
Evidence or the fruit is one way to dispel ignorance.

As written in a past post, my daughter’s son had an entity in his cheek with long sharp finger nails that caused him to itch his face until it bled and was scabbed.

Multiple doctor visits had brought zero relief until they admitted there didn’t seem to be a “medical” answer. All of western medicines notions, potions and lotions had not worked.

She was told about encapsulation and asked the Savior to do so for her son until help could get down to her home.

My wife and I arrived there this past Thursday, three days ago. The boy still had some scabs, but she said it was a lot better. Two days previous a bunch of puss and scabs came out of his right ear. Healing was happening, even with the entity still there, though encapsulated so it wasn’t able to cause further damage.

I picked up my grandson and we semi-danced around the living room as the offending entity in the name of Jesus Christ was cast out, cut up into bits and sent to hell. (Man, I love Warrior Angels and what they can do.) I did wonder at the time if it was okay to kind of dance while doing an ordinance? I know I was praising God the entire time. What a blessing for mortals to be allowed to help in His work.

My daughter, who is sighted, commented, “Thanks, Dad.”

That is the way it ought to be, praising our Heavenly Dad, or Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, it required a mortal to drive nine hours each way and voice the casting out. But it is our Lord Jesus Christ that is the real power behind everything, especially things like this. All praise, honor and glory be His.

Several thoughts come to mind as a result of this event.

How many people, especially children, suffer because of some entity that attached to them? Western medicine comes along and offers some relief of the symptoms, but doesn’t address the cause, only the effects. What would happen if western medicine opened their minds and hearts and really wanted to help in healing, and not just worry about how much money they can make by letting people suffer. This I know from personal experience.

I have written of a man that did his residency for family therapy in a mental hospital. He soon realized that many of the residents had possession issues. He started casting out the entities and soon his patients were healing and going home. He was fired for this. He was told it was their job to keep the beds full and they didn’t want someone there actually healing. Pretty sad.

The other thought has been expressed before, about what a privilege it is to be part of His work. It is work and some days can be hard. We were doing a casting out once where the entity hit me in the back. It put out three ribs, four vertebrae, and both hips among other things. I knew when it hit, that the result was going to hurt. I was right. But it was worth it to offer relief and to be doing the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We may have a basic desire to do good, but if we don’t care enough to put that into action, what we feel into action, we are accomplishing nothing.

You do realize that the dark occultists say what they are going to do, they hold that intention in their minds and they care enough about it to get it done. Then they actually work to do it. They have the combination of intelligence, dark care and will power. Putting these together, dark occultists become a non-dual being as they think, so they feel and so they act. That is why they are so successful and are kicking our rear ends.

How many of us declare we have the desire to do the Saviors work, but are unwilling to put in the time and effort? We are not single minded in doing His will. Is that why the dark side is kicking our butts? They are single minded in doing their gods will?

When are we going to declare what we are going to do, hold that intention in our minds and care enough about it to get it done, actually doing the necessary work?

A case in point. We went several weeks ago to a home that had been having problems for several decades. After clearing the property, home and its occupants, the father wrote me this on October 6:

“Thank you so much for your help. We have a new home. [My wife] slept very well. We have a different feeling here in our home, peaceful and good.”

I received a call from him two days ago saying the problems were coming back. So I reminded him that we discussed how important shielding was. He was reminded about the book I gave him, Conquering Spiritual Evil, and how the biggest chapter was on shielding. I asked if he had shielded his family, home and property.

He informed me that they had started the book but got real busy with life. This is a good man with a wonderful family. But it is not my job to protect them, is it? That is his stewardship and always will be as long as he is mortal. It takes work, hard work. You has better believe that evil is working their hardest against light. Just take a look at the world, they are kicking our rear ends. So the answer was no, he had not worked at shielding anything.

We need to come to a place of enlightenment through combining understanding with wisdom so we can receive knowledge and truth. The unification of our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions is essential. Time to actually see how things really are so we can awake and arise to what God is doing and how we fit into that alignment.

Where is the evidence in our lives?