Updated on April 15, 2024
Doug Tales 166: Chakras, Part One
The dictionary will tell you that a “chakra” is “any of the seven major energy centers of body” and the word comes from the Sanskrit language meaning “wheel” or “circle.” Chakras are another example of bringing the spiritual into the physical, as Doug Mendenhall explains in I See…Arise! (2016), pp. 67-70.
While talking about energy in the chapter on “Spoon Bending,” I mentioned chakras and the importance of keeping them in balance. [See Doug Tales 74: Spoon Bending, Part One.] Over the years I have done many workshops in which I would ask the participants if they knew what an “aura” or a “chakra” was. Most of them have heard about the aura, the energy field that surrounds our body, but it has amazed me how many have never heard of chakras or if they have, they don’t know anything about them. Generally, in the “Christian” world chakras are considered evil and false ideas generated by the Eastern religions of the world, and believing in such things is considered denying Jesus Christ and therefore, going to hell. Also information about the third eye, meditation, energy work, and Mormons, among other things, tend to be placed in the “evil” category.
I guess I was blessed to learn about these things from our sighted daughter, so I didn’t know just how “evil” all of it is. How sad it is to learn how many of us limit what God wants to share with us and help us to understand. What did Joseph Smith say about members flying apart like glass when presented with anything new? Through my daughter, other gifted people, and my own experiences I have been wonderfully taught in the Lord’s education system. Because of this, I have been exposed to many things that I otherwise might not have learned.
For example, some are able to see the energies of the human body, and I have learned that we are made up of light, trillions of photons in all of our DNA. We are energy beings, vibrating at different frequencies. Those of a dark nature vibrate at a very low frequency, while those of Light vibrate at a higher frequency. Why would any Christian declare it is evil to believe we have chakras, which are nothing but energy centers located on our body? Why don’t we study things like our auric field in mainstream science? There is much, much more to learn than we now know!
We mentioned in our first book, My Peace I Give Unto You, that when Denise came out of the hospital, the first thing we found out was that she could see our aura or the auric field. [See Doug Tales 61-63: Auras, Part One, Part Two, Part Three.] That fascinated me, so I took her places where we could watch people, and she would tell me the colors of their aura. We discovered that our consciousness, our experience of Being, or what we really are is just energy. Some call this “Life Energy.” This energy does not exist in only our brain; it fills our entire body. Anger, for example, causes an energy imbalance and changes the aura to red. Eventually Denise could tell a person’s mood, or way of being, by just looking at the person’s aura. That is because our consciousness is connected to every cell in our body. Through our energy or consciousness, we can communicate with every organ and every tissue in our body. The health of that organ or tissue will manifest in our energy field or aura. The sighted can see this.
Back in the days when we did the Ezekiel seminars, I was introduced to a man and woman that did Kirlian photography. Our consciousness or energy is usually in some form of balance or imbalance, which can be measured in Kirlian photography. (The energy which is our consciousness and which reflects our consciousness, can be measured by this photographic process.) They came to the seminars and took photographs with their Kirlian photographic camera. It was awesome to see people’s energy and how different it was for everyone, according to the condition and patterning of the energy field. When a Kirlian photograph is taken of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. Then when you send love and energy to someone else and a second picture is taken, there will be a different pattern of energy shown on the Kirlian photograph. In this way we can see that a change in the consciousness creates a change in the auric energy field that is being photographed.
My friend had taken thousands of pictures and “read” them for the people. Because they have taken so many photographs, he and his wife have been able to quantify that when there are “holes” in particular parts of the energy field, they know they correspond to particular weaknesses in specific parts of the body. The amazing thing was that the weakness shows up in the energy field before there is ever any evidence of it on the physical level. A good example of this was when he took my photograph, he saw a “bar” over my chest. He said he’d seen that three times before, and all three had later died of heart attacks. He suggested I see a doctor immediately. I went for medical help, and he was right—I had major heart problems. I was treated alternatively and over the next year the problem went away.
What this portends is amazing. It clearly shows us how things are manifested on the physical level.
1. A change of consciousness (usually emotional energy of some sort) creates a change in the energy field. Denise and I would see a mother get a little upset at her child, then see her aura go red in color, and then she’d display anger.
2. A change in the energy field occurs before a change in the physical body.
3. The direction of manifestation is from consciousness through the energy field to the physical body. Simply put, we become what we put conscious ness to or think about. Be careful what you declare!
All of this has been plainly described in the first volume of I See…Awake. We can see that it is not the physical body creating the energy field, the aura, but rather the aura or energy field that is creating the physical body. What we see as the physical body is the end result of a process that begins with the consciousness. And if our consciousness is out of balance, that can result in physical distress or problems.
If we make a decision or an action that leaves us with stress, it can create an energy blockage with sufficient intensity to create a symptom on the physical level. If we sin against our God or His laws, that can create an energy blockage allowing dark entities to enter into us or upon us. It also allows all kinds of negative creations to impact our energy field and therefore our physical, mental, spiritual, and etheric bodies. Typically the symptom speaks a certain language which reflects the idea that we each create our own reality. When the symptom is described from that point of view, the metaphoric significance of the symptom becomes clear. In other words, when someone comes around that you don’t like, and you make the statement, “That guy is a pain in the butt,” don’t be surprised when you develop problems in your posterior, especially when “that guy” is around you a lot. Remember your subconscious mind will give you what your conscious mind declares, especially when done with emotion. “That guy is a huge pain in the … !!!” You’ve just sent your subconscious a serious mandate to give your posterior a large dose of pain, haven’t you?