Updated on October 2, 2023
Doug Tales 138: Hidden Knowledge
Doug Mendenhall constantly sought to uncover and understand hidden or occulted knowledge about how an individual thinks and also how our world works around us. He shares some of his learning in I See…Awake! (2015), pp. 65-67, and concludes with the question, “How do you know if you are truly suffering?” Later, Doug shares an answer to this question in I See…Awake! on page 74. (If you do not know what the answer is right away, you may consider pondering and thinking your way to a solution before checking Doug’s book.)
In the previous chapters we introduced God’s natural laws and some foundational principles of how the mind works. It is that important, and it has been occulted from the general population to keep them in a state of being controlled. Consciousness is the objective knowledge of right and wrong behavior.
Remember, there are two kinds of “occulted” knowledge:
1. Knowledge of self or how the human psyche works—the mind.
2. Knowledge of natural law, the physical sciences, and the laws of God that governs behavior.
Those of a dark nature, or dark occultists, have deliberately hidden occult knowledge in order to maintain a power differential between those who hold that knowledge and those who are ignorant of it. They have done a pretty good job of keeping people ignorant. Now-a-days it seems that most people are so busy trying to “make a living,” working several jobs to maintain a household, or keeping up with their neighbors, or with the many varied pursuits that occupy their time, they aren’t even aware of any kind of deep, profound knowledge, let alone how it is being used to keep them in an ignorant state.
Those that want to follow our Lord Jesus Christ or what could be called “Light Occultists,” have hidden knowledge to prevent it from falling into the hands of the dark occultists and in order to prevent its complete eradication during exceedingly harsh times. The Lord hides it in plain sight in His true gospel and the scriptures. And as my daughter found out, the Lord Himself, will come and teach you these principles.
All hidden knowledge is just a tool. It is up the holder of such knowledge whether it is used for good or ill. Truth is objective, meaning it is not based on the perceptions of human beings (who are frail and can waver). Truth is unwavering. The scriptures tell us that truth is a knowledge of the past, present, and future. It is simply that which is. It is that which has occurred in the past and that which is occurring in the present and that which will occur in the future.
“And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come.” (D&C 93:24)
Contrary to what some believe, truth is singular. There is no such thing as my truth, his truth, her truth, and your truth. There is only the truth—God’s truth. There is only one way that things actually are, and it exists separately and independently from human perception. If five of us see an automobile accident, we will get five different reports or perceptions of what happened. This has been proven through experience. All five perceived what happened differently, but there is only one truth, and that is what really happened.
The higher our personal frequency or vibration, the more we are aligned with truth. Truth does not waver. The Lord is truth; He does not waver. The closer we vibrate near His frequency, the closer we will be aligned with truth—Him. If we are truly aligned with truth, our consciousness is very high and vice versa.
When we are consciously awake, it means we know our true self and understand our connectedness to everything, and how we really are one and connected to each other.
In the mystery schools the student had to answer this question in order to move on: “How do you know if you are truly suffering?”