DTB – Dark Translated Being

Continuing on with yesterday’s story, why would a dark translated being put a little boy in a toy chest?

I asked my sighted friend to take a look at what happened. I had “looked through my glass darkly” and saw that the entity didn’t want to hurt the boy and had carefully put him in the toy chest.

My sighted friend looked and told me it was exactly that way, the dark translated being had been quite gentle and made sure the boy didn’t wake up and wouldn’t get hurt.

That was quite interesting. Since when does an evil dark entity care if it hurts you? From our experiences, they take pleasure in our pain and suffering. This was quite a strange anomaly.

It was then that my sighted friends warrior guardian explained that the dark translated being (DTB) had been trying to get his attention. It had heard about her guardian getting out of hell, out of Satan’s employ. The DTB had wanted to talk to him to see if it was possible for him to get out of hell. For an example of this, check out Chapter 14, “A Parable”, in the book I See….Arise!

For those with eyes to see and an understanding spirit, they will know that it was not just a “parable.” It is a true experience.

So this DTB saw what my sighted friend’s guardian had done and wanted to talk about it.

Our friends that came to help us out asked why the DTB just didn’t go up to where we live and talk to the guardian. The answer is he was assigned to that area of Utah. If he left his post, his “masters” would have known and would have wanted to know why.

He would have most likely been tortured for disobedience. My sighted friend confirmed that this was true. Just as another dark translated being had done poltergeist activity in the home of someone I know in order to get the attention of my sighted friend’s guardian, so he could also get the “how to” of getting out of hell, this DTB had done the same thing.

My sighted friend’s guardian chatted with the DTB for quite some time. The DTB had a decision to make, continue on or leave Satan’s employ. About an hour or so after leaving the home, he informed my sighted friend’s guardian that he wanted help getting out. He was taken to the plane of repentance.

How cool is that!!!!

The DTB came through a level 22 portal in the home of this young nearly two-year-old boy just to get the attention of someone that had gotten out of Satan’s employ. Praise God that he didn’t want to hurt the young boy, which he easily could have done. Praise God for a young mother that cared enough about her son’s well-being to get help. Now they have a clear home with all the ancient and modern portals having been destroyed, sent to hell, with the land and home being healed. There will be much better sleeping in that home from now on, as long as they stay connected to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I almost feel like a Paul Harvey with the “rest of the story.” (Those younger than 40 might have to search out who Paul Harvey is.) Cool dude.

Does it always turn out with good experiences for all, flowers, and fairy dust everywhere?

No. In fact my sighted friend made the comment that the world is so evil now that for every one that wants out of hell there are three more going in. Seems this world is a pretty nasty place right now. Hey, I wonder how many of those going into hell are because of the chains and fetters they got from following the arm of flesh.

Maybe we should look at the larger picture, not with just the eyes of mortality, but with eyes for what our God is doing in the long run, worlds without number, and many experiences on those worlds to get us, Their children up to where They are. As Snuffer has talked about, the test in on, the game is afoot, time to get in it don’t you think?

Have a great weekend.


Apparently this “free” blog site will not allow the talks to be posted because the files are too large.

We will try to solve this problem in the next day or two. Sorry about this.

Please don’t offer me your expertise, I won’t understand it anyway, let alone be able to do anything about it.

Maybe I can appease you with an experience from the past few months.

I received an email from someone asking for help. They had put their nearly two-year-old to bed one night. After a little more than an hour the mother went in to put her daughter to bed. She noticed her son was not in his bed, nor on the floor.

As it would any of us, this greatly concerned her. She looked around and couldn’t find him. The Spirit whispered to look in the toy box.

She looked and there he was, locked in. This toy box can only be locked from the outside. There was no one in the house to lock him in the toy box, yet there he was. She got him out and he was all hot and sweaty.

We looked with spiritual sight and a very dark translated being had entered their home which had some ancient high level portals in it. He had done the deed. We left a day-and-a-half later on the nearly four hour drive to get there. Because of the abuse my sighted friend received as a young child from the dark side of the veil, she is very quick wanting us to respond when a child is in need. This child was in definite need, as was the family with that large critter roaming around. The entity was starting to attach to the back on the child’s head to integrate with him.

We asked several of our trained friends to come and help us. They showed up and the property and home were cleared of all portals and dark beings because of our Savior Jesus Christ.

After this we did clearings on the family members.

It was a glorious day, as more than a few dark beings were cut to pieces and sent back to Hell. Praise our Lord and God, Jesus Christ for His help and concern for this family.

As we drove home we had a chance for several long chats about what actually went on at that house and why this dark translated being did what he did. We laughed as we realized that most people on this planet would never believe what went on that day. Especially those members of my particular denomination and well, Christians in general.

We’ll discuss more about these things tomorrow.

Again, sorry the talks were unable to be loaded. The problem will be taken care of, I hope. If not I will discuss all the key points here. Man, that sounds like work……..

Remote controls and addiction bombs!

On July 19 we did a post about “Integration” and how much had been learned about it.

Well, the Adversary just keeps on giving. During the past few months we have noticed how they are changing up how things have been done or what they look like.

A good example is when hands were laid on a person and when I looked there didn’t seem to be a caul on them. That is unusual. My first thought was how grateful I was that this person didn’t have one.

Then my sighted friend got a strange look on her face and said, “It’s clear.”

“What’s clear,” I asked.

“The caul, it’s clear. Look harder.”

I looked and holy cow, there it was. (Not a cow, a caul.) There was a “clear” caul. Evil had changed it up.

Other times in recent months they have put a bolt into the caul so it can’t be removed. Last week there was a metal bar over one, it had been bolted down. Those things must be addressed before the caul can be removed, or it won’t go.

A while ago we experienced the most impressive change yet. We had asked the Savior to remove a caul, collar around the neck, a yoke on the shoulders and a few other things. I then looked down the back and asked my sighted friend to explain to me what I was seeing, because I felt, as Paul said, I was seeing through a glass darkly.

There was something definitely going down the persons back, I just couldn’t tell what it was. It was located at different points going down the back and looked to me like small metal plates attached to those points.

My sighted friend looked and didn’t understand what it was until she caught some movement behind me in the corner. There was a very dark being there with a remote control in its hand.

She then told me about the being and that it had a remote control device. My sighted friend realized the dark being was controlling the person’s Chakras with a remote control! The points or small plates I saw were the receivers for the remote control on top of each Chakra point. So instead of standing behind the person they had installed a remote control system. Sneaky Buggers doesn’t begin to describe what they are coming up with. Of course there was hardware and software inside of the person that needed to be removed and destroyed. The evil Lieutenant was also cut up and sent back to hell. My sighted friend mentioned he was a particularly nasty one.

Can we still call this a type of integration? Oh yes we can.

It never gets dull doing clearings.

Remember when we wrote about a young woman that had a bomb type of device on the top of her bladder. The entity there would have it set to go off in the middle of the night and the bladder would empty. Once that was removed the problem went away.

We have now seen devices or “bombs” for other kinds of problems. One was for an addiction. It would go off after a few weeks, months, and even a year or two. When it did, the addiction kicked in and there seemed to be nothing the person could do. To me, when it went off the person seemed to be robotically controlled and went back to the problem or addiction.

Pretty amazing what evil does to us, though we are usually the ones that have allowed them in because of our anger, judgments or other negative emotions or disobedience to commandments.

Also, because so many have asked, there will be no charge for the recording of the mini seminar. My friend will be editing it and we will put it here for you to download, however that works…….

Take care and God bless.

“It must needs be expedient…”

In 2 Nephi where Jacob is speaking he states, “But behold, my brethren, it is expedient that I should awake you to an awful reality of these things? Would I harrow up your souls if your minds were pure? Would I be plain unto you according to the plainness of the truth if ye were freed from sin? Behold, if ye were holy, I would speak unto you of holiness, but as ye are not holy…, it must needs be expedient that I teach you the consequences of sin.”

I don’t know about you, but I am not holy and feel the need to understand the consequences of my sins, if I don’t repent. Wow, have you ever wondered or studied about that? What does sin do to us on a spiritual level? What does it look like?

We did the mini seminar this past Saturday and I had to give my daughter’s talk. She has some health and other issues going on and was not able to travel. Yes, it was a bummer in several ways, that I had to give her talk and she wasn’t there. But it made me think about some things at a much deeper level. What Jacob described above was one of them.

If we sin and aren’t aware, are the consequences different than if we sin knowingly? Are those that have modern scriptures like the Book of Mormon more accountable than those that don’t? I guess the condemnation that those of us with that book, that know of and have access to it, know the answer to that one, don’t we. That condemnation has not been lifted, we are still under it for taking its contents lightly.

In one part of what she shared, the Savior told her about the following scriptures and what happens when they are disobeyed:

“Thus saith the Lord; Cursed is the man that trustest in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:5

“The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh.” D&C 1:19

Cursed in he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.” 2 Nephi 28:31

It was mentioned by my sighted friend in her talk and my daughter that some “sacred cows” might be gored in their talks. I wondered if anyone went “moo” when this was brought up. I hope not, it is truth and scripture. It might be one reason many stand in condemnation because of our failure to abide by the precepts of the Book of Mormon. Do we just want to claim its contents, but not own them? Owning them means be accept they come from God and we agree to abide by them.

I am always curious about what happens on the spiritual side of things, both of light and dark. So when she told me that He wanted this discussed, I couldn’t wait for her to tell me what she sees when we put our trust in the arm of flesh, or hearken to the precepts of men. These scriptures plainly say that when someone does this they are then cursed. I can’t imagine how many people are walking around cursed because of the trust they put into a political leader, a political party, government, a church, or its leaders.

Why don’t we discuss these scriptures in our church classes or over the pulpit? Is it because we love our cognitive dissonance? Do we love our religious or political dogmas so much we are unable to see truth when it is plainly put in front of us? “Oh, those people are surely cursed because they love and put their trust in Obama or Trump.” But we don’t see we are doing the same thing with people in our own circle or lives. Does the curse still apply if we refuse to acknowledge it? Dumb question, right?

When we put our trust in flesh, be it a corporation, institution, religion, leaders, men, women or anything that is not the Lord Jesus Christ she sees the curse like this:

“When the curse comes upon them, I see dark tendrils come up from hell and attach to the persons feet. They always start at the feet and go up the body. The tendrils are not very strong at first. At the beginning, it’s like if you had a thin string, it’s really easy to break. As the person keeps declaring their trust in men or those other things, more tendrils come up from hell and attach to them. Soon it is like when you put many strings together and you are then unable to break them.

The person’s aura changes and becomes darker in color. Then a dark mist surrounds them. The tendrils make it easier for the entities from hell to attach to them and help them to do other sins. The mist makes their minds become darker to the things of light. When they transition it is real easy to pull them down into hell.”

Can it get worse? Yes. We did a blog post last year (I’ll let you find it) where in a class my “priesthood” leader declared that if we just follow the prophet we will be fine and make it back to heaven. Later that day he came over to my home. I considered him to be a good friend, I quite liked him. While chatting, what he said was brought up. I then told him of the scriptures that talk about how we are cursed if we trust in the arm of flesh. The statements he made to the group that day sure sounded like that was what he was doing. He actually agreed what he said was wrong, but said he got caught up in the moment as he was bearing testimony. I suggested he might want to repent and tell the group he had been wrong. It never happened.

Because he actually bore testimony of it while knowing it was wrong, do you think this curse might apply to him? Would it be worse because he knew what he said was not of God and went against God and His revealed word?

The answer is yes. Now three years and many operations later for his cancer, which he is still fighting, it is apparent that when something is declared by God, it happens. God doesn’t have to do anything, we do it to ourselves. We are the ones that are disobedient, whether we get “caught up in the moment of testimony” or for whatever reason, including ignorance. Natural law takes over and it happens – cause and effect. The curses are real and do influence our lives, even to the point of mortal death. The other day I was with my sighted friend and we passed this man’s home. He was outside with his wife. We hardly recognized him. My sighted friend sighed and said, “If he would only repent.” Makes you think, doesn’t it.

This was just one of the things my daughter said the Lord Jesus Christ wanted taught at the mini workshop. Sounds pretty serious and worth much consideration about how we are living our lives, obeying our Lord Jesus Christ, and not trusting in the arm of flesh. But as in all things that we have ever taught, please don’t believe a word of it. Please take all things to Him, our Lord and Savior, to get a witness if it is truth. But be careful, if a witness is given then we are accountable. Hey, it might be better to keep our cognitive dissonance ongoing, keep our head in the sand, and declare, “Lord we didn’t know!” Isn’t ignorance bliss? Or is it just plain stupidity? I’m sure He will overlook it for us and never condemn us. Isn’t that condemnation declared way back in the early 1800’s in the D&C just for those that don’t have the Book of Mormon? It can’t be for us, I’ve been told for nearly all my life that we are chosen. Ancient Israel was also chosen and He didn’t condemn them, did He? (If you believe this, please don’t read Duet. 28 where God has 14 verses of blessings and 54 verses of curses He gave to ancient Israel.) I’m equally sure those curses won’t affect us either……

She also had me teach that the chasm between the Savior and the Adversary is growing quite wide. We all will be required to make a choice between one and the other. There will be no jumping from one side to the other, going back and forth as many do now. Funny, we did a blog about that one too.

If was her hope that we all make the right choice.

By the way, we did record the mini seminar. It will be edited and available in about two weeks.


Received the following from a very good friend:

“When I ask Yeshua to remove unclean and earthbound people from me, do I ask that they be sent to hell, or do I just ask they be gone – removed?

I believe I am instructed just to have them sent away because they haven’t come from hell in the first place. Am I learning correctly?”

I think the world of this friend because she truly wants to learn and is never afraid to ask and ask again. She isn’t afraid to get it wrong and learn from any errors in judgment. A gift I’ve tried hard to acquire during my struggles to learn from all of this.

It is impossible to pigeon-hole earthbound spirits into just a couple of categories.

We have done generational healings where earthbound spirits were brought up from hell in chains. They were in the lower areas of hell, closest to the plain of repentance.

Others have been encountered in clearings that are just confused, not even sure they are transitioned.

Some of the saddest ones are those that actually have become “earth bounded” because of family and traditions. We have written about these. A good example is the woman whose family built a shrine to her on Hwy 6. It is a heart made of colored rocks. She was chained to the ground until she was cut loose. We have passed many others like her, bound to the family shrine made for them.

There are earthbounds that stay here because of addictions, anything from alcohol, drugs, to all kinds of things. They will find someone with their particular addiction to attach to.

During a generational healing, the Lord Jesus Christ will come and work with each earthbound on an individual basis. The earthbound will inform Him where they desire to go after their conversation. Sometimes it is to a hospital, other times to the plane of repentance. There have been a few that have declared they aren’t ready to repent and want to be sent back down to hell. The Warrior guardians then escort them back down.

I voiced a blessing for a woman once where I felt an earthbound in the chair in the corner of the room. After being told she was most likely the woman that had lived in the apartment before the current resident and had committed suicide in that corner in a chair, we said a prayer where we addressed her and gave her several choices, none of which involved staying in that apartment. She moved on.

We just recently mentioned an earthbound that had been murdered and had attached to a wonderful young man. He was confused and didn’t know what to do. Also the woman that had one attached to the bottom of her back. He had caused much spiritual damage which transferred into physical back pain.

From our experience, earthbound spirits come in all shapes, sizes, and reasons for remaining here. Many are just confused, especially if the death was sudden or dramatic. Those sometimes have a hard time believing they are “dead” and could require some convincing or talking to.

Others that are belligerent might require a stern demeanor. These have been told that the home they are in isn’t theirs anymore and they have no stewardship. They were told they had a choice, to move on to the light above or be barred from ever entering the home again since someone else now has stewardship over it.

Some will respond to kindness when told to “look up” and see the light. You might ask them who is in the light or tell them their family is there waiting for them. If they will look up, most likely they will see them and move on.

As was stated, it is hard to pigeon-hole earthbound spirits into just a few categories. With the Lord Jesus Christ’s help, it is possible to have them move on, be removed, or barred from the area or person.

All praise be given to our Lord Jesus Christ for any and all understandings regarding earthbound spirits. He is the Master and Healer.

Seriously, Earthbounds?

There seems to be all kinds of earthbound spirits.

In past books we talked about and showed a picture of a place where the family of a transitioned woman had put a heart made of rocks on the bottom of a mountain. This “attention” or focus had caused her to be literally bound to the earth at that location. Since then we have seen and helped quite a few in a similar situation.

Isn’t it amazing how our family can affect us even after our transitioning?

Lately we’ve had people come for clearings where the transitioned have hung around attached to them and are causing the mortals problems.

One person had a large spiritual wound on the lower back. Seems an earthbound spirit had attached and worked real hard to stay that way. The spirit opened a wound while hanging on. It eventually caused physical back problems. The earthbound was given several options to move on. He chose well.

A young man came for a clearing with his family.

When I put my hands on his head I was kind of shocked at the “power” the entity had that was attached to him near the upper part of his head. At least that was my assumption. We all know what it means when we “ASSuME” something, what it makes of you and me. Only in this situation there was only one “donkey” on site – me.

After I had made mention about the power of the entity, my sighted friend told me it was an earthbound. The “power” was the energy he was using to stay where he was attached. My, what conclusions one comes to when one doesn’t stop and ask the Lord Jesus Christ what is going on. Repentance was the order of the day for me.

My sighted friend made mention that the earthbound spirit had recently been murdered and was quite confused. He found this young man that was easy to attach to and did so. He and my sighted friend’s guardian had a good conversation and he also chose well. I believe he went off to a hospital to recover from the mental and emotional trial of having been murdered. That was a good choice.

There are others that have earthbounds that affect the way they behave. In the past we have written how my sighted daughter had never seen a gay man that didn’t have an earthbound woman attached to him. Nor had she seen a gay woman that didn’t have an earthbound man attached to her. The more the earthbound woman took over the man, the more his mannerisms were that of a female. The more the earthbound man took over the mortal woman, the more she had the mannerisms of a man. You have all seen this.

Most of the time the earthbound men and women will have dark entities attached to them. Yes, they will come in layers.

In today’s world there are people that have chosen to be “gay” and have no earthbound spirits attached to them. Yes, there are many evil entities attached to them, but in some cases no earthbounds. Remember, as in the days of Noah.

Earthbound spirits are an interesting subject and always interesting when they are cleared off a mortal.

Are there more ways that earthbounds can attach and cause problems. Probably. We’ll keep you posted. Pun untended.

Note: We had to get a much larger room for the mini seminar this Saturday, July 27. So we have an extra seats. It doesn’t bother me if they don’t fill up, honestly. If more of you desire to come, you need to email me like I asked before at my other email address: halmendenhall@yahoo.com

I forgot to include that there is no cost for the seminar.  We will have a donation box there for those that wish to help with expenses if you wish, your choice.

Have a great day.


We did a clearing/exorcism a while back that taught me quite a bit.

Don’t get me wrong, we have done many clearings where the person actually received an exorcism. Not that we really tell the person that.

In our society there is quite the stigma about being possessed. Well, I’m here to tell you that most all of us run around with entities on and in us, from a few to many hundreds. That seems to be part of living in this Telestial hell, unless a person really understands this and works to be free from them. Christians have the belief that if you are Christian you can’t become possessed. An evil entity simply can’t get inside of you because you are a Christian and are saved in Christ. They say a Christian can only become “oppressed”, meaning the entity is on the outside affecting you.

Then I read in a book about spiritual warfare written by a Christian who has spent his life fighting demons and such. He quietly mentions in his book that he has had many Christian ministers and missionaries come to him and they are fully possessed, which he says can’t happen, but it seems to be happening and he doesn’t know what to say about it. Quite the conundrum for those poor Christians.

Then there is this idea I’ve heard from New Agers and LDS people that if you don’t pay attention to something, you don’t give power to it. I’ve had several people that others believe are quite brilliant in the Restoration Movement also tell me this. We’ve written about this in the past. “If you don’t give evil attention, it can’t or won’t bother you.” Please tell me where that planet is because I want to reside there someday! One of Satan’s greatest victories over us mortals is the idea that he and Hell don’t exist, that those ideas are constructs of the religious institutions that want to control us. Granted, religious institutions do many things that are designed to control us, our minds, and extract money from us, but Satan and his kingdom are quite real.

This is called being ignorant of something or how about just plain stupid, if you wish.

Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is death and slavery. I would tell you to ask those members of the many varied religious institutions around the world, but most of them have no idea they are enslaved and mind controlled. Satan is brilliant in his devices to deceive.

If we have no idea that evil can enter us and control us, we are ignorant and condemned to a life of death and slavery. Over time the Lord Jesus Christ has opened my spiritual sight so that when I lay hands on someone I am able to see into them. I laid hands on a person and saw this creature inside of him. It “mirrored” him. By that I mean it was as if a smaller version of the man was inside of him. Only the creature was quite black, slimy, icky, smelly, stinky, etc. It had tentacles that went from it to the person it was inside of. The tentacles went to all of his organs, all of his parts, from his brain down to his toes.

This is called full INTEGRATION. The entity has complete control over the person. This person had received many priesthood blessings and many sessions with energy workers. None of it helped, he said. He was never told he had a possession issue. Not just a possession issue, but also the entity had integrated with him.

We asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come and excise the entity out of him, to cut all the tentacles and anything else that was there to control. Actually the entity had a protrusion on the back of its head that kind of went up to a point. This was connected to two tube like devices that went down the persons back. This was similar to a control device or panel. The Savior removed it first. He then put what looked like a bag made of what we might call ectoplasm around the entity and extracted it out of the mortal body. It was then handed to the Warrior guardians to take care of. I won’t describe this except to say they could have used those guys for the old Ginsu knives commercial, with all the slicing and dicing going on…..

Even though this is believed to be the most effective manner of possession, it isn’t. Though it is stronger when there are many entities in the mortal body rather than just one. But this is what really cracks me up. The most effective manner of possession is what was mentioned the Christians call “oppression” where the entity is on the outside of the body.

Several years ago we were asked to help a young man up in Provo, Utah. He had called and said he felt he had an entity that had the rank of a General on him. At that time we hadn’t dealt much with “Generals.” We went up to his apartment and found that indeed, he did have a General standing behind him. Only the General had what looked like a large rope in his hand. The rope went towards the young man and split into seven sections, with each section going to each of his seven main Chakras. By controlling the seven main Chakras the entity was in complete control over the man, even more so than if the entity had entered him and attached tentacles.

A spiritual knife/sword was used to cut the cords and the entity had a conversation with my sighted friends Warrior guardian. It didn’t end well for the General. A General is much more powerful than multiple entities, but it is not going to enter the body, it will stand behind the person and can control the individual much better with the cords going or attached to the Chakras. They can accomplish integration quite well with this method. (But don’t tell the Christians!)

We had a young woman we mentioned briefly in the “Worth the Trip” blog, with a very power entity that had attached to the back of her head. We have seen this many times where the entity will attach to the mortals head. Most of the time the entity will look like a half human, half snake or some other creature. They are really nasty looking and will usually be attached to the side of the head. This one was attached to the back of the young girls head causing major problems. At that attachment point it can much more easily integrate into the brain where the Autonomic Nervous System, the ANS, is. This kind of integration is also very effective because not only can the entity integrate into the ANS, it can also get into the subconscious mind at that point and really exercise control over the individual.

This young girl was completely out of control. She had always been a loving, kind young girl. Now she would tear her room apart and scream how much she hated her mother for hours at a time. This was completely unlike her. By entering into her ANS and also her subconscious mind, the entity had total control over her thoughts, words, and actions. It was quite sad. Nevertheless, the Savior released her and had the entity destroyed by the Warrior guardians. You can read in that particular post what the mother said about getting her little girl back.

It isn’t just a matter of laying hands on and casting out. It does require knowledge and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is by Him and because of Him these things are done. He is the Healer and Master. We do need to get out of ignorance and acquire the knowledge necessary to do our part in His work. If we don’t have the required knowledge and understanding, the entities will just laugh as we declare they are to leave or as we rebuke them. There are times that after a while they will get tired of our efforts and just go into hiding to rest, only to come back to work in a while. And we wonder why that blessing, casting out, or energy work didn’t do much.

Ignorance is not bliss, as stated before it is death and slavery.

Mini Seminar

We actually don’t want any part of this.

Above is a true statement. We have been told to do a mini seminar on July 27. The hope is that everyone will be out of town and unable to come. Wahoo!!!!

My sighted friend and also my daughter have been shown what is upcoming in our area, country, and more. I recently spent several hours with my daughter with her sharing what she has been shown.

They have been told to share, which neither wants to do. But since it is His will, they will.

I don’t know if my daughter will actually be there in person right now. If not, someone will read what she has been shown.

This invitation is for those that are registered on this blog, as the space is limited. We don’t want you telling your friends or others about it please.

In the past, these kind of things have been shut down by the judgment of “new” people that don’t know how strange we are or have never been around us.

They go into judgement and condemnation and then the sighted presenter has been told by the Savior to stop presenting. We don’t want that this time, there is too much that needs to be shared. So please keep this event quiet.

Space is limited, so only those that have reserved a seat will be allowed in. That can be REQUESTED by emailing me at: halmendenhall@yahoo.com

If there is room I will send you a confirmation. If you are not part of this blog, most likely you will not get a confirmation back from us.

Children are not invited to this event due to the serious content. Also, it will NOT be recorded and we ask that you not record either. Notes are great. If we see you recording, we will immediately shut down the event. That will make several hundred people not very happy with that person.

It will start at 8:30 AM and end by noon. If there is time, there will be a small Q&A at the end.

The location will be sent to you with your confirmation, but it is in Salt Lake Valley.

Have a great week.


Do you see?

I received another call with help being requested. This isn’t a problem, because we are always glad to help others. Though sometimes it just won’t work.

I have known the caller for nearly 18 years. Most that would meet her would agree that she is a real good person. I would also agree with that assessment.

This person has gifts. Though I wonder some days if having gifts is a good thing or not. It can be such a stumbling block, especially if pride enters the equation.

The attacks she is receiving from the adversary are off the charts, according to her it has never been this bad. For this reason I asked her what she has been doing about it.

She indicated she had been to every energy worker she could find and also had received many priesthood blessings. She then said the most curious thing, “None of them have helped or worked. In fact it gets worse after each blessing or energy session.”

I asked why she continued to do things that don’t seem to work. She said she didn’t know what else to do. “One of the energy workers has incredible scripts.”

“If they are so incredible,” I asked, “why don’t they work.” (I am not disparaging the energy worker. I have no doubt she/he has done much good.)

“I mean they are beautiful,” she responded.

So she has been to many energy workers that haven’t helped, even one with incredible scripts, plus many priesthood blessings, all of which haven’t worked.

I decided to go to the priesthood angle because she had told me that all those that had given her priesthood blessings were returned missionaries or held church callings.

“Have you asked the Lord Jesus Christ if any of these priesthood holders even have priesthood?” I asked her. I knew there was the possibility of hitting a sacred cow with this question.

It was a direct hit. The cow, went “Moooooooooooooooooo.” I then asked why she would allow anyone to lay hands on her to do energy work or even voice a priesthood blessing without first getting permission from God. I received the same reply, that they were all returned missionaries. I didn’t tell her that even though I had served some 40 years ago, there were half of those that I served with that I would never allow to voice a priesthood blessing on my head. Those that have served a mission will understand that statement.

Nevertheless, I ventured in further. I asked her what if someone came to me and said that her father was inactive, abusive, and an alcoholic. The bishop had wanted to active him and decided to have him, the father, baptize her when she turned eight-years-old. He did the baptism. I asked if she felt this woman’s father had any priesthood and she said, “No.” So, if he didn’t have any priesthood, was the baptism valid, I asked again. There was a long pause and she finally said, “Probably not.”

Okay, I then asked her about when I did 20 Ezekiel seminars over a two year period. After the first few seminars, my stake president called me in and told me that if I did another seminar he would take my temple recommend away. According to D&C 121, if a priesthood holder uses compulsion, coercion, or unrighteous dominion, the Lord Jesus Christ declares “Amen” to his priesthood. I then asked her if she felt my stake president had any priesthood at that point. Another pause and then, “I guess not.”

I continued. What if that stake president lays hands on some eighteen-year-old to give him the Melchizedek priesthood and ordains him to be an Elder. Can that stake president give what he doesn’t have? She said, “No.” So the young man would have no priesthood I asked her. She agreed. In the background I could envision another “Mooooooooo.”

We talked for a while longer and she went back to asking why those priesthood blessings weren’t effective. In fact, she stated that the problems seemed to grow ten-fold after the blessings. She even mentioned her dear father who had fasted twice for three days and afterwards voiced a blessing on her. Nothing happened.

Do you see it? The problem?

Could she be so tied to an institution that the Savior Jesus Christ can’t help her? Is her trust so much in the arm of flesh with energy workers and supposed priesthood holders, that He, the True Healer, is tied up and can do nothing for her?

Don’t the scriptures tell us to not put our trust in the arm of flesh? So why wouldn’t we pray to get permission for someone, anyone, of flesh to work on us or voice a blessing on us? Is it because we have put our trust in man or an institution and are therefore condemned for it?

“O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.” (2 Nephi 4:34)

Do you see the problem?

I sure hope so.

Cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.” He repeated it twice so we wouldn’t miss it. Have you missed it in the past?

The problem isn’t just that we trust in the arm of flesh, the problem becomes larger from the cursing that comes with trusting in men and institutions.

Until there is repentance for trusting in the arm of flesh and not asking permission from the Savior to have energy work or a blessing voiced upon us, His arms are tied.

If He isn’t along for the ride, then we won’t be there either. On our end, we pray for permission from Him to help someone that has asked. Unless He gives it, our efforts are worthless. We don’t and can’t heal anyone, He is the Healer. He just allows us mortals to help in the process.

When my sighted daughter came out of the hospital back in 1999, I made contact with an LDS Seventy to give her a blessing. We went to his home and before going in I asked her if the Savior was there with us. She confirmed that indeed He was. We went inside and after a while the Seventy asked if she wanted the blessing. She said, “No thanks.”

I persisted and made her get the blessing. Later, after getting in the car, I asked if the Savior had gone into the home with us for the blessing. “No Dad,” she responded.

I was cursed that day for not getting His permission, which He probably wouldn’t have given since at that time I had great trust in the LDS institution and the Seventy – meaning flesh. I was cursed for trusting in the arm of flesh. I felt it in my gut and in my heart. I felt quite ill in the car that day after leaving the Seventy’s home. Her response? “Boy are you in trouble with the Lord.” Truer words were never spoken.

Speaking from firsthand experience, trusting in flesh or institutions is a sin and causes cursing from God. Furthermore, it ties up the Lord Jesus Christ. Does it make sense why after each priesthood blessing or energy worker session the problems from the adversary seemed to increase? Cursing will allow for that.

Are priesthood blessings or going to energy workers allowed? Of course they are, after asking and WHEN the Lord Jesus Christ gives us permission. Isn’t it supposed to be about doing His will in our lives? So why do we seem to make it about our own will being done?

I hope you see the problem.

Have a great week.

Worth the Trip

So what was your home built on? I’m not talking about dirt or rock.

The Lord Jesus Christ sent a small group to Arizona for emergency clearings and portalcisms.

Why an emergency? Because children were involved. Mention children to my sighted friend and that really gets her attention. You see, as a child she was often taken to hell and tortured. Yes, I know, there are many that believe that can’t happen to a child and that God won’t allow it. “My God is a God of love. He would never allow that to happen to children.”

I don’t know what planet those people live on, but it’s certainly not this one. My God is also a God of love. But my God is required to obey the law of agency, meaning we can be as stupid as we want here in mortality and it will be allowed. People can be as immoral, evil, unjust, and demonic as they desire. Agency allows this. Agency is on both sides of the veil, not just the mortal.

In no way am I implying that children are evil, though some actually are, but not generally. Mortal children require the protection of parents. Especially for protection from evil, in all it’s forms.

So if an evil being or beings set their sights on your child, what are you going to do about it?  When my sighted friend was young, her parents knew nothing of shielding or anything of what we understand and now teach. What we teach has come about from experience, learning how to prevent such things. Much has come about because she was taken to hell as a child and tortured, as many children today are. I’ve heard from more than a few the past two decades that also have experienced this as a child.

What is a mother to do when her husband doesn’t believe she is sighted? He doesn’t ask about things that his wife can easily see. Why doesn’t he ask God, and not just for Heaven’s sake, but for that of his wife and children where he should live, what house they should buy or rent? What are they to do when he moves them into a home that was built upon the site of an ancient satanic temple, synagogue, church, or evil location?

A few years ago some people wanted me to attend an early morning “spiritual” service at the Parawon Gap where there are many petroglyphs. I asked them why I would want to attend a spiritual service where anciently they had sacrificed many women and children in their satanic services by throwing them off the top of that cliff. Why not hold it in Mexico where the Aztecs cut open living sacrifices and took their beating heart out and ate it. I’m sure there is some real good residual dark spiritual energy still in those locations. For sure there are no satanic portals to Hell in those locations, are there? “Hey, field trip!”

Along comes a man and puts his family into a home that was built on an ancient site that once sacrificed mortals by burying them alive. Because of the sacrifice of innocence, young children and women, many portals to hell were opened. And I do mean many. There are also many satanic portals in the home. “Hey, let’s put our daughter’s bed right there, that looks like two real nice level 20 portals we can put it over.” She won’t hardly stand a chance.

To add insult to injury, the children are also sighted like the mother. They see what is coming out of Hell every night and surrounding them during the daytime. What wonderful play companions those demons make.

Things get worse as the children soon become attached to and possessed. The oldest daughter which is eight-years-of-age will get an extremely nasty demon attached to the back of her head. Usually the really nasty ones will attach to the side of a person’s head. When attached to the back it is easier to get into the subconscious part of the brain and get much greater control. It means that demon-mortal integration can happen easier and faster. That will lead to full on possession and control of the mortal host. Thanks Daddy.

As integration is happening, the once sweet, kind young daughter becomes unruly and belligerent. The Mother doesn’t know what to do as her daughter will shout for hours a day how much she hates her, her mother. Things are destroyed and rooms are left a mess. The sighted mother tells her husband and he really doesn’t believe her. “It’s just a phase. She’ll get over it,” comes the replies. “Besides, we can just have the Bishop come and give her a blessing and she will be fine,” he tells her.

She knows different. She sees the Bishop has no priesthood mantel. If he comes, the entities will laugh with delight, for they have a friend in this man’s “Jesus” or do they call him Source?

Finally, at her wits end, the woman calls and asks for help.

The small group headed to Arizona. The land and home was cleared of all portals and evil entities. All that was evil was destroyed, the land cleared and healed.

Hands were laid on small children and the mother. The real Lord Jesus cleared them of all dark entities, attachments, devices and much more. It was good to know He was there and know that indeed, He is God and comes willingly when asked properly. He does come with healing in His wings. Praise God Almighty!

An hour later as the small group headed north in a van, a text message was received:

“My little girl is back. Thank you so much. She is my sweet little girl again and it’s so amazing.”

Now that is worth a trip to Arizona, wouldn’t you say? Many thanks to all those that help in every way.

ALL praise be given to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Mother and Father in Heaven!!!