Undercover nurse

This is why I don’t trust lab coats.


My good bud wrote and wanted me to hear [me] preach more about embracing love, light and truth, rather than berating the darkness, since that leads to anger, frustration and sleepless nights.”

So I have sat here for days waiting for the Savior to give me that and nothing has come. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed not being here on this blog.

It finally came that what He asked me to do is combat spiritual evil. There are fun days doing that, wonderful encounters as I’ve written about, but many days it is just plain hard work. Well most days it is that.

I’ve put it in here before from D&C 123:

13 Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven—

14 These should then be attended to with great earnestness.

15 Let no man count them as small things; for there is much which lieth in futurity, pertaining to the saints, which depends upon these things.

This is what our books are about. One is named Conquering Spiritual Evil for a reason. The newest one will have the same name only will be volume 2. (It is done by the way, but is being formatted.) Exposing evil, hidden things of darkness, and such is about embracing love, light and truth. Why does the Savior want darkness exposed? If you don’t know your enemy how can he be defeated? If you know how he works and operates, maybe you might have a chance. Evil needs to be exposed in all its ugly truth to understand and defeat it. If we shed light on it, it just might flee. And I share what it is and how it works because of my love for my fellow men and women. So there, I am about love, light, and truth.

We joke how there isn’t a manual for these things. Yes, we have the scriptures and such. But nearly each day we find out new nuances of how evil operates and what can be done to help someone. Just the other day in an emergency clearing we were told to ask the Savior to remove the cell memory where there was a problem. The cells in that area kept going back to a paradigm or perhaps a program that was wrong and needed to be overridden. So the Savior erased that particular memory those cells carried. Something new in the arsenal.

Is this my favorite thing to be about? Probably not. But as we get ready to head to another state to help several families, I remind myself it is worth the effort to help others, even if I have to be away from my sweetheart for a week or so.

I do feel sorry that some come here wanting help immediately and we can’t fit them in. There must be recovery time in between events. My sighted friend doesn’t recover well anymore and I seem to have the same affliction. I can agree with the being “wasted” part of the above scripture. Many days you just feel wasted and worn out. 😊

Enjoy the video and don’t get too upset with the system. It and our country are in a death spiral because we have turned away from our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is never too late to accept Him and get a relationship with Him. He is real and desires to meet us, to redeem us. What a great blessing that is to us, from Him.

We will be announcing the new book within two weeks. It has some really cool things in it. I can’t wait to share it with you.

God bless.

How many times?

That is a good question, isn’t it? How many times will it take or how many chances will the Savior give us?

You can read in the Book of Mormon about all the times a group of people have turned evil and then goes after the Light, wanting to destroy it. They have to suffer pain in order to wake up to their awful situation. In that pain they suddenly remember God, His promises to them or their Fathers and they start the repentance process. Or like in Helaman, chapter 5, when the brothers Nephi and Lehi went to the land of Nephi and were cast into prison. You know the experience, a circle of fire about them and then the Lamanites were struck “dumb with amazement” because of fear. Then Nephi and Lehi tell them to fear not. The earth then shakes and they were overshadowed with a cloud of darkness and then “an awful solemn fear came upon them.”

While in this state of solemn fear a voice came and said for them to repent and leave His servants alone “whom [He] sent to declare good tidings.” Then the earth “shook exceedingly” again and the cloud of darkness is still there. I wonder if they were now beyond being struck dumb with amazement. The voice comes again telling them the same thing, to repent and leave his dudes alone. Then guess what, the earth shook again. Then the voice came a third time and spoke marvelous things to them and the walls and earth shook again. Talk about getting their attention. They couldn’t flee because of the darkness. Pretty cool stuff.

A little side question. Why did the voice come three times, kind of like it did in Third Nephi? Just wondering.

They then look at Nephi and Lehi and their faces are lit up. Aminadab then tells them the two men are conversing with angels and that they, the Lamanites and dissenters must repent and have faith in Christ. They did and wonderful things happened. Well worth you stopping here and reading the entire chapter. What a great Sunday read.

So evidently the Lord Jesus Christ uses fear to wake us up from our awful situations we put ourselves in. You know, the results of the pride and ego cycle.

In March we did a post about fear-porn and how the Adversary uses it to control us. Isn’t it interesting how he uses it for control and the Gods of Light use it to wake us up.

So has all this fear-porn woke you up to your awful situation yet? Or are you in Satan’s power and in fear. Do you like breathing through that mask? Has it become your “new normal?” Don’t you just love the new vocabulary that comes with each episode of fear-porn they foist upon you? Social distancing, slow the curve, lower the curve, stay safe and on and on. Do you enjoy how they tell you it will be two weeks and then more weeks and then months of tyranny or control. Now the control will never end until they get a “vaccine to cure it.” And we sheep believe this?

Question. Who does control? Who does coercion? Who does unrighteous dominion? Not our Savior Jesus Christ. Who gave that mental midget Fauci, or any government agency or person the power to declare rules for your life?

These people that have declared they have the right to trample the Constitution and God’s Natural Laws are Satanists. They have occulted (hidden) what is right and what is wrong. They have destroyed countless lives. Tell me, how come the big box stores have been allowed to remain open and the small business owners haven’t. You mean the “contagion” doesn’t exist in Walmart, Target, your local bar or strip club? If it isn’t there, why did they declare it is in the Churches and said you can’t go there? Why is Big Tech pulling down the videos of doctors and nurses that are saying what is being done is all wrong, that this is a huge hoax, and that their hospitals are empty?

It is because they are Satanists. Did you not see Melinda Gates, the wife of Bill Gates, wearing an upside down cross on national TV. The average American can’t see or understand what is right in front of their eyes. That symbol she wore is a symbol of Satanism. She wore it as a ritual of mockery for us Christians. She was mocking the cattle, you and me, and all of the human sheep, or the herd if you will. The average American is symbolically illiterate and has no idea she was flaunting her religious belief system in their faces. We have no idea what it means symbolically, and cannot understand it is a symbol of worldwide Satanism. It represents the inversion principle, the inversion of right and wrong, the inversion of good and evil, and even the inversion of God and Satan.

This flu scare is about replacing the laws of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ with the laws of their god, Satan. It is about coercion, compulsion, and control. They have inverted fear from the way our God uses it at times to wake someone up to Him and Light, to how their god uses fear to keep us in place, stay home – stay safe, to accept their compulsion, control and dominion. Now doesn’t that feel good?……

I told you that life will never be the same. Satan will not give up the ground he has taken and neither will his minions, the governors and other “leaders” be they political, religious, or otherwise. Don’t get me going on religious leaders and their willingness to acquiesce to government. Where does the local LDS bishop in my ward boundary believe he has any right to tell me I can or can’t do the sacrament in my home? The father presides in his home, not some power hungry “religious leader.” Talk about unrighteous dominion. Using coercion, compulsion, and unrighteous dominion is satanic, pure and simple. Would that make him an anti-Christ? If you espouse satanic principles, doesn’t that make you satanic? Enough said about that. Except I doubt some of the religious leaders have any idea, they are doing what they are told, they are order takers. But that is another blog.

Have they mind controlled you yet. Do you automatically stay six feet away from others? Do you wear your mask? I’m not trying to shame anyone, just pointing out their mind control. Some of your neighbors and others will shame you enough if you aren’t six feet away and masked up. First the World Health Organization tells you the masks are essential to your health and you must wear them. Then several days ago they come out and tell you they were wrong and only those that are sick or a medical person helping the sick should wear them. Why did that change? Because it is part of mind control. They knew all along the masks really don’t do much, but they follow the Tavistock Institute of mind control methods. (https://famguardian.org/Publications/Shaping_The_Decline_Of_USA/Shaping_The_Decline_Of_USA-Coleman_John.pdf) They do all they can to put you into fear and keep you there. They have used this fake pandemic to stir up enough fear to power hell for a long time. As the mayor of Chicago said, “We will put you in jail.” Remember don’t step out of line, their line of control. They give you rules and then change them. This makes some people who are already under tremendous stress go crazy.

Do you know they do the same thing in hell? Once a minion arrives there they will beat him up and torture him. If he does his job perfectly they will torture him. Keep him off balance and in complete fear all the time. Is the same thing being done here? Are they keeping people off balance, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and any other way they can? Of course they are. Are they keeping you in fear all they can? Of course they are. Do you live in hell? Of course you do, it is all around you.

The good thing is Jesus Christ is still here and will give us many chances to turn to Him and become of Light. When you turn to Him you may stick out some, okay, a lot. Those of evil won’t like you. As this world continues to change and become even darker, they may even kick you out of their society or kill you. It has been prophesied that those that have turned to Christ will have to flee to the mountains. Most of you live in the mountains. Are you ready to welcome them? Are you of Light? Have you already accepted one of His chances and turned to Him. Is He a huge part of your life? Do you know Him? Or do you assume you know Him? Are you encountering Him daily?

Your world is sinking into hell at a rapid rate. We have discussed the dark domes being built over your heads. On the Wasatch front they are 95% complete. Good luck up there. I won’t even talk about the rest of America. Take a look at the news and see America on fire and the people raging with anger. See Salt Lake on fire. You were put under what amounts to martial law from last night, Saturday, until Monday. Is that the enmity God placed between Satan and the seed of the woman? See their hatred and their wanting to participate in evil in all of its degradation? The Satanists, your rulers or masters, hate our Lord Jesus Christ. They want to destroy all Christians, all that is good, all that is moral and holy. Our only chance is to turn to Him and none else. The Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. He will accept you no matter how many times you might have rejected him. Just read the Book of Mormon.

God bless.



Encounters – part two

This process is about being a process. As we’ve discussed before, it is line upon line, here a little and there a little.

From the unpublished Snuffer talk we read:

“This is what Joseph was trying to get across in the Lectures on Faith. Would you like to know God? Then go inconvenience yourself by following what He asks of you and you will unlock inside yourself resonance with the light and truth of God. It’s an unfolding process. It grows, you got to go back to Section 50 for that, it grows. Let me find that which is really also borrowed from the Psalms. Or the Proverbs rather. ‘That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.’ (D&C 50:24) Proverbs 4:18 is a similar thought. It’s a dynamic process

The way you link up to God is by this mechanism of obeying the commandments that He’s given you and it’s never futile and it’s never superfluous. It’s how you, as a being at your core of light and truth, know that you’re pleasing God. In the Lectures on Faith, Joseph said ‘you had to know that the sacrifice you are making was pleasing to God.’ (Lecture 6) How can you know that? You can know that because in your core you have light and truth, that’s why I read the quote a few minutes ago. The nearer you come to God and the more obedient you are – the more heed and diligence were the words he used in that statement – the more heed and diligence that you give, the more correct your understanding will be. (See Alma 12:9-11)

Why is that the case? Because you are enlightened, because you are enlivened, because you are drawing closer to Him.” (emphasis added)

Once a person has actually encountered Him, and there are many levels of that, they are a changed being. Remember, you can encounter Him and not have the whole enchilada. I know this because I did. I have related this in our books. I encountered Him on a lower level and He asked if I’d do His work. I told Him that I would and asked what that entailed? He told me. I went to work the next day doing what He had asked of me. All of that year we went out and told the story of Denise, her coma, and her four days with Jesus Christ while in that coma. Was it hard? Yes. It isn’t fun getting verbally beat up, told you are Satan and much more, which is what some still do. We lost many of our friends in our LDS ward and many outside of it. That was strange because we had been in that ward for nearly two decades and now hardly anyone would talk to us. Did we quit? No. At the end of that year He came again and I had another encounter. It was on a Saturday night after an extremely hard week of doing what He had asked. I remember thinking how glad I was that the next day was Sunday and we didn’t have to go out. He came and told me to open my scriptures to a certain area in the Book of Mormon and had me read it to Him, three times. He told me to put my name in place of the man being written about. What was given is between us, but I can tell you one thing, He is real, He is very involved in this work, He knows us and if we will do what He asks we will be blessed or if we are just all talk, you know, the lips talk without the walk, all blow and no go – no action, then we are not of Him. There it is, plain and simple.

That is a key to know if someone that claims an encounter really has had one. Jesus Christ will have called the person, male or female. Also understand, it can be an angel that has come in His stead. Christ will give them a commission on His errand. The person will then do it, or act upon it. If you have become a witness of Him, on whatever level, then you must testify of Him. In 3 Nephi these are called disciples.

“And again, more blessed are they who shall believe in your words because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me, and that ye know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a remission of their sins.” (3 Nephi 12:2)

Like I said, you receive a witness, on whatever level, and you then do what He asks of you. I don’t do this blog because I want to. I am not a wordsmith like others claim they are and then do blogs. I’m here with all my warts and sludge for one reason only. Because He said to do it. For NO other reason. I don’t enjoy this. Being gone for nine days was a huge blessing because I was away from the computer, I was free! It is done for Him, because He requested it. Enough said.

In the New Testament they had Apostles. And I’m not talking about just the Twelve He called. Paul was also called and wasn’t in the church hierarchy. But he was definitely an Apostle. He had received the full enchilada and was required to share, to openly share what had happened to him. Today he would be told to be quiet, as the mind control has come out that you are not to share sacred stories. Why? Because they are sacred and you don’t cast pearls before swine? If that is the case, you’d better throw your scriptures away.

Nevertheless there are cautions. I have a wonderful friend that did everything he could to raise his frequency. He then had an encounter with an angel and was given a commission. The only problem is, the angel wasn’t of light and neither was the commission. Caution must be taken at all times. It is vitally important to keep our ego out of the equation.

While this is a concern, it should not stop us from going forth. In that Snuffer talk he mentions an analogy a friend used talking about learning to receive revelation and have encounters:

And so we never encounter the vision. We can fill libraries up with crap talking about it and never do it. And the gospel which Christ delivered, and the thing Joseph was trying to describe for us was the doing of it. There is another analogy and I like it, and I like it a lot too. It’s an analogy I borrow from [******] and it’s not original to me. He likens it to the launch pad that’s built down at Cape Canaveral where we have this enormous infrastructure and it’s all kept and preserved and polished. But if you never fly anything out of it then all you’ve got is a Launchpad. The gospel of Christ was designed to be a Launchpad.

One of the unfortunate things about launching is you melt a bunch of stuff and you make a mess. I mean anytime you fire one off it gets kind of ugly for a while. And of all things we Mormons would like to be it is orderly and punctual and uniform. We would hate to have the mess, the chaos, the disaster of, I mean we all remember Hiram Paige right, and we got a section in the Doctrine and Covenants about Page. (D&C 28) He’s the guy with a peep stone, the seer stone that got rebuked for having visions cause they came from the wrong place. Well you know we learned the wrong lesson from that. The lesson from that is not that Hiram Page got misled and had a false revelation using a peep stone that gave him bad information. The message from that is Spirits were afoot. Now let’s weed them out, let’s figure out which ones are bad and which ones are good, but let’s stay in touch with them. Let’s keep the dialogue going. Take that stone and take a hammer to it. Go find some others cause as far as I know Hiram Page is the only one other than Joseph in this dispensation who claimed to have contemporaneous revelation using a seer stone. Although I’m sure there were others they aren’t published. Well, yeah I mean the whole idea, the idea of the crystal ball, or crystal ball gazing, the Urim and Thummim, these things are traditions, their echoes are found everywhere and they’re based upon the truth.” (emphasis added)

My good friend got messy. Mistakes happened. So what. The Lord Jesus Christ offers us a chance to do it over again and again and again and finally get it right.

Wow, encounters, from receiving Him, the full enchilada, to having an angel come and giving you a message from Him and a charge. So then what are you going to do? Are you honestly a disciple? In word only? You can’t be, that won’t fly. It requires work, testimony, fasting, much prayer, more fasting, scriptures and wearying Him out asking and asking again. So get messy, launch yourself into His world, the world of spirits, connecting with Him, through that third eye mentioned here a few blog posts ago (quoting Snuffer). Let Him fill your heart with His peace and love. The mess can be cleaned up, taken care of. If you don’t try, then there is no mess. You can be an orderly little mind controlled robot and go with the flow, the mainstream where it is “safe” and secure. Chances are you will not encounter Christ there. Though you will have men tell you they will give you His word and direction, so you needn’t worry as they pat you on the head.

Or you can follow Him, on the so called fringe, where they will ridicule you and call you out. Just like they did to all of His true disciples in times past. Things don’t change, so why believe you will find Him in the flow of the mainstream. Shake off those shackles that bind you down. Take a chance on Him and do what He says. Will it inconvenience you? Absolutely. Is it worth any price? Again, absolutely.

I want to share one last encounter that happened several years ago. I was doing a workshop in the basement of a good friend’s home. There was a man attending that had spiritual sight. It was a Friday evening and all day Saturday workshop. A little while into the Saturday morning session of the workshop the man raised his hand and said, “Did you know that Christ was standing next to you last night during the workshop?”

I told him that I did.

“Well do you know that He is now standing behind you about ten feet and to the side?”

Again, I told him that I did.

“Why?” he asked.

I told him that I didn’t know, that this had never happened before.

A while later those that were attuned felt a presence enter the room. It was our Heavenly Mother. She stayed for part of the workshop and then left. The Savior was paying her deference by standing to the side and ten feet back. It was quite the encounter. The Savior is awesome, but there is nothing like an encounter with a Heavenly Mother. It was incredible to just soak in her energy, love, and amazing light.

The Lord Jesus Christ is real. I’ve been in His presence. I’ve had His hands on my head. I know what He told me and what my commission is. I don’t share this because I want to. It is shared by commandment and in humility. It took three witnesses confirming this blog post before I would publish it. Those that hate and fear can call me what they want. I know where I stand with Him and it’s real peaceful and warm. I hope you know where you stand with Him.

May all of us have many encounters with Light. Don’t worry, it probably will be messy at the start trying to figure out who you are encountering, light or dark. That is just the way it is and it isn’t wrong to make mistakes. When He asked if I’d do His work, I told Him that I had heard He didn’t pay very well. I think about that comment now and want to hide. He forgave me. He always will forgive. All of us.

God bless.


“Every member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles should have, and I feel sure have had, the knowledge of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This does not have to come by direct visitation of the Savior, but it does come from the testimony of the Holy Ghost…The testimony of the Holy Ghost is the strongest testimony that can be given. It is better than a personal visit.” (Joseph Fielding Smith, DS, 3:153)

Okay, I admit it, when I first read this statement many years ago I was flabbergasted. My first thought was “only those that have never had a visit would say such a thing.” Only I didn’t know if I’d had such a visit or encounter with Him, no matter how small.

I love the Holy Ghost and all that is offered by the third member of the Godhead. But to actually suggest that a witness of the Holy Ghost is more powerful than being visited by the Savior. We are not talking about what so many have had, an experience “seeing” Him, in vision or whatever. I’m talking the full enchilada, receiving Him in a sacred embrace, feeling the prints in His hands and feet. Then feeling His side. An encounter where His entire being would imprint in every cell in your mortal and immortal body. A feeling or witness from the Holy Ghost is more powerful and important than this?

These past nine days or so I traveled back to Kentucky with my good friend that occasionally lets me drive for him. We discussed this concept and he gave me the references. I was after one main reference which we will discuss later. But first I wanted to share some encounters from my past with Him and others. No, I have not received the full enchilada and been redeemed by my Savior. Nevertheless, let’s visit some encounters and concepts in no particular order.

As we drove past a location east of Green River, Utah, I was reminded by my friend of the time we pulled of the freeway and slept at the exit. After some sleep we both found ourselves outside our bodies fighting a host of evil entities. We had swords and were working our behinds off trying to destroy the dark entities. What was unusual was we were both in the same encounter and were talking telepathically. We knew we were about to lose the battle and realized if we could keep going until the Sun came up we’d be okay. It worked, as the dark entities went away as the Sun came over the horizon. Our mortal bodies then “woke up” and we looked over at each other and started to share what had happened. It was true, we both were in each other’s experience. Later my sighted friend told me it wasn’t a dream, it had been real. The entities had been sent to destroy us. What an encounter. I can still feel it and see it as it was incredibly vivid.

On this recent trip I had what I call a vivid dream. I like those because I can usually control what I do and see. In this one I was outside a building, a meeting house. I watched as a young man of about 14 years of age was walking by. Then I noticed another “man” come towards the youth. He had very dark skin and looked horrible, zombie like. Instantly I knew he was a dark being, perhaps a dark translated being, on a mission to destroy the youth. I quickly walked over and put one hand on the entities chest and the other on his back. This stopped him cold. But then I realized that I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move and knew the entity was about to destroy me. Quickly I called on my Savior Jesus Christ for help and was saved. The vivid dream then went inside the building where I saw the young man on a bench near the window being instructed by Snuffer. I was really surprised to see him. I didn’t go over and interrupt them. Later my sighted friend helped me with the interpretation of the encounter by telling me the reason I had been paralyzed was because I had not asked the Savior permission to do what I did to the entity. Remember, it is always His will, not ours, even in battle in regards to what is done.

I can still vividly see that entities face and features. I’ve related here about the mini god Source coming to my property and not being able to get in. He changed from a man form to his “scary” form with horns. That was an encounter and is also vividly imprinted in my mind.

I had an encounter with my sighted daughter in a vivid dream I had. I was in a theatre watching “The Work and the Glory.” The real Joseph Smith was on the screen talking to some men in Nauvoo. Suddenly my sighted daughter walked into the scene from the left side. Cool, I thought, she will be in my movie. As she got to Joseph’s side she turned to me and said, “Hi Dad.” I was shocked and later the next day asked her if she had consciously entered my dream. Her answer? “Yes, it is easy to do that.” Now that was a strange encounter. Kind of made me think if it is that easy for her to enter my dream, how easy is it for dark entities? Good question.

When we did our first book review for My Peace I Give Unto You back in 2001 in Payson, Utah I had an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. I was so scared to do the book review I spent much of the afternoon in a bathroom. I kept begging the Savior to not have me do it. Finally, I told Him I’d do the meeting if He came and was with me. I received a yes.

Later I found myself scared witless standing in front of a group of some thirty people. I felt Him to my side. He was extremely warm and it was wonderful. But after five minutes He disappeared. I was a little disconcerted, but kept going. After the book review was over several women came up and asked if I knew that Jesus Christ was standing next to me when I had started the review? I told them yes, but then He left. “Oh no,” they said, “He went behind you and held you up.” What was funny about that is I thought I was leaning against the wall, but it was Him that I had encountered and was leaning against. That feeling still remains to this day. I can recall it whenever I want because it was real and affected my mortal and immortal being, my soul.

There was not one book review that we did where I didn’t feel Him by my side. Those were encounters, not just the Holy Ghost. It was physical and spiritual.

It got to the point that I knew when He came by the feel of Him, His peace, and the literal heat that was there. One time I didn’t feel well before a book review in Cedar City, Utah and asked Him for permission to not talk that night. He said that I had agreed to carry out what He asked of me. I told Him that I had, but then asked if He would give the book review. I felt Him overpower me. Even that is not the right way to say it, because it wasn’t power, it was love and peace. I watched as the 70 plus people listened for 90 minutes without moving or making any noise, even the children. I couldn’t tell you what He taught, just that He did it through me. After the review was over a friend came up and asked if I wanted a towel. I asked what for? He told me to look at myself. My shirt was drenched, as were my pants down to the knees. My hair was as wet as if I’d just come out of the shower. I know what His heat feels like.

Let me clarify one thing, these were my encounters with Him. Yours could be entirely different and probably will be. Just be sure you know it is Him that has come.

There were some book reviews where people asked about Him being there. We would have them come up and put their hand where He was standing. Many of those broke down in tears. They would say things like, “I’d hoped He was real. Now I’ve felt Him.” They had an encounter with Him and it was pretty cool, enough to change their paradigm I believe.

We are training some people to be observers in generational healings. They have to be able to take the “packet” of emotions and results of sins from the proxy’s ancestors. The last time we did one, a woman actually felt the packet and the pain associated with taking such things. She had an encounter in a very small way of what He did and does for us. If she thinks back on the experience or encounter she will never be the same. It wasn’t just a witness, which is awesome so don’t get me wrong, it was a physical and spiritual encounter that can and does change a person’s paradigm.

It all starts with baby steps. Feeling, hearing, and seeing takes time. It requires keeping His commandments. Are many of us wanting the entire enchilada right now, this minute? Have we put in the time and received the experience needed? What I’ve related above are baby steps. They are thrilling none the less, but still baby steps.

Why? Because He needs to know us. He needs to prove us. Are we willing to do all things He requires of us? No matter the inconvenience.

All of this was a progression and learning for me. Finally one day my sighted daughter and I went to a funeral service in Santa Clara, Utah. As the transitioned woman’s grandchildren were singing songs about Christ I saw Him standing behind them. Later in the car I told my sighted daughter about it. I don’t know if she believed me until I mentioned how round His face was. “Oh,” she said, “you did see Him.”

Was going out every day and doing what He asked an inconvenience? Many days, yes. Was doing Ezekiel seminars an inconvenience? Yes. Was writing books and this blog an inconvenience? Absolutely.

If you have an encounter with Him and He gives you a commission to act, to do, to speak or whatever, does that make you a disciple? Are we to seek Him, to encounter Him? If men tell you no to this question, does that make them anti-Christ? I believe so.

We will finish this tomorrow.

Third eye

When ancient civilizations are studied, there are indications that they lived at a higher level than we do now – spiritually. That many were able to see through the veil, as it was an accepted thing and part of their life.

My sighted daughter and friend have both confirmed this. Especially before the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So it has always amazed me that in today’s society we are so blind spiritually, especially among those that claim to be “chosen” of the Lord and where their “religion” was started by a young man believing that God would tell him things if he asked in faith. Yes, Joseph Smith believed he could get an answer from the world of Spirits or the other side of the veil. He not only believed it, he proved it.

He talked about being given understandings by the Spirit. He wrote of meditating, yes meditating. Did you miss that scripture? He spoke of the Lord touching “the eyes of our understandings and they were opened.” Somehow I doubt Joseph was speaking about his mortal, physical eyes. In today vernacular we’d call it the “third eye” being opened.

“Now this caused us to marvel, for it was given unto us of the Spirit. And while we meditated upon these things, the Lord touched the eyes of our understandings and they were opened, and the glory of the Lord shone round about.” (D&C 76:18-19, emphasis added)

We have taught for years about these concepts, of the third eye and such. It is this eye that receives revelation from God or the Heavens. It is called your pineal gland and is in the center of your head. Light comes down through your crown chakra and enters the pineal gland. There is more to it, but you can read about these things in books, ours or others, I don’t care.

My friends have told me that I have become less “snarky” over the past three years writing this thing, this blog. I’m going to become snarky today on purpose. I’m going to give some quotes from a talk that Denver Snuffer gave at a seminar we did in in the summer of 2008. I have never released or shared it but recently asked and received permission to release it if I so choose. Right now I don’t so choose, other than small parts that shed light on what we are told to write in this blog. Please don’t write me and ask for it. Now my snarkyness. I won’t answer. When we are told to, meaning by revelation, we will release it here.

Back to the subject at hand and to quote:

“You know there was a time when our language was still permeated by words of usage and descriptors which presumed a whole different world than the one we live in now. Words like envision or light. We accept the idea of anything that is not in front of your face being described and using the word envision as the proper word to use when you’re talking about it. Can you envision what Utah will look like in 2050? Can you envision what the new temple in Draper will look like when it is completed? Can you envision this or that? It’s a holdover from another period of time in which the visionary experience was so commonplace that it leaked into the
vocabulary, permeated the vocabulary and we all thought it, we all thought it perfectly appropriate. Can you give me further light on that subject? Can you shed some light on the subject yet?

….So, then we get, we encounter, Joseph defies categorization. Joseph brought a flood of light, literally a flood of light. I appreciate the efforts of the scholars, I applaud the work they do, but they don’t give us the answers. You have to find a revelator if you would like to get the answers. And the preeminent one for out time was and is Joseph Smith.”

You need someone that can see through the veil, a revelator. How does a revelator “see?” Let’s continue:

“Joseph was way out ahead, we have still not caught up. And we displayed the least amount of curiosity about the things which are most enticing. He throws out a statement and just dangles it and then no more and, and what was the reaction of Nephi to the dangling statements versus the reaction of Laman and Lemuel to the dangling statements? We know what Laman and Lemuel said, they said, “The Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.” And what did Nephi say, he said, hey, have you inquire of Him, have you asked, have you asked, have you asked? ‘No we haven’t asked. The Lord maketh no such thing known to us.’

….So this is from page 51 (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith), ‘We consider that God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and the faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect, and that the nearer man approaches perfection the clearer are his views and the greater his enjoyments.’ This is Joseph Smith using prose to describe the process, because for Joseph it was prosaic, it was poetry, it was a thing of beauty. Light communicated from Heaven to the intellect. A mind capable of instruction. A faculty that may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence that’s given. These aren’t just idle words. These are Joseph trying to put into the English language a description of a process. And the process works.”

Yes it does. Let me finish with one last statement:

“That’s what Christ did. Christ gave no heed to the things that were pulling him in the one direction and he gave strict heed to the things which were enticing Him to the other direction. And he obtained, as section 93 explains, a fullness of that. So if there is an increasing flow of light, an increasing flow of truth that comes to someone by their heed and diligence in following the commandments, then that seems like a fairly simple formula for someone to follow if they’re interested in obtaining further light and knowledge.

There was a time when all of these words crept into the language and their usage in our common vernacular became popular when everyone, everyone simply assumed that we all were in contact with the Mystic, with the Mythic, with the forces that were around you. Everyone simply assumed that was the case. There was a way of, describing the phenomenon and the way that the ideal was reduced to words, was by using the concept of a third eye. Why that? It was because physically your eyes are the source that light gets to you. You perceive light through your eyes. So, if you’re going to collect light from somewhere else, two things were essential. The first thing is you have to realize that it’s there and then you have to be willing to see it.

Well it was a fairly common thing because people weren’t as well educated as they are now. They weren’t schooled in naturalism and the philosophies of men which we have so successfully comingled with scripture that we have essentially supplanted, in all of Christendom, the gospel of Christ and replaced it with the doctrines of men, and the precepts of man, and the Creed’s of men. And we’re beginning to develop our own set of creeds.”

I am grateful for my lack of education. I know there are those that declare they are “wordsmiths.” I cannot and will never make such a claim. I will lay claim to hearing Him, seeing things the mortal eye can’t see, and being involved in wonderful experiences of light and knowledge. Maybe our desire should be towards learning how the spirit works with those mythic things that only the third eye can see or perceive of.

One last thing from the talk that I can’t help but share because most of you will have had experiences like he describes:

“Why does a mother suddenly know that her child is in danger at the edge of the camp, with her back turned and drops everything and runs and catches her child before he or she falls in the creek? We’ve all read stories about, tuition or intuition or PMS? Somehow it’s ovarian. See, we tend to reduce that to the biological function now, but there was a time when everyone accepted the fact that was sight, that was vision, that was light. She saw it. She envisioned it.”

Are we too educated to “see” what Joseph and Snuffer are talking about? It is mightily important to grow our spiritual sight in these times. Especially with all the experts, lab coats, religionists, government and church leaders telling you what to do. What does our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ say? Now that may just take the third eye to see and hear, don’t you think?

Let’s take a look

We have talked about portals and why they are where they are. Today we want to show you a little more about that concept.

Below is a drawing of the basement of a home being built where anciently there was a Satanic Temple worship hall. The home is quite large, so you can see how much larger the temple worship hall is. It dwarfs the modern home being built in the middle of where it was anciently. It would be like building your home in the middle of the Mormon Tabernacle. (Yes, I said it that way on purpose. Couldn’t help it.) Or in the middle of the Conference Center.

Like we have talked about, these things were done anciently, leaving their dark spiritual signatures and we come along and build on top of them. If your progeny came along in 500 years and built their home on a site where today there had been a gay bar for many decades. Some or much of that wonderful light or energy it generates during all those years it existed would still be there. So when your 13 year old daughter suddenly tells you she has a strange urge to date a girl, you might not have to wonder why. It will affect you! Unless you know how to shield and stay that way all the time, the dark energy on your property or in your home will affect you and your children. How would it not?

You may need to enlarge the picture, nevertheless I will try to explain what is there. What looks like a column in the middle of the home’s basement is the stairs going up to the main level of the modern home. Above the stairs and to the right are three level twenty-four portals spaced some distance from each other. There is another level twenty-four that is just outside the wall of the home. These four portals were established anciently by Satanic sacrifices. They are still there and are active, meaning entities from Hell still come up and go down through them.

The four level 24 portals surround two things, a level 25 portal and where an ancient altar was. Sacrifice of innocence was done on this altar anciently to open and keep active the level 25 portal. Satan needs a level twenty five portal to come through from Hell. He is quite large and requires the right rituals to come up. Usually a portal that large will be oval shape and stands upright, so he can walk through. You can’t have your god bending over to enter his worship hall, can you?

All the portals were guarded with satanic soldiers, demons, etc.

The problem is we come along and build a modern home there, all the while Hell is coming through four portals in the home and one outside. If your children are playing there, and they were at this home, that typically will cause them problems.

The other issue are all the babies, toddlers, children, women and men that were sacrificed on the altar. Most of them will end up being earthbound to that location because of the extreme trauma they suffered there anciently while being sacrificed. In other words, they are stuck.

When we did the work there, the Savior released all of the earthbounds to the light. Well the ones that wanted to go anyway. You can’t make people, spirit or mortal, do things against their will or you are satanic. You can’t “send demons to the light.” I know that has been taught by many people. They are wrong. If the Lord Jesus Christ can’t and won’t do it because He honors and respects agency, what gives you the power or authority to do so? He won’t but you can? Please tell me another fairy-tale.

Wow, a little sidebar please. You have many so called leaders telling you what you can and can’t do. What you can and can’t buy. Telling you where you can and can’t go. Etc. Etc. Etc. Are they satanic? Do you understand that concept? I hope.

I hope this drawing gives more understanding about portals and how their energy stays in that spot. Then we come along and get to enjoy that dark, nasty, negative satanic energy. You know, it doesn’t do much for your complexion or body, mortal or spiritual. It can cause severe emotional problems and much more. I am sure many of the earthbound spirits that were released there by the Savior Jesus Christ went to hospitals in the light to recover from the trauma. Don’t you think?

I am grateful for the drawing and being able to show you an example. Enlarge it to see it better.

Most of all I’m grateful for our Lord Jesus Christ doing this work, helping a young family be safe in their new home. Also those He released to go on to progress and grow. I’m grateful for portals destroyed, sealed, and the land healed. He truly is the Master and Healer. Praise God our Father for all of this work.


Before every clearing we do I ask in prayer for the ability to see metaphysically better than I saw during the last clearing. Some days you wonder if that is a wise idea.

We ended up doing several clearings yesterday. The people had moved and were totally exhausted by the endeavor.

Please realize that when you become exhausted, run down, or even sick, entities have a much easier chance of attaching or getting in you.

The wife had asked in behalf her husband that we come and help him. He was at complete exhaustion over the move. I checked and found that she was in as much need as he was. Both had attachments on the outside and/or entities inside. They both had worked to near exhaustion and really needed help. The entities were sucking the life energy out of them. I called my sighted friend and she witnessed all that I had seen and been told.

Fast forward to being at their house yesterday. I put my hands on one of their heads and saw something like a metal plate over the head. I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come and remove it. Remember, He is the Healer.

After the plate type device was removed, I looked down at the person’s head and saw something like what is shown below. It was trying to come out of the person and attack me or perhaps it thought I was dinner….

I looked at my sighted friend and made the comment about what was there and that it was trying to get me. She said that was true, as it knew it couldn’t get the Lord Christ standing there, her guardian or her, she said I was next. Now I wasn’t very pleased to “be on the menu.”

What was fascinating to me was my hands had disappeared on the persons head and I could plainly see this entity with a huge mouth and many teeth in it wanting to chomp me. I asked the Savior to remove it and to give it to our guardians to dispose of.

Yes, I am grateful for a powerful God, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who does care and will help us when we ask. He has provided ways for us to get help and is very involved in our lives if we allow and want Him to be.

The only difference was the critter I saw was round and had teeth in a complete circle. Though now his carcass has been cut into pieces and spread all over Hell, literally.

You all have a great dinner and please don’t be on the menu for one of these critters. Remember to shield and always stay centered in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Noun: untruthfulness

More on the above in a minute.

Yesterday’s post caused a few to not be happy. I am sorry for that, as it was not my intent. I was told by some that I am not being equally fair to both sides. From having a bee in their bonnet to having their panties in a wad to other things. I get the bee, I don’t get the panties.

I was awakened at 4 AM today. Normally this makes for a grumpy Doug, but this time I was thinking about yesterday’s post. I admit, I have the same feeling for Bush senior that I have for Obama. I also have the same feelings for Bush junior that I have for the Clintons. There isn’t much positivity in any of those feelings. I’m leaving Reagan out of it because most the ten readers have no idea who he is and Trump isn’t done yet. Besides he came in to just give us four more years to prepare, so if he is bad or good doesn’t much matter to me. It’s the preparation time that is important. How are we all doing with it?

Nevertheless, let me apologize for not giving time to the evil of both political parties.

As I was contemplating all of this and asking Him about it, I was told that, “The mendacity of all of them is atrocious.”

Wow, I thought, what a cool statement. I had no idea what part of it meant, but I knew He was serious, very serious.

What,” I asked, “does mendacity mean?”

“Look it up,” He responded.

“Please use it in a sentence,” I asked.

“I just did,” He responded.


“Go write it down,” He told me.

“But I’m tired,” I told Him.


I didn’t have any paper and pencil so I looked up the word on my phone and sent myself an email with the word in the subject line. Then I listened to Snuffer’s latest podcast from a few weeks ago called, “Whiplashed” or something like that. Good stuff, you might want to listen if you haven’t.

Let me rewrite the sentence the Lord Christ told me with the definitions in place of the words.

“The untruthfulness of all of them is horrifyingly wicked.”

Enough said. The Savior really lays it down. Snuffer kind of reminds me of Him in that regard.

Mendacity, what a great word. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

I am adding more definitions for mendacity:  two-timing, duplicity, perjury, untruth, falsehood, falsity, double-dealing, fraud, lying, deceit, dishonesty, deception and insincerity.  I think that about covers what the Savior feels about our politicians and leaders.


So how is your mind control training going?

Are you social distancing? Are you wearing your face mask?

Are you getting your arm ready for your vaccine and the assault or death it may bring to your body? Are you grateful the government bureaucrats have destroyed your business or job? Why not? Are you not ready to turn in your neighbors, friends and family? After all they must OBEY, shouldn’t they?

Who was that other guy that took agency away from his children? Oh yes, Satan, or Old Scratch as some know him.

If this world is about agency and God does not take it away, what does that say about this so called “pandemic” that is happening all around you. It is from our God, our Father and His Son? Do They want you arrested for taking your child to the park? For surfing in the ocean? For boating at Lake Powell? For taking your 5 children into the bank with you while you open an account? Then having CPS called because the teller just knows you are evil because you home school. There must be bruises on the children so the officers that came with CPS makes your children take off their shirts, even your ten year old daughter. But hey, that is okay because you and your children are already conditioned and mind controlled because you allow them to grope all of you at the airport don’t you?

Are you obeying your tech giants like you should? The owner of Facebook describes political opinions he doesn’t like as “harmful information.” He will ban you from Facebook if you express something he doesn’t like. It doesn’t seem to matter that it is mainly conservative information and platforms that are being banned. The Liberals and Communists get to keep their content. Why is that? Who is Zuckerberg working for? It must be light or dark, there are no other choices. Your guess. Is that why years ago my sighted daughter was told by the Savior to get off of Facebook and social platforms. Did you read that right, she was told by Him to get off of them! Has she done it? I don’t know, I’m not on them. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t His will. I have no desire to write here or anywhere for that matter.

So what should we be about? I had someone ask me that yesterday in an email.

I would be about trying to be perpendicular to the world and what it is about. I loved that idea in “that man’s talk.” It was quoted in the last post if you haven’t read it.

If we are perpendicular to the world would we resonate closer to the Lord Jesus Christ? If you have a tuning fork and strike it and hold another tuning fork close to it, will the second tuning fork start to vibrate? Is that resonance?

What if we get close to our Lord Jesus Christ, would we start to resonate with Him, meaning we would go to a higher vibration or resonance? Is that why we should work at becoming like Him, gaining light and truth? Is He not light and truth.

A quote from the “man I know” speaking of understanding or knowing if something comes from Christ:

“At your very core you know if it comes from Him. You know when you’re getting light and truth from Him. There is never a futile act. You know when you pay tithing you’ve done something HE asked YOU to do. And you know what, if it involves sacrifice, you know all the more by that sacrifice. This is what Joseph was trying to get across in the Lectures on Faith—would you like to know God, then go inconvenience yourself by following what He asks of you and you will unlock inside yourself resonance with the light and truth of God. It’s an unfolding process.”

That is what I’d tell the person that emailed me. Go do what Jesus Christ asks you to do. Then you will resonate with Him, you will gather light and truth. You will become like Him.

I told you a long time ago that the current President was elected to give us more time to prepare. If he had not been put in, and I don’t care one whit if you dislike him or not, we would have seen what is going on now years earlier. The globalists, RINOS, and Demoncrats, yes I spelled that right, are showing their true colors. They are now out in the open. Do you think any of them would resonate with the Lord Jesus Christ? It was put out all over this country that the Christians churches couldn’t celebrate Easter as congregations because of social distancing regulations. Some pastors were arrested for disobeying “government” orders. Now that Ramadan has started, have you heard of the same “government” not allowing the Muslims to congregate? It has been going since April 23 and lasts until May 23.

Every day they fast from sun up to sun down. At the end of the fast, when the sun has gone down, family and friends will get together for Iftar to break their fast. What? Congregating, no social distancing? Why is this allowed? You know why.

There is a great scripture in 1 Corinthians 10:21:

“Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of the devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table and of the table of devils.”

Maybe we should just concern ourselves with ourselves and our families supping at the Lord ‘s Table. And in so doing become perpendicular to the world and learn to resonate with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If not, I have this sneaky feeling we won’t survive the next round of what they, the Satanists are bringing. What happened these past few months has just been a test. When the next round comes, you will see their fangs and claws. They hate light, they hate truth. If you are supping at the table of devils, it may not end well for you.

Our only chance is to resonate with that Light and Truth, even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Take care.


From an unpublished talk in my possession given by a man I know from August 16, 2008:

“You have people looking upon you and having faith as a consequence of what you’re doing. You’re called savior on Mt Zion, not simply because you trek to the temple and you fall asleep during the endowment.

You’re called that because all of those went before and all those who come after have an investment in your life. You are the source of faith, you are the source of light for many.

Live your life as if you’re on stage because believe me, you are.

There are many people who are being redeemed as a consequence of the investment they have in you. A failing, a flagging despondent ancestor is being buoyed up by the example you set. You have no private moments and you have no private sins. So stop holding on to them. For goodness sake, they’re not only being shouted on the rooftops in the Day of Judgment, they’re being shouted on the rooftops right now.

There is only the illusion of privacy. Everything you do is on display, which is why it is so important you be one who gathers light and truth. You be one who is open to receiving those things which God offers liberally. God giveth liberally. So where is the impediment? The impediment is that we lack the faith to bring ourselves into harmony with perfect perpendicularity to the earth, because so long as you’re in sympathy with the earth, you’re out of sync with heaven. You have to get perpendicular to it, you have to draw a line. That’s one of the reasons why we have gravity, that’s one of the symbols God gave us in this life. If you can walk, you’re walking around teaching a lesson about getting in harmony with God to yourself.

All things testify of Christ, they all do.”

The entire talk is really good.  But the short part that I quoted above has relevance to generational healing. I can’t wait for the next book to come out because it has about six or seven chapters talking about this subject. As you can tell from the above quote, it is a very important subject. Something we should all be about and doing.

What we do here is vitally important to our ancestors and progeny. The gen healing we did this past Sunday is a good example. The proxy had his ancestors “bothering” him for a long time and they became very impatient. He had to tell them to back off. Then they decided to descend on my sighted friend. Two drawn flaming swords by her guardian caused them to reconsider bothering her. The work was finally done and the proxy’s ancestors, all 44,000 plus, moved up and had the true Gospel of Chris taught to them. Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Him coming and repairing that which needed help and sending the missionaries with the true gospel, not what is taught here in mortality at this time. I know that the immortals that come, the proxy’s ancestors, are always amazed by His love, patience, and what He does for them.

Anyway, just thought we could use some positive today.

It is my hope that all of us are perpendicular to this world.

Have a great day.