Do the “Dead” Care?

Do the “dead” care about us? Do they try to communicate with us? Are we to contact them to offer help? Are we “allowed” to talk to them?

From all the generational healings we have done the past many years, we have come to realize just how interested the “dead” or immortals are in what we do here in morality.

Many years ago, before I had ever heard the term “generational healing,” we were at a home discussing many spiritual things. I happened to be with three gifted women, so I sat quietly, listening.

During this time the idea came to me to ask one of the women “if it wouldn’t be cool if one of the other women did a generational healing on her.” I mentioned that I didn’t know what that was, but it sounded worthwhile. She and the mentioned woman, who we will call Karol, said they didn’t know what it was either.

The third woman was my sighted friend. She remained silent.

A few minutes later Karol said the same thing, “Wouldn’t it be great if you had a generational healing,” to the same woman I had said it to.

At this point she agreed to have ask for one, with none of us knowing what it was, well, except as I found out later that my sighted friend did know.

As you know, I’m interested how the spiritual side of things work. We discuss this concept in our new, not out yet, book. A little excerpt from it about what happened on the other side of the veil from the observers report:

“After approximately 45 minutes had passed someone, in the crowd (immortal crowd), said they needed to get things moving. That’s when a whole bunch of people (immortals) began staring, very intently, right at [Rose] who was hunkered down on the couch relaxing. There were four to five, standing behind Doug. Doug started to ask some pretty pointed questions about generational healing. There was a small handful of people right behind Karol also and she became, likewise, pretty intense about generational healing and how important it was. I was told to get up off the floor and park my bones into the recliner chair. I was also told to get comfortable. I was looking around periodically to see how many there were but there were far more than I could even hope to count. As far as I could see the entire house was full to overflowing. All I could do was recline back, be comfortable, observe and wonder when [Rose] was finally going to get the message. At last she spoke up asking if Karol would facilitate a healing session. Karol, Doug and I all breathed a sigh of relief and, unbeknownst to them, so did the rest of the crowd. We made the comment that finally, at last she got the message. It was explained to [Rose] that no one (mortal) would approach her to even ask if she wanted to do a generational healing session. I didn’t dare tell them how the people (immortal) had worked on her to get their desire across.”

Rather interesting how the immortals (the dead) would gather around us and pray while intently staring at us with their desires about generational healing and how soon we all reacted. They weren’t just staring, they “speak”‘ telepathically, so they were sending their thoughts to us. So if the dead feel they need our help and actually try to contact us, would it be okay if we talked back to them to find out how we could be of help? It was also interesting that after 45 minutes of hearing us talk about things they were impatient and wanted to “get things moving.” Pretty funny stuff.

Let’s continue with another example from the book:

“This next experience happened when my sighted friend and I went to a home where a couple’s son was possessed with a huge dark general attached to him. The son had become somewhat belligerent and was expressing much anger at us in his native tongue, which is an Asian language. I sat there grateful that I couldn’t understand what he was yelling at us, as I probably wouldn’t have liked it. It was not generational but illustrates the point that our ‘people’ come to help us in times of need.

What happened next comes from the Observer’s report about that day with some changed names:

‘While the others spoke with Chad, I observed quite a few people coming into the apartment and circling around the small group of people. In wonderment, I began to think perhaps this was going to turn in a generational healing for which I was not the least prepared. Eventually, with the exception of the conversation pit, the entire apartment was completely filled with people. I realized they were somewhat ethereal in appearance which signaled these people were of the spirit realm. Every one of them was Oriental. Looking around, I inquired why they were there. All of them bowed in greeting and a beautiful woman informed me that they were the ancestors of the little family we were striving to assist. They were there praying for the young man, Chad, who was in need of extra strength. In deep gratitude, I thanked them for their kindness. It took about 45 minutes before Chad gained enough strength he was able to give permission and accepted the vitally needed high priesthood blessing.”

Our ancestors, the dead as we call them, from the world of spirits, are highly interested in us. This young man’s ancestors came to pray for him. How beautiful is that! God is truly good and our ancestors really desire to help us out.

So is it wrong to speak to them to inquire how we may be of help to them? Just wondering. They evidently come to us from many varied reasons and we haven’t a clue. Well, a few mortals do.

There are many mortals that do seek the dead. They do this through mediums and others that call themselves gifted or sighted. I’m sure some have good intent, others are just curious. Many just miss loved ones.

When doing generational healing it is important to be able to discern, perceive, hear, or see the dead/immortals. Otherwise it is hard to help because you won’t know what they need.

The two examples above do show their keen interest in us mortals and their desire to help. It is important and always a good idea to get the permission of our Savior Jesus Christ before we attempt anything. Especially contact with the world of Spirits. Remember, both sides exist there. Read our other posts about raising your frequency, getting off the elevator, and entering that world. You most likely will encounter both light and dark. It is important to distinguish between the two and not be deceived. Maybe that is why there are so many warnings in the Bible about contacting the other side. Many have been deceived and believe they were in contact with their father or mother or some other person, when in reality they were wrong.

If we stay centered in our Lord Jesus Christ and do it His way, we will be less likely to be deceived. If we do it our way, we will be deceived, no question. Our dead care about us. I’ll let you in on a secret, they aren’t dead. They’re just in a different place working out their own salvation, just as we are here. Yes, they do need our help and are allowed by the Council of the Gods to come and “get things moving.” Praise God for that.

Have a great weekend.