Doug Tales 155: Holes in Auras, Part Three

If a person has a hole in their energy field or aura around them, negativity and darkness know that is an invitation for them to siphon off energy and life force from that person. Doug Mendenhall went through the experience of having dark spirits cause him physical grief, and tells about the resulting understanding in Possibilities: Lessons From the Spirit (2002): pp. 151-154.

The next morning we took off from St. George for home. On the way we stopped off at a friend of Bob’s and talked for a while. Bob’s friend showed us around his shop and later Denise came up and told me she was hungry. I hadn’t realized it was so late, and being a diabetic she should eat on schedule. Bob’s friend said that they would feed us. His mother was there and she said that she would get right on it. I ate one sandwich and my daughter took a little nibble of hers and pushed it away. We then took off for Cedar City to meet some more friends and look at more petroglyphs.

About two hours later my stomach was hit with an incredible pain. I went to a mini-mart and got something to relieve it. My daughter said that she was very hungry and we bought her something to eat. I told Bob that I felt we needed to head back to Salt Lake; I was feeling really sick. It felt like I had food poisoning.

The pain and diarrhea were horrendous. It lasted for three weeks. I knew it wasn’t food poisoning because I had experienced that before and it is systemic. This was a horrible pain in my stomach along with bowel problems. After three weeks, I told my wife that maybe I should go to a doctor to see what the problem was. She told me that maybe I ought to ask Christ to come and heal me first. I agreed.

Friday night I knelt in prayer and asked Christ to come. I then asked Him to heal me of whatever was plaguing me. It went away, so much so that Saturday I ate the entire day. LDS conference was on TV, and I sat and watched it and ate. Later, I went to a church meeting, came home and ate some more. I had not been able to eat much for three weeks and seemed determined to make up for it in one day. Sunday I watched the conference again on TV and ate.

It hit me again Sunday afternoon. The pain had come back with a vengeance. We went to a book review meeting that evening, even though I was really sick. By ten that night I was in the kitchen deciding if I was going to live or not when my youngest daughter popped in.

“Hey, Denise,” I said, “I don’t bother you much anymore about using your gifts, but could you do me a huge favor and look at my stomach area?”

“Sure,” came the reply I had hoped for.

“Do I have a bleeding ulcer here?” I asked pointing to my stomach.

“No,” she said.

“Do I have cancer growing there?” I asked again.

“No, Dad, you don’t have cancer,” came the reply.

Wow, it wasn’t either of the two things I thought it would be. I pondered for a minute and the idea came to ask her if I had a devil there.

“Do I have a devil there?” I asked.

“Yes Dad, you have a real bad one there, a number nine,” she said.

Wait a minute, how did I get a devil in me? The first thought that came to my mind was at Bob’s friend’s house in Southern Utah. The food must have had devils on it. That must have been why my daughter took a little nibble and pushed it away.

“Hey, Sweetie, did that food in Southern Utah have devils on it?” I groaned.

“Just yours and mine did. Maybe you ought to be more aware of what is around you Dad,” came the “wisdom of the ages” reply.

“But I got rid of it the other night,” I said, “when I had asked Christ to come and take it. I didn’t know what “it” was, but He took it. So why did it come back?”

“Dad,” she said, “you have a big hole like thing in your aura right there. Maybe you ought to say a prayer of gratitude and seal it up.” I had my answer that I had sought for from the Lord. I just didn’t know that I would be living the answer. Yet I still didn’t know why Denise had allowed me, her father, to suffer like I had for those three weeks.

“Denise,” I asked, “you knew I was sick, that I really hurt, yet you didn’t say a thing about it. You just let me suffer. Why?” (Boy, could I play the martyr when I wanted).

“Dad,” came the reply I knew was coming, “I wasn’t supposed to tell you. It was your experience that Christ wanted you to go through, so you could understand.”

Later that night I knelt in prayer and asked Christ to come again and to take away the devil. He did. Then I said a prayer of gratitude for the experience I had gone though, for the pain, the horrible bowel problems, not being able to eat, the “damage” in my aura, and the understanding that He had given me. I haven’t had a problem since, but I am more aware of what is around me, what I eat, where I eat, and what if I do. It makes me wonder how many of our problems or illness come about as a result of us “letting them in?”

I know it is true, that we let darkness in as a result of our “sins” or misunderstandings. We let them in when we get angry or have any negative emotions or when we judge. Yet I still struggle with not judging, that is, condemning others and the things they are doing. A friend told me that because judging seems so “delicious to the taste and is very desirable, to make us ‘think’ we are wise,” we all do it continually. I believe that was what was mentioned in the scriptures about the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is desirable and delicious to make us think we are wise. But aren’t we commanded not to partake of that fruit? Isn’t it called the forbidden fruit? Aren’t we told that in the day we partake of that fruit we would surely die? Is that a spiritual death? Could the fruit of that tree be the using of our knowledge, of how we believe things ought to be, to accuse, blame or compare (judge) what is going on around us with how we “think” things should or should not be?