Mind Expansion

So how was your week? Did you experience? Did you learn? Anything?

We ended up doing a real quick trip to Arizona this week. It seems that when little children are pulled out of bed by demonic entities it gets Z’s dander up and our response time gets ramped up. The children were way cute and I’m glad they will get some relief now.

But now to an experience or two. We were driving north and I was enjoying looking at a few stars as I drove the borrowed van we were all in. One really bright star caught my attention, straight ahead only a little to the left. The road was incredibly straight at that point so I was able to take a long look at this star. Then it began to slowly move from the left side of the road to the right side in my line of sight. Wow, I thought, the road must be slowly curving.

Then out of the blue Z makes a statement, “In the sky there are planets, stars, and ships.”

I must admit, the thought had occurred to me it was a ship, but I immediately had dismissed it. I’m not that lucky to see “ships” I thought.

Then as I was watching what I now realized was a ship she said, “And sometimes ships just blink out.”

It instantly blinked out and was gone. She knew they were going to leave or go stealth!!! I asked if they could come back and land right in front of us. Z’s only comment was their presence would burn the rest of us in the van. I remembered from my studies how terrestrial beings have a higher frequency and will actually harm those of us that don’t “vibrate” at their level. Why do you think it won’t be good for those on the earth when the various Zions that have gone up come back? If we don’t have their level of spiritual frequency we can’t be in their presence without burning up. Nevertheless, I was content to have seen this “UFO.” Z had identified it and was in conversation with them. What are the inhabitants of the Zions that have gone up doing? Probably testing us, helping us, and protecting us. Work. Pretty cool experience.

I have found that when I raise my spirituality and frequency through the various means we have taught at the workshops and in the books, fun things will happen, like seeing a ship. Last week we had finished a portalcism and clearing, and since we had fasted for a few days before we were kind of famished. At the restaurant I was sitting across from Z when I started to describe a demonic control device that had been on the man’s chest. It was modern looking and electronic. I told Z that when I first saw the device before asking the Savior to remove it, I wanted it to look different than it actually was. Suddenly she started to crack up laughing. I realized that she was very clearly seeing what I was visualizing in my mind. The world calls it telepathy. (I had wanted the device to be like something out of a Frankenstein movie with large knobs and levers with lightening flying all around.)

What a great way to experience a gift that is normal to those of Zion. When I am at a high enough level of frequency and spirituality I have found that I can send Z my thoughts and intents and she easily “sees” them. She can hear and see them anyway, but it is fun to actually knowingly send them and know she received them. Practice.

Years ago I had a very gifted friend that has since transitioned that was telepathic. She was also fun to be around, especially when she would answer my questions without me ever voicing it. She taught Relief Society lessons in her church and was always very disappointed hearing the thoughts of the women in the room as they wondered what to make for dinner, their looks, about their kids, other people, etc. Very few were ever connected to the lesson being given.

Through conversations with others on this Arizona trip I had some understandings strengthened.

Frequency is one of those natural laws I have mentioned in past posts. It is a tool. Anyone can raise their frequency using the methods taught and many not taught. And no, using a hallucinogenic is not what I’m talking about. Those are false ways into other supposed realities and are harmful, many times allowing entities to enter into you. I’m talking “vibration.” Raising it is raising your frequency. As I said, anyone can do this.

The potential problem is when someone raises their frequency and does not raise their spirituality towards the Gods of Light at the same time. Part of the process of translation is to raise your frequency. If you have read our books, you know that everything has its opposite. (Another one of those natural laws. Hmm.) If a person raises their frequency and is dark spiritually they will then be at a level to translate into darkness. Though they will be in a lot of trouble because of not knowing what they are doing and then the adversary can really mess with them. Hell awaits these with great relish.

The idea and hope is to raise your frequency and spiritual light at the same time. And just because a person says or tells you they are “of light” does not make it so. I have met individuals that have made that statement and then have come for a clearing. They seem to be the ones most covered with devices and entities. Those that are humbly working out their salvation with fear and trembling seem to be the ones with the least amount of “stuff” on or attached to them. Though some have had employment where they dealt with nothing but evil, didn’t know about shielding or casting off, and are covered in weapons and other assorted crud the adversary has thrown at them. Clearings are a good thing.

A real good thing to understand is if you want to play in the game, learn the rules. Otherwise you will be out when you hit the ball and run to third base. No matter how much whining is done, you will still be out.

Learning. What a good thing.