Updated on February 12, 2024
Doug Tales 157: Spiritual Shielding, Part Five
We can—and should—ask Jesus Christ for shielding of ourselves and where we live and have stewardship over. Doug Mendenhall shares experiences where spiritual shielding was effective and when it needed help in Conquering Spiritual Evil, Volume One (2012), pp. 81-82:
It seems that spiritual shields must be asked for, at least this type. That is why in our morning and evening prayers we ask for them to be around us, our home, our property, our cars, our animals, and whatever else we want shielded that we have stewardship over.
We have a good friend that sees spiritual things; she can “see” angels and demons. She and her husband were visiting quite late one night. They had parked their car outside our property. As I was walking to their car, she looked at her husband and asked that he put his arm around her as they left our property line.
“Why,” he asked.
“Well, Doug has a shield around his property so the demons can’t get in. But they are all camped outside on the road by our car.” They were actually camped all around our property.
We used to run a restaurant and asked in prayer for shields to be around it each day. A friend with spiritual sight came and ate at the restaurant one night. I was chatting with him afterwards, and he mentioned the shields.
“Do you know,” he said, “that you have shields around your restaurant?”
“Yes,” I answered, “we pray for them all the time.”
“Well, they go clear across the street. The demons and dark earthbound spirits are all over there, across the street, looking in. They aren’t happy they can’t get in the restaurant.”
I told him there are times when they do get in. Any kind of anger or negative expressions can bring down our shields. The shield around your home can be “broken” by devils who have been brought in by a person feeling angry or hateful at that moment. That can affect your complete household. The emotion of a parent can change the entire spirit of a house for good or bad, which is something many of us have experienced.
One time I went into the restaurant to work, and there seemed to be a bad feeling there. I wondered about that and asked if they had prayed that morning. The kids said they had. So I shrugged it off and went to work. When I opened up a container of tomatoes, it flew out of my hands and fell on the floor. A server in the back room had a similar experience. She sat down and started to cry. My daughter had something similar happen to her earlier.
Even though we were quite busy, I motioned to Peter who was washing dishes and to Stephanie who happened to be visiting a customer. We went upstairs and said a prayer of repentance, asking forgiveness for anything we had done wrong and then we cast out the demons asking the Lord to put the shield back up over the restaurant. When I went back downstairs, the atmosphere had switched. The rest of the night ran as smooth as glass.