It wasn’t a drawn sword

It seems like years ago that we did what were called Jedi workshops.

They were typically one day long and covered a variety of subjects. They must have been worthwhile because many of the same people came back over and over. It was a time when we were being taught many things and were told to share them. So even though the overall level one workshop was the same, it always had new material. One of the sections my sighted friend taught was, “Angels are not diplomats.”

That was one of my favorite sections of the entire workshop. Angels come to deliver a message from God. They aren’t here to play a game of ping pong or horse shoes with you. They will deliver the message and leave.

Do some come with drawn swords? Could be. Do they come in a serious mood? Could. They all have different personalities.

I have been having a hard time getting the next book, “Conquering Spiritual Evil – Volume Two”, finished and was praying quite hard asking for Heavens help.

Somehow the prayers got through the ceiling of my bedroom and were heard.

In the early morning hours I was given several concepts in a dream, including the scriptures and stories to use in a new chapter. Wow, I thought, this is great stuff Lord Jesus, thank You!

After the concepts were given I was then told to get up and write them down so they would not be forgotten.

“I’m quite tired from the long trip and work we just finished. I’ll write it down when I get up,” I said in my thoughts.

“No, you need to get up now and write down what was given or you will forget it,” someone said to me.

I was reminded that I had asked the Heavens for help and it had now been given. I was again told to get up and write it down.

“Man, I’m tired,” I reiterated to the voice.

Just then I was given a real quick dream or better, a vision.

I was shown a bladder bomb going off on top of my bladder and it emptying, right there in my bed.

The voice, or should I say angel, then informed me that was going to happen unless I got out of bed right then. For some reason I had a real strong urge to head to the bathroom.

I know that angels can and do carry swords. But I had no idea they have bladder bombs in their arsenal of weapons.

Remember, angels are not diplomats. Some come with drawn swords, visions, advice, and God’s word.

Others come with bladder bombs. Whatever it take for us to get the message I guess.

In Denver Snuffer’s talk last Sunday in Boise he said the following:

“The way you relate to God is unique to you.”

Makes me wonder if the inverse isn’t also true.

The way God relates to you is unique to you.

Bladder bombs and all. I got the message.

Have a great Sabbath.