People of the Heart – Part One – from a 50+ yr. old empath

“I am an Empath – Which basically means I feel everything! If I choose, and more than most people believe I should.”

“Since I was a small child I could feel life at such a deep level of my being that it would cause me to weep; oft times, uncontrollably. I would cry for the gratitude I felt at the beauty of a flower and the sunset, of seeing my Maker’s hand who caused the winds to blow through the trees, or the Son that would give His great Life Giving Bounty. I felt such an oneness to Our Mother, The Earth and felt it a duty to give myself to tasks that would honor her. I would weep for everything. I would weep for the sorrow that I felt from the world. I would weep for someone’s anger, for someone’s pain and for things that were amiss.

“It was not only an emotionally deep feeling, it was very often physically painful as well. If I was too invested in what came, it would hurt my ‘core’ physically, which pain runs deep and I found, could only be relieved by crying out for the help of that Being much greater than myself. When I became a teenager and became more awakened to life’s physical journey, I was blossoming into a young lady and noticed that I was the only one crying! At that point, I asked the Lord if He would please take some of these tears away, which He did; for a time.

“An Empath belongs to a group of people who are highly sensitive and by definition can be quite opposite in extremes. These is no ‘one shoe fits all’ and they are often misjudged and prone to being given certain labels. Some individuals are as bold as the lightning and thunder storm, while others may be as gentle as a light summer rain that you hardly notice as they may need to know that it is safe to share. They can be either male or female, but are generally female as the feminine principles are more active in an Empath. Nurturing, compassionate, intuitive wisdom flows through their beings rather than the stark opposite principles; decisive, independent, dominating aggression that are so common in the world. The feminine principles exist in males and females, controlled by the right side of the brain which is the visionary, creative, feeling side in all humanity. Children are usually empathic but as they grow and embrace the world they live in, they often lose their sensitivities as they adopt other focuses. Some Empaths often appear to be preoccupied, very serious minded or even sad. They can appear to be overly burdened and feeling as though they are carrying the ‘weight of the world’ upon their shoulders and seriously, maybe that is what they have come to do in your life and with your family. An Empath has tremendous capacity to love with a great desire to serve their fellowman and would be willing to lay down their all for the betterment of humanity. The truest Empath is innocent, tender, without guile and pure of heart. I will call them the People of the Heart.

“All people are empathic to a certain degree and can develop a greater ability to open their Hearts to the feelings of others. What most people do not do is draw these emotions into themselves and absorb them. Most people may not even be aware that the possibility of such a thing exists. An Empath can actually take the energy of an emotion from you, thus making your feel better, lighter, and free from the burden of your thoughts and actions, all the way up to and including the taking of your physical maladies. An Empath may do it on a non-voluntary level. They do it automatically; like it has a magnetic pulling force. It feels natural to them as breathing in and out. And much of the time they can be quite ignorant of the fact that this is what is happening and may think that these thoughts and emotions are their own. They may be experiencing your highest highs and your lowest lows and not quite understand what in the world they are feeling and why.

“An Empath has the ability to walk into a room and immediately ‘feel’ what emotions exist. If there is sadness, anger, pain, fear, sorrow, guilt, etc. they can take on these emotions, pull them into themselves as if these were their own and begin to ‘work’ on them.

“I have had to keep myself very sheltered and clean to be at my best. City vibrations, actions that do not uplift, hard music or sometimes, even music at all. Negative words and ideas, the violence in movies, wifi that intrudes into our sacred spaces of life, etc., affect me very much. They effect all living things whether it is realized or not.

“Needless to say, it can sometimes be very difficult to be in large crowds. If the group is not of a more positive nature, it can be almost overwhelming. The room can begin talking to my soul. I will start to have all of these ‘things’ flying at me. I can start to feel sick to my stomach. My heart can begin hurting, I can get headaches or feel pain in a specific place on my body. I can feel extreme anguish to my soul. I can also feel the awfulness of unrepentant sin and feel so dark and weighed down that it sickens me and all I can think of is to just find solitude. Therein, I can pray in sincerity of my whole heart, asking for whatever help the Lord would offer upon the matter. I now see this as a way to help lift those burdens from mankind for at least a short time, so that greater things can be restored. But only with His permission.”

We will continue this next time.

From a 17 yr. old empath

Below is from a 17 year old empath that we had the incredible opportunity to work with. She is quite the young woman and is learning how to use her gifts. Enjoy. She said I could edit whatever I wanted, but what she shares is important, all of it.


Learning I was an Empath changed my life. When you’ve wandered in the dark for so long, not knowing what on earth was wrong with you, it’s amazing when you have a breakthrough. All my life, I have had the sense that I was different from others. It was something that I could never fully explain, and felt different from the normal stage everyone goes through. Even as a child, I was already quite empathetic and just didn’t realize it.  As I got older, I would continue to focus on loving and caring for my family and others, rather than go out and play outside like most kids.


When I started school, it was difficult and confusing at times. I would wake up some days feeling awful, not knowing I had been absorbing other’s energies. Due to my caring nature I was often taken advantage of or not treated with respect. I didn’t understand at the time that it’s good to have healthy boundaries and be able to say no. Sometimes I did understand that, but was too afraid of how people would react to me if I tried to do that.


One of the problems of being an Empath is that because we are naturally very caring and loving, we automatically assume everyone else is as well. However, I would find out during school that this is not often the case. Especially when I was younger, I could never understand why most people wouldn’t want to help those who were considered the outcasts. In my mind, I felt that you should always try to keep an eye out for a service opportunity. Often during lunchtime, I would volunteer to help wash the lunch tables for the lunch ladies. I remember how much they appreciated my efforts and rewarded me with candy!


As I grew older, I was still trying to be very kind and loving, which would get me into trouble sometimes. I would try to be friends with people so I could “fix” them, not realizing how unhealthy that was. I had simply wanted to be of service to others and support them. I have more experience now, but I admit that it still took my awhile to accept the idea that not everyone needs fixing, and not everyone is kind and loving.


When I look back on my life, I can see where the Lord has tried to protect me, and I am always grateful for that. All throughout my school years He made sure to have a nice female teacher in every grade, there to guide me and help me when I felt hurt by my peers. I would have safe spaces where I could go to during lunch so that I could calm down and not have to deal with toxic people. I never realized I was getting so overwhelmed because I was taking in energy that wasn’t mine. I now know to shield and give toxic energies to the Lord.


While being an Empath can be hard at times, it definitely has its perks too. I am naturally observant, picking up on energetic clues and information that most don’t see. When I meet new people, I can have a general idea of what type of person they are, and if they might be toxic to me. You can naturally understand people better because it’s easier to see through a facade. I also have the ability to “feel” the energy of words. If someone is texting me, I can usually tell if they’re sincere or trying to deceive me. If someone has written a post or article, I can tell what kind of mood the author was in, and what they might be trying to saying in between the lines. When you take this ability and apply it to the scriptures, the results are amazing!


I have had many times where I was able to use my gifts for the benefit of others. One time I was at school, and a girl I barely knew was upset and crying. (By this time I was a bit older and knew I had to be cautious when it came to helping people. In fact, I now know to ask the Lord before you go off doing stuff like that) Prompted to talk to her, I asked what was wrong. She said nothing was, she was fine. I knew that wasn’t true. Because I am empathetic, I sensed that what she needed right now was simply someone to hug her and let her cry her tears. And so, I did. She accepted my hug and seemed very grateful to me. It was wonderful to have the Lord put her in my path.


I used to think that it was rare to find sensitive people my age. But that’s not true at all! I have been friends with many people who are sensitive, but I didn’t realize it at the time. I think there has been an increase in these types of people so that they can soften the hearts of the people through their love and turn them to God. That way we can bring about the events of the last days. Because I know that I’m an Empath, I am more able to empathize with those sensitive people out there who don’t know who they are. It can be tough when you’re an Empath, but even more so when you don’t know about your sensitivities and how to protect them. I believe that Empaths can be of great value to our communities and families because of our natural healing abilities. Everyone has many different gifts, and I feel it’s important that we nurture them and use them to bring about the Lord’s work.


“I don’t have the right equipment”

The several times when I “took on” another person’s physical problems I looked at them as one time experiences. I had never really considered myself to be empathic. Though when my friend was dying of congestive heart failure and I took on those problems, effectively healing him, I had no idea that something like that was possible. The pain in the chest and left arm were bad enough, but then what my friend would later call “death rattles” started and that was as much a mental issue as it was physical. Every time I took a breath the popping in my head nearly drove me nuts. Was I ever thankful when I learned to express gratitude for the experience and then to give it to the Savior.

Another time when my daughter and I were on the road doing book reviews she had started her menstrual cycle. Now this is not something that I normally concern myself with, if you know what I mean. But she started to complain that she had really bad “cramps.” We had arrived at a friend’s house where we were to stay the night. Shortly after arriving I found myself with a terrible pain in the lower abdomen. It was something that I had never experienced before, it really hurt. It was not stomach cramps. Next thing I knew Denise is thanking me for taking her cramps and she’s off playing or talking to our hosts while I lay on the bed in the fetal position telling the Lord Jesus Christ that I don’t have the right equipment to have “cramps.” I wonder if He was smiling….. My only consolation was our friend Dave that came with us to sing at the book reviews did the same thing with Denise the next day, he took her cramps. I admit I laughed as hard at him as he had laughed at me the previous day as he lay there in the fetal position moaning with pain. Meanwhile, Denise was enjoying all of it immensely.

If you have the ability to take on another person’s physical problems that would mean you are most likely a physical empath.

Do you stay away from crowds as they make you ill? Have you ever been around someone and then have a mysterious physical problem you didn’t have before, or some aliment? Are you like me and prefer to stay away from crowds. On a survey once it asked what my favorite vacation place was and I answered – home. Have you ever been to a doctor for help and they tell you there is nothing wrong with you? Or my friend whose husband went to the hospital with heart problems and had called asking me to go up to voice a blessing for him. I went up there and did voice a blessing on him and then she asked for one also. The Lord Jesus Christ let her have it for “taking her husband’s medical problems unto herself.” I found out after the blessing that they were about to put her in the next room for heart problems. This sweet friend is nearly always in ill health as she can’t stand to see others suffer. Not a good thing.

Do some people suck the life right out of you while others will energize you? You are a physical empath. Does stress from other people cause you to have problems? Physical problems? A good friend, since transitioned, would be in a group of people and ask who is it that “really needs to go pee?” She could feel others physical problems. This made her an incredible energy healer as she knew exactly where the problem was. Only she had learned to not take on their problems to herself, well except having to urinate I guess.

Or are you like my other friend that has the ability to pick up the emotions of those in her family and take them to herself. As a young child, she’d take on anger, anxiety, frustration, angst and other negative emotions, trying to make their home a place of peace. Do you avoid conflicts at all costs? Do they and arguments give you a “hangover” making you unable to cope? Are you like me and feel anxious in crowds? My family knows that when all of our children and grandchildren are over that I will more times than not go into the bedroom and close the door. There are times when I just need to lay down and have a power nap to be able to keep going. They understand these things and don’t hassle me about it, for which I’m very grateful. How many of us want to fix other people and take away their pain? Are their certain foods that cause mood swings in you? I get low blood sugar. That along with taking other people’s junk really throws me for a loop. Have you done what I do and overeat to cope with stress or difficult situations or people?

These “symptoms” might mean you are an emotional empath.

Many of us are both. In order to live a basic “normal” life it is really important as an empath to learn to shield yourself. I have learned to put up boundaries. In the past I had to learn how to hug people as many empaths do not like physical contact. Know that there is always a transference of energy when two people hug or are in close physical proximity. If you don’t want their “stuff,” shield yourself. Limit yourself being around those that argue or yell. When a narcissistic person wants to dump on you, tell them no and walk away. When you go to their house does their doormat have your name on it? These kind of people know they can dump on an empath and suck the life out of them, literally.

There are many people out there that are spiritual vampires. I had a really good man I worked with that was one, though he had no idea and at the time neither did I. After getting off the phone with him I would literally drag myself around for hours. After a while I made the connection and remember asking my wife why I’d be so tired after getting off the phone with Matt. He needed my energy to keep going and probably that of many other people. What was interesting is he had no idea he was an energy vampire.

We have had empaths come here for a blessing and my sighted friend Z has said they look like Chia Pets. There are so many cords going off of them sucking the life out of them these people can hardly function. Most of the time there is a cord attached to you when you take a person’s stuff. We will cut all of those cords and all other attachments associated with them taking others problems, feelings, emotions, illnesses, and anything else. Some evil people will easily see an empath and attach a cord or bond to them. They use this to take literal life energy out of those empaths. It is easy for them because many empaths just want to give and help everyone. It is really important to cut those cords and bonds, burn them and send the attached entities down to hell. We have found most of the empaths stuck in this kind of relationship are depressed, get angry, have no energy and many just don’t know if they want to live anymore. Some empaths who dislike crowds can’t handle heavy traffic on the freeways. So do yourself a favor and don’t take the freeway unless you have to. If you have someone at work that constantly goes at you, change jobs if you can. Just learn to understand how you are and live accordingly. Most medical people will put empaths on anti-depressants. Will that mess you up even more? Don’t know. There have been some people we have run across where the anti-depressants keep the gifted person from hearing and feeling so much, thereby giving them time to recover and get a handle on things. It all goes back to what does our Lord and Savior want you to do? One of the best things He has had me do is to spend time in nature. Nature is quite clearing and really seems to help empathic people. In crowds my wife has become accustomed to me sitting in the back and needing to have an aisle seat if I can get it. You know, a quick escape if all of it gets to me.

Many of us have children and grandchildren that are empathic. I think about my one granddaughter and how she is, wow. Let me describe some of her “symptoms.” She feels things very deeply and often will have intuitive insights that are way beyond her nine years of age. Her parents must watch what she reads or the movies she sees because she might have strong reactions to what has been presented. She will take on her families stress, anger, sadness, or being upset. She spends a lot of time alone, either reading books or playing. She loves being in nature and often will be off in a world of her own while in the yard just looking at plants, bugs, and seeking out animals. Or when she was younger, playing with the fairies. She is very compassionate and will listen to others when you can catch her attention. She has complained about not fitting in at church. Just yesterday for her birthday she ate at a restaurant, played at a kids play land for several hours, and visited a pet shop. When her family was driving home she asked her mother how soon they would be there as she was tired of being around everyone and everything. She just wanted her home. (Sounds like her grandpa.) She will act out after taking on other people’s junk, or become depressed.  Remember she had a year and a half of tantrums and the parents didn’t understand why.  That is gone now as they understand how to better help her cope with her gift.   I’m sure there are many disorders in the DSM book or whatever it’s called for her. But in reality, she is a beautiful young girl, full of life, love, compassion, and happiness. She just needs to be protected as she learns about her gift of empathy and is able to better shield herself, learning about containment shielding when appropriate, how to cast off offending entities, and become the daughter our Father desires her to be.

All this being said, being empathic is a wonderful gift from God. It is my belief that most gifted people are empathic to one degree or another. It seems to come with the territory. Some will go get medical help and be diagnosed with pain, panic attacks, phobias, adrenal fatigue, and much more. I wonder how many would have some relief if they turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and asked Him what their problems are. Might learning to shield, cut cords, become one with Him and our Father, casting out, clearing and such help? Could it hurt? I have social anxiety and have learned to overcome most of it, though at times it really hits me strong. When I was first asked by the Spirit to do the Ezekiel seminars back in 2003, I asked my friend Robert to handle getting up and welcoming everyone, announcing the next speaker, and all of that. He readily agreed to do it. During my next prayer I was told quite strongly that I must do it myself. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Now it is a whole lot easier. I was told by the Spirit to sing a solo during the Ezekiel seminar held up at Snowbird. I don’t have the words to describe the angst, horror, anxiety, stress, and other problems doing that caused me. But because He asked, I did it. We can overcome much of these things with His help. Remember, like I said, it is a wonderful gift from God.

We will discuss some ideas why it is such a wonderful gift from God next time.

Containment Shielding

We are going to take a slight diversion and then get back to empathic people. I’ve mentioned before on here that our largest chapter in Conquering Spiritual Evil is on shielding. But there is one concept about shielding that we didn’t cover in that book that I believe is vitally important—the containment shield.

I have found that many have never heard of shielding, let alone a containment shield. This is a shield that “restrains or holds within” as the dictionary puts it. It might be a whole lot easier to give you some examples, but first a few rules of the game.

Since we must respect everyone’s agency above all, you can’t go around putting containment shielding on others willy-nilly or just because you don’t like that person. If you do so against the laws of God then you become a minion of the adversary and are in his power. I know that since we are discussing this, there will be those that now will “ask your spirit” and feel entitled to put containment shields around whomever they desire. Hope you enjoy your experience in hell.

With my own property that I’m either purchasing or have a rental contract on, I am the steward of said property. I have a right to put up shielding on that location where I’m living. Each night after my wife and I read our scriptures we will pray. As we pray we cast out of us, our home, and the property. We will then shield ourselves, our home and property. Why every night? Its war out there and we want some semblance of peace. Many people come to our home and property to visit. We don’t know how their day has gone or if they are possessed, oppressed, depressed and or want to express. If for some reason they have left behind any “presents” knowingly or unknowingly, we want them gone. You see, you can shield somewhere all you want, but if a person comes in with little or large buggers on them, they are in, inside your shielding. In the past I can’t tell you how many naïve people have expressed the sentiment that demons or dark entities can’t get in a Temple. Really? In this world? Or in some fairytale? If I’m possessed or have dark critters on me and I go through the door, they are still with me and are now inside.

Before I explain the containment shield there is another shield you might want to know about. That would be an inner shield you put up in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ against the thoughts and emotions of the dark entities. You see, a shield will keep them outside your property and home, but they are telepathic and will sit there and send stuff into your mind all night long. Thoughts, fears, emotions, you name it. Of course you might be one of those the still believe they can’t hear your thoughts since a scripture in the D&C states that only God knows the thoughts and intents of our heart. That scripture is talking about your heart, a place you might want to learn to pray from, as they can’t hear what comes from your heart. That is between you and Light. Well, unless you are evil…..

Containment Shielding

I put up a containment shield that automatically goes around those that cross our property line. As long as they are here, it will surround them. I visualize it going around them as I put it up. After it is put up I don’t worry about it unless the Spirit tells me to reinforce it. When they leave our property it goes away. Does it work? Absolutely it does. As I said it might be better to illustrate the concept.

Have a good friend that ended up with a bad nasty on him. We were gone somewhere and this thing really didn’t like me. The vehicle started to fall apart, the brakes failed right before the top of a very steep incline with several miles of downhill road ahead of us, the TV in the hotel would change channels and such on its own. I mentioned what was going on in a phone call to my sighted friend. She saw the bad nasty and said it wanted us dead, especially me. She suggested I ask my friends permission to put a containment shield around him. I asked and he agreed. In the name of Jesus Christ I put up a containment shield around him. After it was put up the trip was quite pleasurable. Notice that I asked permission to do so. If he had refused I would have had two options, stay there and slug it out with the entity or go home.

We did a portalcism this week. This was a particularly bad location with portals, large guards keeping it active, even rocks that had been programmed to spew out evil. All of it was ancient, from Jaredite and then Lamanite and Nephite times. (If you’re going to buy property or a home, you may not want to purchase that particular property if there had been an ancient satanic temple or synagogue there.) The family had been living where hell came through for years. Mom and Dad lived upstairs and a son, his wife and their child lived downstairs in their own apartment. Everything had been closed and destroyed on the property and house when we were done. I laid hands on the man and woman and cast off some really bad things that had plagued them for years after living in this hell hole.

She emailed me two days later saying that the house was still attacking her and things were still happening. She was perplexed because they were casting out and shielding themselves, the home and property, but it just wasn’t working like it should. I was busy getting ready for some people coming over that wanted help and didn’t have time to pray about it. My sighted friend came over to help with the people and I told her about it. She quietly asked the Lord Jesus Christ and was told that this couple’s son and family were still covered with entities and such. The couple were shielding ALL of the house and property. They should only be shielding the property and their part of the home. Their son and wife have stewardship over the part they are renting and this couple have NO right to shield it. The son and wife are not believers in these things and so had nothing cast off of them. They were told that if they just took care of their stewardship and put up a containment shield around their son’s stewardship the problems would probably stop. This would be a permanent containment shield because their son’s stewardship is in the middle of theirs, but they must be separated with shielding or when they shield the entire house, their kids entities can come upstairs to play. And they were.

Another friend has a husband that has been abusive and on days when he is out with this friends he doesn’t come home alone, he brings all kinds of critters along with him. She puts a containment shield around him the moment he enters the home. This way she gets some peace.

A week or so ago another friend emailed about some people that were coming to visit. She told me she always dreads their visits because they leave all kinds of dark entities and such when they finally pack up and leave. I told her about containment shielding and how it works to keep a home peaceful and safer. She emailed yesterday and said thank you, it works. Isn’t it wonderful they can leave with all their nasty critters that they came with still attached to them and not in her home.

Containment shielding is a beautiful thing! When done properly and within the bounds the Lord Jesus Christ has set. We have no right to impinge on another’s agency, none. Though feel free to do so, I hear the adversary is always on the lookout for some new minions to come his way. But we surely must protect our property, homes, and especially our family. Especially you men out there. It is the duty of a man to protect his wife and children. God gave you that stewardship. If you don’t know how, then learn. Man up for the sake of your family. If you are one of those that don’t think any of this is real, just wait. Evil is increasing and will soon be noticeable at your front door, under your sink, in your bedroom, etc. Good luck and God bless.

Sands of Time

Back in 1999 when our daughter, Denise, had been hospitalized with her stroke, coma, and three day NDE, I had an experience we’ve written about before where I watched a movie before heading up to the hospital. At the end of the movie I expressed extreme gratitude for ALL things, especially a daughter that had been medically guaranteed to die and was now alive. I went off and had a profound experience floating somewhere in God’s love, not wanting to ever come back. I was told to go back and did. Upon arriving at the hospital to spend the night with Denise I could feel the pain of every kid I passed on the way to her room. It filled me up as I experienced their pain, suffering, fears, and so much more. I had no idea what was going on, but knew I was in deep trouble. This was not something I was familiar with and knew it was causing my physical and spiritual bodies’ problems.

Once in the room I called a friend because as I told my wife the pain of all these children in that hospital was filling me up and I knew it wasn’t good for my system. Once I got my friend on the phone and told him what was going on he declared I was “in the rest.” What he meant was that I had become empathic, or now had the ability to feel the pain of others and to take it. This was something that had never crossed my mind was possible. Yet I knew what he said was true as I was living it, breathing it, and feeling it. He told me to imagine a trap door at my feet, express gratitude for the experience, and then to ask the Savior to take all of it away as I imagined the trap door opening. I did what he described to me and all of the pain and suffering that had filled me up whooshed out of me and I was okay again.

Some months later I would take this man’s congestive heart disease and nearly die from it until I learned to express gratitude for the experience and ask the Savior to take it from me. But again, that story is written in our books.

My point is we have the ability as mortals to take the pain and suffering of other people. Those that do this on a regular basis are called empaths. We have met many empaths over the years and most are quite messed up. The reason for this I believe is because like I didn’t, they have no idea how to give it to the Savior. Also we have found from talking to them that most are genuinely wonderful people and can’t stand to see others suffer, no matter what the suffering is. They willingly take that pain away from others. This can be a huge problem because they have no right to do so unless directed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes pain and suffering are part of a person’s life experience and are required for their growth and understanding. If that is taken away, so is the lesson. For doing so, an empath will suffer consequences other than just the persons pain. But all of this is for another time.

Empathic people make great observers for ancestral healing. There are times when a person comes for a blessing or casting off and while voicing the blessing it is realized they are dealing with ancestral/generational issues. Personally I dealt with generational anger issues as a result of a white man raping my First Nation Grandmother and conceiving my father. He was given up for adoption because in the 1920’s not many wanted to raise a “half-breed.” After two years in the orphanage he was adopted by the Mendenhall’s because his soon to be adoptive mother felt sorry for the sick, scrawny, dark-skinned little boy. The anger of what happened to his birth mother was imprinted on him. My brothers used this anger to excel in sports. Several played football because it was a legal way to try and kill or maim someone. (Their words, not mine.) A generational healing was pursued to get rid of this issue and it worked. When someone comes and we are told they really need generational help, we will let them know. If it is something they want help with we will pray and see if the Lord Jesus Christ will allow us to help with the problem.

These things can be done by yourself along with the Savior. I related such an experience in our book I See….Arise! where I helped my father through some issues he still had after he had transitioned. Part of it is recounted below:

“All of his trauma hit me like a ton of bricks. I never knew it had been so hard and had damaged him like this. I felt all the emotions my father had gone through, the complete feelings of helplessness and utter despair because he didn’t do what he had been accused of. His emotions, pain, and suffering was affecting me tremendously. The rest of the night I was a walking zombie as I tried to ignore what I was feeling. When I prayed before bedtime, I asked if my earthly father still needed to get rid of these traumatic emotions from this incident. The answer was yes. I now realized that he had been gone for over twenty-four years and had continued suffering all this time. So I lay in bed and asked the Savior to be there, which He was. I asked my father to come, and he did and even used a nickname he had given me, when he greeted me. I asked him for permission to be his proxy in a healing session. He granted it.

The first thing I did was ask my earthly father to stand at my head as I lay there on the bed. Then I asked the Lord Jesus Christ, the True Healer, to take my master gene helix out of my chest and untwist it. I then asked that He allow the master gene helix of my earthly father to come out of his chest, untwist and ‘float’ to be next to mine. This was accomplished. At this point I asked the Lord to replace all broken or damaged gene parts in my father’s strand, and to repair his helix. I then asked the Lord to allow me to take into myself all my father’s pains, sufferings, and any other negative feelings associated with this incident and then to let them pass onto Him. I asked Him to transmute that dark, painful energy into light and let it go. He did. After all this was done everything was resolved, and I went to sleep completely exhausted.” (P. 240-1)

The “Further Knowledge” section of the book further explains:

“Often we are taught by ignorant or evil-intentioned clergy that when we leave this mortal existence we go to ‘heaven’ or the spirit realm, and leave all cares and problems behind. All that happens is the mortal body is dropped; everything else goes along. The full personality, habits, thought patterns, and many of the deep, unresolved, issues remain intact. The passing into the heavenly plane does not automatically resolve us of the former mental and emotional pain from mortality. Granted, much is relieved such as the constant pressure to do as the world demands. However, the old habits and events which affected us to the core of our being while in mortality will still affect us after we leave this earth…..Unfortunately, both the attitudes and deep seated beliefs are passed on to mortal family members by either genetics or teaching, both of which have exceptionally long lasting effects because severe emotional or physical traumatic events damage our genes.” (P. 241, emphasis added)

Because of His Atoning sacrifice, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the only one that can transmute the pain, suffering, and every other negative thing associated with an individual’s problems into light. We as mortals don’t have the ability, we are not like Him in that regard. But when helping our ancestors He allows us to be part of the process and it involves the gift of being an empath, such as was just described with my father. I asked for the Lord Jesus Christ to come, my mortal father to come, and then asked permission for the event to take place with me acting as proxy. The Lord Jesus Christ repaired his damaged gene parts and helix. The last part of what was done involved my gift of being empathic which allowed me to bring into myself all of my father’s pain, trauma, emotions, and such of an event he was still struggling to overcome.

Could my mortal father not have accomplished this himself in the world of spirits or paradise as we call it? Why would it make any difference if a mortal of his gene pool helped him? Is that important? Does it make it easier? By doing this do we get to “participate” with our Savior in restoring, elevating, and clearing our God’s children? Does this give us a very small inkling of what being a Savior on Mt Zion might be like, helping our family with their problems they went to the grave with? And I thought that doing my four generation sheet and having their temple work done was enough! Ha. Is there a reason we are commanded to keep journals? What if you read of your third great grandmother and her struggles and problems? Might she still be struggling with clearing all of that?

The reason why a mortal body is of such a huge help by my sighted friend:

“The mortal body enables the spirit to not only learn far more quickly but also enhances the ability to either overcome weaknesses or to progress. The body functions similar to a condenser (a type of battery) whereby negative or positive energies are condensed into a much more powerful, collected charge that can be directed by the will of the spirit. The same energies in a scattered, diluted form are far more difficult to impossible to control or even to be made use of.”

“The idea was given as a large heap of sand of every color of the spectrum. The hard part is to separate each grain of sand and put them into categorized little piles or containers. When that heap of sand is about 10 times larger than the person, it is going to take a very long time to sort it all out. Even spirits have to take breaks from their work. So, do not think they just slave away 24/7/365 without a break. Yes, eventually the work is done, but for the spirit person each grain of sand must be examined, judged as to the type, color, and chemical content then a decision has to be made where the grain belongs. For all people of the lower light and dark realms, the mental acuity is much dampened. It can and does take a very long time. The physical body is like a machine or a hopper that all the sand can be poured into. The body (machine or hopper) will then sort out each grain within microseconds, placing everything into a condensed form for far easier handling.” (P. 252-3)

The genetic link between my mortal father and myself greatly facilitated the transfer of his pain and distress. Then as my friend shared above, my body was able to sort out and condense all of the negative elements and transfer them directly to the Savior who then transmuted all of it to light. My friend shared that “the only way such a healing can occur is if the mortal proxy is completely willing to take the pain or negativism then give it to the Savior.” All of the pain, distress, and negativism is seen as darkness when looked at spiritually. After having this ancestral healing the person can then progress further along his/her journey. “Hence the necessity for a mortal proxy to assist in the enhanced progression of immortal spirit ancestors.”

As you can see, many empathic mortals are already doing much of this work. Only they haven’t had direction on how to use their gift. If anything is read from worldly sources, the Savior seems to be left out of the equation. Sadly, not much work of a true nature can be performed. An empath may take someone’s “junk” and make the person feel better for a while, but habits are still there and it will come back. Repentance has not been broached and no mention of the Savior enters their world view. ONLY He can transmute darkness into light, only He paid the price at Gethsemane, only He is our Savior and true Lord. But most of what the world teaches is on a mortal scale.

I think we all have much to do. Well, unless you have no parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great great-grandparents……….

There is more to discuss about what and how some of a “religious” or spiritual nature accomplish an ancestral healing. We need to look at that and then compare it to what we have been shown by our Savior, so we will continue later.

(Softly) Ashley, can you hear me?

“Dad, I think we need to take Ashley to get her hearing checked,” my middle daughter said one day.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Well, we will ask her to come here or do something and she just doesn’t hear us or even respond to us. I know she is three, but she should still respond and know we are talking to her. We need to get her hearing checked, we don’t think she can hear.”

The three-year-old was in the next room so I whispered real softly, “Ashley, can you hear me?”

Us adults just sat there as I got a “see” look from my daughter. A long while later Ashley said, “What do you want Grandpa?”

I told my daughter that her daughter doesn’t have a hearing problem at all; she hears just fine. Her problem is a lack of a veil and it takes her a while to come back to this world. I could see that my daughter was not a believer in what I had just said. I asked Ashley to come over and I asked her pointed questions.

“Ashley, have you seen angels?”

“Yes, Grandpa,” she answered.

“Have you seen Jesus?”

“Yes, Grandpa.”

It was then my daughter realized she had a “gifted” one in her household. I wished my daughter “good luck” with that one. Having had our youngest come back from the dead without a veil and gifted, I knew this daughter was in for an education. Some days it wouldn’t be the least bit fun. From experience I knew their life would never be the same.

That summer we had some friends over for a barbeque. One was our sighted friend without the veil. I noticed she was watching Ashley playing over by the bushes and trees by herself. Ashley seemed to be more content when left alone to play by herself. Oh she could play with her sisters just fine, but more often than not you’d find her alone with a book, drawing, or playing in nature by herself.

“So do you see yourself as a young child when you see Ashley playing?” I asked my sighted friend.

She looked like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and nodded. I continued, “Only she isn’t playing by herself, she’s playing with the sprites, isn’t she?”

“Yes,” she responded with a wry smile.

Today I asked Ashley if she remembered playing with the little fairies and such. “No,” she responded. Then she smiled and said, “Are they real?”
“Yes,” I answered. Incredibly happy she exclaimed, “I knew they were!” Seems someone’s veil might not be completely there and maybe she hasn’t been completely conditioned by society, church, and friends to not believe and to not see.

Ashley continued to grow and her parents discovered new gifts. They came and told me she would get depressed and seem to have emotional problems for no reason they could discover. (She actually went through a year and a half period where she would have super tantrums for no reason. After she was done they would ask her what the problem was and she didn’t know. It was not realized how highly sensitive Ashley is, as an empath could easily become overwhelmed with the impact of stressful situations and emotions. If her parents had not understood this was a “gifted” issue they would have taken her to Western Medicine where she would most likely have been diagnosed and put on medication.)

“You guys been having a quarrel or an argument?” I asked my daughter one day.

“How did you know?” she replied.

I told them that their daughter was empathic, meaning she can feel and absorb other people’s emotions and she had absorbed theirs. If they argue in the home she will feel it and then because she doesn’t like the emotional pain of it she will absorb that pain into herself. That will cause her problems of an emotional and even a physical nature. She can become quite ill if the home doesn’t change and become a place of peace and safety for her. Over the next few years they experienced all of this with Ashley. Because she is so young she has a hard time intellectualizing her feelings. Empaths are highly sensitive!

They found that she could take on other people’s moods. And it didn’t matter if the mood was happy or sad, good or bad. She could feel it all, deep inside and sometimes to an extreme. Empaths like to get away and be alone, this recharges them. In a group setting Ashley’s parents have found she will seek out one other person and just be with them and not the group. Sometimes there is just too much energy in a group setting and they can’t handle it. Getting away into nature is a great relief for them. A walk in the woods, or on a nature path, being in water or just sitting under a tree with a book helps them cope and release the energies and burdens they have taken on. Knowing she is empathic has been a tremendous help for Ashley. Limited and no arguing in the home has helped immensely, knowing she is taking others problems, her parents just being aware of her and what is going on around her has helped relieve the burden of being empathic. Others will tell an empath that they are too sensitive and ought to “buck it up.” It is most difficult for an empath to be around a narcissistic person because the narcissist lacks empathy and only want what’s best for them. A narcissist will suck the life out of an empath and sadly, the empath many times will allow them to do so.

One of the best things an empath can do is learn to shield themselves. I won’t discuss shielding here since it is the largest chapter in Conquering Spiritual Evil. Shielding can help alleviate many of their problems. Ashley has been taught to shield herself and that has been a tremendous blessing for her. Though since she is still a kid, there are times her parents must remind her to shield herself from what is going on and to not take it. Empaths also need to understand they don’t have the right to take away other people’s problems, pain, suffering, etc. unless they have asked and received permission from our Lord Jesus Christ. (Of course you can get by with “just asking their spirit.” Just kidding.) If an empath takes away someone’s suffering, pain or whatever they are feeling and it was an experience the Savior desired that person to have or experience, then they have done wrong and have need to repent of it. Nevertheless, learning to shield themselves is vitally important to their own health and wellbeing. If Ashley’s parents need to discipline one of her siblings they will turn to her and remind her to shield herself so she won’t get the emotions of them or the sibling. When she properly shields herself, whatever goes on does not usually affect her. What an incredible tool the Lord has given us! If she does take on some “stuff” they immediately remind her to give it to the Lord Jesus Christ. She releases it to Him and is fine.

A year ago we were invited north to help a young woman that was suicidal and had requested a blessing and casting off. After clearing the home of portals, possessed stuffed animals, skeletons and such, we talked to the young woman. After she told us about her physical problems I asked her if could stand to see young children suffer? She said she couldn’t. I asked several more questions and it confirmed my suspicions. She was an empath. After telling her this and describing what an empath is, she realized her life was being described. She had taken on so many problems and emotions from others she couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to end her life. She needed shielding and more important she needed the Lord Jesus Christ in her life, learning to give it to Him.

We have a longtime friend that our family loves dearly. She has been an empath all her life. As a child she would take on everyone else’s problems, emotions, feelings, and anything else to help make them feel better. It really made her life hard and she had no idea why. It wasn’t until just a few years ago we talked to her about being an empath. It explained her entire life. She also found out through a generational healing that thousands of her ancestors were also empaths, it was a generational gift that many felt was actually a curse. Being an empath doesn’t have to be like that. It can be a real blessing for many others, including the empath.

Being empathic doesn’t mean your life is going to be a horror show. It is a gift and blessing from God. Empaths just need to understand and learn how to live and be. Most important they need to learn to give the feelings, energy, and emotions to the Lord Jesus Christ. He can transmute that to light and then the empath can function. Empaths have some terrific things they can share and help others with. We will explore that in the next post.

Trained in the Ministry

It will be 17 years this November 5th that my life changed somewhat. Our youngest daughter had a diabetic coma, stroked the left side of her brain destroying it, was declared she would die but never did, and came out of the coma four days later as a “newborn” ten-year-old. She learned everything all over again. She left the hospital on Nov. 30th being able to see energy (auras), the spirit world—both light and dark, and a four day NDE with the Lord Jesus Christ under her belt. Needless to say our life was never the same.

I was intrigued by all she had become and experienced. The first thing I “played” with was her ability to see energy. We would go to the mall just to be around people and she’d share with me what she saw around them. Real quickly I became aware of the energy around us, though I couldn’t see it at the time and what it meant on a very elementary level. Individuals that did “energy work” or energy healing seemed to be attracted to her like she was a little magnet. In that way I was introduced to this fascinating world and I soon decided that I too, wanted to be trained in the ministry of energy healing.

Though I had much desire to be part of what these people were doing and prayed for permission to be part of it, the Spirit always denied me. That really bothered me as I knew what a fool I was and knew it would require training to understand and do those wonderful things I was seeing. Well, at least I believed they were wonderful. Some individuals seemed to be helped immensely by what was done. When allowed, I asked some of these people to “work” on me. Fascinating. There have been many articles written about men and women that do what some could call energy or faith healing. I read one about an UCLA law professor and prominent corporate bankruptcy lawyer that had practiced energy work on the side for some seven years in 2004. While utilizing more than a half dozen healing methods he has experienced much success helping people. Even hospitals around the country have energy healers on staff in addition to Western medicine. A children’s hospital in Southern California has two energy healers in its pediatric pain program. It has become more mainstream over the years.

Several years after our daughter’s coma experience we moved to Central Utah to live. What a blessing to be away from the large population centers up north. The town we moved to was blessed to have more than a few women that had done this kind of work for many years and were actually quite gifted. I was blessed. Many days I’d find myself sitting in a circle as these women talked and shared experiences. One such time was recorded in our last book, I See…..Arise!, where the Spirit had asked me to do energy work on a spiritually sighted woman that had had a broken back with nerve damage along with kidney issues.

Previously I had facilitated a few workshops for people that taught different aspects of energy work like the one mentioned in my last post where I wrote about spoon bending and such. But I had never actually worked on someone and didn’t want to. The Spirit was quite insistent and I “powered up” and asked her. She agreed. Following are some of her comments about the Padawan that worked on her:

“Being the guinea pig for the experience of someone having never even attempted using spiritual energy, who is totally ignorant of how much power they actually possess, can be rather disconcerting. Holding his hand several inches above the body was a kindness. Doug had two settings: On and off. It was either nothing or 100% on. Shielding helped. Nevertheless, for a highly sensitive person, that flow of power was a little much like live electric wires dragged down my body. Little children love to experiment on living objects to see what happens. In this case the ‘guinea pig’ was pre-warned as well told the experiment was a necessity for a gifted padawan to have his first lesson working with ‘The Force!’ The padawan was clueless of being highly gifted. Just because we are not aware of, nor use, the God given gifts or talents (we are born with) does not mean we have none.”

I had no idea this was the start of any training and no idea of what I was doing other than I was told by the Spirit to “run energy” on her. My idea of being trained in the ministry was to attend a three day workshop where someone that had received a revelation about how to heal themselves, a spouse, or someone else actually did what they were “inspired” to do. They told others and found that some wanted to learn how to do what they had done. Soon it became an industry where hundreds would show up wanting to depart with the five hundred bucks in their energetically hot little hands ready to be trained. Trained they would become and then go out to help the world, inspired to help all they could literally get their hands on. Like I said, I wanted in. It seems that some are a flash in the pan so to speak, and then they quietly go away or just have a few devoted followers that remain to do their work. I have watched several with a lot of fascination.

“As Doug moved his fully charged hand, the energy was all too well felt, UNTIL he reached the damaged area of the spine. It was as if the gift was promptly shut down. There was nothing at all. His hands were still there. The strands of energy could still be seen flowing down the body. Yet, nothing could be felt. As soon as the damaged area was moved past, the sensation was substantially reduced. About plowing through the poor defenseless, damaged, kidneys. It was like having a cat claw peeling sunburned skin off. My jaw had a good workout from clamping the mouth shut. The Savior requested no emotion be shown or Doug would become even more frightened. Soooo, the guinea pig stayed as silent and as expressionless as able. Thankfully, the Savior eased back the all-out blast of the energy flow so respiration could, reasonably, function.

Living energy is, most often, blue and white in color. It can also be silver, pink, light violet and green, depending on use or need. Evil uses coal black and deep red colored energy. Flowing clean water, streaming from a hose or pipe, gives a good idea of what energy appears to the sighted. Of course it is more ethereal, but the idea is quite close.”

If the Savior had told me the pain or torture I was causing this dear friend I would not have done any of this. But He decided the experience was required. I still wanted to attend any workshop to learn. The closest I came was to facilitate workshops with people like Robert Bruce from Australia, Stephan Schwartz, a good friend from Arizona, and many others. I learned much attending them. Though nearly all of them had one thing in common, they hardly ever mentioned the Lord Jesus Christ, the True Healer. Some modalities will come close and talk about “Source.” I suppose they mean God or maybe our Savior.

Several years later when the counselor friend called me to help with casting a rather large entity out of the girl’s apartment, the young woman asked for a blessing. I have written about this but will mention it here as well. After a short bit of time with my hands on her head she bolted from the room. I soon found out that the energy from my hands was burning her head. She was quite sensitive like my friend quoted above. In fact I called that friend to see what the problem was. She told me to turn down the power. Not knowing how to do such a thing, as I was not trained, I imagined a knob where my navel is and actually put my hand there and turned it down. It worked for the left hand. (I was turning with the right hand.) After putting my hands back on her head she said the right hand was still burning her so I looked at it and told it to tone itself down. Now days I would just ask the Savior to allow only the energy needed for the blessing to come out and it would be done.

If I have learned anything these past 17 years after our daughter’s coma, it’s to always do things the Savior’s way. He will teach us if we ask Him. And we will learn to do it His way and become an instrument for Him. I mentioned this post to Z and had her read it as I knew at that point it didn’t feel quite finished. She asked if I was going to mention certain points about our Lord Jesus Christ and healing. She wrote them down and since what she said is so good I think I’ll let her say it:

“Now the only problem I see in all the information and teaching is kindly show where Christ is the main healer and where does He come in all of this? There may be names for many modalities, but none exemplify Christ nor give Him the honor or thanks for any of it. All that “energy” actually comes from Him through us. True we can transfer our own physical life force energy to another person with some rather debilitating consequences if done too long, however, the main one doing the true healing is actually our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

By far the greatest majority of the world’s population either are horribly ignorant or flat love the accolades and completely ignore what He does for us. We are to solicit Him for the strength, love, and power to heal according to His dictates, not our own. Then we are to thank Him for giving permission and for using us as an instrument.”

Like I’ve said in the past, it isn’t about us, we are not the healers, He is. It is to be done with His permission, using His energy, while doing it His way. If that includes part of a modality, awesome. But He will dictate how it is done. I was driving back from Arizona last year and decided to dissolve some clouds. I did one and realized it was really hard. All the sudden I realized I had used my own energy. I asked permission and asked Him to let His energy flow through me. He did and the clouds melted away. We could do so much more if we’d just get out of the way and be the “conduit” we should be.

A week or so ago I received an emergency call from a friend. His daughter was quite ill and asked if we’d come and help. I called my sighted friend and we started to fast. The next day we went to see this family. As we pulled up we realized we needed to close the many portals on the property or any healing may be negated. After that was done we talked to the family and the daughter that was ill that had requested a blessing. I voiced the blessing, casting off all that was causing her problems. It was quite interesting, but that isn’t my point. After I was done the Savior had my sighted friend ask permission of the sick young woman to hold her hand. She knelt in front of her holding her hand and allowed the Lord Jesus Christ’s healing energy to flow through her to the young woman. That was what the Lord had told her to allow Him to do while she talked to her. I am thinking about naming this modality….. Sorry, couldn’t help that one. It’s free for the taking, just ask Him, no charge.

I am not writing this to disparage any that have been trained in the ministry. Only to caution them to not just plunk one note on the healing/energy modality piano. Ping, ping, ping. There are one hit wonders in the musical world and one note wonders in the energetic healing world. It might be wise to have the Lord Jesus Christ as our teacher. If He honestly tells you to attend a workshop, awesome. Put that modality in your quiver and then ask what He would have you learn next. He did whatever His Father told him to do in all things, which would include using energy to heal others. He had and has a rather large quiver to choose from. Years ago I went to a woman that does cranial sacral and had the most amazing vision of my Dad’s birth mother. This woman is very gifted with sight and does as the Spirit tells her in the moment and has many arrows in her quiver.

If you have been trained in the healing ministry that is awesome. Please don’t be like the several ministers I’ve met over the years who have been trained in the religious ministry. Years ago when we were doing the Ezekiel Seminars the Savior had me invite a Baptist minister to come and give several talks. He was great. We all quite enjoyed him. At one of the last talks he gave I noticed his binder that he had taken up to the podium had many pages in it. I looked closer and saw that he had his talk written out, large print and double spaced. We had one subject at those seminars and that was the Lord Jesus Christ. Also all the speakers had been asked to come and talk by the Spirit. It amazed me that he wasn’t doing that, his was a “canned” presentation. He even cried on cue several times in his talk. There was much emotion present which many mistook for the Spirit. For a while I got caught up in the moment and then I realized that he had been to divinity school and had literally been trained in the ministry. He was quite adept at giving prepared, canned talks. There is a formula they use to drop you down emotionally and then bring you back up. And yes, they cry on cue. A good friend explained it to me once as he had used it many years ago with great results. He made the comment that by using the “ministry training” you can get the audience eating out of the palm of your hand and afterward they will feel great—for a few days or hours.

What happens if you are trained in the ministry in our one or two modalities? Do you listen to Him at that point or will your training even allow that? Can you hear Him? Do you want to? I’ve seen more than a few modalities get really “hot” and people are excited over it. Then as the newest flavor of the week comes along many will jump to that ministry as it is the latest and greatest. All the while, the Lord Jesus Christ is here waiting to train you in the only modality that really matters, that has true power and is lasting—His.

You might want to learn to hear Him, the Lord Jesus Christ and follow what He tells you to do. It might do you good to exemplify Him and thank Him, realizing He is the True Healer. And remember to keep that dirt and spittle handy, you never know when the True Healer might require you to get out of that modality box and do something excitingly off the wall. Though He is never “showy” about what is done. Seems he healed many privately or quietly and then asked them to not tell anyone. Some have asked to watch us close portals and I tell them they’d be bored to death. We stand and don’t say a word out loud or really move until we go to the next one to take care of it. Quite the show really……well it would be if you had spiritual sight and could see what was actually going on. Right now the only way I get to see what goes on is the report done by my sighted friend for each portalcism. What goes on with the unseen is amazingly wild at times.

It seems like our Lord Jesus Christ is that way, just quietly does His work. Makes me wonder when I see some healing modalities with arms flailing, rote prayers being done, people being slain in the spirit as they call it, etc. Does being trained in the ministry make it harder to follow what the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to do in each situation? How come so many that I have met are not willing to even say His name as my friend said above or give Him credit? We are not the healers, He is. His training is individualized for each person according to what He wants them to know and understand, their ability to assimilate His lessons and most of all, their faith to ACT and do what He says. It might behoove to us be trained in His ministry and become one mind and heart with Him and our Father.

Belief and Energy

I remember hearing about the woman who would cut off the ends of the pot roast. Her young daughter asked her why she did this and she had no idea except her mother had also done the same thing. She called her mother and asked why and got the same answer, that her mother had done the same thing. So they called a now aged great grandmother and asked her why she had cut the ends off the pot roast. “My pan was too small for the pot roast so I cut the ends off,” she replied.

Cute story, but how many of us do things because of habit, which are learned behaviors or even traditions like this in this story. Are some of those habits damning (stopping) us?

Back in 2005 we did a workshop for a woman that came to teach about energy work. I had heard her on late night radio months previously. I could only hear the station in my car, so I was out there at one in the morning with my fork in hand. She taught us how to do it and after twenty minutes of doing her technique I couldn’t get it to bend. I had one of my wife’s good forks, not the thin, cheap kind we normally use. Another five minutes of doing her “energy work” and I felt something different with the fork. I tried to bend it and it was like rubber. It bent in half and was soon hardened in that position. I knew my wife wouldn’t be happy but hey, I had bent a fork with energy!

Yes, I know, energy work, something that many Christians and even those in my church believe is evil and dark. Well, of course it can be, but it is also light. I can use a hammer to build or destroy, my choice. It is the same with what people call energy work. I prefer to call it higher spirituality. Those that want to control you, typically governments and religions, don’t want you to know of or understand such things. So they do things like calling it the occult. The word “occult” means “hidden.” That’s all. But realize there is the dark occult and the light occult. The LDS would say those things that are hidden, which they consider sacred, in the temple would be of the light occult. Other Christians would disagree, and would do so without checking it out or believing what others, especially disaffected LDS, have to say.

It is my hope that readers here are open minded and soft hearted and would never do such a thing. That they would never believe rumors or what others say, that they would check out what is true or not with the source if available. Though I know some people are lazy and will not do that. It is so much easier to believe the crud that goes around. Wow, it is delicious to the taste, isn’t it, even though it comes from the adversary.

Sorry about that little side trip.

This woman came to Mt Pleasant and we had about 200 seats in the senior center. A lot more than that showed up. In the morning she taught meditation, how to develop energy and run it around your body, and the importance of being able to focus. If you are going to do anything of a spiritual nature it is best to raise your frequency by getting into a meditative state. Deep, slow breathing will also help immensely as will “running” energy. All of us attendees learned these techniques. After practicing these things she asked us to get our forks or spoons out that she had told us to bring. Many of us were newbies, but were ready for the grand experiment.

She went through the process of how to bend a spoon or fork. I remember one gifted friend that was there held up her fork in about one minute and it was twisted in knots. That was one of the moments in my life that I didn’t know if I liked gifted people or not. In her exuberance she didn’t realize how us mere mortals sometimes get intimidated by the gifted. One minute, really? I put her out of my mind and focused on the task at hand—bending my fork. It took me some fifteen to twenty minutes and I felt that “change” take place. I kept working with the energy as I wanted to really twist it and bend it. Below is my fork. Please take a decent fork and using just your hands squish it together like that! You can’t do it.

To say I was excited would have been an understatement. Right after the woman told us to take a break. I went around the room to take a look at what everyone had done. About 80% of the room had bent their forks or spoons. I went up to a group, a family and asked to see their forks or spoons. They all held up a fork or spoon that was ready to be used to eat with, no bending here. And then they each said the most interesting thing:

“We can’t do stuff like this.”

And they were right. Stopped short, cut off, damned or whatever you choose to call it. When we declare that we aren’t, can’t, don’t, or any other negative declaration, we are right. We are unable, can’t, don’t, and aren’t. We have vocalized our unbelief and Natural Law will obey us. If you lay hands on someone to cast a demon out and you say, “We would like this demon gone. If you’d take it away Lord that would be awesome, pleeease.” The only reason the demon would leave is because it would be on the floor laughing its fool head off. But don’t worry, it will be right back once it settles down…. Be bold, declare as the Lord Jesus Christ would. I keep looking in the scriptures to find where he told His Father He couldn’t do such and such. Or where he begged a demon to come out. Ha, He understood Natural Law and knew how to use it.

I was questioning Z the other day traveling to a portalcism about when the Lord Jesus Christ healed the blind man. I had prayed about it and felt that particular healing was not instant. We discussed the incident and at the end she made the statement that after a miracle happened during the Lord’s time, some would declare, “I can’t believe it.” Guess what happened then? It stopped the miracle. What we declare is so very vital to what flows or comes after. I know some people that are gifted have made the statement to me that “Where attention goes, energy flows.” True statement and fact. But that flow of energy can be “damned” with a negative statement or with unbelief. (And yes, his sight came back gradually.)

Does energy flow? Yes. Just think of the experience the Lord Jesus Christ had with the woman that touched the hem of his cloak or garment. He stated that he felt “virtue” leave him. The footnotes give us several other synonyms for virtue: power and strength. In fact there was another time where “The whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19) Power went out of him, or dare I say it? Energy. It’s all the same. You mean the Lord Jesus Christ used energy to heal? Absolutely. We stop that within ourselves with negative statements or statements of unbelief.

Is that why the Lord Jesus Christ needed to get rid of the mourners when he went to heal the daughter of Jairus? He “put them out.” Why? Because their negativity or unbelief as they “laughed him to scorn” would have stopped her being raised from her bed. Unbelief stops energy, stops healing which uses energy, power, and virtue; whatever you choose to call it.

Why do the “psychics” have a difficult time using their gifts in front of Pen and Teller, or the Amazing Randi, skeptics that offer a reward if someone does something paranormal or psychic in front of them and they can’t disprove it? For the same reason that the Lord Jesus Christ couldn’t do miracles in his own town. Unbelief stops miracles, the flow of power, strength or energy.

I have used energy for healing. Always with permission from my Father or the Lord Jesus Christ. I have seen miracles happen that are not explainable to those with closed minds, with unbelieving hearts. God’s laws work for everyone, both the good and the not so good. It is your choice how to use them as it is your choice to believe or not. What we declare, especially with emotion, will come to pass. How many of you have told your son what a pain in the butt he is thousands of times and now have hemorrhoids? Ouch.










“It’s okay, I asked your spirit.”

Several years ago a good friend called and asked if I would be willing to come to a woman’s home and cast out what was there. I have written about this in one of our books. But I wanted to get across the concept that she asked for help, I didn’t go looking to solve anyone’s problems. She is a clinical counselor so I wondered what part of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) she was using for this one. I highly doubt there is anything in there about casting out other than the belief in such a thing constitutes a mental disorder. That I don’t doubt. After she asked me I then asked her if the woman that wanted help had asked for me to come. She said yes she had. My friend also informed me that she had asked me as a friend to come over, not as a counselor and that her husband would also be there. I guess there would be no DSM on this one.

I had a great experience there. The entity was powerful enough to do “poltergeist” activity; her cupboard doors flew open, things were etched into the walls not to mention her, etc. Upon entering her little one bedroom apartment I sat in a chair. I could feel someone next to me. It didn’t feel evil or dark, it felt confused. I asked about it. My friend, the counselor is gifted and said she felt an earthbound spirit there. The woman then stated that was where they had found the woman’s body that had rented the apartment before she did. She had committed suicide there in a chair in that corner. “Well, she’s still there,” I said. I knew we needed to address this earthbound woman before we could address the other problems.

We decided to stand in a circle and I’d offer a prayer to our Father in Heaven and also address the woman. I did so. I remember then telling the woman that she needed to look up and she would see family there, that no one there or here was judging her. She was then given a choice. She was told that if she didn’t go with her family, and the Lord Jesus Christ in the light, I would have to cast her out of the apartment. This other woman was now renting it and it was now her stewardship, that she had no right to stay there any longer, but it was her choice. She chose to go with the Lord Jesus Christ and her family. It was awesome.

We have zero authority to send anyone to the light, it is always a choice. You know, that agency thing again, the biggie law of Heaven. I have heard of many that teach you can do such a thing. Sorry, but if the Lord Jesus Christ can’t do it, why do some people believe they can? Just a thought. There are some that believe they can send dark entities to the light. Not so again. If an entity, like a minion, who is redeemable from hell, wants to get out of service to that old Rag stallion in hell he must make the choice and get out. But, we can’t send him to the light. Choice is always present. Other entities in hell are not redeemable and their fate is set. Now we can command entities when casting out to go back to hell, as they are impinging on others stewardship up here and need to be removed promptly.

Yesterday we had two visitors at our home, a husband and wife. She talked about how she felt she had some negative entities on her and she needed to get rid of them. I told her that sometimes help is needed. She then talked for a while and asked if I thought she would be able to cast them off by herself. I told her that sometimes we all need help. A while later she asked again if I thought she had entities on her. I told her that yes, she did have some entities on her and sometimes we need help to get them off. This went on for a while longer with me telling her that sometimes we need help. That concept was repeated several more times.

Finally, she asked, “Do you think you could help me get rid of these entities?”

“Yes!” I told her husband, “She finally got it.” The offending entities were cast off and she lightened up considerably. So much so that her husband even commented about how much lighter she was.

I know some of you are saying, “Why didn’t he just offer to cast them off?”

That was not my place. If we have gifts we shouldn’t go around healing the world, going up to others and telling them what is in their home, on them, on their children, etc. If Z came to any of your homes and told you what she saw there, you’d be flabbergasted and shocked. Most would not believe it. But it is none of her business unless they ask for help. This is the biggest thing I have always appreciated with my daughter and Z. Denise would especially love to let me trudge around in the pig pen for a while and just be amused at what I was enduring or dealing with. When I asked her why she didn’t speak up, she would say that I had not asked her and that she wasn’t allowed to say anything until I asked. I loved the respect for agency these two showed, even though what I was going through really hurt at times. It is also respect for the Lord Jesus Christ and his ways, his gospel, his truth and the way of Light. We are to always ask Him and get His permission before doing anything. Remember, ask in all things. If we take agency away we are doing the bidding of the Adversary and his Lords, not that of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some get so good at this it becomes a habit, going around with their fairy dust saving the world. Many will tell me, “The Lord told me to do this or say this.” And I’m thinking, “What Lord?” Would the Lord Jesus Christ have told them to do this or say that? I’m sure it was a Lord, but which one……a dark Lord?

If you have spiritual gifts come in and now you can hear things that are not heard or see things that are not seen, you have no right to go around telling others what you see on them. What if they have a lesson the Lord is giving them and you come along and mess it up. Do you want that on your head? I wouldn’t. We need to let people live their lives. Now if they ask, that is a different proposition. Before doing anything we must ask for permission from the Lord Jesus Christ to even address the problem.

I have found that you can give hints. A young man came by today. He had come with a friend several weeks ago and called wanting to come back alone. I let him chat, knowing all along he had powerful demons on him. He told me of his problems, addictions, and such. I asked if he had ever read Conquering Spiritual Evil and he said that he had not. So I told him that many times what he was describing could be caused by dark entities that are in or on a person. I never told him he had such a thing; he had not asked. Finally he did ask and then we chatted about that and about getting rid of them. But he asked first. I have been around my daughter and Z for many years now. I have never seen them walk up to a person and explain what is on them. Privately we will discuss what is on someone, but I will not tell them—unless asked.

Good example from the two ladies.

Lastly, many years ago Denise and I had been on the road doing book reviews for several weeks. We had arrived in a faraway city and I was exhausted. I sat on the couch of the person who had invited us. Immediately one of her friends came over to me and started “tapping” me on the head and chest. “What the crud are you doing?” I asked. I was more than a little perturbed.

“I’m tapping you to give you energy,” she replied, “I can see you’re exhausted and you need energy.”

“I didn’t ask you to do that and I find it highly uncomfortable. Plus, I didn’t give you permission to do that,” was my response.

“It’s okay,” she said, “I asked your spirit and it told me yes.”

I have encountered this answer with more than a few people that are quite zealous with their gifts and desire to help. My response was that I’m a fully conscious human being and can answer for myself. It is wrong to do things to anyone without permission. What if I’m in a coma? Then ask permission of whomever has stewardship over that person.

The bottom line is we must be asked to help others, be mindful of their agency, and always seek what the Lord Jesus Christ would have us do. Remember there are many that claim the title of Lord on the dark side of the veil.

A postscript about the woman that came here yesterday with her husband. After I had finished with her, he asked for a blessing to get rid of whatever dark spirits were on him. I quietly asked my Father in Heaven for permission and was told “No.” I was told he wasn’t ready to get rid of what he had on him and told him so. He agreed. It is always about what our God desires as only He knows what will bless the lives of others, understands the timing required and the requisite preparation.

I hope God blesses you gifted people. Being gifted is hard and requires much prayer and work to know how to use them properly, always within the bounds the Lord Jesus Christ has set.

God’s Blessings

I’m sure there have been people directed to this “thing” that really don’t understand what we do, don’t like what we do, or don’t agree with what we do.  Awesome and welcome.  Maybe you will learn something while visiting.  If not, there is a delete or exit button and feel free not to come back.  You see, it won’t hurt my feelings one bit.  This so called blog is being done for those that are involved in these things and might be seeking some insight or maybe a different way of looking at or doing things.  If you don’t have the belief that evil is real, that it can cause spiritual and physical harm or feel one only needs to invoke the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and everything will be fine, you may not want to visit here.

I’m not saying this site is any kind of “end all” to find out about these things.  I just felt the Spirit telling me for many months to do this as it will be of benefit for someone.  If it is just one person, then praise our Lord God.

I had a gentleman call me about his wife.  She had suffered migraines for many years, two to three a week. Since the end of last year it was almost daily.  They had tried nearly every medical procedure looking for help. Nothing seemed to help.  Her husband had our book at their house and she was not fond of that fact and didn’t like us.  I have no problem with that, if you are truly doing the Lord’s work there will be many that hate you.  Especially those of a “religious” bent.  And I guarantee we are disliked.

But her suffering became so intense she finally agreed to come and see us.  Many times we are the “last resort.” I’m usually somewhat apprehensive about someone coming to our home that has a “hate” for me, but I have known her husband for a while so I agreed to the visit.  We all agreed to fast and pray in preparation for the visit and blessing.

They arrived on time and we had a pleasant visit.  I had invited my friend Z to come over for the experience.  I explained to the woman that it most likely wouldn’t be a normal “church” blessing, and if I felt the need to do so, I would stop and ask Z a question or two to make sure we got all of whatever might have been causing the problems.  She seemed to become more comfortable as we chatted.  Finally it was time for the blessing.

I explained to her that if there were cords attached to her from a dark entity I might use a knife to cut the cords or bonds.  She said her husband had told her about that and she was okay with it.  When I lay hands on someone the Lord Jesus Christ will many times open up my spiritual sight so I can see.  This time Z mentioned before the blessing that she had a large screw like device in the top of her head that split and went into both sides of her brain.  I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to take care of the many dark entities she had on her and did cut the bonds and cords.  Then the large screw was removed.  Several other things were addressed as I scanned her from the top downward.  A large device was removed from her neck. At the end she was shielded and a blessing was given by the Lord Jesus Christ.

They left to drive home afterward.  The husband called me about eight days later to give a report.  He said she was excited because she had not mentioned the neck pain she had been having for a long time and that had been addressed and the device taken out.  She said her neck quit hurting at that moment and hasn’t hurt since.  She had three days of about a 30 minute headache when she woke up, but since then had not had a headache and no migraines.  Praise God!

Now that is what the Lord Jesus Christ can and does do.  But it always must be His will and on His time schedule.

If someone calls and asks for a blessing I will always get on my knees and ask Father if He wants me to voice a blessing for that person.  I have been told “no” in the past on several occasions.  (That always intrigues me. You know, the why.)  If I get permission then I will ask what He wants done for the required sacrifice.  Most of the time it is fasting that is required.  I personally like the one day version of those.  This week we are doing a portalcism at a home with some really high level portals.  Then we are going to cast out some very powerful entities on a good woman who lives there.  Most likely the husband will also ask for a blessing and we will gladly do that. The feeling is her entities, especially the large one, have been there since birth plaguing her.  That one requires a three day fast.  The day of the blessing I will pray again, making sure I have permission.  Then I ask that my ego be cast out, that the blessing comes from God the Father shielded with no interference.  I ask forgiveness of my many shortcomings—I repent.  Once I feel right I will go voice the blessing.  If we travel, then all of this must be done before we leave.  This week we will travel about two hours to get to this home and good woman.

The bottom line is there is always much preparation involved in these things and should only be done with permission from our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Otherwise we shouldn’t be messing around with any of it. If you do, I can guarantee you will get burned.  If done properly there are miracles the Lord Jesus Christ will allow you to be a part of.

We received an email from a woman whose little four year old daughter had gone from a wonderful, sweet girl to a horrible little terror over a four month period.  It was a three hour drive to get there so Z and I had a great conversation.  Upon arriving we found the single mother had moved there about four months earlier.  That is when her sweet little girl started to change and had become a “demon child.” (Her words.)  We entered the apartment and the little girl ran to the stairs and hissed at us and said we couldn’t be there, etc. The mother apologized. She had asked and received permission from the owner of the building for us to remove the portals there, so we proceeded to do that.  After finishing with the outside we went back inside to do the apartment.  At the top of the stairs we turned to look into the little girl’s room.  She was on her bed hissing and yelling at us.  Z said there was a very high level portal there where the bed was.  Now we knew why she had become the “demon girl” full of entities.  It was removed but now the problem was to get the girl to allow me to lay hands on her to cast off the offending entities.

I went downstairs and Z used her gifts on the young girl and they came down the stairs together.  She had contained the demon so it would not make the little girl act up.  I laid hands on her and cast all of it off in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  She sat there and played as we talked to the mom and finally left.  The little girl gave hugs as we left.  The mother cried because her little angel was now back.

That is what the Lord Jesus Christ can and does do. Demons do affect children.  Children can become possessed, read your Bible. It is the responsibility of the parents to protect them until they reach the age of understanding and can be taught how to take care of these things themselves.  I have grand-kids that are five years old that know how to cast out and shield themselves.  Satanic devices can and do cause pain and suffering.  That is why they are put in and on us. It takes understanding to remove such things or they really won’t be taken care of.

Anyway, if this kind of thing is your cup of tea, welcome.  If not, they serve beer elsewhere.  Take care either way.