Faux pleasure center

While doing so many clearings over the past few years the Lord Jesus Christ had slowly given me the gift of sight.

Let me clarify that statement, He has given me the gift of sight when I properly prepare myself. It has grown over time to where some things are quite clear, some things are shown in a metaphor, and others are enlarged so I can see them. All of this has caused some confusion a times and hilarity at others. Like when I saw something coming off the bottom of a woman’s brain and started asking Him to remove it. My sighted friend quickly told me not to do that, that part I was wanting removed was part of her brain.

I have learned that words do matter.

Several days ago we were doing a clearing on a man. We typically will start with the head and ask the Savior to clear all darkness, devices, entities and such. Each dark “thing” is identified and then He is asked to remove it. Obviously there is more to it than this, but this description will have to suffice for this short space. After removing all that we feel or see, we will ask Him if it all darkness that needs to be removed from the head has actually been removed. I asked that for this young man.

“No,” I was told.

Sometimes this causes me some consternation, not at Him, but at myself for not seeing. I looked at my sighted friend and asked for a second witness that, indeed, there was more to be removed. She nodded her head in the affirmative and didn’t say another word. It seems the young Padawan needed more training and so she was going to have me extend myself and remained silent.

It was one of those loin cloth moments. I said a real quick silent prayer and begged for His help and then looked.

I saw a device at the base of his brain for which I was extremely grateful. Not that he had it, rather that I could see it. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining what devices look like and didn’t know how to explain it to someone that saw plainly what it was. “It looks like a daisy with its petals going out,” I told her. She looked at me like I was kind of nuts. “I’m looking at it from above, straight down on it,” I said.

“Oh, okay. It would look like that from above,” she responded. Then she told me to look at the rest of the device. To do this I would need to change my perspective. Wow, how many of us need to do that from time to time.

I moved my perspective to the side and saw that the flattened piece that looked similar to a daisy from above had a device under it, attached to it, that went down about three inches. Coming off of that was a bundle of wires that went all over the inside of his body. Now that is strange, I thought.

My sighted friend then asked me what all of it was for. Wow, more being put on the spot, lion cloth cinching, and asking Him.

I asked and heard the words, “Faux pleasure center,” and repeated them to my sighted friend.

“That is a great way to explain it,” she replied.

It then came to me. When a chemical is taken into the body, like meth or cocaine, on a spiritual level it will be dropped onto the top of this faux pleasure center. It then is absorbed by the device and sent via the wires throughout the body for faux or satanic pleasure.

It is all synthetic or fake. It will soon end with the bodies receptors asking for more, increased doses, and finally what Satan desires—death. Then he can take you down to hell where he can really have his way with you.

During clearings we see all kinds of things. Many have computer hardware and software with entities running them. All kinds of devices are seen and destroyed. Hell is very creative.

Years ago after my sighted daughter had been taken on a tour of hell by the Savior, she told me of a place she was shown where they invent and create devices and other things to cause us pain and to torment us here in mortality.

Because of our choices many of us have things like this in us. Some are to help us stay addicted to our addictions. Others are to cause pain, disease, or whatever they care to create to deliver a slow painful death. We have discussed many of these things, like collars, yokes, and cauls.

Now you know of another device they can and do use. Clearings are surely interesting and very advantageous to the individual seeking the Lord Jesus Christ through repentance and learning to be like Him.

All can be removed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the Healer, none of us are.

All praise, honor, and glory be given to Him.

Is this what PTSD feels like?

I am not making light of PTSD or anything like it. It is real and I found some of it on me. (That is how I choose to look at it.) I wish it was like that and I could just flick it off. It doesn’t seem to work that way.

There are times when an event or events make a profound impact on your psyche, spirit, and even body. I asked a former Marine if he understood that concept. He told me that after deployment overseas there is a very great urge to kiss the ground once you land back in the USA. I remember feeling that way when I landed in the United States after being in Spain for two years back in 1978. I just didn’t think a Marine would want to kiss anything but his wife and rifle.

We tried to help some friends with their child several months ago. It didn’t end well as their child didn’t want to give up the demon in it. The events so affected the three of us on the trip that we couldn’t drive the 11 hour trip home. We stopped at a hotel after three hours and crashed. The next day I was told by the Spirit to “play” tourist on the way home. Doing that did help our minds and spirit. Our bodies, not so much.

It was hard because of our love for these people and the trauma endured. I still love them and pray for them all the time.

So when we had another family call for help for their child and we knew it was an extreme possession issue I hoped and prayed that it would turn out how the family wanted it to. Not that any of us had a cherished outcome, it is always paramount that we realize and know it is the will of the Lord Jesus Christ, not ours. But hey, we can pray and send love, can’t we?

I have come to realize that, yes, possession is made easier through the use of alcohol and drugs. There is another problem that many have not considered. After being around gifted individuals for twenty years now, I have a small inkling of how hard it is for them. Often we have told the story of the woman that wanted to see through the veil and prayed for over twenty years for this gift. After all those years of praying, the Lord Jesus Christ granted her the gift of spiritual sight. The only problem is she just didn’t see the “light.” She saw all the dark that is around us, on us, and in us. It was more than she wanted to know or see. So since then she has prayed for the gift to go away.

My point is, there are sighted people that have a real hard time with the gift. Like the one woman that told me while in high school when she was dating she could hear all the thoughts of the boys that took her out. I guess many dates ended early. You know, hormones and such. Some of the sighted will get to the point that they will try many things to dull or take away what they see, hear, smell, and experience of the spirit realm. If is just too hard. We, the less sighted, might have a hard time understanding that. I know this to be true from all those that have told me how “lucky [my] daughter is, being sighted and able to see spiritually.” My sighted friend has been told many people have told her the same thing. I wonder if they would say the same thing if they were able to have her experiences of being take to hell and tortured as a child. Fun stuff, huh. Not in the least.

So the other day after this one family called for help, another one did the same. Since it was considered an emergency we agreed to do the two on the same day. Wow, I wondered, how will we ever get through two in one day, having the one from months ago still real fresh in my heart? I say heart, because that is where it is, in my heart memory.

The first didn’t end well. The young man didn’t want the entity inside of him to go. It is interesting how when we get entities on us, our mind can become quite clouded and we cease to think clearly. The entities can even make us believe they are our friends. The Savior got rid of the very large one on the outside. After doing that we started to cast out what was on the inside, but he bolted from the chair. His aunt told me today that he kept trying to get me to say the closing words by repeating, “In the name of. In the name of.” The entity wouldn’t allow him to say the Savior’s name, “even in sheer desperation for it to end.”

Like the one from months ago, if the person doesn’t want the entity to leave, there isn’t a thing the Lord Jesus Christ can do. He honors our will. He must and did walk away.

That was my life impacting realization. He honors our will. No matter what. Did you get that, no matter what. Even with a mother with tears streaming down her face with love for her adult child, her baby. Even with a father begging the Lord Christ to do something, anything, crying out, “Why can’t Christ do something?!” I have empathic gifts and could feel his heart, his love for his child. He would have exchanged his life for the child. I was wanting to exchange mine. That was not the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the end the Savior had to walk away. And so did we. As we did again yesterday. Their will be done. One day I pray these individuals will find Him. If not in this life, in the next mortality.

The Savior told His disciples when they couldn’t cast the demons from a young man that some require fasting and prayer. True. For that reason we always attend these fasting and praying for Him to be there and the outcome to be what He desires. We have seen miracles, which it always is when one is relieved of demonic burden. It truly is life changing. But, as stated, when the person doesn’t desire the entity to leave, there is nothing that can be done, not even He can do that. If our Lord Jesus Christ did go against a conscious adult’s agency He would cease to be God. As hard a burden as that is at times, it will not change, and it cannot change. Satan found that out and see where it got him.

I don’t know if any of these people turned to alcohol and drugs to dampen their gifts. It doesn’t matter. They are gifted and gifts are hard. I do not and will not judge them. I send them love and pray for them.

The third had a better outcome. He was older and has been through hell for years. He was ready for all to evil to be destroyed and taken off of him.

We did find a level 23 portal under his bed. He told us that when the entities started coming through the portal each night, his bed would shake. My sighted friend mentioned that was because of the pressure of them coming through the portal and hitting the bed. Then they would scratch, bite and hit his legs on the way past his bed.

Later I will share many of the lessons learned. For me, today is a day of prayer for those that are tortured by possession. They are already in hell while still being mortal. Some is not their fault and some is their fault. Bad choices, works, actions, and even thoughts have consequences. We will discuss this soon from a completely different angle I’m sure most have not contemplated. I had not.

We did come here to the lab to learn. To learn to be like Him, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is hard. I have a feeling it also helps when we have each other to get through it.

I pray the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father will help all three of these people. Whatever and however that may be. We are NOT here to judge them, their learning curve, or experiences. We are here to love and help each other. By doing so, we become His servant, we become like Him.

Have a great week and see you soon.

Chocolate Tootsie Pop

I just wanted to share more of this wacky world we live in.

A while ago I shared about taking some of the diabetes from a young girl. It was beginning diabetes, but I still experienced some of the symptoms. I didn’t enjoy it.

Two weeks ago my sweetheart and I went to see our sighted daughter in another state. We were able to spend two wonderful days with her and her children.

The next day I started to experience extreme thirst. Then I broke out in a rash and itched. All symptoms of diabetes and reactions to insulin. Oh no, I thought, I must have taken our daughters diabetes. The strange part was having insulin reactions.

There was no way I wanted what a brittle diabetic experiences. The thirst was horrible, constant drinking and you know what goes with that….what goes in one end, well you know the rest.

I called her the next day to get a witness that, indeed, I had done this again.

“Thanks, Dad,” she answered, “my blood sugars have been incredible.”

My sighted friend told me that I was not born an empath, that I have developed that ability over time. But luckily, I’m not a full blow empath. I don’t know how those people deal with life, I really don’t.

Several days later my sighted friend suggested I send that diabetic stuff down to hell. I did. But it still took two weeks for the rash to go away. Strange stuff. I remember her going through the same thing twenty years ago when she started using insulin. It took her two years for the itching and rashes to stop.

In fact, Nov. 5 was what we call “Coma Day” in our home. It was twenty years ago she went into a diabetic coma. Life has never been the same since.


The other day I woke up and told my wife I wanted a chocolate Tootsie Pop. I could see it and even better, taste it. I asked if she had one hidden somewhere and she said that she didn’t, she doesn’t like them. What’s not to like about a chocolate Tootsie Pop I wondered?

I went to the bank and on the floor in front of the teller was one of those small chocolate Tootsie Pops they hand out but never have. I grabbed it and the teller said that was strange, it just lying there on the floor. Besides, she said, they never have chocolate ones left.

Had the Tootsie Pop been manifested? Coincidence? God playing with me? Some angel having fun because he/she was bored? Do angels get bored? I don’t know the answer, but I sure loved the taste of that chocolate Tootsie Pop. Thank you Lord Jesus.


The other experience was when our neighbor had her sewer line get “messed” up. Pun intended.

A friend was digging down to find it with a backhoe to replace it. He’d had a man from the city come out and blue stake the water and sewer lines. What was interesting about that is he didn’t use any electronic equipment to find the lines. He used divining rods. Said he’d been using them for a long time. I believe they were made of copper and were well used.

He did pretty good but forgot to find all of the water lines. My friend was having a hard time with the backhoe finding it.

Along came my sighted friend and we explained the problem. She looked, felt with her hands and said, “You’re two feet short. Dig out to here,” showing him with her hand how far out to dig.

He found the line two feet further out where she had said it was. Ha, isn’t life great!

Some days this wacky world is pretty fun, other days it is just itchy and thirsty with a lot of trips to the john.


Happy Hedonism/Sadism Day

Today is the day! It’s the day we invite hell into our house and lives. It’s the day we celebrate sadistic, hedonistic values and act them out. I remember when I lived in the Salt Lake City area and little girls would come up to the house dress as street walkers, I mean whores. Let’s call it what it is. What does that scripture say about training a child in its youth?

Though many people have been celebrating for the past month, haven’t they. Heck, we’ve done this in our communities and churches for many decades. I was in the young men’s program at my local LDS ward years ago and we had a Hedonistic party every year. Oops, I mean Halloween party. You see, we weren’t racist and didn’t shun others. We believed in celebrating one of Satan’s high holy sacrificial holiday’s right alongside them celebrating it. Does that invite them in? Just wondering.

“Oh no, we only celebrate the good and fun side of Halloween!”

There is no good and fun side of evil, is there? If there is, please tell me about it. I’m not talking about harvest festivals, where the harvest is celebrated either.

I maintain that this country has reached the point where it celebrates evil on a continual basis. We abort millions of babies and call it good, oh I mean a choice. Thank you Democrats. We keep them alive in order to sell their body parts. You know, the fresher the meat, the better. Thank you Republicans and Democrats. We have convicted child sex offenders, also known as pedophiles, dressing as freakish women going to children’s libraries for Drag Queen story time. The “men” lay on the floor and have the young children lay on top of them. They teach the children how to “twerk.” If you don’t know what that means feel free to look it up. I hope you are offended. This is designed to denigrate women and our Mother. Satan hates women.

A Texas school district has mandated transgender sex education for eight-year-olds. I could go on and on. Okay, one last one. A “drag queen” simulated cutting a baby out of his womb, drinking the blood from the placenta, cutting the baby out, ripping it’s head off and drinking it’s blood. This was a pseudo satanic ritual. You can bet this is done in private, only not with a fake baby. Oh no, I have offended the drag queen by calling the evil piece of demonic crap someone of the male gender. Cool. These freaks/Satanists have admitted they are “training the new generation of children.”

I read years ago about a Satanist that went to abortion clinics and did satanic rituals as they aborted the babies. I maintain all abortions are satanic rituals, the killing of innocence.

We clear land where the killing of innocence has happened and they have the most violent and largest portals on them. Hmm, I wonder what kind of portals are in the many abortion clinics? Is it any wonder these people are dark and evil? The more one accepts evil and “plays” in and accepts that realm, the darker and more degenerate they become.

We did a clearing the other day and afterward the woman was asking about this “holiday” some of you are celebrating. My sighted friend was there and confirmed to her that putting up the decorations brings evil to the home. It is a calling card for evil, whether you believe it or not doesn’t matter. It is what it is. Movies and television that glorifies gore and evil send out that darkness that is associated with it or is being shown. Right into your home. Dress your kid up as anything and evil will go with it. You see, when you dress them up, you become part of the holiday, and the acceptance of evil into and onto your person. My sweetheart and granddaughters love watching certain cooking shows. They were watching one and I was in the same room on the computer. My back was to the screen. The contestants were to make some ghoulish dishes, the more depraved the better. When they were done with one and ready to be judged I turned my chair towards the television screen. I was shocked to feel the energy coming off that screen. It felt like a fire hose of darkness. I turned my back to it and the back of the chair shielded me from it and it went away. I turned back and could feel it again, it was dark. We had invited it into our home.

Put those carved jack-lanterns on your porch tonight. It is a calling card for evil and an invitation to come in. Interesting how as the world has become more evil and dark, this supposed holiday has grown exponentially. I wonder what the connection is?….

It really is hard not to march to hell with Babylon, isn’t it with all that peer pressure? After all, it is so much fun! It is hard to tell your children you’d rather worship the true God and by worshiping the false god bring evil into your lives and secures a place in hell. Strong doctrine? You deal with the almost daily emails we receive of people asking for help.

Anyway, Happy Hedonism day to you all. What has been coming out of hell the past few years is darker, more evil, and more hedonistic than ever before. It has become a battle for the soul. What side are you on? They are out in the open now. In several States it is now lawful to do post-birth abortions, meaning the baby was born alive, the abortion failed. We can now kill those live babies. Satan is truly winning right now.

By the way, if you invite evil in and it starts to have fun times with you, please call your local priesthood leaders, home minister, or Catholic priest for help. Someone told me they know what they are doing and have true priesthood.

Good luck.





Evidence or the fruit is one way to dispel ignorance.

As written in a past post, my daughter’s son had an entity in his cheek with long sharp finger nails that caused him to itch his face until it bled and was scabbed.

Multiple doctor visits had brought zero relief until they admitted there didn’t seem to be a “medical” answer. All of western medicines notions, potions and lotions had not worked.

She was told about encapsulation and asked the Savior to do so for her son until help could get down to her home.

My wife and I arrived there this past Thursday, three days ago. The boy still had some scabs, but she said it was a lot better. Two days previous a bunch of puss and scabs came out of his right ear. Healing was happening, even with the entity still there, though encapsulated so it wasn’t able to cause further damage.

I picked up my grandson and we semi-danced around the living room as the offending entity in the name of Jesus Christ was cast out, cut up into bits and sent to hell. (Man, I love Warrior Angels and what they can do.) I did wonder at the time if it was okay to kind of dance while doing an ordinance? I know I was praising God the entire time. What a blessing for mortals to be allowed to help in His work.

My daughter, who is sighted, commented, “Thanks, Dad.”

That is the way it ought to be, praising our Heavenly Dad, or Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yes, it required a mortal to drive nine hours each way and voice the casting out. But it is our Lord Jesus Christ that is the real power behind everything, especially things like this. All praise, honor and glory be His.

Several thoughts come to mind as a result of this event.

How many people, especially children, suffer because of some entity that attached to them? Western medicine comes along and offers some relief of the symptoms, but doesn’t address the cause, only the effects. What would happen if western medicine opened their minds and hearts and really wanted to help in healing, and not just worry about how much money they can make by letting people suffer. This I know from personal experience.

I have written of a man that did his residency for family therapy in a mental hospital. He soon realized that many of the residents had possession issues. He started casting out the entities and soon his patients were healing and going home. He was fired for this. He was told it was their job to keep the beds full and they didn’t want someone there actually healing. Pretty sad.

The other thought has been expressed before, about what a privilege it is to be part of His work. It is work and some days can be hard. We were doing a casting out once where the entity hit me in the back. It put out three ribs, four vertebrae, and both hips among other things. I knew when it hit, that the result was going to hurt. I was right. But it was worth it to offer relief and to be doing the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We may have a basic desire to do good, but if we don’t care enough to put that into action, what we feel into action, we are accomplishing nothing.

You do realize that the dark occultists say what they are going to do, they hold that intention in their minds and they care enough about it to get it done. Then they actually work to do it. They have the combination of intelligence, dark care and will power. Putting these together, dark occultists become a non-dual being as they think, so they feel and so they act. That is why they are so successful and are kicking our rear ends.

How many of us declare we have the desire to do the Saviors work, but are unwilling to put in the time and effort? We are not single minded in doing His will. Is that why the dark side is kicking our butts? They are single minded in doing their gods will?

When are we going to declare what we are going to do, hold that intention in our minds and care enough about it to get it done, actually doing the necessary work?

A case in point. We went several weeks ago to a home that had been having problems for several decades. After clearing the property, home and its occupants, the father wrote me this on October 6:

“Thank you so much for your help. We have a new home. [My wife] slept very well. We have a different feeling here in our home, peaceful and good.”

I received a call from him two days ago saying the problems were coming back. So I reminded him that we discussed how important shielding was. He was reminded about the book I gave him, Conquering Spiritual Evil, and how the biggest chapter was on shielding. I asked if he had shielded his family, home and property.

He informed me that they had started the book but got real busy with life. This is a good man with a wonderful family. But it is not my job to protect them, is it? That is his stewardship and always will be as long as he is mortal. It takes work, hard work. You has better believe that evil is working their hardest against light. Just take a look at the world, they are kicking our rear ends. So the answer was no, he had not worked at shielding anything.

We need to come to a place of enlightenment through combining understanding with wisdom so we can receive knowledge and truth. The unification of our thoughts, our emotions, and our actions is essential. Time to actually see how things really are so we can awake and arise to what God is doing and how we fit into that alignment.

Where is the evidence in our lives?

Just a Band-Aid

I received the following witness to the Encapsulation posts.

“After reading your recent posts about encapsulation, I thought I would share my experience with that concept.

When I came to you this past summer for a clearing, one of the many things that had to be taken care of was a little nasty entity that was trying to mess with the baby growing inside me.

What I didn’t mention was that I had been aware of this entity since very early in the pregnancy, but was unable to get rid of it.

Due to the distance and family circumstances, I wasn’t going to be able to get to you for months. The Lord was merciful and allowed me to encapsulate it for that period of time until I would be able to get there.

Once the entity was removed, I was so relieved to no longer have to continuously put up defenses in my own body to protect the baby. Being able to encapsulate the bugger for such a long period of time was a huge blessing, but it was still just a Band-Aid until it could really be addressed and having to reestablish the capsule every time I put shields up reminded me of that.

You just can’t encapsulate and call it good, because it’s not.

It’s the blessing of time to do things right.”

She is right, it is a Band-Aid, but an important one as you can see.

All praise be to our Lord and God, Jesus the Christ for His mercy and grace. What a blessing it was for this woman to understand a concept like this and use it to bless and protect her unborn child. How blessed that child is to have a mother like this woman.

Have a great weekend. Its deer hunt time. I’m praying for them. The deer, not the hunters.

Encapsulation part two

After hearing about the encapsulation principle and how well it worked for my sighted daughter on her son, I couldn’t wait to apply it in my life.

The principle about waiting on the Lord Jesus Christ never occurred to me, nor even asking Him. Oh well, never mind, I’m a big boy and so I pulled up my big boy pants and did what I wanted to do. My will be done.

Soon I found myself with a friend who had in the past asked me to help him whenever I saw something amiss. I have decided that this may not be a good idea.

When I see or know something is on someone, I won’t say anything because I don’t want to step on stewardship. But I knew he had asked so I went ahead and silently “helped” him.

He had an entity that in the past he has allowed me to put a containment shield around. This entity is of a powerful nature.

I know, you’ve already guessed what I did. Yes, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ to encapsulate this entity, thinking that would make for even greater protection.

Not so, “Grasshopper.” (Yes, I watched Kung Fu as a child.)

First off, I had not asked permission of my Savior to do this. If I had, I’d probably been told it wouldn’t work. Then I would have asked Him why it worked on the small, little, tiny, entity in my Grandson’s face.

Can’t I encapsulate a huge one?

The answer would be no.

As we’ve stated before when talking about Natural Law, there are always consequences to our actions, whether we understand the law or just choose to ignore it. I’m lucky, the Lord Jesus Christ lets me show my consequences to just the five who read this blog, I’d hate to show the world what a fool I am at times. I am so grateful there are only five of you.

One night later I found myself fighting an entity, though it was more like a wrestling match. I had to use my arms and legs against this thing. It was like it had multiple arms. I woke up in a sweat and hurt all over my body like I had the flu from the exertion from the fight. It was a three Ibuprofen moment. Many of you five know the drill. Twenty minutes later I was feeling much better and went back to sleep.

The next night my sighted friend was over and I recounted what I had done and the consequences. She told me indeed the use of an encapsulation should only be done when the Savior says to use it. And the biggie, it doesn’t work on higher level entities so well.

She looked at my wrestling match and confirmed that it had been such.

“Only, what you were wrestling was like a Medusa,” she added.

It not only had multiple heads, but also arms and legs. It made sense that is why I saw myself fighting against multiple arms and also legs.

I immediately looked over to a good friend that I knew had real priesthood that was sitting next to me and asked him for a clearing. I wanted that thing gone. Immediately.

Oh, that felt good. It sure is nice to have a merciful Savior willing to cancel out our mistakes once we repent.

Encapsulation is a great thing, when used within the bounds the Lord Jesus Christ has set.

What are those bounds?

Ask Him.


Encapsulation: the action of enclosing something in or as if in a capsule.

Our sighted daughter called to ask a question. This is something she does quite often, and since it is usually what I would call a “woman” question I will hand the phone to my sweetheart.

Only this time it was to talk to Dad.

“Dad, my baby keeps scratching his face in the same spot. It looks like he has a skin problem there. We’ve tried everything we can think of and it won’t go away. Even the doctor is stumped,” she told me.

“Wow,” I responded, offering the only expert analysis I could think of.

“What do you think it could be?” she asked.

As I’ve said here before, I tend to look toward the spiritual side of things for a problem.

I asked her if she had used her gift of sight and looked into the skin problem, on the spiritual level.

“Yes, I did.”

Well,” I responded, “what did you see?”

“There was a demon in there that goes deep into the muscle.”

She had asked her husband to help, which he did, and it didn’t. Help that is.

It was then she asked if I could do something. These things require a laying on of hands, it isn’t something that can be done long distance. I told her I’d call her back.

Since my sighted friend was only seven digits away I called. After I had explained what was going on she confirmed that, indeed, there was an entity in the boy’s cheek causing him considerable consternation, along with the associated physical problems.

“The entity has long claw like nails which it is using to cause the boy pain and suffering by scratching and cutting him inside his skin,” she told me.

I asked what could be done for him until we were able to go help.

She then shared another gift from our Lord Jesus Christ.

“She could ask the Lord Jesus Christ to encapsulate the demon until you can get there. That way it would not be able to cause the boy any more harm,” she told me.

I relayed the information about encapsulation to my sighted daughter.

She asked the Savior to come and encapsulate the evil entity. This is not a shield! It puts the entity in a capsule until help can come.

The itching went away and the boy stopped scratching.

We plan on being there within a week.

Praise God for the gifted, sighted folk.

Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for looking out for even the smallest of us.

It wasn’t a drawn sword

It seems like years ago that we did what were called Jedi workshops.

They were typically one day long and covered a variety of subjects. They must have been worthwhile because many of the same people came back over and over. It was a time when we were being taught many things and were told to share them. So even though the overall level one workshop was the same, it always had new material. One of the sections my sighted friend taught was, “Angels are not diplomats.”

That was one of my favorite sections of the entire workshop. Angels come to deliver a message from God. They aren’t here to play a game of ping pong or horse shoes with you. They will deliver the message and leave.

Do some come with drawn swords? Could be. Do they come in a serious mood? Could. They all have different personalities.

I have been having a hard time getting the next book, “Conquering Spiritual Evil – Volume Two”, finished and was praying quite hard asking for Heavens help.

Somehow the prayers got through the ceiling of my bedroom and were heard.

In the early morning hours I was given several concepts in a dream, including the scriptures and stories to use in a new chapter. Wow, I thought, this is great stuff Lord Jesus, thank You!

After the concepts were given I was then told to get up and write them down so they would not be forgotten.

“I’m quite tired from the long trip and work we just finished. I’ll write it down when I get up,” I said in my thoughts.

“No, you need to get up now and write down what was given or you will forget it,” someone said to me.

I was reminded that I had asked the Heavens for help and it had now been given. I was again told to get up and write it down.

“Man, I’m tired,” I reiterated to the voice.

Just then I was given a real quick dream or better, a vision.

I was shown a bladder bomb going off on top of my bladder and it emptying, right there in my bed.

The voice, or should I say angel, then informed me that was going to happen unless I got out of bed right then. For some reason I had a real strong urge to head to the bathroom.

I know that angels can and do carry swords. But I had no idea they have bladder bombs in their arsenal of weapons.

Remember, angels are not diplomats. Some come with drawn swords, visions, advice, and God’s word.

Others come with bladder bombs. Whatever it take for us to get the message I guess.

In Denver Snuffer’s talk last Sunday in Boise he said the following:

“The way you relate to God is unique to you.”

Makes me wonder if the inverse isn’t also true.

The way God relates to you is unique to you.

Bladder bombs and all. I got the message.

Have a great Sabbath.

Not my fault

A good friend called and said he needed a blog post, so this is his fault.

Last Friday in a court in San Francisco there were some incredible admissions by a company that sells aborted baby parts. The StemExpress CEO admitted in court to selling beating baby hearts, and intact baby heads. They also admitted they sell the beating baby hearts to places like Stanford University.

So I have a question, the same question the judge had in the trial. How does one get “beating baby hearts” to Stanford and its other clients? Well, that was easy to answer. They get them from full term abortions where they drug the mother and don’t abort the baby. They deliver a live baby, which is then put into a sound proof box and taken away. This has been going on for a long time and not just with StemExpress. Other places like “Planned Parenthood” also procure and sell baby parts. Some of these babies are kept alive for up to two weeks before they are killed for their body parts. Do you get that?

It seems that this is a huge and very lucrative business. Did you not all see the governor of Virginia on a talk radio show explaining how when he and others do abortions, if “the baby survives the abortion they put it into another room and make it comfortable?” Then the doctor and the mother decide what to do with it. Many times they just tell the mother nothing. So do you think they just dispose of the baby? No, the parts are worth too much money. This is big business!

Do you think this is spiritual evil? Is it in your face? Probably not. You see, the court trial in San Francisco was against two men that had filmed these procurers and sellers of live babies and aborted baby parts undercover and had shared what these worshipers of Satan really do. The State of California went after the two men that did the undercover filming, not after these people for what they were doing, which is illegal and against Federal law. That doesn’t seem to matter, only that they got caught. So let’s go after those that exposed what they do.

Are things turned upside down? How come what was considered evil is now good? Seven States have now passed laws allowing post-delivery abortions. You deliver the baby and then kill it. Many of them just put the baby into water and drown it. Makes selling the baby parts easier when you have a live baby to sell or a drowned baby with fresh parts you’ve just cut out. Stanford University needed live, beating baby hearts for their research, so they were delivered live babies. Oh, but it was okay, it was for medical research. Whatever, it is still evil and very wrong.

Does it make it okay if you wear a white lab coat? Or are a “Doctor” with a degree and need this live baby for research. Seems a guy from Germany named Joseph Mengele did similar research with live children. There are some that claim our government brought him here with thousands of other Nazi scientists so he could continue his “valuable” work with children. Actually our Government did bring in over 1,600 Nazi scientists after the war. It was called “Operation Paperclip.” It has been declassified, look it up.

A fresh beating baby heart is worth a lot of money in the organ donation industry, as is a liver, a kidney, the baby fat they take out so women can have collagen put into their lips or other places, and much more. Wow, that baby can bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars! Full, intact heads are worth so much more than the ones they just rip off the body. Normally they insert a suction tube and suck out the brains before the baby comes out. That is what the law requires them to do in that type of abortion. But a complete head with a full intact brain is worth so much more than a baby whose head had been flattened out and ripped off its body because they sucked the brains out.

Is this bothering you? Apparently not enough, it is still going on all over America. Did you see the video of the two abortions doctors that took just aborted, nearly full term babies and played with them in a medical pan? They were cracking up pretending the two aborted babies were fighting each other, you know, like “Rockem Sockem Robots” we had as children. Then they threw them down into the medical pan and walked away laughing.

If you have the money, and there are many that do, you can have your transplant information sent to China and they will find a match for you in their gulag system. You fly to Japan and get your little self into a hospital. The Chinese will then take the prisoner to an airport and take out the organ you need and have paid a lot of money for. Within thirty minutes it arrives at the hospital in Japan and is put into your body. Wow, what a system! Fresh parts for the ultra-rich. A very wealthy man that just passed away at 100 years of age had received seven heart transplants. I wonder how many of those hearts spoke Chinese.

I don’t belong to either of the two national political parties. One of them has abortion in its platform. Oh, I forgot, it’s called “Women’s rights” to kill their babies or choice to kill. Where did this right come from? Not from God. We have no “right” to make a law that harms another person.

The so called man running for president that is married to his husband, made the statement that life begins when the baby takes its first breath. You know that they can deliver a baby and have it live outside the womb for a while because it can live off the placenta, getting oxygen from the mother that way. The doctor will spank the baby causing its heart valves to open and allowing the start of getting its first breath. But with post-birth abortions legal, they can prepare to harvest the organs while the baby lives outside the womb. The organs are fresher that way, you know.

I’m not trying to be flippant. It is the way I have to deal with this, it makes me so angry. The political abortion party makes me angry. They are evil and quite satanic. The so called medical people are even worse. Natural law will take care of them all. I wonder what karma has in mind for them, the abortionists, nurses, administrators, and all else involved in this industry.

Will anything be done? I don’t believe so. After all, our “authorities” are going after those that are exposing those doing it. Now if that’s not “backasswards”, I don’t know what is.

I don’t have to hope the Lord Jesus Christ has a “special” place in hell for those involved in this, from those professing a woman’s right to kill, to those that actually doing it, to those that are making money off of it. One of the women in the videos made the claim she hopes to eventually get a Lamborghini car from selling baby parts. I wonder how many babies she needs to kill and sell for that to happen. These people have no souls, no hearts, and zero empathy.

I almost said that I’d pray for these people. But I doubt that prayers will help them. They can’t believe in a God, can they? Well, not one of Light and Love anyway. One day when they meet Them, and are then taken to hell to meet the god they worshipped, they might change their minds. But then it is too late, isn’t it?

This is spiritual evil at its worst. Like all spiritual evil, it will not go away if it is just ignored. Today, I chose not to ignore it, you have received some facts about it and what they do. What are you going to do about it?

I will pray for those millions of murdered children though.