Satan came to visit

You know it’s going to be a good day when Satan shows up.

Do I mean Satan? The real guy? No. He seldom comes out of hell. But as Snuffer has written about, if you are an accuser, you are Satan. He is the great accuser and he has billions of followers – small accusers.

“In the work you have performed there are those who have been Satan, accusing one another, wounding hearts and causing jarring, contention, and strife by their accusations. Rather than loving one another, even among you who desire a good thing, some have dealt unkindly as if they were the opponents, accusers, and adversaries. In this they were wrong.” (TC Section 157:9)

Satan showed up this morning in the form of an accuser. It was declared to me that I am evil and of darkness. I have been told that we do satanic worship here in my home and send out curses and such. I was accused of focusing only on evil and “what you focus on grows.” This has come up from others, that if you focus on evil you will become dark. I know I don’t focus on evil. Our entire focus has been on how to conquer spiritual evil, to destroy it, to keep it out of our lives and to turn to Jesus Christ. We even wrote a book about that called Conquering Spiritual Evil.

There was much more but that is sufficient to get an understanding of how evil I was told I have become. (Though I actually thought the saying was, “Energy flows where focus goes.”) Oh well.

I did as I have been instructed and “gave this junior Satan no heed.”

The day progressed and my sighted friend and I went to a home to finish clearing it of portals. Below is part of that family’s response to how their house felt/became afterward:

“About 3 years ago ________ saw ‘hooded beings’ in their room. There was some fasting done and praying done and she didn’t see anything like that again in their room. All of us would also have nightmares if we ever forgot to shield from thoughts, emotions, and desires of the adversary. Also _____ and _______ would not go upstairs without _______. I would also have a feeling of being watched. It’s gone now. And I mentioned that there was no bickering yesterday after we came home. You don’t fully realize how uncomfortable and heavy it is until it’s gone.”

We went to this home focused on the family and helping them. We didn’t focus on the evil there in the home. Though we did have to recognize where it was and then focus on destroying it, which was done. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for helping this wonderful family!

Next we went to a good friend who is a Chiropractor. He had found out he had a really strong, evil, demon in his office and had asked for help. He had purchased a healing modality that came with software to help apply it to patients. What he didn’t know is the software had come with a powerful dark entity attached. The entity also had a keyboard and when this wonderful man worked on someone with this healing modality, the evil entity was allowed to “key” in his directives for that client’s body and spirit. What an ingenious way to cause health issues! We might have to blog about this concept in the future, it really is amazing and quite interesting. Nevertheless, the Chiropractor’s office was cleared of the entity and his minions. (And they weren’t yellow and so called “cute.”)

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for helping this man and clearing his office of evil. Oops, once again we didn’t focus on the evil, we were focused on doing what the Lord Jesus Christ directed us to do to help this man. The evil was destroyed and sent to hell.

Then we headed farther north to help another man with his business. That took some time as it wasn’t that small, but all evil was sent to hell and all portals destroyed and the land healed. Once again, the focus was on helping others, not the evil that had been there for many centuries. That was also destroyed and sent to hell.

While there, we were asked to do a clearing on a young returned missionary. She was incredible. What was really amazing was the dark “control” devices that were on her from head to toe. I asked my sighted friend if they had been attached in the MTC and she witnessed that it was so, as did the returned missionary. She was very glad to have all that had been put on her removed. We didn’t focus on the evil that was upon her except to ask the Savior to remove and have it destroyed. I did mention how cool it would be if her Stake President when he released her, had laid hands upon her head and cleared her of all the devices that had been put on and in her……..

From there we visited with a man who needed some help. He had a large entity that was attached to his computer. Every time he was on that computer it would try to influence him. Nasty critters, they are. Okay, I admit, there was some focus on the entity as it was cut into pieces and sent back to hell. It took all of five seconds, so not much to focus on actually. We spent about 90 minutes discussing the gospel and Christ with him. That is where our focus is, on Him and His work.

Some have told me that if you focus on evil it comes to you, otherwise it stays away. If you find out what planet these people live on where this actually happens, can you let me know? I would love to move there.

Evil is all around us, it permeates our planet, it is everywhere. One does not have to focus on it to have it come to you. The chiropractor had no idea that software he bought for that particular healing modality had a real nasty evil Sargent attached to it. By buying and using it he allowed it into his office and allowed it to influence his patients. Like I said, he had no idea. We were told of another person in the central part of Utah that bought the same software and is quite excited about using it. As we were being told this I glanced over at my sighted friend and she mouthed that that particular software she bought has a General attached to it. I later joked that she had purchased an “upgraded” model, but not many there thought it was funny. Actually it’s not. Sad fact is she has no idea either. And I have no right to impinge on her agency and tell her. How many of her clients will be influenced or even harmed by that extremely dark entity? As I said, it is all round us, influencing us, whether we realize it or not.

There have been many children we have laid hands on and the Savior has cleared. They were possessed with many demons. The relief they received was absolutely incredible after the Savior relieved them of their burden. Did they cause these entities to come upon them? They are innocent children and were not focusing on evil. Many were acting that way because of what was in them, but they had not asked for it. Nevertheless, they were suffering because of it.

Snuffer has said many times in his blog and talks that there is a war on and it’s time to get in the fight. Hiding your head in the sand is not getting involved in the fight. If you don’t know your enemy, how in the world will you even know if you are under its influence or are being attacked? You won’t. Most of these parents didn’t in regards to their children. They thought they were just blessed with unruly young’uns. What a blessing the Savior gave them, their real child, after the entities were taken care of. Praise Him!

We left yesterday at 2:30 PM and arrived back here in our town at 11:00 PM. It took half a tank of gas to do the Lord’s work. We never asked for a penny. The last person fed us as it was quite late. Wonderful food. I have been accused of priestcraft. BS, I mean baloney. We have done over one thousand clearings on people and over one hundred properties and homes, from Idaho to Arizona, and have never asked for a dime from any of them.

Our focus is on Him and doing His work helping others. Doing that involves dealing with and destroying evil. What are you doing about it? Are you in the fight? If not, why not?

Yes, yesterday was a very good day. If the Adversary shows up you know you’re in for a fight. But once you get through it, you just know the real blessings are coming. Years ago when we did the Ezekiel seminars, the week before was called “Hell week.” Why? Because it was. But we knew the harder it was beforehand, the better the seminar was going to be. There must be opposition in all things as our Lord has stated.

Four families were helped because of our Savior. We take no credit and accept no praise. Praise be to our Heavenly Parents and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I have been told by more than a few sighted folks that Satan and his minions hate us. Praise God for that. Though I do feel sorry for those mortals that insist on being one of his minions, spreading darkness, accusations, and such. Though even they are fulfilling a necessary role, providing opposition. Even then, they will eventually still pay one hell of a price. Pun intended.