Doug Tales 139: The Conscious Mind, Part Two

Balance, harmony, completeness and perfection are all potential futures for each of us. Doug Mendenhall continues explaining many aspects of how our mind works (and could work) in I See…Awake! (2015), pp. 67-71:

A good definition of our consciousness is the ability of a person to recognize patterns and meaning with respect to events taking place, both within oneself and in the realm in which that self exists and operates. The conscious mind expresses itself with thoughts, emotions, and actions. In the scriptures the Lord calls it the Mind, Spirit, and Body.

There are three basic complexes in the human brain:

1. R complex—this comprises the brain stem, reptilian brain, and the things we have to do to survive.

2. Limbic or Mammal brain—center of the brain, which makes our emotions possible, emotional responses in the body, and helps us feel.

3. Higher brain, neocortex—facilitates all higher human thought. It has two hemispheres.

The neocortex has two hemispheres. The Left Brain deals with or facilitates logical, analytical and scientific thought, logic, language, science and math. The Right Brain facilitates holistic thought, intuition, creativity, music, art, and compassion. As the Lord taught Denise that night, the left brain is masculine/male and the right brain is feminine/female. To be truly healthy we need to keep these two sides in balance. The scriptures call it double minded. “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:8)

The Lord told my daughter Denise about the upright triangle representing the male and the upside down triangle representing the female. He told her that when they are combined or in balance they make the six pointed star as seen below, also known as a simple form of the seal of Solomon. The triangle pointing up also represents a plow, action, and even a rudimentary phallic, or male sex symbol, while the female triangle is symbolic of a chalice, receiving, and also the womb. A completely conscious human being has these two sides, the male and female, of the neocortex in balance. Modern science will tell you that this is all nonsense. They are right, because to them it is. Seems the Lord thinks differently, but then isn’t that the case about many things? After all, His ways are not our ways, even though they should be.

What Cain was taught, and he in turn has taught Satan’s followers, was if the brain is not in balance then there is a schism; the neocortex will not function properly and that causes either the left or right side to be dominant.

If a human’s left brain becomes overly dominant then the lower brain or the “Reptile brain” will take over executive function of the brain. The emotions become suppressed, and the person will become ruled by selfishness and base desires and could develop a personality based in domination and control. On an extreme level think of Hitler. These are some of the problems that a left brain dominant person could develop: rigid skepticism, scientism, authoritarianism, eugenics, social Darwinism, moral relativism, and atheism.

If the person’s right brain hemisphere becomes overly dominant, the Limbic System or middle brain will take over executive function of the brain. Defense and survival instincts will become suppressed, and the person will be ruled by their emotions and develop a personality based in submissiveness and naiveté. They can be easily controlled or dominated. These people make great “workers” or willing slaves. A right side dominant person may also exhibit the following personality problems: naiveté, blind belief, religious extremism, order follower, self-loathing, and unworthiness.

Either of these brain imbalances could result in depression. Can you see why Satan would want to cause this imbalance and then provide a remedy (anti-depressants, medications) that also closes off our spiritual sight? It is brilliant. He can get us going both directions.

When both brain hemispheres are in balance, the Neocortex acts in its proper role as the executive command center of the human brain, and true intelligence is born—a being in balance. When the Lord declares that we need to become perfect as He is, which means “complete or whole,” might this be one of the ways He is talking about?

My daughter said that the Lord showed her what the brain looks like when both halves are in balance. She said the brain literally “lights up.” She thought it was “pretty cool.” I asked if she has seen a person’s brain light up, and she said yes, though she didn’t know what it was at the time. She has seen it with our two friends…who have received the Lord. I wondered if there was a correlation with this connection or mind balance. Actually she mentioned that He also shared with her that unless your brain is balanced and lights up like this, you will not be able to receive the Second Comforter. Question answered. No wonder the powers of darkness have done all they can to keep these things from becoming public knowledge, and if it does get out, science promptly plays their part and tells you it is all mumbo-jumbo and not to bother with it.