicted by the forces of evil. Anyone living or even visiting the property would experience unpleasant sensations. There had been poltergeist activities which frightened those whom were in residence…. A level 18 portal was in the baby’s room. A good portion of the floor was covered by the portal.” (Hey Marge, let’s make sure we put the baby where the worst portal is. Want to make sure hell has good access so they can take him to hell at night!)

“The man had many implements within his body. He had an amazingly large, exceedingly sharp, multi-headed, weapon of war embedded square in the middle of his chest. It was covered with obvious venom and a black goo that could and would cause considerable emotional and physical distress. It’s a wonder the man’s still mortal.”

“She has something in her right shoulder. A device that curves. It goes in, curves and then comes back out. (It looked very similar to a large Carpet Maker’s needle with the exception it was made from a black, metallic, substance littered with spots of green and yellow ooze.”

And to a woman that had attempted suicide several times:

“You have two entities attached to you. Both of which have lines to your mind and into your back. You also have other smaller ones that are in various places that are on your body. You are a very valiant spirit; a very valiant spirit. They have disrupted some of your enzymes as well as the chemistry within your whole system to throw you out balance. The anger has given the one greater strength. The fear has given the other one greater strength. You actually have two of them on you or attached to you. They are not integrated with you. They are preferring to stand, the main ones are preferring to stand, side-by-side, outside your body. But, they have lines, literally, attached to you, wrapped around your brain and head and down your spine. They have implements that are within your body and attached on the outside of your body. You have been through a lot and have held up through a lot.”

First, let me say that all of these individuals are wonderful people. People that I would invite over for dinner in a minute and have with many of them. Most, if not all, have moved into places that are littered with ancient portals. Yes, they may have generational issues, but we are discussing portals today and what they can do to us. If they continued to live with evil portals, what would their chances be of clearing themselves and becoming like Him? People have told me, “I cast out and shield every day and it doesn’t seem to help.” Is it any wonder? You can’t cast out larger portals, it requires understanding and knowledge to destroy them and then to heal the land. Shielding will keep the entities in your home if it isn’t clear. “Jesus Christ will come and clear them for me.” Awesome. Let me know how that works out for you. Seems to me there is a requirement for a mortal with proper faith, authority, and understanding to voice the command or request before Heaven can act. Isn’t this the “Brother of Jared” principle? If you have a rather large powerful entity on you, it might require more than you “casting out” to get rid of them. Especially when integration has occurred. If there is a General behind you with cords going into each chakra and you try to cast him out, be ready for some loud laughter, some condescending chatter and swearing, and even more control exerted over you.

There is a caution in all of this, which we have discussed before. When relieved of portals and entities in the home and cleared of the same on you, it is imperative to get rid of or change your habits so as to not invite them back! If the entities have “helped” us yell at our spouse and children for years and years it has most likely become a habit which formed neural networks in the brain. We must change those habits, get rid of them, or the problems will come back, meaning the entities will return. Only they come back more powerful and more of them. We’ve already written about this in the books.

Once again, it is the man’s stewardship from the Gods of Light to protect the home with his spouse at his side. This is always under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ, of course. If there is no man in the home, then it falls upon the woman that resides there. This is quite important and there is a feeling that not only is the flesh weak, but many are not willing. It takes love, time, and work to protect those you have under your stewardship. Just ask Bert.

“Hey Marge. I sure do love you! Wow, you look so much better without those ‘Chia pet’ cords coming off of you.”

We hope all will understand that any and all portalcisms, clearings, blessings, and work on individuals must be done with the permission of, under the direction of, and with the authority of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the true Healer and only He understands how to succor us. Only He comprehends all things. Though you can always try out the dark lord Source first. I’m sure he would love to “help” you.

Take care all.

*Bert and Marge are fictional characters and are not based on anyone I know. Though many of you most likely have met each one many times in the past.