Not my fault

A good friend called and said he needed a blog post, so this is his fault.

Last Friday in a court in San Francisco there were some incredible admissions by a company that sells aborted baby parts. The StemExpress CEO admitted in court to selling beating baby hearts, and intact baby heads. They also admitted they sell the beating baby hearts to places like Stanford University.

So I have a question, the same question the judge had in the trial. How does one get “beating baby hearts” to Stanford and its other clients? Well, that was easy to answer. They get them from full term abortions where they drug the mother and don’t abort the baby. They deliver a live baby, which is then put into a sound proof box and taken away. This has been going on for a long time and not just with StemExpress. Other places like “Planned Parenthood” also procure and sell baby parts. Some of these babies are kept alive for up to two weeks before they are killed for their body parts. Do you get that?

It seems that this is a huge and very lucrative business. Did you not all see the governor of Virginia on a talk radio show explaining how when he and others do abortions, if “the baby survives the abortion they put it into another room and make it comfortable?” Then the doctor and the mother decide what to do with it. Many times they just tell the mother nothing. So do you think they just dispose of the baby? No, the parts are worth too much money. This is big business!

Do you think this is spiritual evil? Is it in your face? Probably not. You see, the court trial in San Francisco was against two men that had filmed these procurers and sellers of live babies and aborted baby parts undercover and had shared what these worshipers of Satan really do. The State of California went after the two men that did the undercover filming, not after these people for what they were doing, which is illegal and against Federal law. That doesn’t seem to matter, only that they got caught. So let’s go after those that exposed what they do.

Are things turned upside down? How come what was considered evil is now good? Seven States have now passed laws allowing post-delivery abortions. You deliver the baby and then kill it. Many of them just put the baby into water and drown it. Makes selling the baby parts easier when you have a live baby to sell or a drowned baby with fresh parts you’ve just cut out. Stanford University needed live, beating baby hearts for their research, so they were delivered live babies. Oh, but it was okay, it was for medical research. Whatever, it is still evil and very wrong.

Does it make it okay if you wear a white lab coat? Or are a “Doctor” with a degree and need this live baby for research. Seems a guy from Germany named Joseph Mengele did similar research with live children. There are some that claim our government brought him here with thousands of other Nazi scientists so he could continue his “valuable” work with children. Actually our Government did bring in over 1,600 Nazi scientists after the war. It was called “Operation Paperclip.” It has been declassified, look it up.

A fresh beating baby heart is worth a lot of money in the organ donation industry, as is a liver, a kidney, the baby fat they take out so women can have collagen put into their lips or other places, and much more. Wow, that baby can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars! Full, intact heads are worth so much more than the ones they just rip off the body. Normally they insert a suction tube and suck out the brains before the baby comes out. That is what the law requires them to do in that type of abortion. But a complete head with a full intact brain is worth so much more than a baby whose head had been flattened out and ripped off its body because they sucked the brains out.

Is this bothering you? Apparently not enough, it is still going on all over America. Did you see the video of the two abortions doctors that took just aborted, nearly full term babies and played with them in a medical pan? They were cracking up pretending the two aborted babies were fighting each other, you know, like “Rockem Sockem Robots” we had as children. Then they threw them down into the medical pan and walked away laughing.

If you have the money, and there are many that do, you can have your transplant information sent to China and they will find a match for you in their gulag system. You fly to Japan and get your little self into a hospital. The Chinese will then take the prisoner to an airport and take out the organ you need and have paid a lot of money for. Within thirty minutes it arrives at the hospital in Japan and is put into your body. Wow, what a system! Fresh parts for the ultra-rich. A very wealthy man that just passed away at 100 years of age had received seven heart transplants. I wonder how many of those hearts spoke Chinese.

I don’t belong to either of the two national political parties. One of them has abortion in its platform. Oh, I forgot, it’s called “Women’s rights” to kill their babies or choice to kill. Where did this right come from? Not from God. We have no “right” to make a law that harms another person.

The so called man running for president that is married to his husband, made the statement that life begins when the baby takes its first breath. You know that they can deliver a baby and have it live outside the womb for a while because it can live off the placenta, getting oxygen from the mother that way. The doctor will spank the baby causing its heart valves to open and allowing the start of getting its first breath. But with post-birth abortions legal, they can prepare to harvest the organs while the baby lives outside the womb. The organs are fresher that way, you know.

I’m not trying to be flippant. It is the way I have to deal with this, it makes me so angry. The political abortion party makes me angry. They are evil and quite satanic. The so called medical people are even worse. Natural law will take care of them all. I wonder what karma has in mind for them, the abortionists, nurses, administrators, and all else involved in this industry.

Will anything be done? I don’t believe so. After all, our “authorities” are going after those that are exposing those doing it. Now if that’s not “backasswards”, I don’t know what is.

I don’t have to hope the Lord Jesus Christ has a “special” place in hell for those involved in this, from those professing a woman’s right to kill, to those that actually doing it, to those that are making money off of it. One of the women in the videos made the claim she hopes to eventually get a Lamborghini car from selling baby parts. I wonder how many babies she needs to kill and sell for that to happen. These people have no souls, no hearts, and zero empathy.

I almost said that I’d pray for these people. But I doubt that prayers will help them. They can’t believe in a God, can they? Well, not one of Light and Love anyway. One day when they meet Them, and are then taken to hell to meet the god they worshipped, they might change their minds. But then it is too late, isn’t it?

This is spiritual evil at its worst. Like all spiritual evil, it will not go away if it is just ignored. Today, I chose not to ignore it, you have received some facts about it and what they do. What are you going to do about it?

I will pray for those millions of murdered children though.