Paradigms or “Pair-of-nickels”? Part two

What about the man that volunteered to come here to mortality and violate those who would become family members?

First let’s go over a couple of things. I’ve have had both positive and negative feedback with the previous post about paradigms. There were two of the six readers of this blog that “unsubscribed.” I have a feeling that there might have been some judgment involved in that, but it’s really okay. I’m fine with just four readers. Really.

Second, the story that was told might represent about one-tenth of one percent of those that come to mortality. It isn’t many people, it doesn’t happen that often.

This in no way makes those of evil that come here “shining stars.” People like Hitler and Cain were murderers before they came here. They were evil before they came here. I am talking about a very small percentage of people that had missions like this man who was of great light. But that IS NOT the point. The point is judgment and jumping to conclusions. That is why this was divided into two parts, in order to let any and all judgments sink in before attempting to answer the first part.

Did those that judged the story then take the emotion out of it, the judgement out of it and go to the Lord Jesus Christ to get further understanding? I don’t know. I would certainly hope so. Did He give you any?

In order to understand this fully it might take reading our books and even attending the workshops we did to see the bigger picture of what this world is about and what is going on here. It is not your Junior or Senior Sunday School lesson. (I know, two of you four readers have no idea what Junior Sunday School is.)

Does he not deserve to go to Hell to pay for his crimes, even if he volunteered to come and do them? What did the Lord Jesus Christ tell you? Why are you believing what is written here or anywhere from anyone? Why are you not going to Him to get the truth of all things? That is what we each must do! Especially about things that are hard and might be out of our box.

Then we have a man that came to mortality and attained mid-level church positions. He was one of the biggest employers in my area with a very successful company. He helped many people, including myself. Granted he is the one who disfellowshipped me because a higher level of church authority told him to do so. Well, actually he was told to excommunicate me, but couldn’t bring himself to do so. Why? Because, as he later told me, which I recorded, that he knew I had done nothing wrong.

I forgave him and quite liked him. We wrote about that experience in I See…..Arise! It is the chapter titled, “Courts of Love”? Because he and some on the High Council knew the accused, me, was innocent and refused to stand for righteousness, their priesthood mantel was cut completely off and they were cursed by the angel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (He, our Savior, takes these things VERY seriously.) The man later transitioned after suffering for several years. This is quite a serious chapter and really should be re-considered.

After the man transitioned, I was discussing him with my sighted friend. I knew that fetters to Hell had been placed on him, but really didn’t want to believe it because of “all the good he had done.” I was sure he had gone to Paradise in the spirit world. Remember, there are two places a mortal can go after transitioning, to Paradise or Hell. Paradise is NOT Heaven. It is a transitional place with many levels of light. We go there to await our resurrection, heal, serve if possible or allowed, repent, and eventually have our judgment after we are resurrected. Hell is hell. There are also many levels there.

I assuredly told my sighted friend that this man had gone to the light side of things. She asked if I was sure. I really wasn’t, I just pretended to be sure, which my sighted friend could easily see.

“Have you looked at his heart,” she asked.

“No,” I answered. I looked. It wasn’t pretty.

“Four angels from his god came and took him down to hell,” she responded.

IF, you look on paper and know nothing of this wrongful court or other courts this church leader may have presided over, he appears to be a pretty good man. I know many that loved him. I’m sure he had a huge funeral.

Then, look on paper at the man that violated family and friends.

Who should have gone to hell? Why, when the violator transitions will he be met with angels from our Lord Jesus Christ and be taken to the lowest level of Paradise? Isn’t he EVIL??? Wasn’t he evil? Or did he have his light taken away by Father so he could do those “evil” things, as requested by others that desired to understand them, and learn how any individual could go through such horrendous experiences and be able to come out of them and grow from all of it?

Did you get the difference between what he did and what an evil being like Hitler (who is in Hell) did? He agreed to come here and perform a mission so those people could have the experience they wanted. As per his stipulation, he will have angels to help him back up to where he was, filled with much light. Then he will be rewarded with even greater light for having accomplished such a hard mission.

I will say this again. This in no way implies that someone like a Hitler comes here with the same mission. An individual like Hitler was already dark and evil before he came here. The Gods of Light knew where to put him to accomplish what was needed to be done. (That reason has been briefly mentioned in this blog for those with eyes to see.)

My paradigm changed to a pair-of-half-dollars because I have always tended to jump to conclusions and harshly judge those I assumed to be evil. I was going to insert a picture of what my knees look like after jumping to so many conclusions for so many years, but didn’t want to scare the younger readers. Very painful stuff, I assure you.

I’m not saying I wouldn’t stay away from this man and that I wouldn’t turn him in if I knew about what he had done. Yes, he did evil things. Yes, he had his light taken away so he would do those things. No, there are not many that come here to do this, just specialized missions that the Gods of Light agree with. This is a lab. Remember chemistry lab from the University? Great stuff. Remember earth? You will one day say that and maybe even declare it to have been “great stuff.” To be put into positions and circumstances that will make us grow, give us understanding and wisdom is sometimes a real bummer while going through them. Afterward, some of us will joke around and declare how easy that experience was. Ha!

Is that why, when our daughter was up in Primary Children’s Hospital dying, the Lord Jesus Christ told me to be grateful? How in the H E double toothpick (family blog, two young readers left) are you supposed to be grateful your daughter is going to die from a stroke to the brain and all that came with it? Really Lord!??? Later I would find that she agreed to come and do that, to sacrifice the ability to walk right, to use her right hand properly, the constant pain she endures, taking insulin, and so much that is not talked about that she goes through. It was planned out, just as what this man went through was planned out.

It was painful jumping to conclusions like I have in the past. Maybe we should take each instance we are confronted with and ask our Savior what is really going on and what He thinks and knows. Would that change our perspective? It might be important to remember what the Savior said in Isaiah 55:8:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

A man that I and others perceived to be of pure evil came here on a mission from our Savior that he volunteered for out of love for his fellow sisters and brothers. It was an extremely hard mission. Many have and will judge him harshly and call him evil. Is he?

Another man came to mortality and had many opportunities to grow and progress. Because of pride and ego he did many things that because of the law of cause and effect he is paying a hefty price in hell for. Many called him wonderful and of our God? Was he?

This post was completely about judging, condemning, and jumping to conclusions. The judgment we give out is what our Lord Jesus Christ is required to give us. Whew, some of us are not going to fair very well. The conclusions we jump to seem to mess us up and do cause judgment. I have resolved to keep my knees and spirit healthy and not jump to conclusions and to not judge.

Do you really believe the Lord Jesus Christ won’t give us the same judgement we give others? Wow, are we in trouble or what.

One final thought. It might be important to look at things from a spiritual point of view, a heavenly point of view if you will, and not from a world or flesh point of view. That changes things considerably.

Also it might be good to be open to new ideas from the Lord God. Remember, Joseph Smith couldn’t teach the Saints many new things because as he said, they flew apart like glass. Since His ways are not our ways and our thoughts are not His, we might be surprised how things actually work. But, as I said this post was not about that, it was about not judging, not condemning, and stopping our jumping to conclusions.

Now where is that knee ointment? Must be in that jar labeled “Repentance.”

What I learned on the farm yesterday and other places

Ha! You thought this was part two.

Went north yesterday and learned some things I didn’t know before and was told to share. If you don’t want to be shared with, then exit stage right now.

Yes, we were on a horse farm. It was great, except horses don’t stink so much in the movies.

Before we went there we cleared an apartment, surrounding land and three people.

I learned one was an empath. I feel really happy for the person, and kind of sad. Being an empath is hard stuff unless you learn how to release the other people’s stuff that you take. Especially when you shouldn’t take it. What a great person though.

I learned that portals can be attached to people. We had our hands on this person clearing them when my sighted friend mentioned that I might want to get rid of that counter clockwise swirling portal made of barbed wire that was attached to her. She then said that I may not want to look down at it.

Well, what would you do? “Hey, don’t look at that elephant that just walked into the room!!!” Yea, many of you would look too, wouldn’t you? That is why the other side of the veil calls me the Padawan.

Of course I looked! I won’t look again when I’m told not to. It wasn’t pleasant.

I learned that some people are horse whisperers. There was a horse that we were told to stay away from as it is mean to everyone and everything. It kicked a cat a few weeks ago. (Is that a bad thing?) They thought it had died (the cat) and after two hours it got up and walked away. (Is that a good thing?)

One of our helpers went up to the horse and it came over to him and they were instant buds. I don’t know if this should worry me about my friend or not since the mean horse and he got along so well. The worker at the farm was kind of shocked.

If we can call him a horse whisperer, can we call my sighted friend a portal whisperer? Just don’t look at them….

I saw a pig in the mud and sang the Green Acres song. You three young readers will have to look that one up. You other three are probably old enough to get it.

I’m grateful for Warrior Guardians, very much so. Praise God for Warrior Guardians!

I learned you can clear a horse. We did five clearings yesterday and yes, one was a horse. NO, don’t call me about your pet. I’m not a pet whisperer.

I learned that horses can have dark evil spiritual horses with red eyes, with an evil demon riding it, attached to them. Good grief, are the cartoons right?

I didn’t give the horse a hug or shake his hoof when we were done. Should I have? My LDS ministry training makes me want to. Can I check off the box for ministering?

I learned it might be a good idea to wear boots at a horse/manure farm. It wasn’t really a manure farm, just horses seem to produce a lot of it.

The fifth clearing yesterday was an emergency clearing. From it I learned that some people come here to this mortality with crowns. Yes, crowns, like royalty wears. He is royalty, only he doesn’t know it. Yet.

Now isn’t that interesting. Something we haven’t seen much of.

Yes, it was an educational day yesterday. On the farm and off.

Lastly, I learned that after a 24 hour fast, eating at Up-Chuck-A-Rama still doesn’t settle well with my stomach. Love the place, well most of me does.

Hope you all had a great day yesterday.

“Green Acres is the place to be. Farm livin’ is the life………”

I did want to name the pig “Arnold.”

We’ll get serious tomorrow. Though I did learn many serious things yesterday, some very serious things.

Paradigms or “Pair-of-nickels”?

Warning: Graphic paradigm changing content below. When finished reading both parts of this blog your paradigm may have changed to a pair-of-nickels or a pair-of-quarters.

Mine changed to a pair-of-half-dollars.

Let’s all participate in the same vision: In the pre-mortal world for this earth or this mortal existence, we are witnessing a group of people standing around talking. They are discussing previous mortalities on other earths, other cycles of creation, and what they had learned. As you know the scriptures talk about how we have done this, worlds without number. We discussed this in detail in the “Understandings” chapter in I See….Arise! It discusses a critical piece of understanding that we have been doing this for many cycles of creation. We even quoted Snuffer in it:

“God has been at this a long time. Christ has been involved in many repeated cycles of creation. Moses was told: ‘by the word of my power have I created them, which is mine Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth. And worlds without number have I created; and I also create them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten.’ (Moses 1:32-33) It is endless and it is cyclical. ‘For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the world of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them.'” (Moses 1:35)

Snuffer put it this way: ‘This round of creation is only part of the cycle. We are part of endless cycles. This is God’s great work. It has been going through cycles of creation, fall, redemption, judgment and recreation forever. It is endless. Many unnumbered worlds have been, now are, and will yet be.’ Continuing with what Denver wrote: ‘Before this world was organized from an already existing and previously used creation, the condition was ‘spiritual.’ But it fell and became the temporal place as present; though patterned after the earlier world where we used to live in a spiritual state. Its present condition will be destroyed and it will return again to a spiritual state. It will be ‘quickened’ and no longer the cold, lone and dreary place of today.’ We do this over and over, cycles without end until we become redeemed and then keep ascending the ladder until we attain the resurrection ourselves. In order to progress and become like the gods, it requires us to descend into a ‘mortal’ state, take upon us flesh in order to perfect ourselves, to learn our lessons we were taught from the spiritual realms. We then transition and do it all over again.” (P. 183-184) (Snuffer’s words are in italics.)

Roy Mills in his book, The Soul’s Remembrance: Earth is Not Our Home, talks about how he doesn’t have a veil of the premortal world. He mentions that before coming here we spent time with what he describes as counselors, guides or what we call angels that talk about what we might want to learn about here in this mortality. His counselor showed him a list of all kinds of experiences Roy could choose from. He chose all of them. His guide suggested that might be a bit much and suggested he temper it down a bit. He did. One of the things he chose was to come here and be abandoned by his mother. He wanted to know what that was like. Later, while in mortality, his mother actually took him door to door trying to sell him.

The concept is we choose much of what we desire to experience in this and other mortalities in order to learn and gain understanding. Or if we lack a trait like patience, we can ask to be put into circumstances in mortality where we will learn such. It will then be arranged in mortality for us to have experiences where we learn patience. We come to mortalities, yes mortalities—plural—to learn to overcome our weaknesses and become stronger for it.

What if this group of people that I mentioned at first desired to learn a very hard concept? Let’s say that they just couldn’t understand how someone that had been violated could get through the experience and be okay. Or even forgive the perpetrator. They just couldn’t understand or conceive how people could go through this and come out okay on the other side of it. They desired to learn more about compassion. As good as some classrooms are, there is nothing like being in the lab.

After discussing it for quite a length of time, such as it exists there, they decided they wanted to come to this mortality and experience being violated and learn to overcome the feelings and all that goes along with it, learning forgiveness and like concepts. They knew they would come out stronger for the experience and learn much. But they wondered just how it could be accomplished. They didn’t quite know how the Gods of Light could execute such an idea. They took their idea to the Council of the Gods. After hearing what they desired, the Gods of Light put out a call for those that might be interested in helping out.

A meeting was held to explain what these women and men desired to learn and how a “perpetrator” was needed for this mission. Those desiring to help or even just the curious attended the meeting.

After hearing what was needed, a man stepped forward, volunteering to help. He did have the stipulation that after the mission was completed, he would have help in returning to the level of light he had obtained. It was granted and provisions made for that to happen. When it was time to go to mortality for this mission, Father took away the man’s light, enabling him to become dark and evil in order to fulfill the mission. This man was of great light, much more than those he had offered to help to gain understanding and knowledge of being a victim and coming out of it, thereby obtaining compassion and wisdom.

The man came to morality. He married and had children. He violated many family members. He was finally exposed and faces many felony counts against him. He will most likely go away for the rest of his mortal time here.

So, is he evil, wicked and deserves his prison time?

What about after he transitions? Will he go directly to Hell and not collect two hundred dollars? But seriously, don’t you think he deserves time in Hell? He has fallen quite a long ways from where he was in the premortal life and carries much darkness.

Next we’ll discuss a man that was the pillar of his community, a former bishop, stake president, and business owner that helped many people.

Now where are those pair of dimes?

Part two is next……

Heaven Calling

Our sighted daughter called yesterday.

She gave me permission to share her experience. And by the way, it is pretty cool.

I have a feeling that many of you have had experiences where you encounter someone that is “different” and they say or do something that is a little odd. We have recounted more than a few of these in our books. Some are tests, others are just wonderful encounters. Though I do have a feeling they always have intent or an objective associated with them.

Our daughter and her husband went shopping for food at the local grocery store. While in the store they kept running into the same woman. She was about fifty years of age.

They even encountered her at the checkout. She was always very gracious to them.

Once they got to their car and had put the groceries inside, our daughter’s husband left to take the cart back.

She noticed that this same woman came out and their cars were parked next to each other.

While her husband was gone, the woman came up to our daughter and told her that God wanted her to know that He loves her. He knows what she is doing and she is okay and on track. Then she told her that God is aware of their struggles and then gave her a hundred dollar gift card.

The she got in her car and drove away.

After our daughter told me this experience, I asked her if the woman was mortal or not.

“No, Dad,” she answered, “she wasn’t mortal.”

I told her it is pretty cool that Heaven would take the time to send a translated being to give her the message that God is aware of her and loves her. She agreed that, indeed, it was pretty cool.

Heaven just doesn’t do this kind of thing at the whim of an angel or really anyone.

If this kind of event happens, there is planning involved. It must be passed before the Council of the Gods of Light and approved. Of course, our Father and Mother would know about it, as would the Savior. All of which would put their stamp of approval on such an experience.

She, the immortal, would have to lower her frequency to become mortal so we not so sighted mortals could see her. She had to choose the age she will appear as, and take care of many other things before she accomplished her assignment.

How cool, Heaven does notice us. Sometimes enough that when life gets tough, they will stop by and say hello, that God loves you and give you something.

It is my witness that God and Heaven does notice us and our trials. I would dare to say that many of you six readers have had similar experiences from heaven. Many probably didn’t know it.

As I think about our sighted daughter and how life has changed for her with a husband and three children, I wonder if she misses being in the middle of His work? Her work for the time being is her family, which as you women understand, is more than a full time job. I do believe it was nice for her to know she is where she should be at this time. Even nicer to receive a witness from Heaven.

Have a great week rest of the week.

Wir werden dich kontrollieren!

“We will control you, Br. Mendenhall!”

To say I was in shock would be an understatement. This comment had come along with his fist pounding on the Stake President’s desk. It was the 2nd counselor that had threatened such, but he was backed up by the Stake President and the other counselor. I told them that “control” was the other guys program, you know, Old Scratch (Satan). Our Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t do control. If you are a Priesthood leader or a Religious leader and don’t understand this concept, please read real slowly Section 121 of the D&C. You know, where it mentions control, compulsion, and unrighteous dominion along with the dire consequences of exercising them. Two weeks later these men would deny ever saying such a thing, even calling my wife and me liars. Though as I now think about it, the counselor was most likely possessed and actually didn’t realize what he was demanding. Demons will do that to you.

Later I would be told that if I didn’t do what they told me they’d take my temple recommend away. More control. I gave it back to them, realizing that when I did, they had lost their “supposed” power over me, other than my membership in the club which was becoming less desirable by the day.

Why do men and women love to control others?

I mentioned in the last blog about the returned Sister missionary and the controls that had been placed on her. It is quite interesting to see what they did to her, so let’s take a look.

This is all spiritual weaponry, but it does cause problems with the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies.

When I first laid hands on her head I didn’t know what it was I was seeing, it was so strange. My sighted friend said it was a habit, like some nuns wear. She was right, it did look like that, only different somehow. Below is a photo from the TV series The Flying Nun with the ladies wearing a habit similar to what I saw:

The difference was the “wings” on the side went downward, made of metal, and were rusty. I asked my sighted friend and she confirmed it “was a habit, only the ‘wings’ went downward and it was indeed rusty metal.” Why would this have been put on her?

Could it be because the doctrine she was to teach is watered down? Was it that what was going to be taught wasn’t worth much and it helped the sister missionary to think certain ways? It was removed. After, my sighted friend’s warrior guardian suggested the doctrine had rusted and that is why the habit was misshapen and rusted.

She had a caul which has been discussed on this blog before. That is to prevent revelation from coming down from the Light and entering into her crown chakra. It is like a filter. Typically a caul will have tentacles coming down off it into the brain with tendrils coming off of the tentacles. This is also about control.

Many individuals will have software in the brain area along with an entity that has been taught how to operate it in order to control the mortal.

There was a collar around her neck that was dainty and went down the front of her chest. This is where a leash can be attached, you know like a dog, in order to control it. It was made to look pretty so it will be accepted easier by the slave, I mean person.

She had a yoke on her shoulders. This is to make her burden heavy, unlike the Savior whose yoke is easy and burden is light. You get it, there is the opposite in all things. The yoke was connected to mesh that went down her arms to her fingers. This was also meant to control her and her actions.

On her hips down to her toes was chicken wire. This was to prevent her from doing her own walk. She was to go where they told her to go, only in certain areas and wasn’t allowed to go outside that boundary.

Of course there were other things on her, but this will give you a real good idea of what a Religion that seeks to control its members can put on or in one of them. After all, she did sign a contract, well, several of them if you think about it. One accepting the call and all its stipulations and a temple recommend with all its stipulations and who knows what else.

There are probably many that think all of this control is a good thing.

None of this is meant to disparage missionaries. I was one once, as were my three boys. I’m grateful they went out and grew as men. Though I never thought what might have been put on them by a Religion that knows how to control its members. This is isn’t just about my church. I believe ALL Religions seek to control. The Lord Jesus Christ does not.

By the way, the title is in German and says, “We will control you!”

Satan came to visit

You know it’s going to be a good day when Satan shows up.

Do I mean Satan? The real guy? No. He seldom comes out of hell. But as Snuffer has written about, if you are an accuser, you are Satan. He is the great accuser and he has billions of followers – small accusers.

“In the work you have performed there are those who have been Satan, accusing one another, wounding hearts and causing jarring, contention, and strife by their accusations. Rather than loving one another, even among you who desire a good thing, some have dealt unkindly as if they were the opponents, accusers, and adversaries. In this they were wrong.” (TC Section 157:9)

Satan showed up this morning in the form of an accuser. It was declared to me that I am evil and of darkness. I have been told that we do satanic worship here in my home and send out curses and such. I was accused of focusing only on evil and “what you focus on grows.” This has come up from others, that if you focus on evil you will become dark. I know I don’t focus on evil. Our entire focus has been on how to conquer spiritual evil, to destroy it, to keep it out of our lives and to turn to Jesus Christ. We even wrote a book about that called Conquering Spiritual Evil.

There was much more but that is sufficient to get an understanding of how evil I was told I have become. (Though I actually thought the saying was, “Energy flows where focus goes.”) Oh well.

I did as I have been instructed and “gave this junior Satan no heed.”

The day progressed and my sighted friend and I went to a home to finish clearing it of portals. Below is part of that family’s response to how their house felt/became afterward:

“About 3 years ago ________ saw ‘hooded beings’ in their room. There was some fasting done and praying done and she didn’t see anything like that again in their room. All of us would also have nightmares if we ever forgot to shield from thoughts, emotions, and desires of the adversary. Also _____ and _______ would not go upstairs without _______. I would also have a feeling of being watched. It’s gone now. And I mentioned that there was no bickering yesterday after we came home. You don’t fully realize how uncomfortable and heavy it is until it’s gone.”

We went to this home focused on the family and helping them. We didn’t focus on the evil there in the home. Though we did have to recognize where it was and then focus on destroying it, which was done. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for helping this wonderful family!

Next we went to a good friend who is a Chiropractor. He had found out he had a really strong, evil, demon in his office and had asked for help. He had purchased a healing modality that came with software to help apply it to patients. What he didn’t know is the software had come with a powerful dark entity attached. The entity also had a keyboard and when this wonderful man worked on someone with this healing modality, the evil entity was allowed to “key” in his directives for that client’s body and spirit. What an ingenious way to cause health issues! We might have to blog about this concept in the future, it really is amazing and quite interesting. Nevertheless, the Chiropractor’s office was cleared of the entity and his minions. (And they weren’t yellow and so called “cute.”)

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for helping this man and clearing his office of evil. Oops, once again we didn’t focus on the evil, we were focused on doing what the Lord Jesus Christ directed us to do to help this man. The evil was destroyed and sent to hell.

Then we headed farther north to help another man with his business. That took some time as it wasn’t that small, but all evil was sent to hell and all portals destroyed and the land healed. Once again, the focus was on helping others, not the evil that had been there for many centuries. That was also destroyed and sent to hell.

While there, we were asked to do a clearing on a young returned missionary. She was incredible. What was really amazing was the dark “control” devices that were on her from head to toe. I asked my sighted friend if they had been attached in the MTC and she witnessed that it was so, as did the returned missionary. She was very glad to have all that had been put on her removed. We didn’t focus on the evil that was upon her except to ask the Savior to remove and have it destroyed. I did mention how cool it would be if her Stake President when he released her, had laid hands upon her head and cleared her of all the devices that had been put on and in her……..

From there we visited with a man who needed some help. He had a large entity that was attached to his computer. Every time he was on that computer it would try to influence him. Nasty critters, they are. Okay, I admit, there was some focus on the entity as it was cut into pieces and sent back to hell. It took all of five seconds, so not much to focus on actually. We spent about 90 minutes discussing the gospel and Christ with him. That is where our focus is, on Him and His work.

Some have told me that if you focus on evil it comes to you, otherwise it stays away. If you find out what planet these people live on where this actually happens, can you let me know? I would love to move there.

Evil is all around us, it permeates our planet, it is everywhere. One does not have to focus on it to have it come to you. The chiropractor had no idea that software he bought for that particular healing modality had a real nasty evil Sargent attached to it. By buying and using it he allowed it into his office and allowed it to influence his patients. Like I said, he had no idea. We were told of another person in the central part of Utah that bought the same software and is quite excited about using it. As we were being told this I glanced over at my sighted friend and she mouthed that that particular software she bought has a General attached to it. I later joked that she had purchased an “upgraded” model, but not many there thought it was funny. Actually it’s not. Sad fact is she has no idea either. And I have no right to impinge on her agency and tell her. How many of her clients will be influenced or even harmed by that extremely dark entity? As I said, it is all round us, influencing us, whether we realize it or not.

There have been many children we have laid hands on and the Savior has cleared. They were possessed with many demons. The relief they received was absolutely incredible after the Savior relieved them of their burden. Did they cause these entities to come upon them? They are innocent children and were not focusing on evil. Many were acting that way because of what was in them, but they had not asked for it. Nevertheless, they were suffering because of it.

Snuffer has said many times in his blog and talks that there is a war on and it’s time to get in the fight. Hiding your head in the sand is not getting involved in the fight. If you don’t know your enemy, how in the world will you even know if you are under its influence or are being attacked? You won’t. Most of these parents didn’t in regards to their children. They thought they were just blessed with unruly young’uns. What a blessing the Savior gave them, their real child, after the entities were taken care of. Praise Him!

We left yesterday at 2:30 PM and arrived back here in our town at 11:00 PM. It took half a tank of gas to do the Lord’s work. We never asked for a penny. The last person fed us as it was quite late. Wonderful food. I have been accused of priestcraft. BS, I mean baloney. We have done over one thousand clearings on people and over one hundred properties and homes, from Idaho to Arizona, and have never asked for a dime from any of them.

Our focus is on Him and doing His work helping others. Doing that involves dealing with and destroying evil. What are you doing about it? Are you in the fight? If not, why not?

Yes, yesterday was a very good day. If the Adversary shows up you know you’re in for a fight. But once you get through it, you just know the real blessings are coming. Years ago when we did the Ezekiel seminars, the week before was called “Hell week.” Why? Because it was. But we knew the harder it was beforehand, the better the seminar was going to be. There must be opposition in all things as our Lord has stated.

Four families were helped because of our Savior. We take no credit and accept no praise. Praise be to our Heavenly Parents and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I have been told by more than a few sighted folks that Satan and his minions hate us. Praise God for that. Though I do feel sorry for those mortals that insist on being one of his minions, spreading darkness, accusations, and such. Though even they are fulfilling a necessary role, providing opposition. Even then, they will eventually still pay one hell of a price. Pun intended.

Quote from the Dude

The valedictorian at the BYU came out as “a gay son of God” in his speech last week.

I read articles about it in the SL Tribune. He said that he had to have his entire talk approved before giving it. BYU approved it. When he “came out” he was given a loud ovation. So we cheer perversion now? Am I supposed to cheer this, endorse it, be happy and clap my hands?

Denver Snuffer spoke in Colorado a few weeks ago. In the Q&A part of his talk he gave this response about same sex marriage:

“Marriage – one man one woman – chastity is important. There is accommodation going on everywhere to try and allow divergent forms of marriage to be acceptable or tolerated and some of that is being done as a desperate measure to try and reduce suicide rates among young people, where suicide rates in Utah have climbed. As clearly as I can put it, wickedness never was and never will be happiness. There is embedded into each of us, as deeply as our DNA itself, a course of life which if pursued in the proper way, will result in the bearing of children and a fullness of joy experienced as a consequence of introducing offspring into the world for whom you are granted the challenge, the privilege, and the opportunity of nurturing and caring and teaching. These are things that stretch you beyond your comfort zone. These are things that will tear your heart. These are challenges that will befuddle you, that will make you question and re-evaluate and reconsider time and time again, who you are and what you are saying, and how you are treating these your children.

The institution of marriage was designed, by its very nature, by that God who created us, to allow us to engage in that God-like process. It can be experienced in the way that God intended in one and only one way; that is through the marriage of man and the woman together, through their union that is intended to produce offspring, through her struggle to bear and bring forth the child, through his protection and providing for her during her period of inability and her period of nursing and caring for the infant that is utterly dependent upon the body of the mother for its existence. All of these things are Godlike. They are instructions, they are experiences, that are intended to convey through the mortal body and the mortal experience, things that replicate and reflect a divine perspective about life itself, about who God is, because God is a male and a female and they are productive. Their love results in the creation of more life. They experience a fullness of joy and when you have all joy in its fullness the only way in which it is possible to make more joy is to create others in which they too can experience a fullness of joy. And so that increases through offspring, through family, through progeny.

You will not reduce suicide rates by pursuing a course that says wickedness can be entertained, the purposes of God can be frustrated, the experiences that God intended for us to go through and to have in this life can be set at naught and you can approach the whole thing in a different mechanism, in a different pretense, because however deeply you may feel about that structure, at its core, it is defective, it is desolation, it is a practice if it were universally engaged in then all who are here today will be the last generation that will ever live, because it produces desolation and if at the core of the relationship what you have is a desolate future, there is no amount of psychological treatment, anti-depressive medication, or lies you can tell to yourself, that will make you say, what I’m engaged in is not in the eyes of God abominable. You cannot destroy that truth. If you want happiness, because of the way we were created by the creator himself, it is to be obtained by following the path ordained by the creator to realize the results that he established in your heart, in your soul, in your body, even in your DNA.”

I don’t know about you, but doesn’t that sound like someone connected to the real God, the Lord Jesus Christ? Like something a Nephi, Alma, Mormon, or Moroni might say. Did they mince words or were they careful about declaring what the Savior told them to say? I don’t think so. Ask Samuel the Lamanite or especially Abinadi if they worried about what God gave them to speak. They spoke it as the Savior declared it through them. Pretty cool I’d say. Snuffer does the same thing. Actual prophets don’t have a choice, do they? Ask Jonah. Actual prophets don’t mince words or accept perversions, do they? Ask any of those from the Bible or Book or Mormon.

So instead, many now accept what God considers to be abominable, and stand up and cheer it. You’ve come a long way, baby.

Why am I not accepting of this abomination? Why am I not politically correct? Maybe because I have no desire to be. I have had experiences being around this abomination. As a young twelve-year-old I helped my friend with a project in elementary school. A man had come to do his puppet show. He’d asked my friend to help him tear down the set and put it in his truck. My friend asked me to help. After we were done, school was long over. He said he’d give us a ride home. He dropped my friend off and then took me to my home. In my driveway he made a homosexual move on me, and I hit him in the face and jumped out of the truck. I’ve had a huge dislike for this perversion ever since. This man did puppet shows at elementary schools all over Utah. How many boys weren’t able to get out of his truck? How many lives did he mess up trying to satisfy his perversions?

Later, I was working the Living Scripture booth in a mall in downtown Salt Lake City. (Yes, I have repented of selling Living Scriptures.) We were in the lowest level of the mall. I would watch as “gay” men would walk the mall and hand out cards to any young man they found alone. They would walk by and put their cards on our counter and mock us for our beliefs, for believing and being Christians. They would laugh in our faces and walk away, trying to intimidate us.

What was on their cards? It asked if the young boy was confused about his sexuality. They offered to counsel him about his sexuality. Folks, this was thirty years ago when they weren’t so in your face about their perversions.

These days you have Time Magazine putting a gay man that is running for President on the cover with his husband. In 1996 a poll said 27% of Americans accepted same sex marriage. It is now 64%. It is becoming the norm. We are accepting their perversions. The camel now has more than his nose in the tent and it’s not going away. Well, until God wipes this country off the face of the map that is.

I agree with what Snuffer has written and praise God for it. He doesn’t need to grow a pair, he already has. He spoke the truth, just as the Lord Jesus Christ told him to say it.



Being awake in the Spirit

In our workshops we have discussed breathing and meditation.

The idea is to raise your frequency and also your spirituality, which we have also discussed here.

The next step up is to breathe and meditate while walking down the street. In other words, to keep the frequency and spirituality up all the time. This takes time and practice. Learn to breathe that way all the time and to be in a meditative state as much as possible. Could this be called being awake in the Spirit? Or walking in the Spirit?

I remember days from my youth playing basketball where I was in what we called the zone. You were at a higher level and everything slowed down for you, the shots came easy and nearly always went in. It was like you were in a different world.

Maybe what we are talking about is similar to that or maybe it is just a metaphor for it. I know when I first started visiting my sighted friend at her home, my head would start to buzz after a few minutes and I’d get a headache. After a few visits I realized I had a hard time driving home, as I felt light headed and was floating. My sighted friend’s home office was “vibrating” at such a high frequency compared to me that it really raised me up. It was truly a natural high. Over time I got used to it and worked at keeping myself up in frequency and spirituality.

It helped and my gifts started to open up.

But it took continual work!

My sighted friend taught if we connect to the Spirit like this all the time, we will be able to see what will happen before it occurs. Did you get that? We will see the future before it happens. I’m not talking about huge worldwide events here, but events in our own lives. Though, the worldwide events can also be seen.

I’m talking about seeing a large truck pulling in front of you on the freeway before it happens type of thing. Seeing it beforehand so you can take corrective action and not be harmed. Being so connected you really know what is going on.

Such a thing happened on the vacation my wife and I were invited to join a few weeks ago with one of our daughters, her husband, and girls.

We were at a restaurant in Page, Arizona. Four of us were around one table and the others were across the aisle seated at another table.

In my mind’s eye I saw a future event. The server was going trip and dump a large tray of hot food on top of the 6 month old baby sitting in the high chair in the aisle. The heavy plates were also going to hit her. I quickly asked that it not happen where the baby was sitting, that it might happen elsewhere. Mind you, all of this was in a split second. Well, on this side of the veil anyway. It might have been longer on the other side where time isn’t quite the same as here.

Within a minute or so, in real time, I watched the server “trip” and dump several large trays of food right behind where they were sitting. It was in the open where no one was hurt. The plates shattered and pieces went everywhere. Hot pancakes and other hot food went all over the place.

The baby was fine.

This is what my sighted friend was talking about.

Later I asked her about it and she laughed as the event was revisited in vision and she saw my guardian put out his foot and trip the server so it wouldn’t happen on top of our little granddaughter. Seems the many evil spirits there in the restaurant wanted to cause some mischief and try to hurt her and any of the other children they could.

Now there’s something to think about!

All praise and glory be to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ for our safety on that vacation and the fact that we can learn to be sighted in the Spirit.


Went to see the movie Unplanned the other night. It should be required viewing for every adult and teenager in America. The movie is based on Abby Johnson’s story.

It was my second viewing. A friend paid for our tickets, and I sure appreciated it. The second time was better.

Some that went with us didn’t like it so much. They offered that they didn’t want to know the details. My question is, is it important to know the details?

I asked my friend that bought the tickets and he quoted Joseph Smith:

“The things of God are of deep import and time and experience and careful and ponderous and solemn thought can only find them out. Thy mind O man if thou wilt lead a soul unto salvation must search into and contemplate the darkest abyss and the broad expanse of eternity, thou must commune with God.” (DHC 3:295)

One of the things Joseph said we must do is search into and contemplate the darkest abyss. I did that last night. We were shown and told what happens in an abortion. I never knew. Of course I knew they killed a baby. No it is not a mass of tissue or a glob of cells. I don’t care what some liberal leftist social justice warrior calls it. It is a baby and is life. What they are doing is murder.

I have never been vocal about abortion. I didn’t know the details, so I couldn’t speak. I wasn’t going to spout some conservative talking point, pretending to knowledge. I had no idea that after the baby is either suctioned out or pulled apart in pieces, it must be reconstructed, usually in a pan, to make sure they got all its pieces out of the woman. (I can’t say mother, she doesn’t qualify.) Does that sound like a mass of cells or tissue to you? They put the baby back together to make sure all its parts have been ripped out and none are left in the mother. I had no idea.

It also shows and talks about other ways of aborting a baby. Chemicals in pill form or being injected through the abdomen into the baby’s heart are other ways. In my opinion, none of them are safe for the mother and especially for the baby they are trying to kill.

Evil does love the death of innocence.


I have decided that details, contemplation, and searching are all important. Into Heaven? Yes. Into the darkest abyss? Absolutely. You can’t fight what you don’t know and understand.

It is the same with evil. Is that why the Lord Jesus Christ stated in D&C 123:

“For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, (things like it’s not a baby, it’s a mass of cells, etc.?) whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it –Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven—These things should be attended to with great earnestness.” (Vs. 12-14)

Should we share the details? I mean the truth? Absolutely. Darkness and evil doesn’t like the light of truth when it shines on it.

Did you know that we do the opposite of what these dark evil abortionists do? We perform what I might call abortions of light. That would be the excising of demons and other dark entities from mortals. Evil destroys innocence. The Lord has evil destroyed.

What is interesting is we have had a few people that have become upset when we tell them about the “abortions” that we help perform. Yes, it’s true. They don’t want the evil entities harmed.

When we do a clearing on someone, we will ask the Lord Jesus Christ to come and take out, remove, excise, abort, or whatever you want to call it, the demons or dark entities in or on that person. We ask Him to give those dark, evil, nasty entities to our warrior guardians to take care of.

If it is a small little entity, they will usually do what our sighted friend calls, “flaming Warrior shish-kabob.” That will involve one of their flaming swords. This will turn the hapless evil entity into fine ash. The ash is dumped back into Hell or will be thrown out onto a nice lawn for fertilizer.

The larger, nastier entities will get cut up into pieces and thrown down a portal to Hell. Why do they get cut up? Because if you just “rebuke” them, they will come back to bother you or others. Rebuking just sends them away. If the dark entity has been doing its evil work on children or innocence, the Warrior guardians will make extra effort to make sure they are cut into little pieces as doing evil to innocence really makes them upset. I wonder what those Warrior Guardians would do with abortionists who cut and suck innocent little babies into pieces.

Cutting them into pieces and throwing them into Hell is of greater benefit to this mortality. Hell is a very large place with many levels that are quite wide. The “pieces” of demon will land on many different levels in many different places. Demons don’t die. So this means it will take them a real long time to put themselves back together or “reconstitute” themselves. Many times another dark entity will come strolling along and will see a part of another evil entity on the ground. Since there is so much love in Hell, it will pick up that part and throw or punt it elsewhere, just for the fun of it. There is no love-loss in Hell….

Why would some people become upset over the destruction of evil? Why is nearly half this nation not upset about killing innocence—babies? Do those shedding tears for the evil entities shed as much for the innocent babies?

Good question. Maybe something to search into and contemplate.

So why do many love abortion of mortal babies?

Denver Snuffer quoted from Proverbs 8, mentioning how this was Heavenly Mother that was speaking:

“Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children, for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul, and all they that hate me love death.” (vs. 33-36)

“All they that hate me love death.”

Now you have some understanding about them, they hate God, and especially our Mother, and they love death.

No wonder He is done with this nation. And many of us.

If you want your eyes opened, go see the movie. God loving people need the support of other God loving people. This movie gives you details or understanding. It has been suggested to me that anyone who is with child be advised to stay away from the movie unless they are contemplating abortion. The stress of viewing such a movie could cause strong contractions which could end in unintended aborting. There, you have my disclaimer offered by someone else. Yes,this movie is very disturbing because it shows truth. Nevertheless, it is quite important to support the showing of truth.

Take care.

It’s just for fun

My sweetheart and I were invited to go with our middle daughter, her hubby, and children to Arizona for a family vacation several weeks ago.

It was a lot of fun and full of activities. We two “old” people had a good time and the girls were great.

They received some free items from several places that were visited. Two of these places gave them what they told us were “temporary tattoos.” They were quite excited to put them on, but their parents told them they would have to wait until they got home.

I noticed they were sporting their new “tatts”, as they’re called, a day or two after we got home. One youngster had one on each arm. I am not their parent and they are not under my stewardship so I didn’t say a thing about it.

Are some of you grandparents believing it is your right to offer your opinion about what every one your children and grandchildren do? Is that right before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Just asking.

Over the next week or so I noticed several of the tattooed girls seemed to be having a hard time with life. One was exceptionally emotional, there were unkind words, and other things out of the ordinary. I just observed.

Yesterday it seemed to escalate and there were many tears shed.

My daughter has asked me that if I observe something wrong with her children, to bring it up to her. Even though I had her permission I still just observed and didn’t say a word.

This day was different, as it had seemed to escalate and I felt whatever the problem was, it wasn’t going to go away without help. So I prayed and asked.

I was told the tattoos had become portals into their little bodies and souls. Now entities would be able to enter them. No! It’s just for fun! It’s just a temporary play tattoo for Pete’s sake. (By the way, who is “Pete”? He must be one troubled man.)

Our daughter was informed of my findings. Later she asked if her two children with the tattoos could have a clearing.

What was quite interesting is one of the girls expressed sadness that they would be gone. It had affected her to that point of playing with her emotions.

They had to use rubbing alcohol to get them off. We then did the clearings. I didn’t use rubbing alcohol on the entities that had entered them. They got what they deserved.

We got our grandkids back. Wahoo!

That night our sighted friend had come over. We shared this experience with her and she confirmed what she sees. She confirmed that tattoos can open portals into the children or adults, allowing entities to come and “play.” The portals are “activated” when the tattoos are put on the mortal body.

Today our daughter, Denise, called to chat about life. I mentioned this to her and she said the same thing. She and her hubby “won’t allow their children to put the play tattoos on because she has seen what they do.”

That is interesting, isn’t it? Two sighted people seeing the same thing. Wonder if it is really true?

Now I’m glad I didn’t put that “temporary” Captain America tatt on my arm…….