
When I was young my parents took our family to MGM studios in California for a tour. Because I was so young at the time, the most fascinating thing I discovered on the tour was that many of the buildings were “fake.” They were just the front of buildings, or what is called a façade. We discussed how “cool” it was because they appeared so “real” in the movies. We the saw inside a sound stage and the kitchens, living rooms, and bedrooms where they acted had no ceilings. It really astounded us.

Only later in life did I come to realize that the actors were also a “façade” or were employing learned acting techniques that were coupled with things like lighting and music to bring out our emotions and draw us into the fakery, I mean “story.” The ones that are really good at this are given awards for their abilities to draw us in, in all categories.

My favorite meaning of façade comes from Hindi:

  1. The face of a building.
  2. A showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant.

Or a regular dictionary:

1.      The front of a building; also any face of a building given special architectural treatment

2.     A false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect


We are not going to discuss Hollywood and its fakery, facades, and evil parts. We are going to explore the second meaning.

An antonym of façade is “a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceive.”

In the past few months we have encountered more than a few people that have a “façade demon” attached to them. In the name of Jesus the Christ we have cast off many thousands of demons the past years and some have been differentiated by specific names. I remember casting out demons of fear, pride, anxiety, hatred, scorn, low esteem, self-loathing, misunderstanding, and many others. But I had never considered or encountered a “façade demon” until Z mentioned it one day.

We had met a man that I really like that had been a child actor in Hollywood. Z and I had just spent one hour working with his wife and at the conclusion of her work he asked us to work on him. We had a full load of people scheduled for the day so there wasn’t any time to do anything for him, plus the fact was we had not prepared for him, just his wife. Right after he had asked and I had told him we wouldn’t be able to do anything that day, Z leaned over and whispered that he had a façade demon on him. This was the first time I had heard of such a thing. I suppose we will be working with him in the future if he chooses to rid himself of said entity. I have a feeling there are many in the acting profession that carry such entities. In the past we have discussed people like musical performer Beyonce who has declared that when she goes on stage something other than her takes over. She has called the entity Sasha Fierce in the past, though a few years ago she declared she had “killed Sasha Fierce.” Hmm, wonder if the integration was complete?

Some of the many synonyms for façade are:

Appearance, playacting, window-dressing, cloak, disguise, front, semblance, coloring, cover, guise, face, show, mask, masquerade, put-on, veneer, pretense, and veil.

Do any of these describe us? If so, might it be we have a façade demon or two helping us out? Why would this be important?

I have a theory that many individuals, like many of those with pride demons, have no idea they are buds with a façade demon. Two weeks ago I found myself driving to Arizona to do some portalcisms with Z. Since she was a “captive” audience I asked her a few questions about these kinds of demons.

D – “I have a theory that most of those with a façade demon have no idea it is with them.”

Z – “A person can take on a pride demon at a very young age. This kind of demon can come and go for a time when the person is a small child. It would be adopted fully sometime later, and by choice, it will become fully integrated. The person becomes very comfortable with the demon and they are symbiotic. Because typically it starts at a very young age they have no idea what is motivating and controlling them, even into adulthood.”

Symbiotic – involving interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association or denoting a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups.

D – “Why would someone with a façade demon want to get rid of it if the relationship is so beneficial?”

Z – “Because the façade demon inhibits and prevents the person from doing the things he wanted and even covenanted to do before coming here. It also keeps the person from the Light.”

D – “If someone wanted to be cleared of a façade demon, how would that be done?”

Z – “It is difficult. It would take acknowledging they have a problem, then repentance and determination. Integration in this case means the façade demon is within the mortal body, side by side with the owner but not meshed together. A façade demon has its own minions. Usually there are other demons such as pride along with them.”

Hey, it’s a party!

In the past I had considered integration to be only one way, like the “Borg” assimilating someone in Star Trek. It’s quite interesting to see here that this is a “joint venture” in many cases, where the person or “host” shares space with the demonic entity because they are amenable and share the same goals.

We’ve shown in our books situations where someone experienced trauma and a demonic entity entered the person, shoving the owner aside and taking over complete control. This happened to our daughter Denise when she was fourteen-years-old. It took her over during a short hospital stay where she was again in a coma type experience. Shortly after being home she was trying to “off” herself by shooting her insulin down the sink. Only it wasn’t her doing it, it was the demon that had taken over her body and actions. I’ve shared that experience elsewhere. Some will recognize they have been taken over and fight an all-out war with the entities.

Too often the owner recognizes and invites the entity in order to get what they want, then end up following the entity. We’ve seen people get “power” from an entity and they don’t want to give it up. They will experience what they call visions, seeing into people, knowing things, and such. These are things which can and do come from God, but unfortunately the demonic realm can mimic all of them.

Wow, do you think discernment is important.

There are also those that appear to be façade demon possessed but are actually that way themselves. They are here to work on changing that aspect of their personality. Once again, mighty prayer and discernment is advised.

We may also discuss this concept more in the future.

Three Strikes – part 3

The following is from Remembering the Covenant Vol. 2, by Denver Snuffer, pages 486-488:

“Alma 13:28

“But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;”

Alma’s formula is quite direct and clear:

“Humble yourselves:” Without humility you are not teachable. Humility and the capacity to accept new truth are directly related. This is the character flaw that prevents the Lord from teaching the Nephites when He appeared to them. They THOUGHT they already knew things. Therefore nothing that contradicted their false notions would be accepted. Christ advised the Nephites who saw Him descend from heaven to go prepare themselves for His teaching. “Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again.” (3 Nephi 17:3) This was the Lord telling these witnesses that they were not humble enough to be taught—even by Him! So the first requirement is no small matter. Are you really humble? Can you accept truth if it is taught to you? Even if it contradicts your traditions? Even if it alienates you from family, friends, comfortable social associations, your neighbors? See, humbling yourself is not just some droop-faced, hand-dog expression to wear on your countenance. Rather it is opening your heart up to higher things.

“Call upon God:” Not just prayer. Call upon Him. To call is to invite Him to come. How do you call Him? By devoting yourself, in humility, to living every principle He has taught to you through His messengers and in His scriptures. It’s not a laundry list of “to-do’s.” It is meekness and prayerful watching; humbling yourself and accepting what His spirit will advise you to do. When He testifies to you that you are hearing a true principle, accept it. No matter the effect it may have upon your life. Change your life, but never abandon His truths. Call, listen, and obey what you are told. Never close that line of communication. Don’t trust a message which does not come from Him.

“Watch and pray:” Answers may come in many ways. Be watchful so you don’t miss them when they are given to you. Pray that you might be seeking, preparing your mind to behold what He sends. Stay tuned, and stay attuned. Without such diligence you will miss His messages, that come sometimes frequently, but from unexpected sources.

“That you may not be tempted above that which ye can bear:” Implicit in this is that you may be tempted beyond what you can bear. So how do you avoid falling? Does humility and calling upon God and watching and praying insure that you can avoid an excess of temptation? How would they all go together? In particular, how would being “humble” be a protection against this kind of temptation?

Alma connects all this together with the word: “thus.” Meaning as a consequence of the foregoing. As a result of what he’s just told you. As a product of this approach, you will then “be led by the Holy Spirit.” You can’t do what comes next without being so led. It isn’t in you. Not without help from within through the Holy Spirit.

So, if you do all the above, and then acquire the Holy Spirit to be your guide, then it follows that you will “become humble, meek submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering.” You won’t be imitating humility, but you will be humble with the Holy Spirit’s assistance. You won’t feign meekness, but you will acquire the power to be meek (in the sense it is explained in Beloved Enos.) You won’t pretend to submission, patience, love and long suffering, but you will be these things as a result of the Spirit within you. This will be your character. Not as the world understands such things, but through the power of the Spirit to lay hold upon such things.

Formulas like this one are inspired statements, providing a road map to the Lord’s methods of changing lives. Alma is making such a declaration and invitation in this sermon. It is amazing, really. How succinctly he cuts to the core of the matter.” (Emphasis added)

There, you have your second witness of the process.

Some of the answers to questions we’ve had regarding “clearings:”

There have been more than a few times that a person has so much on them it can’t all be cleared in one session. We have shared examples of this on this blog. Some have taken days and even weeks to recover physically and spiritually from what was removed. After recovering they have come back to have the rest cleared.

There have been some instances where not all has been removed and we were told by the Spirit to remain silent about it. (That will give a few people some gas pains…..)

Some have requested a clearing and we have not been allowed to do it. The previous process is required to be started by them or the clearing will most likely not have much effect. Remember, habits must be changed. We must become a new woman or man in Christ Jesus.

Before we do generational healings a clearing is necessary.

After we do a portalcism, if requested, clearings will be done if the people are ready.

Some have been “cleared” and invited the entities back, yet there was not a “strike” against them. There are always other circumstances. One example is a woman that had splits (multiple personalities). She came back a second time and was loaded again with entities. But not all of her personalities were aware of her being cleared. She needs her personalities to become “one” again or her “splits” rejoined and then she can do what is necessary to keep herself clear. She is preparing herself for this right now. This will be discussed when I finally finish the generational healing posts in the near future.

The bottom line is we all need to strive to become like Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Getting a clearing as people call it is great, but not so much if a person just returns to the same vomit. Some things are generational and were on the person at birth. Those issues can be taken care of by our Savior if we so desire. It takes work and it is hard work. We recently did five portalcisms and about 9 clearings in Arizona. It took Z and I about four days to feel like humans again. A long time ago when I was discussing with the above quoted dude the areas we’d been to doing portalcisms, he made it a point to tell me to make sure we didn’t overdo it because he understands the cost of doing work of a spiritual nature. “Get all the rest you need in between, don’t overdo it,” is how I recall he put it. We may discuss that in a future post, who knows.

Three Strikes – part 2

Continuing on in 1 Corinthians, chapter 5, Paul is talking about those that committed fornication with “his father’s wife.” Apparently the man is not repentant and Paul tells them:

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and have the Spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” (JST vs. 4-5)

Paul later lumps in all kinds of sinners into this mix, not just fornicators. Sin allows bonds of attachment between us and those entities that want us destroyed. The longer and more often the sin is committed, the stronger the bonds become. In other words, the bonds strengthen a little more each time the sin is committed until they are impossible to break.

What we learned is when your house is swept clean and you don’t change or repent, it allows the demons access again to your house/body. Only they come back with more “friends” and are stronger. That is the problem. If someone that has received a complete clearing calls and asks for another clearing, did they invite that which had been swept clean (throw out) back into their house? Do you SEE the gravity of this problem? (Or are they an empath and just need a “cutting.”)

Our friend asked for a second clearing, as things had not changed and the problem had come back, only at an aggravated level. Z mentioned the Lord Jesus Christ had taught that if we cast these new and more powerful entities off the second time and then she does not change and therefore invites them back the third time then there is a real problem. At this point the bonds and or integration will have become so strong that the best thing the Lord Jesus Christ can do for them is to allow “the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved” as Paul states. At this point there would be nothing further we could offer her. Paul says it pretty succinctly at the end of chapter 5.

“But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.”  (1 Cor. 5:11-13)

This is so serious I’m going to repeat it again. The problem is, once they have invited those entities back the third time, the entities are powerful enough and so thoroughly bonded and integrated to the individual that there is nothing we can do for them. They are to be given to Satan so he can then destroy the body and only then can our Savior Jesus Christ save the spirit. Yes, they will spend time in Hell. The problem is if the entities are not cast out and kept out, they will also spend time with us in hell. We are to clear ourselves and stay that way, becoming a new woman or a new man in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The saddest are those that have had the clearing who then, due to old habits, put out the welcome mat inviting entities into their cleaned house and have no idea they are back. The new entities seem to convince them of their spiritual superiority or their great intelligence in all things spiritual, that they can’t be deceived, and how they don’t have any demons on or in them. Their revelation is steadfast and sure; they are always right. They will declare how much power they have, not acknowledging, if they have “power” to do anything of a righteous nature, it only came from our Savior. Some will have the power they desired, but it comes from the wrong source. They will see visions, prophesy, work so called miracles, hear the “spirit” tell them what to do, all in the name of their god and declare it comes from the God of Light. They don’t seem to understand that if they are full of dark, evil entities they will have a hard time doing much of anything of Light. But will still claim the “power” and declare all the good they have done for others. Some declare that other people are the problem and they seem to have no issue letting them know this and calling them out for it. Go read the post about looking in the mirror and you will read the dark things they are doing and guess what, many have no idea. Or worse, they do know and the entities help them not to care.

We have written about a former local religious leader that I had. He had helped me in the past, several times, by loaning me a truck for a week, bringing us food, and always saying hello and waving at us. He was also the one I have on a recording telling me that a LDS General Authority Seventy made him disfellowship me back in 2007. In interviews the same religious leader called me a liar, called my wife a liar and insulted my family and friends. He told me what he would allow me to do in general and what he would allow me to do for a living. He really knocked the crud out of D&C 121, condemning himself continually. Yet I really liked the man, feeling that he was between a rock and hard place. When he transitioned a few years ago I asked Z about him. She mentioned that four dark angels came and took him to meet his god. Little “g” god, not a God of Light like our Father in Heaven. This actually disconcerted me and so I mentioned all the good that he had done for everyone. Realizing he was taken to hell and had become a minion was hard to accept. What we are discussing today is a hard doctrine. Yet they seemed to know and understand it anciently, a doctrine which we seem to have no clue about. Back to Z’s comments.

“Yes,” she replied, “but why did he do those things? What was the intent of his heart?”

Moroni explains it quite well:

“For behold, God hath said a man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offereth a gift, or prayeth unto God, except he shall do it with real intent it profiteth him nothing. For behold, it is not counted unto him for righteousness. For behold, if a man being evil giveth a gift, he doeth it grudgingly; wherefore it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift; wherefore he is counted evil before God.” (Moroni 7:6-8)

What is our intent? To be seen of men? To “show” God that in reality we are a good person? “Hey God, look at me, I gave the homeless guy a fifty spot!” Z told me to look at the intent of the man’s heart, the same place that God the Father looks at in each of us and see why he did those things. I looked and admitted it wasn’t for the right reasons.

Is this why God declares that “a man being evil cannot do that which is good; neither will he give a good gift.” The intent of their heart is off. It isn’t for God or our Lord Jesus Christ, even though outwardly they may declare such. It is for themselves, for their own self-aggrandizement. That is why it is evil. No matter how much you give away or help, if it is to be “seen” or to show how wonderful and great you are, it is accounted evil unto you.

So what is in our core, our heart? Is it light or dark? If we have determined it to be dark and want to change, having a clearing is a great place to start. But not until we begin to set ourselves right before God and repent. We need to understand that just getting a clearing will NOT solve our problems, or change what is in our hearts core, if darkness dwells therein. That is why we harp and harp and harp on changing our habits, our inner core, and our thoughts. And actually change isn’t a good word. We’ve all gone through eight years of “Hope and Change” and what did that give us? It is about transformation. Transformation and change are two different things. We can force change through power and coercion. Isn’t that what laws are designed to do? If my hammer is big enough I can get you to do many things. I have seen that many times in my life. My church uses a temple recommend or membership as a hammer to coerce much from its members. But it seldom is very long lasting. Once the threat of the hammer is gone, we will usually return to our vomit, scripturally speaking of course.

Transformation comes from within and is long enduring. But it is made by your choice. It comes about by coming unto our Lord Jesus Christ and Him only. No man, men, women, government, or church can do it for you.

It requires a woman or man to bend their knees in humility and pray. It requires the woman or man to look to Him only, their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Not some man-made god Satan has created for us to fool ourselves with, like the god Source. We are to ask our true God, the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance how to live, think, act, and what to do. And no, I’m not talking about getting His permission to go to the bathroom or to wash the stench off our hands.

It requires us getting into the scriptures and really study them. I tell people that I had no idea how to study the scriptures until I attended Denver Snuffer’s Book of Mormon class he taught every Friday night for many years. They will tell me they wished they would have had the same opportunity. Good heavens people, read his books. Want to know what the class was like? I’m reading Volume 2 of “Remembering the Covenant.” It’s like being back at his class. If we got through a verse of scripture in one hour we were flying. Studying, really studying the scriptures is essential.

It requires us to have an honest desire to know, really know and study. You have to realize you can’t do it without Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s about giving up and going to Him. Many of us do these things according to our wisdom and not the Lord Jesus Christ’s. That is what gets us into trouble. We think we can do it or we have been through some self-improvement course and know we can do all things ourselves. We don’t need Him.

Wow, I’ll wrap this up tomorrow.

Three Strikes – part one

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Cor. 2:11)

In the past we have talked about the concept discussed in Matthew 12:43-45:

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

The Joseph Smith translation sheds even more light on it:

And he said unto them, When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest and findeth done; but when a man speaketh against the Holy Ghost, then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth him empty, swept and garnished; for the good spirit leaveth him unto himself. Then goeth the evil spirit, and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in and dwell there; and the last end of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

Many people have asked for clearings in the past where all the evil and dark that was on and in them was cast out and sent to Hell, in other words they were “cleared” of their dark stuff. The problem was their habits didn’t change and the entities came back. Not the same ones, but stronger ones. As the above scriptures state, the person spoke against the Holy Ghost, or God, so the good spirit left him. Along comes the evil spirit and finds the place empty and cleaned out. Don’t think for a minute they only come back with seven friends, it is just telling us that more than one can and does come back. The real problem then is the new evil entities are more powerful than what was previously there.

It seems almost like a conundrum to me. If a person doesn’t clear themselves of all the evil and darkness on them, they will have problems in this life and most likely end up in hell. But if they do get cleared and don’t change, or repent, come unto Christ and truly become like Him, it will all come back and they will end up in hell anyway. Seems there is only one option. Is that option to honestly change or repent, clear ourselves, become like Him, and stay that way?

For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. (2 Peter 2:20-22)

And thus we can plainly discern, that after a people have been once enlightened by the Spirit of God, and have had great knowledge of things pertaining to righteousness, and then have fallen away into sin and transgression, they become more hardened, and thus their state becomes worse than though they had never known these things. (Alma 24:30)

How does this pertain to us? I have a wonderful friend that asked me to help her if she ever had anything on her of a dark nature, in other words she wanted to be told. During a workshop she made some “interesting” comments and observations, things that really didn’t sound like her. Later that evening I asked in prayer and was told she had some dark entities on her, various earthbound spirits and demons. A while later she happened to be at my home with some others and I reminded her of the request she had made to be told. She remembered and asked me what I knew. She was informed that she had those entities on her. She immediately requested we lay hands on her and cast them off. In our enthusiasm to help her, we did.

Several months later she was at my home again and I realized they were all back, only they seemed stronger. Z happened to be there so we asked her to take a look. She confirmed that our friend had not changed her habits, things that were not Christ-like and the entities had come back to a swept clean house, only with new friends. We counseled with the Lord Jesus Christ and found that she needed to work on her habits and change them, create new ones. We have discussed these things in this blog. We are to repent and come unto Jesus the Christ, our true Lord and Savior, we need to change our habits. Until she did this we would not be allowed to cast out her new found “friends.” She worked on it for months and finally came back and had them cast out. Those that have come for clearings have been counseled that after some things or entities are cast out, they (the person) may feel lonely or empty and might be tempted to invite them back. They need to consciously fill this void with the Saviors love, ask Him to be in their life.

Many years ago a man brought his wife to my home and said for many years she had talked to four entities that were within or on her. She had enjoyed many years of “companionship” with them, but lately they had become belligerent and wanted to control her more than she wanted to be controlled. She told me she was to the point that she wanted them removed and out of her life. Because she asked, hands were laid on her head and they were cast out. She said she could feel them leave and was happy to have them gone. I cautioned her that she may be lonely, as they had been with her for many years and she needed to fill that void. I suggested she fill it with the Savior Jesus Christ, reading scriptures and with prayer. She assured me that she would be fine.

A week later her husband called and asked what would happen if she invited the entities to come back? I told him that the scriptures declare that stronger ones would come back and bring friends. He said that sounded about right. She had become lonely for them and had invited them back and was now in real trouble.

Why is all of this important?

Continued tomorrow in part 2

Look in the Mirror

We have received requests from individuals where in the past we have traveled to their home and property and cleared out all the ancient and newer portals, asking us to come back and remove, yet again, more portals.

I know when we do portalcisms we are extremely careful that ALL portals on the land and in the home are closed, sealed, and thrust to hell.

A while ago we helped clear a home and property. I recently received a text from one of the spouses asking for help. Seems when this spouse lays in bed there is a burning sensation in the feet. The spouse soon realized there is a new portal there and asked for help in removing it. I really love this couple and because of that I’m going to take my advice and “Go all the way.”

So let’s figure this out together. If all the portals, ancient and new, had been removed from the home and property, and now there is a new one on the bed, how in the world did it get there? You are right, it had to have been formed or made by one or both of the spouses. Remember in a previous post I mentioned the home we were in where Z said there had been three level 16 portals in the master bedroom? She then said that one was ancient and two were relatively new. Whoa, how would that have happened?

How are portals formed? Could it be that there was so much energy of a negative nature it caused new dark portals to form? Emotions such as enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissension, envying, and such will form low to mid-range portals. All of these negative emotions and more is mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21.

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, raveling’s, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”

All of the above will cause new dark portals to form. So isn’t it interesting the next two verses describe what the fruits of a spirit-filled, Christ centered life might yield:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” (Vs. 22-23)

I wonder what kind of dark portals these emotions might produce. Oh right, none. I don’t care how hard you try, if your Christ centered life is filled with nothing but what is listed in the two verses above, it would be hard to open a portal to hell. If you’re Christ centered go ahead and try it.

Heaven opens portals when they need to come here to this Telestial mortality. Mortals cannot open a portal to heaven. Let me repeat that, mortals cannot open a portal to heaven. I know of people who have claimed to have done so and also claimed to have felt “light beings” come out of them. I wouldn’t worry about that though, because Satan’s minions cannot mimic light. Right? Yeah, right. So if Hell needs a mortal or mortals to open portals in order to come here and a mortal cannot open a portal to heaven (Imagine all the crap we’d try to send to heaven if we could actually open them in that direction), and if I now have a new portal in my home, on my bed, or in my basement, what direction will it be opened up to? And what might now come out of it? (What comes out depends on how large or to what level you or others have made it.)

If we were to go there and close this newly formed portal, would that solve the problem? Once again, why was it formed? If our anger, rage, jealousy, hatred, strife, disputes, old cords of affection, uncleanness, and such are not repented of and cleared out of our life won’t the portal just come back?

All of this reminds me of years ago when I went to a gifted friend to help me get rid of some negative or evil spirits that were plaguing me and she asked if I really wanted to know what the problem was. I assured her that indeed, I did want to know what the real problem was. She then said, “Go out in the hallway and look in the mirror. There you will see what the problem is. Go home and repent.”

Sound advice that I accepted in humility and acted upon. It worked.

Will we go back to clear the newly formed portals? Yes, but only after the real problem has been addressed. Kind of wonderful, if you think about it, a Father in Heaven willing to let us wallow in our own filth until we figure it out, want it gone bad enough to get rid of it, repent, and give it to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

Take care all.


My wife sat on the edge of the bed last night and told me she was out of sorts and was going to cry. I asked what I had done wrong – you know the deal men – and she informed me that I had done nothing wrong. Whew, relief, again you know the deal men. My sweetheart is very gifted and feels things. She is my barometer when people come around and things aren’t right with them. I asked if the kids were all okay. She said yes, as far as she knew. It bothered her she was out of sorts and then the tears started to come and they came for a while. I would only realize why the next morning when I asked in prayer.

You know, it had been a great week of doing His work and I learned that sometimes a person’s Heavenly Mother will show up at a generational healing. Before a generational healing session last Sunday I had hands on a young woman doing a clearing when an astonishing thing happened. Z stated it best in her report, “There was a very powerful yet extraordinarily peaceful presence felt coming into the room. Looking up I saw a gorgeous woman the light of whom filled the room to capacity and then some. It was *****’s Heavenly Mother.” Being the “non-sighted” part of the team I didn’t see Her enter the room. But at that moment I sure felt Her and was told who it was. I turned to Z and stated that a Heavenly Mother had entered the room. Z looked at me and told me to please continue with the clearing.

The feeling went away but I was sure intrigued by the fact that a Heavenly Mother had entered the room. It would be a short while later, right before we started the generational healing, that she would show up again. Seems she had come earlier to inform Z and me that she was coming.

Z told the woman that she needed help with her heart. I told the woman that years ago I had experienced a generational healing where the Savior Jesus Christ had come and performed heart surgery on me. At the time Z had told me to lay very still as He was there to do the surgery. I remember trying to look at my chest and her telling me again to lay still.

“But I can’t feel or see anything,” I told her.

“You will likely feel it tomorrow and for the next few days,” was her reply.

She was right, I hurt for a about five days. It felt like my chest had been cut open for surgery. It really hurt.

I have no idea how this works or how the Lord Jesus Christ does it, but we’ve done enough of these that I know it is real. There have been people laid up for several days to weeks after being worked on. We just had a fifteen-year-old that took six days to recover. A forty-plus-year-old man just took over two weeks. Sometimes these things really do take some time for the person to recover, especially when the Savior shows up and does physical repairs on them.

Anyway, back to the reason this is being written. The woman had not been appointed unto death and needed emergency help with her heart. The Savior came and worked on it. From Z’s report:

“Such a condition, if left untreated, would result in her untimely death. It was at this point where *****’s Heavenly Mother returned. Our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Christ respectfully stepped back allowing the Heavenly Mother to perform the healing work.”

I won’t write what She did because it’s not pertinent to what I want to finish with. Let’s just say it was pretty incredible. I watched Z’s eyes fill with wonder and amazement. It was pretty cool.

The room was full of Her unconditional love and Her light. (I wonder if I should move all of our plants to that room for a while.)

That is what my wife was feeling several days later, three to be exact. Just Her presence made things clear off of my wife. She also was feeling the loneliness of being away from Her, the familiarity of Her, Her love for all of us in this house. I told my sweetheart that it most likely made her homesick for what she had left to come here into this hell to have experiences. We saw Z today and she witnessed I was right about what I had been told. My sweetheart is feeling the love of her Heavenly Mother, and the residual energy or love that is still here. It did make her “homesick.”

It reminded me of the experience we related in the “I See….Arise!” book where the Lord Jesus Christ and His Wife came to the restaurant we ran in Fairview for Thanksgiving dinner. For weeks after, people would sit in that same booth They had sat in and not want to leave. They had no understanding of why, they just wanted to sit there. I knew why and would take the opportunity to sit there when no one needed the booth. That chapter is entitled, “Heaven Took Notice.” Well a Heavenly Mother took notice of a daughter here in this mortal hell and came, probably causing Herself pain in the process, to effectuate a healing. Now that is real Love.

My sweetheart is experiencing the residual effect of that love here in our home.

Hey, maybe we’ll hang around the house for the next few days.

Take care.



I’m working on it

I am sharing the following because I feel it is quite relevant and important.

“I just want to say thank you for helping both of us with a clearing a week ago. It was something we never experienced before. I am deeply grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ… The emotions of gratitude I felt during the clearing were quite overwhelming.

When we left your home I started feeling pain in my jaw almost starting behind the ears. It wasn’t acute pain but more dull. Also some dull pain in my chest for a couple of days. I also felt energy in my legs for several hours the day of the clearing. I do feel much different emotionally after the clearing. I feel real hope for the first time in months. I actually feel happy and hopeful inside. I am so thankful for that. I also now understand why you “talk” on your blog so much about the importance of changing habits and neuron patterns affecting our behavior. The clearing doesn’t change our behavioral habits. It should be our choice to work on that. If I could I would tell anybody interested in the clearing to start working on their habits right away. I also now understand that “low level living” [Z] mentioned on your blog is not being a murderer or a drug dealer but it’s just “normal” life of a “normal” person. Doing the stuff everybody does and not really seeking His will for EVERYTHING you do EVERY day of your life.

I know that there’s still much work that needs to be done on my part but I am so so grateful for the hope I now feel!”

We tell people there is the chance they will feel pain and other things as they heal from what was removed from them. Whatever was removed was spiritual in nature yes, but many times it caused physical problems to the body. So if it is removed spiritually, why would you feel it physically?

We went to the home of a friend and part of what he wrote me tells the same story:

“After you left I was lighter, happier, and better than I have been in a long time. It only took a day for the spiritual damage to surface. Since the 23rd I have been physically ill. So much so I had to take several days off work. I was in bed for Monday-Wednesday the following week. It is only now that I am starting to feel better.”

This friend had about 40% of what was on him removed. We had assured him that if the entire amount had been removed his physical body would not have been able to handle it. I think he is a believer now.

All of this is wonderful but it is only part of what must happen when a person gets cleared of the spiritual darkness that is on them. The bigger part is addressed in the first quote above where she says, “The clearing doesn’t change our behavioral habits.” and “If I could I would tell anybody interested in the clearing to start working on their habits right away.” We have already discussed this in previous posts, but it needs to be reinforced here. Our habits must change, we need to repent and change our neural patterns because it does affect our behavior. Of course all of this should be done through our Lord Jesus Christ.

How do we do this? I had someone ask today what they should do to prepare to have things removed. The answer is, it is the same for any of us as it was for someone like an Alma or anyone else seeking to change their life.

The most important things we can do are to learn how to bend our knees. Once that is accomplished, we should bend them often, quite often in prayer. We ought to honestly look to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I mean really look to Him. Ask Him for guidance how we should think, act, and even what to do. There is no need to be commanded when to wake up and go to the bathroom or to clean your hands after working in the garden or on the car. We do need his guidance for some things in general everyday living, but many will go overboard with this and ask how many steps they can take on Monday evening, if you catch my drift. His guidance is truly needed when working out in the world and with others, including our family and friends. It’s what my friend said at the end of her quote above. The other thing that is paramount is to get into the scriptures and really study them with the Spirit. Here is her quote again:

“I also now understand that ‘low level living’ [Z] mentioned on your blog is not being a murderer or a drug dealer but it’s just ‘normal’ life of a ‘normal’ person. Doing the stuff everybody does and not really seeking His will for EVERYTHING you do EVERY day of your life.”

It couldn’t be said any better than that. Many people, if not most, act according to their own wisdom, not the Savior’s. Does our “great intellect” really dwarf that of our Saviors? Do we really believe that? I don’t care what degree or degrees we have, our intellect is puny compared to that of Him. I would compare it to a BB sitting next to a basketball. And that’s probably not a fair comparison. Also add the fact that He loves us more than we can comprehend, otherwise He would not have offered us an Atonement. Do we do “low level living” and read a verse or chapter in the scriptures and call it good. Or do we actually study the scriptures by the Spirit, seeking to know what is truly in them? Do we really want to be a “normal” person in this world? Are we willing to put in the hard work and effort it takes to rise above that normality, that of being part of the herd? Or do we proudly strut around because we have a great religious heritage and a so called fabulous genealogy? That ought to reliably help us in the eternities. Isn’t it about what we as individuals have done to rise above the stink of the masses? Do we know Him, the real Savior, or just some dark lord pretending to be Him? How much service have we done? And why have we done it? For our own aggrandizement? Or because He told us to and we did it humbly and without fanfare? “Mom, where’s my yellow shirt? I can’t help those flood victims without wearing my yellow shirt!”

There have been many occasions where people have asked how they could ever get to the point of receiving the Second Comforter, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will tell them the first thing they might want to consider is what we are now discussing. That of doing His will and not our own. Only it goes deeper than that. It means we actually lay our wishes, desires, wants and, yes, even our agency on the altar since it is the only thing we “own.” (Our agency, not the altar.) Nothing else here is ours, we are beggars. Only when we offer our will to Him can He then do what is necessary to actually offer us complete redemption.

That will usually give me a non-response.

A good buddy who I know desires to receive the Second Comforter asked me about these things. My comment was, “You are going up hunting. Did you ask the Lord for permission or if it was His will you do so? Or did you do it for you?”

He replied he did it for himself. Do you think that it might be times like this that define the God that we serve? Especially if we have laid our agency on the altar and truly given it to Him? Is it the true Healer, He that only wants what is best for us, or the god of self? And I don’t know how far that last god will get you in the eternities. Well at least on the side of Light anyway. And yes, there have been many thousands of times where I have done my own will in my life and not that of my Lord and Savior. But I’m working on it, changing my habits, otherwise there never would have been this blasted blog…….

Take care all.

“Nice ‘Chia pet’ hair Marge”

Let’s continue with Bert and Marge and their story. Some have emailed telling me how “funny” the last post was. Yesterday it had some funny elements to me, today not so much. We did eight clearings today. Z snuck over for the last six of them. We encountered things neither of us had seen on anyone before on these last six people. It was serious stuff. Please understand, they are really good people, just loaded with years and years of junk they have been packing around. If I understood right, all of them have been to energy workers, healers, and such in the past. I wondered why they were so loaded.

In a previous post the question was asked, “How far do you go in telling people what is there?” If Marge comes to my home for a clearing, do we tell her everything that is on her? We start at the head and work our way down the body clearing all the Lord Jesus Christ allows to be cleared. Just today we had a good man that needs to come back twice more because there is so much on him. His “bodies” wouldn’t be able to handle it if everything was cleared in one setting. I think the world of this man and it was hard to see what he has been afflicted with. Some of which is a result of his choices and some from others sending him their dark nasties. We were very open with him because he could “take” it. What if Bert contacts us and tells us all is well in their home and with them, but asks us to look and verify what he and Marge feel. Then we take a look and see it differently. What do we do then? We have faced this dilemma many dozens of times. As mentioned in the past people tell us they can “take it.” Or are they just looking for validation of what they feel and believe. “Hey Marge, Z said we have a level 21 portal in our home. Do you really want believe that? What do you tell Marge and Bert if this is the truth as you see it? Is ignorance bliss? Does what’s in their home still affect them or are they immune to it?

The problem is if they really do have several large active dark portals in their home they will always come with entities. Those entities will work with the dark beings that are attached to the inhabitants of the home making them think all is well. If they can accomplish this, then the family is trapped and is being guided by the dark evil beings on them and in their home. All the while they go along in life blissfully feeling that “all is well in Zion.” Is that one reason the Lord Jesus Christ decries this statement. Because the chances are if we believe this we are a kept people or family? Kept at bay by that which dwells in and on us. Maybe cold storage would be better. Do you then tell Bert and Marge the reality or let them blissfully go along in life.

Today we are going to share a small sampling of things seen and experienced with people we have worked with doing clearings and portalcisms. It comes from the reports that Z does after the experience. Hopefully you will understand how serious this business of portals, cords, attachments, evil entities and such is. All of these are good people:

“The parents of the household had numerous entities attached and within their bodies.”

“She was having some rather severe mental issues due to literally living with high-end portals.”

“The wife also exhibited physical illness due to the many entities and implements contained within her own body. A large, very dark, very evil, Lieutenant had cords of attachments held in his hands with the strands fastened into her head and down all chakra points of her body. The Lieutenant exuded considerable anger and exceptional pride.” (If this was Marge, I’m sure this Lieutenant had zero influence over her and she never exhibited any element of pride and anger……….)

“He especially was badly afflicted with evil entities, implements and assorted gremlins, requiring the specialized priesthood blessing which would call our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Christ in to remove it all and heal the gentleman.”

“The first thing performed was the cutting of all the bonds between her and the Lieutenant General of evil. My guardian had been poised and ready to engage the terrible being in combat. The instant the bond was cut the Lieutenant General was promptly removed from out of the house, to another portal and hacked to pieces. What was left of the body was dumped into the portal. My guardian instantly returned to stand behind my right shoulder.”

“Because there were so many dark weapons and in general implements of evil I was wondering if the man would have the strength to endure the removal of all of it.”

“The entities on the father and mother were always at odds with each other. It is amazing the family was still a single unit, for many families have been destroyed in similar situations. It shows the parents have an unusual amount of strength to withstand so much evil influence whereby they were still a single-family unit.” (Please read this one twice.)

“It was difficult to actually see the woman’s body she was so brutally covered with cords and crazy attachments.”

“Next to be addressed were the 42,000 plus cords and attachments on the woman’s body. She looked like an overloaded, long-haired, ©Chia pet. The various medications taken over the years and the many general people ******* has met were the cause for the excessive number of attachments. There was a great whooshing sound and suddenly the cords and attachments dropped off and, via the nearby open portal, were literally flushed into hell! It happened so quickly it was difficult to visually ascertain the cause of the sound. From just a few feet above everyone’s heads, something opened up (possibly a huge vat?) dumping a bright silvery, with blue streaks, liquid substance on top of *******. I expected ******* to react as if she had experienced a huge bucket of cold water dumped on her. Obviously, she had felt nothing for she continued to sit serenely and at perfect peace. Amazingly, Doug heard the sound. He asked the event title be recorded as: The Great Flush! He did have a point, since, in a way, it sounded somewhat like a toilet being flushed. It’s difficult to keep a straight face when there are so many chuckles, twitters, and quiet snickers.”

“An approximately three-month-old baby, due to some high level portals was being afflicted by the forces of evil. Anyone living or even visiting the property would experience unpleasant sensations. There had been poltergeist activities which frightened those whom were in residence…. A level 18 portal was in the baby’s room. A good portion of the floor was covered by the portal.” (Hey Marge, let’s make sure we put the baby where the worst portal is. Want to make sure hell has good access so they can take him to hell at night!)

“The man had many implements within his body. He had an amazingly large, exceedingly sharp, multi-headed, weapon of war embedded square in the middle of his chest. It was covered with obvious venom and a black goo that could and would cause considerable emotional and physical distress. It’s a wonder the man’s still mortal.”

“She has something in her right shoulder. A device that curves. It goes in, curves and then comes back out. (It looked very similar to a large Carpet Maker’s needle with the exception it was made from a black, metallic, substance littered with spots of green and yellow ooze.”

And to a woman that had attempted suicide several times:

“You have two entities attached to you. Both of which have lines to your mind and into your back. You also have other smaller ones that are in various places that are on your body. You are a very valiant spirit; a very valiant spirit. They have disrupted some of your enzymes as well as the chemistry within your whole system to throw you out balance. The anger has given the one greater strength. The fear has given the other one greater strength. You actually have two of them on you or attached to you. They are not integrated with you. They are preferring to stand, the main ones are preferring to stand, side-by-side, outside your body. But, they have lines, literally, attached to you, wrapped around your brain and head and down your spine. They have implements that are within your body and attached on the outside of your body. You have been through a lot and have held up through a lot.”

First, let me say that all of these individuals are wonderful people. People that I would invite over for dinner in a minute and have with many of them. Most, if not all, have moved into places that are littered with ancient portals. Yes, they may have generational issues, but we are discussing portals today and what they can do to us. If they continued to live with evil portals, what would their chances be of clearing themselves and becoming like Him? People have told me, “I cast out and shield every day and it doesn’t seem to help.” Is it any wonder? You can’t cast out larger portals, it requires understanding and knowledge to destroy them and then to heal the land. Shielding will keep the entities in your home if it isn’t clear. “Jesus Christ will come and clear them for me.” Awesome. Let me know how that works out for you. Seems to me there is a requirement for a mortal with proper faith, authority, and understanding to voice the command or request before Heaven can act. Isn’t this the “Brother of Jared” principle? If you have a rather large powerful entity on you, it might require more than you “casting out” to get rid of them. Especially when integration has occurred. If there is a General behind you with cords going into each chakra and you try to cast him out, be ready for some loud laughter, some condescending chatter and swearing, and even more control exerted over you.

There is a caution in all of this, which we have discussed before. When relieved of portals and entities in the home and cleared of the same on you, it is imperative to get rid of or change your habits so as to not invite them back! If the entities have “helped” us yell at our spouse and children for years and years it has most likely become a habit which formed neural networks in the brain. We must change those habits, get rid of them, or the problems will come back, meaning the entities will return. Only they come back more powerful and more of them. We’ve already written about this in the books.

Once again, it is the man’s stewardship from the Gods of Light to protect the home with his spouse at his side. This is always under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ, of course. If there is no man in the home, then it falls upon the woman that resides there. This is quite important and there is a feeling that not only is the flesh weak, but many are not willing. It takes love, time, and work to protect those you have under your stewardship. Just ask Bert.

“Hey Marge. I sure do love you! Wow, you look so much better without those ‘Chia pet’ cords coming off of you.”

We hope all will understand that any and all portalcisms, clearings, blessings, and work on individuals must be done with the permission of, under the direction of, and with the authority of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the true Healer and only He understands how to succor us. Only He comprehends all things. Though you can always try out the dark lord Source first. I’m sure he would love to “help” you.

Take care all.

*Bert and Marge are fictional characters and are not based on anyone I know. Though many of you most likely have met each one many times in the past.


“Hey Marge!”

We have been in many homes where all the rooms and closets have dark portals in them. (A portal is a “doorway” to hell.) In some homes that seems to be the norm. Their property have also been covered with portals to hell, many hundreds of them.

I’m going to throw in a mix of experiences from several homes we have been to in order to teach what can happen to a family or person that happens to live around or with them. Some don’t like to read or learn of these kind of things. That is okay, just hit delete. It reminds me of the woman that asked to be removed from our email list because we don’t tell “uplifting” stories any more, she said we are too serious and blunt. My response to her was that are in a war, the battle rages on and we have been assigned to teach some concepts that may not be “so pleasing” to the spiritually immature. Remember, Joseph Smith said that “Knowledge saves a man; and in the world of spirits no man can be exalted but by knowledge.” (TPJS, p. 357)

Most of the larger portals in a home or yard are ancient. You know the deal. Ancient people find God, repent and become righteous. Ancient people become blessed by God and become wealthy. Ancient people then forget God and become sinners. Many times the Ancient people turn to satanic worship until they are pounded into the ground by God and the cycle continues.

In this area we had several ancient cultures, namely the Jaredites, Nephites, and Lamanites. All three did the repentance cycle we were taught in Sunday school. All three ended their cultures as extremely evil people who did all manner of evil and iniquity. We have closed portals where anciently there had been an estate of a high level satanic high priest, schools, synagogues or meeting houses with classrooms, training centers, recreations centers, (Can you say whore house?) and satanic temples where they did the most abominable things that opened level 25 portals where the worst of that world could come up from hell. The temple may have long been destroyed, but the portals remain where the sacrifices of innocence on an altar happened. Where one home and property was had been a training place for children to teach them how to create portals to hell. There were rows and rows of small portals like in a garden.

And wonder of wonders, we come along in our day and age and purchase some property and build a home there. (Some of which is a monument to the gods some people worship.) Now if my bed is over an ancient satanic portal, say a level 18, like it was for two of my grandsons, will that dark evil energy affect me? Absolutely. Negatively? Yes. How can it not affect us, especially the higher level active ones that have entities guarding them? From one of Z’s reports:

“Although all portals are quite fascinating, for the most part, they are not the least pretty nor inviting for entrance… The emitted energy appears as, pulsing, jagged black spikes laced with deep reds, various shades of purple, a sickly green, a little dark orange, and some light to dark gray colors. The general interior is roiling and boiling with the dark, somewhat oily looking, colors as they are pushed up to be jettisoned past the surface of the floor and land. It appears the vast majority of the portals are, slowly, rotating in a counter clock wise direction. Some of the colors shoot straight up through an overhead, large (often about 6 feet in diameter), tube into the room above.”

Yes, just where I want my bed. Oh and we aren’t talking about what comes out of them from hell either that will affect a mortal as they pass into your room. Imagine those that shield their homes and keep all of this in? Maybe I’d better not go there…. And as mentioned, the higher level portals have guards stationed there at all times. “Hey Marge, maybe we should have fasted and prayed harder about buying this piece of property and home!!!”

So along comes Bert and his sweetie, Marge. They buy the place and settle down to raise their family. Unbeknownst to them, they have an ancient level 16 portal where the master bedroom is located. Will it affect them? Over the years Marge has all kinds of health issues as does Bert. There are many times when they argue and verbally abuse each other. Smaller portals are created as a result of these actions. Over time the anger, arguing, hate, jealousy, pride and basic discord cause several of the newly formed portals to keep growing. Soon there isn’t just one ancient level 16, but now Bert and Marge have grown two new level 16 dark portals to go along with the ancient one. And you thought only women could give birth.

And it doesn’t end there. Because of the discord, anger, manipulation, and general evil actions Bert and Marge have perpetrated on each other, they now have invited “friends” to accompany them at all times. Yes, they have entities in and on them. Oh, aren’t they cute….

“Marge, my chest is killing me. For some reason it just started hurting.”

“I should hope so Bert, I threw a pretty nasty spiritual weapon at you!”

This is the other problem because in our anger, hate, and all things of a dark nature, we throw weapons of evil at each other and most of the time don’t even realize we have done such a thing. Devices, weapons, shunts, curses, hexes, implants, cords, attachments, and such seem to be thrown around willy-nilly between spouses that should be totally, completely Christ centered and in love with each other. Most have no idea they are perpetrating such things on their spouse and children. And it a can start with something as simple as moving into a home where there are portals of such a high level it causes us to become something worse than when we moved in. Or a home built on land that had small portals and we nourished them with dark, evil thoughts, emotions, and actions. The problem is, the portals, wounds, and all things evil will fester and grow worse with time. We’ve told the story of a friend that came to fast meeting and while bearing her testimony she mentioned us and all of our “weird” friends and had a spiritual battle axe thrown into her back from one of the leaders on the stand. She could hardly breathe until we got home and removed it. “Hey Marge, I hope you enjoy that dark spiritual meat cleaver I just chucked at you!”

If our homes and properties are not “cleared”, what is there will affect us in negative ways. It will affect our children and our marriage. It will affect how we treat our children and spouse. Evil, dark, negative energy will do that to us. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out and we’ve seen it hundreds of times. Though we’ve met some people that are so spiritually or energetically dead they can’t tell anything about what might be in their home. Well, that, and the fact most have never been taught to feel.

For those that did have hell show up, I can’t tell you how many times people have told me they have dedicated their home and nothing changed. Their children were still attacked by entities. They’ve called in the local church authorities who have said a blessing in or over the home and nothing changed.

Does it really take knowledge as Joseph Smith stated? A great example is when we walked into a home where they had placed pyramids and worked at clearing the home and soon found there were no level 1 through 8 portals there. We chuckled as we entered every room and found one or two pyramids there. They used the knowledge offered to get rid of them. If we understand what these dark portals can do to us and our families’ maybe we can stand a chance on overcoming the evil influences they infuse into a home. Or how about our friend who has a spouse that isn’t very nice to her. We entered her “sanctuary” and found more than a few pyramids there. She told us that he will come to the door, but will not enter. Guess what’s on him doesn’t like the positive energy or Light in that space. Maybe Bert and Marge need to know about this.

I don’t know about you, but I really want to hear more of what Bert and Marge experienced. We’ll hear more from them tomorrow.

Take care.

*Bert and Marge are fictional characters and are not based on anyone I know, though they are a composite of many hundreds of people we have met. I am sure many of you most likely have met each of them many times in your past.


Do I dare go “all the way?”

No, I’m not talking about some senior coed at BYU out on a date with a little freshman boy.

I’m talking about when we go out to do portalcisms or clearings, do we go “all the way” and tell people what is really seen? Z and I attended one of those fellowships in another county along with my daughter. One of the attendees talked to me later and asked what we had seen. Now that is THE question of the day, isn’t it? People ask that question believing they are prepared for what comes next, as they think they can “take it.” Really?

Do you really want to know what size and kind of entities you have on you? If told, will you not believe? Or are you one of the ones that shows up with so much pride you can tell where you receive “inspiration?” Do you really want to be told about the accuser demons that are attached to you? The demons of pride, gluttony, lust, and the list goes on and on. Because if we tell you, odds are that some will recant the friendship. Suddenly we become the “evil” ones, with the accusers claiming we are sending out curses wherever we go, spreading our evil on all who might oppose. Please, grow up. Oh, did that offend? Well, keep reading.

Many times after writing these and before putting them on the blog I will have several people read them, one being my daughter. She will let me know if my “sarcastic” button went off too often and I went over the top with it. I am not being sarcastic today. Okay, maybe a little in some areas. I’m being truthful, as I like to be. People have asked me if I am blunt. Ask my children, especially my daughters. Well, you are not my children, but today I plan on being blunt.

Is our public posture consistent with our private selves? Meaning do we treat our wife or husband the same in public as we treat them in private? I can’t tell you during many clearings the counsel that is given from the Lord Jesus Christ to the spouses to treat each other like they did when they were courting one another. Has that gone away in your marriage? Why? Why would He give that counsel? Might it be important? So important you might want to continue with it until the day you transition? Is it that once we get that little filly on the hook and reel her in we don’t need to do those “stupid” things again? How come they weren’t stupid when we were courting each other? Or why do we feel it is ludicrous to court each other now?

Or do we go home and belittle each other. “Hey, it’s just a little argument.” Oh my goodness, looky there, there’s a little portal in our home now. Do we see it? Probably not. We’re too busy planning our next attack so we can make it grow and grow and grow. Got that retaliation demon on my shoulder and I am going to make sure we integrate with each other! (The demon, not the spouse.) I had a man email asking for help because he was told about “divorce” demons and he felt he had one because of his feelings or lack thereof towards his wife. Do I dare go all the way and tell a person, when I have hands on their head, that the spiritual cord or connection between them and their spouse has been severed? (If you don’t know what that is, read about it in Denise’s book, “In His Arms.”) And the Lord Jesus Christ let me know why. Might that be important? But can we actually accept the fact and then more importantly, do something about it?

How about when a couple that I feel a lot of love towards for years comes to our home for a clearing. While chatting we are told that she was recently in the hospital with heart problems but the western medical professionals couldn’t find anything wrong with her heart and let her go. Do I look them in the eye and tell them that she has a spear in her heart and it was put there by her husband? And then counsel that they might want to change their habits of yelling, screaming, and getting mad at each other and whatever other unholy thing they are doing in their attacks on one another. All kinds of weapons are flying between them, causing spiritual injury which then can lead to physical problems. Should I “go all the way?” I did, and haven’t seen or heard much from them since. I really love these people and enjoyed their friendship. Did they get upset with us for telling them what was really there, for going all the way? I don’t know, except they no longer grace our lives with their being.

We learned this years ago in the workshops we did when the subject of priesthood came up. Because my daughter and Z were there it made it interesting when the men in the room asked if they had priesthood or not. We actually went around the room having the ladies open that can of worms. Because, once that worm gets out, what are you doing to do with it? “No John, you don’t have priesthood. You never have.” Uh oh, decision time. Do I believe them or not? It is far easier to not believe them and continue on with life, as close to hell as it might be. Or do you believe what the Savior told you through them, go pray and get a witness it is right, and if so, do something about it.

Do we get mad or scared and treat these things lightly? Z and I surely don’t. Before we go to do a portalcism or clearing we will fast. Z has health issues and can only fast 24 hours. I get to fast 24 to 72 hours before going. Preparation includes scriptures, studying what He tells us to study, and much breathing, meditation, and prayer. It is no small thing to go to a person’s home and property and clear portals, all the while dealing with the small and large entities that are guarding them. Then laying hands on an individual makes it an even larger thing. We are only there because of the people requesting it, otherwise nothing is done. After the “event” Z and I will discuss what happened during it, making sure we were right with the Lord Jesus Christ in what was said and done. I will repeat, it is no small thing. I may joke around with the people, but I assure you it is very serious. A level 25 portal can cause major problems with you if approached with any degree of pride, fear, or trepidation. Heck, any level of portal can cause problems if approached with fear or pride. The same with casting off entities. It requires confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ to do His work.

So if Z and I are actually doing what He requests to be done and if it is rejected, who are they rejecting? If He gives straight forward instructions through His servants, and just lip service was given to what was counseled, doing nothing about putting it into practice, we may not be openly rejecting Him, but would we be treating His counsel as worthless and maybe even trivial? In our pride and arrogance may we even be despising what He has told us? My advice would be to get the critters off and come to Him.

What about those that do energy work and healing work? Are the ones you go to clear? Or do you go to them because someone told you what great things the worker had done for them and you want to try out the latest “flavor of the week”? I may as well go “all the way.” If a person is doing energy or healing work, voicing blessings, teaching, or anything that requires them to be in tune with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ inside or outside of any church, healing institute or even a private home, and they are not clear themselves, what in the world are you thinking? My friend turned eight years of age twenty some years ago. Her Bishop wanted to “reactivate” her abusive father and had this abusive man baptize her. Did he have any Priesthood according to D&C 121? No way. So was the baptism valid? Do you know how many times I have been told that God will honor that baptism because their intention was good? If that is the case, then He, God, had better accept the baptism of every Church and Fellowship there is, as I’m sure they all had good intentions.

If I have a huge dark evil General on me and you come for a clearing or blessing, will I be able to hear the real Lord Jesus the Christ or will I hear a lord like the dark lord Source? Would I be able to tell the difference? And if that person is not working to be in tune with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ why in the world are you allowing them to even touch you??? Let alone voice things upon you. Is that clear enough? Do you get that? I hope so. Or can I add you to the “offended” list?

Or are you like the woman that attended a healing workshop (not one of our workshops) in Idaho years ago. She was taught to send all dark entities to the Light and if commanded they would go. So she went home from the seminar, opened her front door and invited dark entities into her home, because she was now going to save them by sending them to the Light. Later, after she had tried for the third time to kill herself, because the invited entities now controlled her body, my daughter and I were blamed by her family for this. Would you want her to work on you? The only thing I can offer is, if you choose to be an idiot, don’t blame me. You might want to be careful of who and what you invite into your home, mortal, spiritual or otherwise. And for heaven’s sake, take responsibility for your life and actions. Don’t blame others or accuse them.

Let’s come full circle and know that if we pray and are told to invite someone that truly represents Him and has the ability to see, know, and cast out properly, we might want to listen to what they have to say. Even if it hits our sacred goat in the gut. Hurts, huh. But if we truly want to heal we might want to pray and get a witness that what was said was the truth and honestly came from Him and not them. We shouldn’t just give it lip service, but get off our butts and do something about it. If the home was cleared of portals and we were also cleared, it might behoove us to learn how to cast out, shield, pray, shield again, and pray some more. Repentance might be in order and asking our spouse and children to forgive us, to make our home a place of security and safety. Fathers might want to “man up” to their stewardship and learn how to hear the true Lord Jesus Christ to be able to bless their children’s lives as they then lay hands on them and really hear Him, the Lord and Savior’s voice. Mothers might want to “woman up” and work on the same to bless their home in their stewardship. Wives and husbands might want to court each other again and again and again. It will bring vitality back to the marriage and be sure to invite the third party that still stands at the door knocking, wanting to be part of just not your marriage, but your entire life.

Lastly, if for some reason we end up helping you out, by your invitation, know that I plan on being blunt. If you are going to get offended, then please don’t invite. There is so much work to do, we can’t afford to waste our time and effort on “lookyloos” or tire kickers, if you catch my meaning. If help is truly wanted we will tell you what is going on. Some have invited us to help their neighbor or family member that really doesn’t know what we do or what we are about. They are having issues and have tried the local Bishop, family, and others and we are the last resort. That isn’t a problem until we show up. We are so unconventional and really can’t tell them what really is going on or how to help themselves because they are not prepared enough to hear what we have to say. It would be rejected instantly and they would stand condemned. That also means you might stand in the same place if you invite and do the same thing. So, do we shut up or go all the way?

There, I went all the way….and it feels pretty good when it’s what the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants done and said. And I didn’t even go to the BYU.

Take care all.